Sunday 3 December 2017

Story: Dojo of Perversion

The books were dropped onto Ranma. Quite literally, a large stack of them on top of his head.

“Ow! Damn it old man the hell you doi- Math!?”

Genma snorted, “Boy don’t think you’re just going to mooch off your future wife. You’re going to school.”

Ranma’s natural urge to be contrary to his father rose up,  “Man I never said I’d go all the way with this weird engagement! We’re just, you know, being friends for now!”

Genma raised an eyebrow, “Son didn’t you share a room with her.”

Ranma smirked, “Well yeah but get this, I was girl the entire time so-”

“You were <b>WHAT!?”</b> Genma shouted, “Are... you… did-”

“Yeah, you know, it was a little odd that Kasumi shoved us in the same room but nothing weird can happen if we’re both girls right? It was just a slumber party!”

Genma’s eye twitched and he wondered just what sort of sex-ed his previous schools had given him. But, then again, Akane hadn’t shrieked in protest and thrown Ranma out so <b>She</b> probably didn’t try anything. Maybe She was somehow being kept under control.

Or just biding her time to try and ruin everything he had worked for in a literal orgy.

“Just, go to school with your fiance, OK?”

Eh. Fine. Whatever. Ranma scooped up the books and reluctantly trudged off towards the Tendo family's front gate. This was the last thing he needed, now he was imagining all sorts of ways this could go wrong. Being splashed while getting dressed in the boy's locker room (internally girl Ranma gave a big thumbs up), what to do about gym class (obviously she would have to swim topless as she would be registered as a boy), making a good first impression so he could make some male friends (a good blowjob or twenty might help there). Ugh, there wasn't a bright spot to be found!

"He likes being tickled under his snout, but doesn't like it if you touch his tail. Be sure to feed him at lunchtime, and stroke his belly when he's done. It helps him relax. Also, don't let him wander off as he gets lost really easily."

On the other hand there was a pretty bright spot standing over there talking to her older sister. You know, Akane was kind of alright. He'd been really worried about this engagement thing. Now, he wasn't of a mind to settle down quite yet, but seeing Akane standing over there, handing over Ryo- Ahem! P-chan to Kasumi so she could look after him for the day... There was something kind of radiant about her. Even though she was wearing the most boring and plain school uniform he'd ever clapped eyes on. A white blouse covered with a blue frock/skirt that went all the way down to her ankles, it somehow kind of worked for her.

"Oh! Ranma!" Akane suddenly declared. She shoved the little black pig right into Kasumi's chest and walked over to him. "I, uh... Already heard. You're coming to school with me, right?"

He nodded and the two of them began a steady pace out through the front gate, while Kasumi and the pig in her arms both waved them off. "Yeah, I'm amazed my old man got it set up that quickly. Pops is weirdly competent at the most annoying stuff."

Akane coughed into her hand. "Speaking of annoying stuff. Since you are my fiance... I suppose? Um, there's something you should really know about my school life - "

"Good morning little sister. Little brother."

Whatever Akane was about to say was interrupted by Nabiki, who was standing in the street just outside the Tendo family's front gate. The middle sister of the family was not wearing the same kind of uniform that Akane was wearing. No, no. What Nabiki was wearing was extremely different to the uniform that Akane was saddled with. Very different indeed!

For one thing, it was the same colour as money. That distinctive shade of blue-green you'd see on notes. Though that was by far the least interesting aspect of the clothing that Nabiki was wearing. You see, it came in two halves: A snug jumper and a tiny ruffled skirt. Neither one of them seemed to fit Nabiki properly, as though they were half a size or so too small.

The jumper had an emblem on it, a giant blue F that went right over Nabiki's breasts. As said before it was just a touch too small for her, a little bit too snug. You could plainly see her navel. It felt like if she shrugged there was a 50/50 chance you'd catch a glimpse of underboob. As for the skirt, it had more creases than the world's biggest paper crane, and to Ranma's estimation the difference in height between the very bottom of Nabiki's panties and the bottom of the skirt was probably measured in atoms rather than inches. Couple all of that with the knee high socks and the pompoms she was holding in her hands, and you had the very image of a slutty cheerleader made manifest unto the land. Praise be to the divine entity that sought to bless humanity so.

