Sunday 3 December 2017

Story: Mrs Hinako Tendo

We open on a humble dojo early in the morning. It seems like such an ordinary building, when one considers what it is. A high wall surrounds the property, and there is an ominous gate that functions as the front entrance. It warns martial artists who wish to participate in savage combat to try the back entrance, which as a side effect invites a lot of crude jokes from a certain porn website.

On this day a new mailman was running their rounds. He'd been warned that this was an odd neighborhood, and shrugged it off: How bad could it be? Then his first stop was the Kuno residence, and <i>we shall never speak of that again.</i> That is, after he'd replaced his trousers as they were totally unusable thanks to the crocodile teeth marks...

But that was plainly the worst of it. Everything else after that was plain sailing. Perfectly ordinary houses up until he reaches a martial arts dojo. Ah, how nice. How traditional! It hits him right in his Japanese soul seeing a place like this. He rings the bell and holds out both a package and a postcard, and then a young girl - perhaps ten years old - answers the front gate. She's wearing a slightly oversized apron over a surprisingly smart yellow office dress.

"Hi Mister Mailman!" the young girl enthusiastically, nay infectiously cheers and waves at him. "Is that parcel for me?"

"It's addressed to Hinako Tendo," the mailman answers.

"That's me! That's me!" the young girl jumps up and down. 'Ah,' the mailman thinks, 'Named after her mother no doubt.'

"No, no. This is for <i>Mrs</i> Hinako Tendo. Is your mother in? I need her to sign for this."

"I am Mrs Hinako Tendo!" the girl said. 'Ah,' the mailman thinks. 'This little lady is playing house.'

"That's nice, that's nice!" the mailman smiled. "But please, I can't afford to play around. I'm running behind on my rounds as it is. Could you please fetch your mother and bring her here?"

Oh dear. Little Hinako puffed out her cheeks in a rather disquieting manner, pulled out a coin, slapped it against his forehead and -


Cue the mailman deflating like a balloon, while the little girl ceased being a little girl. It was as if she had spontaneously aged about twenty to twenty five years in the beat of an eye, and time wasn't just kind to her. Time was extremely generous! Time had been sitting around looking for inspiration for what she would look like, noticed it was carrying an hourglass and inspiration struck.

"As it happens, I am a mother of three!" the adult form of Hinako Tendo sniffed haughtily. She bent over, and her heaving chest was barely contained by that apron/dress combo, not to mention that her curves were very nearly stretching them to their limit. Aha, so that was why it was oversized before! "Sign here?" she asked, then signed without waiting for an answer. "And a postcard for my husband." She turned around, strutted inside with the package and the postcard, while the new mailman was left slumped over in their front gate. "From Genma...? Oh! How wonderful!"

Yeah, he could see why his superiors had warned him about this neighborhood. Maybe he should consider putting in for a transfer...?

Soun Tendo was content. After all, what man wouldn’t be? He was perfectly comfortable financially, had a beautiful and enthusasticenthusastic wife, and three beautiful children. What more could a man ask for? Peace, quiet maybe? His daughters growing up to be happy?

"Good morning dear!" said the mature form of his wife, strolling by. Even now, decades into their marriage, Soun could hardly take his eyes off her. "Mail has arrived."

Ah, but wait. Soun noticed something slightly chilling just now. His dear Hinako was wearing her apron. Though he loved his wife dearly, allowing her near a kitchen could be considered something of a war crime. It didn't matter that there was no war, should the proper authorities ever discover what she could do with a knife, some vegetables and a frying pan alone they would haul her before a tribunal in Geneva as soon as they worked out a way to get around her ability to drain them dry.

"Don't worry," she said while taking off the apron. "Kasumi made breakfast. I was playing around with my dolls when the front door rang."

Relief! Sweet blessed relief! Only now that he was relaxed did Soun notice the postcard his wife had dropped on the table in front of him. It was showing a picture of a panda holding a stick of bamboo. Strange. A postcard? Did he know anyone on holiday? He picked it up and turned it around - then saw a series of words he'd been almost dreading.

