Monday 18 December 2017

Story: Lesbian Shard Mariko

Akane let out a contented sigh. It was weird. When Mariko had first mentioned that trust exercise she had thought it sounded really weird. But it had kind of worked. Somehow the ditzy airhead was a lot less annoying than she usually was. There was definitely something about her standing there in a cheerleader uniform, with her legs glistening and shining with oil. It was very easy to look at. Yes, it made a lot of sense to Akane now. Cheerleading martial arts wasn't just about strength or strategy, it was about aesthetics too!

"Alright!" Mariko punched the air while holding a baton. "Lesson O-N-E! In order to learn Cheerleader Martial Arts, first you've gotta learn how to, you know, cheer! Cheer! Cheer! So we need to totally start with the basics. Then you'll learn the more advanced stuff!"

Akane scowled. Really? That seemed pointless. People always told her that she needed to learn to walk before she learned how to run, but that was such a waste of time! She could already run, and cheering was easy right? The hard part had to be cheering while still beating the opponent up, or something.

"First thing's first, let's see your best high kick!" Mariko enthusiastically - that was redundant, everything she did was tinged with higher than average enthusiasm - bounced and kicked the air. Incidentally drawing Akane's viewpoint down to her lengthy shiny legs and the underwear she was wearing underneath that tiny skirt. (Shouldn’t they be wearing shorts or something under the skirt?)

Still it was a chance to show off something she knew she could do just fine. Akane bounced on her feet and then delivered a fast snap kick that cracked the air like a whip. It also made her skirt billow up around her waist, giving a superb view to any perverts that might be watching of the underwear she was wearing from all possible angles. Luckily there were no perverts watching. Only Mariko could see her. Even so, Akane quickly pushed her skirt down so it was a lot more modest.

"You see?" Mariko said, bouncing on her heels and twirling around that baton, occasionally tossing it and catching it with the other hand while she spoke. "That was totally a martial artist's kick. Not a cheerleader kick. All force, power, you use it to beat your enemy. Your kick needs to not bring defeat for the enemy, but V-I-C-T-O-R-Y for the one you love!”

What the hell was the difference!?

"You wanna know the difference?" Mariko asked, tossing up the baton one last time - but this time it landed upright on top of her head. And stayed there while she clapped her hands in front of herself and delivered an alternating series of bouncing high kicks. First left shiny leg (panty flash) then right shiny leg (panty flash). "Come here a second and I'll, like, show you."

Come here? Akane moved forward a little, careful to keep herself to Mariko's side. That baton on top of her head, though. It was really distracting. She kept on expecting it to tip over at a moment's notice.

"Cheerleading is all about encouragement," Mariko explained. Still high kicking on alternating legs while speaking. "Break the will of your F-O-E will while building your T-E-A-M up. You don't need strength to deliver a devastating high kick when you're a cheerleader!"

Then suddenly Mariko whirled around and high kicked Akane right in the mouth. Not that she knew it until the cheerleader's foot was there for a few seconds, her big toe running a circle around Akane's mouth.

"You need L-O-V-E," Mariko triumphantly said. Akane couldn't believe it. That kick had absolutely no power behind it at all. Mariko brought her foot down and snapped up the other one a second later. Akane didn't feel <i>anything</i> from it at all even though it directly hit her right in the chest. Even when Mariko’s foot traced along the sides of her breasts, she didn’t feel anything until she finally pushed her toes right onto Akane’s nipples. "Each kick you deliver isn't trying to C-R-U-S-H your opponent. It's projecting your L-O-V-E into the battlefield."

"What if I need to C-R-U-S-H my enemy?" Akane absently asked, not noticing that she'd spelled that out rather than simply saying it. In response to this Mariko pulled her foot away and lifted up the other one so that the sole of her foot was rubbing up against Akane's cheek. It was extremely affectionate. Comforting. It made Akane feel strangely confident in herself and her ability.

"That's when you put both strength and love into it," Mariko said, looking Akane directly in the eyes as she spoke. "You'll, like, devastate them, shock them, drop them in a flash 'cause they won't see it coming. They'll think your kicks are lame. They'll think your kicks are weak. When the truth is... You've been holding back your power and letting your love shine through."

