Sunday 10 December 2017

Story: Rosario + Vampire: Monstrous

There wasn't a single thing about this situation that Yukari liked. Not one thing! Then she saw Moka take a step and sighed. Okay, maybe one thing. Everything else was terrible. Bad. Terribad. Oh, why had she agreed to help Moka find that Harem Knot loser? It was obvious really! She was so under this thumb already that even Yukari's warning wasn't enough to make her pull back!

"Come with me," the library assistant sternly said ."I think I saw them over in this aisle..."

Yukari scowled and crept in after them, keeping her back to the wall. Something about that assistant was bothering her as well, although after a moment's observation it seemed like she was only jealous that the assistant was talking with Moka so freely without behaving like a cute pet. A feat which was beyond Yukari's imagination: How could anyone look at her and not see how completely wonderful she was?

<i>Yukari, do you think you could help me find Tsukune?</i>

It was such a simple request. She knew she shouldn't. She knew that she ought to keep Moka away as much as possible. Oh! But she was weak! Once the beautiful vampire's eyes started to glisten and shine in such radiance and innocence, who was she to say no? And so she had led Moka back here, to the Harem Knot so that he could deepen his control and command over the sole divine light of Yokai Academy. Sullying it with his perverted scheming hands.

That was why Yukari was keeping her distance and staying out of sight. Now that she had pointed Moka towards the library, it seemed ill advised to announce herself so brazenly. It would be like serving herself up to a lion on a silver platter, dripping with barbecue sauce! Yukari wiped a bit of drool from her mouth. She was hungry, blast it all!

Anyway, the point was simple: She was going to hang back. Wait for Tsukune to reveal his true nature and start 'consuming' Moka's innocence in his lustful, sinful way. Then she would have a spell prepared to zap him good when he was at his most vulnerable! If she broke that line between him and Moka she would see him for what he truly was, and hell hath no fury like a vampire woman scorned!

"Can I help you?" the librarian at the desk asked. Yukari turned around and shushed her. The librarian stared into her soul for a moment. Those eyes were like a pair of twin black holes, drawing you in and seeming endlessly empty all at once. Then, finally, she lifted her hand and gave Yukari a thumbs up and a nod of appreciation before returning to her work.

On Yukari went! She'd lost track of Moka and the assistant, but that wasn't a problem. All she had to do was follow this trail through the aisles. In fact, she didn't strictly need to take the same route, she could plainly tell which aisle to head down already. There was no need for her to do anything but listen intently. Listen and wait for Tsukune to show his true colours.

"Ts-Tsukune! Kurumu! What has happened to them?!They've been drained of colour!"

Well, that wasn't quite the colour she was expecting him to show. Was that a side effect of the spell he'd cast on others? That would make sense given the variously coloured threads connecting him to his victims.

"That was my doing," said the assistant in a suddenly haughtier tone of voice that really set Yukari's back up. "They were getting a little too close, so I eliminated them. In the same way that I will eliminate you."

The assistant...? Oh no! Yukari peered through the shelves, and caught sight of magical energy being charged up. She could hear breathy chanting for an incantation - that would rearrange the books on the shelf? What? Why would she do that?

"Turn them back! Meanie! Turn them back right now!"

"This is in your best interest as well. You would do well not to resist."

Especially so slowly, while making that kind of taunting remark? It didn't make sense to Yukari - until her genius mind noticed certain markings on the wall. She looked around at the ceiling, at the floor and pulled it together using her own experience as a witch. Of course! So that was it!

"Don't attack her!" Yukari yelled through the shelves. "It's a trick! The entire library has some kind of magical circuit surrounding it! She's trying to bait you into fighting!"

Books in front of Yukari slid aside, and suddenly she found herself staring face to face with the assistant. A magical aura glowed menacingly around her, and she put a finger to her lips. "Silence in the library," she commanded. "For yelling like that, I shall have to ensure that you are disciplined appropriately."

Yukari scowled at her and opened her mouth to say exactly what she thought - but nothing came out! Ah! That magical circuit must trigger on loud noises as well! Peering through the gaps in the books she could plainly see Moka standing in front of the colourless Harem Knot and Succubus, who were frozen like statues in place.

"I won't let you hurt them," Moka firmly said, though her limbs were trembling. "You-  You will have to get by me first!"

"How troublesome," the assistant said. By now Yukari was rushing around the side of the aisle. Not running exactly. "It seems as though I shall have to get more creative to deal with you, spellbound vampire."

Creative nothing! Sure, this wasn't exactly the evil she'd been expecting to protect Moka from but Yukari would be damned if she let this library's assistant lay a finger on Moka! She ran around the aisle, coming in from behind Moka to lend her support. Sure, she didn't exactly know how she <i>could</i> help, but... Being there might give her a better idea! So she ran!

And then she tripped over her own cape. Providing yet another example for why capes should never, ever be worn by people who think they might be getting into (or anywhere in the proximity of) a fight any time in the near future.

"Uwah!" Yukari yelled, tumbling over right into the back of the frozen form of the Harem Knot. "Oof!" She'd landed pretty hard, actually. Hard enough to push him forward. Moka heard the noise and turned around to look, and then something surprising - no, something totally inexplicable happened! Tsukune's hand was raised up, reaching out when he had been frozen. When Yukari made him topple over, that hand just so happened to snag the rosario around Moka's neck. And pull it off.

"Heh... How amusing," the assistant sneered. "Your reinforcements are quite clumsy, Miss Spellbound Vampire."

"Ah! Tsukune!" Moka gasped. "You poor dear, are you al-"

Da dumf. Moka stopped in her tracks while reaching down for Tsukune. The pink haired beauty suddenly sucked in air, and before Yukari's disbelieving eyes began to become even more beautiful. Her pale skin acquired a peculiar sheen, over her face hands and legs. From there the change happened night instantly, but to Yukari it seemed as though time had slowed down just so she could appreciate it.

The first obvious change was her hair. The cute pink began to dissolve away into a cool blue that flowed down her back like water. Her eyes sparkled and changed colour, becoming the same kind of pink her hair had been until just now. It almost looked like there were hearts in her eyes for a moment there.

Then there was movement from her breasts. Within her uniform a significant amount of swelling began to take place, quickly stretching the uniform to its very limits. That was the part Yukari would remember the most vividly as it gave her a nosebleed <i>for non-perverted reasons!</i> Her nose bled when she was <i>jealous</i> of another girl's bust!

Wings spread out from Moka's back, just like before. This time, they were much more regal, much more powerful seeming and much more... right. That was the only way Yukari could think of it. When similar wings had appeared on her back before they hadn't felt like they belonged. Now they did. They were <i>right</i> to be there. A pair of demonic succubus wings.

"Oooh!" Moka cooed when it was all over. She lifted her finger, elongated the nail and scratched the nape of her neck. "Finally, some breathing room! Teehee! Nice to meetcha! I'm Moka's Inner Succubus, and you're, like, totally going to change my boyfriend and my girlfriend back to normal."

  1. Annie retreats for the time being, as this was a development she wasn't anticipating.
  2. Annie's henchmen arrive, complicating matters quite a bit.
  3. Succubus Moka keeps Annie busy and distracted long enough for Yukari to undo the spell on Tsukune and Kurumu.
  4. Something else

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