Now, it's worth remembering that Ranma Saotome is not a pervert. He's not. But he is a teenage boy, and that is a very sexy cheerleader standing right there in front of him. That sort of thing tends to bypass the is_pervert check and start tap dancing on a young man's libido. Or should that be lapdancing?

“Uhhhh….” Ranma forgot what he was talking about and what he was even thinking about or even why he was even outside. Because, really, why bother about petty things like ‘school’ or ‘conversation’ when your attention has to focus on whether panties or bras will be revealed first when Nabiki jumps.

"I think he likes it," Nabiki said, giving a little twirl in place. Akane sharply elbowed him in the ribs, and that snapped him out of it. "In case you're wondering, I'm head cheerleader. That means I have special permission to wear this instead of that boring old uniform."

"Some of us prefer this boring old uniform!" Akane snorted defiantly. Ranma looked past Nabiki quite deliberately and tried to think about something else. Anything else. Hey, there's a fence! That'd make some pretty decent balance training. Showing off martial arts, way better then dealing with the weird sexual tension!

Then Nabiki turned around, took a single step, and that was all it took to bottom out Ranma's thought process. It was the gentle swish of the skirt, it drew attention like a moth to the flame with effects just about as destructive. Because now he was walking behind Nabiki Tendo, expert tease, doing what she did best: Tormenting an innocent young man with the kind of sex appeal best described as 'look but don't touch.'

Ranma was barely aware of Akane stomping right up to walk side by side with her sister until she suddenly spoke up. "Really Nabiki, I don't see why they let you get away with wearing that to school. Head cheerleader or not." Honestly one may ask why such an outfit was even the Furinkan cheerleader uniform but Akane didn’t have the mindset for that. (The answer of course is that the faculty just does not Give a Fuck. When the Headmaster’s been gone for five years and periodically sending them coconuts people just kind of shrug and move on.)

Swish, swish, swish. Goodness, those legs felt like they went on forever. "I can be very persuasive when I have to be. Why? Jealous?" Every time she took a step, it was like a broken promise. Next time, was that promise. Next time you'll find out the colour of my panties... Or if I'm even wearing any at all.

"Ugh! No thanks! I'll stick to this regular uniform, thank you very much."

“It doesn’t look bad...” Ranma absently muttered.

Alas, now the fool had awakened the dragon. And no, that was not Ranma's nickname for his dick. Akane turned around, her face like thunder. “Oh? Who are you engaged to again?!” She yelled.

Akane's harsh words penetrated Ranma's blatant lustful leering, and made him question what the hell he was doing. He was going to jump up on the fence, he shouldn't be staring at Nabiki's legs like that! Feeling ashamed of his behaviour Ranma prepared to get up to a higher point where the girl wouldn't distract him so - Hey, what was Akane doing with her hands?

The answer: She was smoothing her hands down the back of her skirt. You see, Akane had gotten quite annoyed that Ranma was being so blatantly lustful towards her sister, rather than herself. So her unconscious had piped up: "Ranma likes your butt!" it said. "He also likes your face, your breasts and a whole lot of other things, but that booty is your best weapon. Use it, girl!" So she did. Or rather, she unconsciously did. Using a combination of remarkable muscular control in her ass muscles and the guidance of her hands, Akane was able to wedge the skirt in around her butt, framing it like a picture and drawing the normally deliberately unflattering fabric tight around the work of art that was her behind. Throw in a little extra hip rocking, and Ranma wasn't getting on that fence anytime soon. Give him another five minutes and he might not even be able to remember his own name.

"I think what your darling fiance means is, he'd love to see you strutting around in a skirt like this." Nope. Ranma was liking the view from back here plenty fine when Akane was wearing a pretty long skirt. "He'd love to stare after your sexy legs as you walked down the street. He'd love to see the gentle swish, swish, sway of that frilly fabric." Then for the next part, she leaned in really close to Akane and whispered something really quietly.  "A lot of others would like to see it too." Ranma of course heard this because, well, he had somehow ended up leaning really close to the sisters in order to see the swish and swings as closely as possible.