“In other words I cheer them on until they get in over their head and then rush in to save them?” Akane asked, and down came Mariko’s foot, the other one rising up to pat her on the head, which incidentally gave Akane a very direct view of Mariko’s panties. As opposed to the mere glimpses she'd had during the earlier high kicks.

“C-L-O-S-E enough for a beginner.” She said. "So! I want to see you master the high kick before you learn anything else. Turn around! Hands on hips! Put a smile on those lips!"

Mariko tilted her head to the side and the baton fell over her head and landed neatly in her outstretched arm, where she immediately began to twirl it around without missing a beat. Amazing! And, do you know, it was strange. She actually felt like she was learning something for a change!

"Hold on, adjust your stance a little," Mariko said, using her baton to slightly separate Akane's legs a little more. "You're not in a fight. You're cheering! Remember!"

Right, cheering not fighting. First cheer, then fight… so…

“Imagine your cute girlfriend! She’s in trouble, facing a big scary brute!”

<i>Oh boy. That poor big scary brute.</i> Akane really should correct Mariko about, well, Akane didn’t know. Telling her about the curse when that was Ranma’s business was out. But Mariko wasn’t exactly 100% wrong about the relationship she had with Ranma. Heck, being “engaged” was a bit more of a deal then just boyfriend or girlfriend right?  But instead of finding words to explain a mental image popped into Akane’s head. Namely of Ryoga angrily charging at Ranma, in girl form. Well, close enough to Akane’s girlfriend facing a big scary brute.

"You're trapped. You're stuck. Your dearest Ranma's out of luck. So cheer her on and make it stick, with a lovely high, high kick!"

Right! Akane took a deep breath and lifted her leg up as high as she could make it go, which it turned out was pretty high. She wasn't going for power. She was going for L-O-V-E!  She could do it! She could project - Oh no, she was falling over! Lucky thing Mariko was there to keep her stable, catching Akane by her breasts with one hand and then using her baton to budge Akane's other leg into a more stable position.

"Clumsy! Clumsy! It's okay, I will make it go away!" Mariko whispered right into Akane's ear. Then she stopped chanting to give a more direct piece of advice, her baton rubbing up and down the inside of Akane's thigh, stopping just at the precise moment it touched her underwear. "I get your problem. You're totally thinking too much." She pulled herself closer to Akane, with a hand trailing across Akane's waist. Close enough that Mariko's breasts were pressing up against Akane's back. "Look, let me show you what I mean using an advanced cheerleading martial arts technique."

"Huh? An advanced technique?"

"Uh huh! You saw me use it right at the end of the fight," Mariko said. There was a very naughty and very perverse gleam in her eye. "Zombie of Love Retrained! Like, Tutor Form Version!"

Mariko's baton pressed up against the back of Akane's knee, and that leg shot up straight in the air. No power behind it. Akane blinked as she looked at her own leg. It looked... Graceful. Sublime. It was strange but somehow she felt a twinge of encouragement by looking at her own high kick.

"You can do it," Mariko whispered, and when Akane's foot was solidly back on the ground she pressed her baton against the back of Akane's other knee. It was a repeat of before, the same experience from the first leg, except somehow the confidence she was feeling was even greater. "On your own," Mariko continued. "Think of her, let true love show."

R-right. In the imagined fight Ranma was on the ropes… somehow. She needed to tap into that encouragement. “G-go Ranma!” She shouted, throwing her leg up, straight and smooth. Any onlookers would have seen her panties too. “Beat your err, R-I-V-A-L!” Another kick, shining in the sunset, “He may look tough, he may look mean, but you’re the B-E-S-T and I’m err…” Her cheer trailed off. This was so embarrassing!

"Her queen?" Mariko suggested from in front of Akane.

"I'm your Queen!" Akane cheered giving a picture perfect cheerleading high kick before suddenly realising that Mariko wasn't holding her up anymore. She sucked in air and wobbled, but she stayed upright! Wow!

"Yay, Akane!" Mariko tossed her baton up into the air. "You, like, totally mastered lesson one of cheerleading martial arts super fast! You're a natural!"