"Coming from China, bringing Ranma. ~Genma."

"Genma Saotome," he said aloud. "That's a name I haven't thought of for a long time."

"Me neither," Hinako agreed. "Not since we stopped training with..."

She didn't say his name. None of the three of them ever dared. It was a funny thing though. That one was responsible for the three of them getting together in the first place. Three martial artists training together, though one of them looked more like a kid sidekick she was the same age as both Genma and Soun, and only looked that way when she used her devastating technique. Apparently Happosai had kept her around because she was useful, but even she got sick of his behaviour after a little while. On that day they lured him to the mountain with alcohol, she drained him as much as she dared, then they sealed him away from this world with explosives.

After that she'd been so filled up with 'lust energy' that she'd dragged Soun off to parts unknown, and nine months later little Kasumi was born. Genma had been so drunk he hadn't even noticed they were gone. But he did come up with a wild idea that he shared when Soun staggered back to their campsite with a faint smile on his face:

"Soun, between you and me I think Hinako might be sweet on you," he said, tapping the side of his nose wisely. "Find a way to keep her mature, then try asking her out. I'd bet you anything she'll jump at the chance!"

Oh, he was fully aware of the things she'd jump at.

"Anyway... I had this great idea. Why don't we get our children to marry, huh? If one of us has a daughter and the other has a son, we can get 'em hitched! Unite the families, unite our schools of martial arts."

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Soun toasted, though after the hour he'd had almost anything would seem like a good idea. Those endorphins, man. They do things to your brain even before you start drinking. "To uniting the schools!"

That was oh, about two decades back. A man changes over that course of time. He grows wiser. He grows more contemplative. For a man who was as content as Soun Tendo he had realized that maybe, just maybe, trying to get one of his daughters to marry a young man raised by <i>Genma Saotome</i> might end badly.

"I wonder what he's like," Hinako sighed dreamily. "The man that will marry one of our darling daughters! He'd better be able to keep them happy or I'll -" And then, the energy she had drained from (probably the mailman) ran out, leaving her to revert to her cute-in-a-different-way less mature form, which was waving her fists around angrily. "I'll drain his energy and blast him to the moon! The big meanie! Nobody makes my daughters sad! If anyone breaks their heart I'll break their bodies!"

"That does assume they'll survive whatever our daughters do to them..." Soun contemplated. Hrm... Should he tell them about this arrangement? They might feel obliged to go through with it while Soun himself was looking for an honourable way to break it. Maybe it would be best to keep it quiet for the time being? Have a quick word with Genma, ease him into the idea of breaking it off. Find another way to unite the schools which wouldn't potentially ruin the lives of two young people...

"Yippee! I'd better go tell them right away!" his little wife rushed out of the room. "I'd better tell them their Prince is coming!"

Or his energetic wife could derail his plans before they even began.

"W-wait, dearest! Let's think this through a little bit further!"

"Kasumi!" Hinako cheered, oblivious to Soun's calls. "Ranma's coming!"

Their eldest was in her favourite spot: The kitchen. Kasumi had learned to love to cook at a young age, in no small part because of how experimental her mother's cooking could be. She was as pretty as her mother and - Soun only ever noted this point from the point of view as a jealously protective father - had the body to match.

"That's nice mother," Kasumi smiled, then produced a handkerchief to dab at Hinako's cheek. To look at them you would think their relationship completely reversed. "Is Ranma a friend of yours?"

"Nuh uh!" Hinako answered, waving her arms around and about excitedly. "He’s very, very, very, very important and I need to tell all my girls all about him!”

Then she turned around and dashed right out the other entrance right as Soun was about to catch up to her. Where was she going now? Upstairs?

"Nabiki!" Hinako cheered. Oh no! As much as he loved both of them dearly, these two were a rather terrifying combination. "Mommy has wonderful exciting news!"