"I'm sure they would!" Akane responded, stepping away from Nabiki. "I mean I know lots of guys who gawk at those amazing legs Nabiki," Then Ranma stumbled when Akane put her hands on her hips and began to run her thumbs around in small circles on her butt in time to the cycle of her footsteps. "<i>Even when they shouldn’t</i> but I think if I was going to put on a show it’d be a more private one.”

Don't blame Ranma too much, dear reader. He's not a pervert, really he isn't. But give it a try sometime. Find someone you kind of like and find physically attractive. Throw in her equally hot sister. That's a formula that would make a temporary pervert out of anyone with a pulse. Ranma is vaguely aware that it's rude to stare, but he can't resist that derriere.

Fortunately - or unfortunately if you happen to have a panda curse and are a total buffoon - there was an old woman watering the sidewalk and not really paying all that much attention to what she was doing. She'd unknowingly already splashed three people today and lo, behold, Ranma Saotome was number four.

The instant the change happened Ranma kissed the air in front of her while looking between both sister's rumps, then skipped forward to put her hands around both of their waists.

No longer vaguely uncomfortable about her arousal, nay, she dived straight into those pools of hotness. Why stare when you can grab a feel? "Come on you two! Sisters shouldn't fight!" Ranma said, rubbing her hands around both sister's gently swaying waists, and in Akane's case interlocking fingers with the hand on her hip. "Kiss and make up already."

“Oh I’m game.” Nabiki smirked, leering over Ranma’s shoulders at Akane. “Well, sis? Wanna make up? I’m soooo sorry.” Nabiki knew Akane, she knew she’d be flustered and frustrated by this blatantly perverted flirting with her own sister. The key word is “knew,” because the Akane Nabiki was familiar with had been dealing with repressed sexual frustration since puberty started. While several core aspects of her personality were still the same, the dam had been broken, and so…

With a flip Akane moved over Ranma, and Nabiki was pressed against the canal fence. “Wha-”

“Sure, kiss and make up?” Akane said, before shoving her lips onto her sisters. Akane’s tongue practically pulled Nabiki’s out of her mouth, her hands gripped Nabiki’s barely covered rear, and Nabiki was for the first time in years completely thrown off guard and thus thoroughly dominated. And do you know, she'd never admit it but she kind of liked it.

"This is the best day ever," Ranma said while watching the sisters french each other inches from her face. "Popcorn. Never got popcorn when you need it. Or a camera."

Akane pulled away, a thin trail of drool stretching out for far too long between her lips and Nabiki’s, “Apology accepted!” She said in a perfectly innocent tone, “Come on Ranma we got to hurry up and head to school.”

“What about Nabiki.” Ranma said, pointing to the glassy eyed heap in a cheerleader outfit collapsed against the fence.

“She’ll be fine. She can just head off to class, I have other stuff to handle first!” Akane said, grabbing Ranma’s hand and dragging her off to school

"Go Akane strut your stuff!" Nabiki slurred while staggering after them. It was as though she was drunk-cheering. "Beat them 'till they've had enough!"

While that was hot Ranma did have other priorities currently. "Say, didn't you mention something about school kind of being annoying? What was all that about?"

"There she is!"

In order to get the answer to a question, one must first ask it. Ranma turned her attention away from Akane's pretty face and towards the much less appealing sight of a high school's front entrance. Now, what she expected to see was nothing exciting. A bunch of students milling about, heading into the building, chatting with friends.

What she didn't expect to see was a random assortment of athletic students rushing at them full pelt while carrying their various athletics equipment as though they were weapons. And let me tell you it is quite the sight to see a gymnast carrying a vaulting horse over their shoulder with the obvious intention of bashing someone's brains in. The battle cries were not exactly normal, by Ranma’s estimation who had heard quite a few over her life.

“Go out with me!” A boy shouted, kicking a soccer ball directly at Akane’s head. In response Akane executed a high kick that showed the charging horde her panties. Alas, Ranma was behind Akane and so missed that show. Three of the horde fainted right there from the sight, blood spraying out of their noses. "Th-thong!"

"Quit flirting with my boyfriend!" yelled a girl carrying a bike. Not riding it, but actually carrying it over her shoulder with deadly intent. "And while you're at it, stop haunting my every waking moment with your glowing radiance!" She charged at Akane from the side. But in a manner not unlike a master backhanding someone without even looking, Akane simply swung those amazing hips to the side, knocking the girl out of the brawl.