"You wanna see a natural?!" yelled a new voice. "Check me out! I'll B-L-O-W your mind!"

Akane turned beetroot. And why shouldn't she? Because standing in the doorway was Ranma herself, wielding a pair of pompoms... and... Dressed up in that cheerleading outfit?

"Ranma! What are you doing here?!" Akane yelled. "D-Dressed like that no less? How did you even find this place?"

To which, Ranma gave her a phone book and walked right past her towards Mariko.

"Hello there Mariko," Ranma 'sweetly' said. "So, you weren't content with our last duel were you? Did I not spank your butt enough to send you packing?"

Mariko slowly shook her head while thinking 'You might never be able to spank me enough to make me go away.' While she may be a bit of an airheaded ditz she also had more than enough sense to not say that out loud. What really mattered was that this super cute couple was right here, in front of her, both of them dressed as cheerleaders! It was super cute! Super hot!

"Aw, what's the matter?" Mariko said, cockily strutting around Ranma while twirling her baton. "Don't like it when C-U-T-E girls spend time with your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Ranma protested.

"Sure she's not," Mariko smiled sardonically, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "So why are you upset?"

"Because I don't trust you as far as I -" Ranma stopped. "As far as Gosunkugi could throw you."

"Oh? Why not?" Mariko asked, getting right in Ranma's face. If Ranma hadn't suddenly backed up at Mariko's approach, their lips would have touched. Mariko continued walking forward, leaning in a little bit while still toying with her baton, occasionally twirling it into her other hand behind her back. "Like, what does teaching Akane how to put her supercute figure and all the L-O-V-E she has into practice with Martial Arts Cheerleading do that would, like, hurt either of you?"

Ranma was at a loss for words. At least for the few seconds before Mariko started speaking again.

"Tell you what! Why don't you join our lessons?" Mariko offered. "That way you can be S-U-R-E that nothing suspicious is happening. Right Akane?"

"That's right!" Akane harrumphed.

"I don't know..." Ranma said, surprised to find herself on the back foot. "This doesn't sound like such a great idea to me. You're up to something."

"The only thing I'm up to is teaching how to cheerfight!" Mariko giggled. "Akane, why don't you, like, show her what you've learned so far. Give her some encouragement."

"Gladly!" Akane said. She held her head up high and frowned down at Ranma, using one of her facial expressions that always got her heart racing even if she'd deny it to the last. Then she began to apply her lessons. Don't think about it. Just do the high kicks. "Ranma, this is not like you, trying to tell me what to do. "This martial arts style you should try," It was at this point that something happened that Mariko hadn't planned, Akane didn't notice, and Ranma couldn't believe. The oil that was all over Akane's toned and smooth, legs, the intensity (if not power) of her kicks as they were propelled on by her love, how could these things not combine to cause her panties to first drop around her ankles, and then with another kick, fly into the air and land in the light fixture up above.

"It kicked your ass and made me cry," Akane continued, oblivious to the fact that she was flashing Ranma and Mariko with every kick that she was making. All that she actually cared about was that Ranma's face was showing a really interesting expression right now! Actually for some reason a real goofy grin was sprouting on her face, and a blush! Ranma didn't even notice when Mariko slipped in behind her, reaching under Ranma's arms to grope her breasts. Nor did she seem to notice at all when Mariko kicked up Ranma's legs from behind in an alternating pattern, making her perform high-kicks in time with Akane!

Wow was her L-O-V-E that intense? 

"But if we learn it then no pain, can it cause us ever again!" Akane finished, keeping her leg elevated in the air. Ranma looked like she was about to faint.

"So, how about it cutie?" Mariko tittered, rubbing her cheek up against Ranma's. "Your L-O-V-E beat me when neither one of you were trained up. Imagine how strong you'll be if you learned to harness it with proper training?"

"... Okay!" Ranma meeped, totally forgetting the vengeful feeling she'd entered the room with. Little could any of them have guessed the effects that the lesbian shard was having on them all.

  1. Time to oil up Ranma's legs!
  2. Nah, let's skip on to the next lesson: Baton twirling!
  3. Lessons over for the day, how about a nice shower? (Oh boy Ranma’s has to be cold!)
  4. Something else

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