She barged into her daughter's room in that special way a teenager's parent instinctively did. With the major difference being that most parents don't do so while giggling and laughing. As for Nabiki herself all she had been doing was lying on her bed reading a comic, but when her mother entered she sat up on the edge of her bed and allowed the younger form of her mother to hop up and down on her knee.

"My, my! You are excited," Nabiki said, stroking her mother's hair. "You haven't been this full of energy since you discovered Double Stuffed Oreos. Come on, tell me all about it."

“Ranma’s coming! He’s going to be super important for you Nabiki, but it’s a surprise!”

A surprise? Well there were two kinds of surprises her mother did by Nabiki’s estimation. Either this Ranma was going to prank them all so hard it would redefine their world, or Ranma was some amazing new gift. Maybe a pet.

Suddenly Soun burst into the room, and Hinako excitedly hopped off Nabiki's knee to tackle him. "I told her! I told her! I told her!"

"Wh-What?!" Soun squeaked. "You already told her about the arranged marriage?"

Oh. It was the first kind of surprise. Mulling it over in her head Nabiki had only one question she wanted to ask: "Is he cute?"

"I don't know! Haven't met him!" Hinako excitedly blurted out. "But don't tell anyone! I have to find Akane first! Where is she, anyway?"

The answer to Hinako's question was 'out jogging.' You see, Akane had always been the kind of girl to find martial arts and sport a lot more interesting than traditionally girly things. Helping this was how both her parents ran the Dojo together, being strong martial artists themselves. Though Akane tended to take after her father in fighting style. Her mother’s was too… unique to be taught easily.

"Hey baby, you go jogging often?" asked a random creep who Akane could tell right away hadn't jogged a day in his life before this morning. His hand slipped down a little in a rather blatant attempt to grab a squeeze of something he really shouldn't. And so -

Two fingers popped up, a coin between them. “Tendogojūensatsu!"

The creep wobbled, sunk to his knees and fell face first in the dirt right where he belonged. Meanwhile, Akane was undergoing something of an annoying change. Her body was, to put it simply, quite appealing under normal circumstances as it was. She was fit, she was healthy, she was pretty and she had all the right appealing points a young woman should possess. Even the slightly baggy jogging clothes she was wearing did little to disguise that fact.

However... Those baggy jogging clothes weren't going to remain baggy for very long as she began to fill them out quite rapidly. Her shorts had begun as a standard pair of jogging shorts, they went to about half way down to her knees. Her shirt was easily a size too large and hung down a fair amount over her shorts. Now, she was gaining height, which was pulling up her shirt. Her hips were rounding out into a nicely curved set, pulling the material of the shorts up, to the point they were almost becoming booty shorts. She was gaining a bust almost twice what she had started with, and when you combine that with the height there was simply no hiding her trim, fit waist.

It was like taking a fine slice of dessert, and then dropping a few grams of cocaine right on top. Here was a girl that was already normally attracting the attention of her male peers as it was, and now she was getting a ridiculous amount of extra sex appeal on top of that.

"Really now," she sniffed. "Silly, immature boys. When will they learn." Sounds normal for her, right? Well, her body wasn't the only thing different when she was in this state. "If they're cute, I'll be the one in charge. Not them. It's so much more... Thrilling that way."

Now dear reader, take a moment to step back and realise that both of Akane's sisters could also use this technique as well. None of the doctors knew <b>how</b> they could, since it wasn’t genetic. But from the first time Kasumi had picked up a coin and imitated mom, well, they just knew they could.

Though at the time they were rather more concerned with stopping a six foot toddler from blasting energy all over the place than working out things like whys and hows.

Regardless of that: Elsewhere within Furinkan was a young girl rushing through the rain away from a panda. That girl was convinced beyond reason that following up on that panda's plans for an arranged marriage would be a tremendously bad idea. Well... She'd be about half right?

  1. Hinako heads out, finds the panda first. Glomps ensue.
  2. Akane is still in 'mature' form by the time the Saotomes arrive.
  3. Hinako decides that to make the best first impression, all four of them must be in 'mature' form.
  4. Something else

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