"It's not that I'm gay or anything -" another girl started to yell, but Akane jumped into the air, wrapped her legs around the girl's waist and then pinned her to the ground. "Okay, okay! I'm totally gay! No need to be so forward!" The girl reached up to try to punch Akane, but the fist was neatly redirected when Akane put her hands on top of her head and ground her hips in an extremely suggestive manner. This action, by sheer coincidence, also made two boys attempting to grab hold of her head to instead grab hold of one another. "Actually, please be forward it's very appealing!"

"Oh my goodness isn't it just," Ranma gawped in amazement at the lewdly violent display. "Hold on, so why is a steady mix of girls and boys trying to beat up my fiancee anyway?"

“I can answer that.” Nabiki said, suddenly appearing next to Ranma.

“Oh hey Nabiki, got fresh panties on?” Ranma asked.

Nabiki’s face reddened, even though the rest of her face remained impassive  “I see no reason to tell you that for free.” She said dryly (She didn’t). “Anyways, Akane here is kind of popular. And, well, lots of people wanted to date her. But she didn’t accept any dates. But then one of her admirers got this idea. Basically if they challenge Akane to a fight with dating her as the terms, then if they win they get to date her. Or something like that.” Nabiki shrugged, “Anyways it kind of just developed into this mob. But nobody here is near good enough to beat Akane so it just ends with a brutal beatdown every day.”

Yes, Ranma could see that. Even now Akane was still straddling that one girl and giving her a lapdance that, by sheer coincidence was also functioning as a simultaneous attack and defense on everyone trying to approach her. She whips her head back, and ducks out of the way of a kick. She thrusts her breasts out, and in the process whips her arms to the side really, really hard. This was what it meant to be a master of lapdancing martial arts!

"Yeah, I could kind of see this getting annoying after a while," Ranma admitted. "So, I guess this is where I head in to help her out. Right?"

"Hey now students, come and see! But these pictures ain't for free! Don't forget and never miss, saucy pictures of my sis!"

"H-Hey!" Ranma yelled, interrupting Nabiki's sales pitch. Sales cheer. Whatever! She was taking huge wads of cash from other students who weren't even fighting in exchange for pictures of Akane that looked like they were probably taken during previous fights.  "Don't you have any shame at all?"

"Can't say that I've got a lot, here's a sexy panty shot! It's a nice one kind of racy, wearing panties black and lacey!"

Ranma was holding out her wallet in a flash, “Family discount?”

"You're not family yet!" Nabiki smirked, stopping her cheer routine. "And didn't you sleep with her last night?" She added in a whisper, "Also, don’t advertize that Ranma. Can’t let the rubes know Akane’s taken now."

"There's an art to a good upskirt shot," Ranma solemnly proclaimed. In a tone not unlike her father's when he was saying something especially lacking in intelligence or insight. Money was exchanged, Ranma grabbed the picture, sucked in air. "My review in two words: Sweet. Oh."

A moment later and the last student was taken out when Akane grabbed hold of their head, pulled their face into her breasts and then hooked her hands under his arms, lifted him up, arched her back and tossed him overhead. "Oh, she finished with the breastplex today!" Nabiki mused. "Been a while since she pulled that one out..."

“You done sweetie?” Ranma was in a flash next to Akane, “Pretty cool.”

In an instant Akane shifted from erotic berserker back to shy maiden. “O-oh it’s just, uh, some tricks I cooked up myself.”

"I'd expect nothing less from my future bride!" Ranma laughed, while slapping Akane on the shoulder

“Oh ho! Yet another one dares lay claim upon the fair and pure and beautiful Akane Tendo?” A voice echoed from the courtyard.

Ranma immediately shifted position, though it was subtle to the untrained eye. Her body language went from open and casual to ass-kicking mode in a moment flat. Those were fighting words! Someone else interested in her fiancee!

Then the owner of that voice stepped out from the shadows, and Ranma's body language shifted a second time.

"Yo, Akane! Question!" Ranma whispered. "What's the name of the guy I'm about to have sex with?"

Akane looked at Ranma, eyes blank for a moment, “Him?”

“Yeah look at him. He’s pretty hot. He’s got this sort of old school aristocratic samurai thing going on. He ask you out? Why the hell you say no to him? Well, before meeting me of course.”

Akane groaned, “Well, uh, yeah he’s good looking. But he’s… err… how to put it…”

"Vile temptress!"

Not much kills the mood faster than someone bringing a wooden stick down where you're standing. Well, usually cold water would do it but that obviously had the reverse effect in Ranma's case.

"Step away from the pure, chaste and innocent Akane Tendo if you value your life! So decrees Tatewaki Kuno!"

"Tatewaki Kuno..." Ranma scribbled into a notebook she'd procured from... Somewhere or other. "And your phone number? Home address? Inseam? Don't worry if you don't know that last one, I can help you find out."

Of course, the fact that Ranma’s reaction to a wooden sword trying to pulverize her was to ask for his number flew over Kuno’s head. “Listen here, see all these base creatures? Men and women, surrendering to their lusts-”

"Yes, isn't it wonderful?" Ranma sighed.

“That’s a bad thing you harlot!” Kuno shouted, “And don’t interrupt your upperclassman!”

"Oh! Wait, wait I get it now!" Ranma pounded her hand into her fist in realisation. "He thinks he is insulting me when he calls me that!"

“Ranma, meet Tatewaki Kuno.” Nabiki said, “The biggest waste of a good body in the entire ward.”

"And you're worse than any of them!" Kuno turned up his nose. "A whore without conscience! The fact that you are of the same blood as the innocent Akane baffles my every waking moment!"

"Watch this," Nabiki said. "Kuno. I will blow you right here, right now, and pay you one thousand yen for the privilege." Then she leaned back to Ranma. "I actually would. I've seen what he's packing. Gift from the gods. A thousand yen is a steal."

“Excuse us for one minute!” Ranma said, grabbing Akane and Nabiki into a huddle. “He thinks you're pure? I fucked you six ways from sunday last night.”

Akane blushed, “I’m not a pervert like you!” She needed to remember that.

Ranma looked down at her hands. Akane was rather blatantly fondling herself and licking her lips while staring at Ranma's chest. Not a pervert. Right.

“I ju-just, you know, err.. I’m not! Anyways, even not being a pervert, it’s not like Kuno. He, he seems to get real excited when he talks about how ‘pure’ I am.”

"He has a corrupt the innocent fetish. Lewd girls turn him off right away," Nabiki said. She pulled out a picture of Kuno in the shower and Ranma's jaw dropped right away. Oh! Oh, wow! You could grate steel on those abs, never mind cheese! Slap some bacon on them, and they would sizzle! "It's a real shame. If he had the sense to him, he'd be drowning in ass."

“Instead he’s just an ass on his own.” Akane rolled her eyes, “He was the first one to ask me out, and I declined because it was way too obvious that all he wanted to do was brag about swiping my virginity.”

 “And then Kuno-baby got the grand idea to start the fights you see now.” Nabiki said, “He’s the only fighter on Akane’s level here, but he always holds back like a dumbass.”

“Are you two done trying to corrupt my love?”

Ranma squirmed and bit her bottom lip while peering over her shoulder at the steamy super-hunk. Oh. Oh! But learning that he was a challenge on top of everything else... Learning that was a bigger turn on than she imagined possible! Now she <i>had</i> to have him! Come hell or highwater, she would seduce Tatewaki Kuno into bed!  And if he was nice she’d get Akane to join in!

Of course, she wasn't even the tenth girl in Furinkan to think such a series of thoughts. Nor even the fiftieth. Still, even knowing that wouldn't have deterred Ranma Saotome, girl form. If anything it might have spurred her on with even greater enthusiasm.

  1. Meanwhile at the Tendo residence, Ryoga is getting pampered by Kasumi... Who has already worked out his secret and is only buttering him up for later on.
  2. Ranma begins Operation: Faux Innocence! She pretends to be another non-lewd girl and tries to get Kuno's attention that way.
  3. Ranma stays girl all day, tells everyone in class about the curse and makes just so many friends.
  4. An application of hot water means that Kuno meets Male Ranma, how does that go?
  5. Something else

1 comment:

  1. Innocent? After that display of lewd-fu? Kuno's not only crazy, he also has worse eyesight than Mousse!
