Sunday 10 December 2017

Story: Curvy Sailor Moon

It is impossible to overstate this, but Ami Mizuno was a genius. Her understanding of maths, science, history and a plethora of other topics was beyond what normal humans can accomplish. Her memory was truly eidetic, capable of comprehending, analysing and remembering the minutest of details. Intellectually she was tough to beat. Socially, on the other hand, she was a bit more reclusive. Not like a hermit, it was simply that she had next to nothing in common with most ordinary people.

Until she became even more extraordinary. Until she became Sailor Mercury, and wound up among those who were just as extraordinary as herself, albeit in different ways. Even though they had nothing else in common, Ami found herself opening up to them far more easily than she'd ever expected to be possible. They were no longer team-mates and she wasn't just the shy genius member of the group. They were friends, they were confidants.

Yet when Ami opened up that door to let her two friends in, that no longer seemed sufficient. The genius was left dumbfounded, and whatever part of her brain was left functioning to perform a self-diagnostic was having trouble telling why.

Usagi Tsukino was standing in front of her. Usagi was totally normal in appearance. Her clothes were rather usual, a nice knee length skirt and white blouse combo that she had last worn two months, three weeks and two days ago. At the time Ami had thought nothing of this particular ensemble, at most thinking it had been 'cute'.

Not so today. Today it was sizzling. The more she looked at it the more Ami was certain her heart rate was accelerating at a quite unhealthy pace. There was a distinctive tingling in a variety of areas throughout her body that were, in some sense, directly connected to the reproductive process. Yet the reasons for this reaction remained a total mystery to the genius.

On the basis of elimination then: It wasn't the clothing. It wasn't the girl. Something else was being a feast for her eyes. The only other aspect that Ami could see was... Body language. Yes. There was something different about Usagi's body language.

The only problem from Ami's point of view was that this was a field she'd never really studied, and as clever as she was she was completely weak in the art of socialising. On that basis she completely missed the inherent sex appeal dripping from every little bit of Usagi's motion. She missed the fact that she carried herself as though her body had curves it didn't appear to have. She missed the subliminal cues this placed in the mind, compelling it to fill in the gaps and catch the merest glimpse of Usagi's true new sex appeal.

"Hi Ami!" Usagi smiled. Ami nearly fainted, she had to brace herself against the door to keep her legs from giving out from under her. Oooh~! This feeling! "Can we cum inside?"

Ami bit her lip. That was meant to be 'come inside', wasn't it? Stupid sexy homophones! "Okay," she quietly said, letting Usagi... also Luna and Makoto inside. Ah? They were here as well? Ami actually hadn't noticed, because one glimpse at Usagi...

Actually, Makoto's eyeline was rather telling too. There was a very uncharacteristic grin on her face. Following it, Ami immediately saw why, though at least the smile she was showing was a lot less obvious in its perversion. The genius was honestly finding it difficult to evaluate her preference: Watching Usagi coming, or watching Usagi going. Actually, she'd probably prefer to watch Usagi cumming...

"Is your mother home?" Usagi asked.

"Not for a couple hours," Ami answered. Oh gosh. That was right wasn't it? Just the two... three of them and Luna, in her apartment. Oh dear! It wasn't as if Ami would actually try to do anything, she was much too shy for that. Still, the idea of it was definitely affecting her heart. And her loins.

"Good. That should give us enough time to figure something out about this," Luna said. "Usagi, you had better show Ami what has happened to you."

"Yes, you'd better! Right away please!" Makoto immediately said.

Huh? Now Ami was even more confused. That enthusiasm in Makoto's voice, usually it was reserved for whenever she had found someone that reminded her of this mysterious 'senpai' that she was always going on ab-

Then Usagi held aloft her transformation wand, and Ami had to sit down before she embarrassed herself. Oh! Oh, that explained so much. At once Ami was hit with the catharsis of a mystery solved, combined with a feeling that she couldn't put into words. What she did know was this: Whatever this feeling was, it wasn't natural. Not in the slightest.

"I see..." Ami whispered. "When did this happen?"

"This morning when I woke up."

Ami nodded. Yes, hiding this body behind her transformation pen was definitely a good idea. If that body went walking down the street she'd cause riots. Even now Ami was feeling quite flush from looking at her directly for only a few seconds. Usagi's body was intoxicating to look at. A real treat for the eyes. No, a feast. There was so much more of her in all the right places.

"Ami, focus!" Makoto said, stepping in between Ami and Usagi. Though with her back to Ami so she could keep on staring instead. "We need you to work out what happened to her."

"R-right, of course you do," Ami paused and took a deep breath. This was a serious problem that required serious concentration. "Um... Please go into my room and take off your clothes. I will be through shortly to begin the analysis."

"You're the best, Ami!" Usagi said, then skipped around Makoto to kiss Ami on the cheek before heading off to Ami's bedroom. To take off her clothes. Gulp! She hadn't intended for that to take on a sexual nature, but taking off her clothes was an absolute necessity for her to perform the analysis!

Once she was gone, Makoto turned towards Ami. The two of them had something of a connection since becoming friends. A sort of mutual understanding coming from their loneliness. Ami being unable to make friends because she had difficulty identifying with others. Makoto because her appearance gave off the wrong impression about what sort of girl she was. They sort of understood each other better than they understood the others.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Makoto asked. Ami nodded. "No, are you really sure? Whatever happened to Usagi... I can't even explain it. I've been trying to fight it ever since we met earlier, but... Ugh! I wanna have sex with her! Can't even help it, the idea keeps worming its way inside my head. Do you know what I mean?"

Yes she did, but Ami couldn't bring herself to admit it aloud. Especially to Makoto... Wait, why especially to Makoto?

"We have to figure out what happened to her," Ami whispered, unconsciously stepping closer to Makoto. "A change like that overnight isn't natural. It might be an enemy attack, or it could be something strange going on with her powers. Either way, we owe it to ourselves to determine what the truth is before it begins to affect and influence our behaviour."

"Yeah, I know," Makoto whispered. Her hands reached out to rest on Ami's hips. The tall girl began leaning down, closer and closer to Ami's face. "I'm just worried you'll lose control in there. If it's a trap, I don't want you falling victim to it."

"I'll be alright," Ami answered. She tilted her head and began to rise up onto her tiptoes. "I'll take precautions to make sure I'm unaffected..." Inches away now. Their lips were inches away. Both girls had their eyes flutter in anticipation -

"Ahem!" Luna coughed, and the two of them stepped away from one another. "I would say that precautions may be a wise idea. The more I see of this, the more it smells like an enemy attack. If you would like, I could act as a chaperone to ensure all proceeds accordingly?"

Oh gosh! Ami wasn't the kind of girl to give into that kind of thing, but... But! If this was some sort of magical sexuality then even she might make a move before Usagi if she was naked! Putting her serious face on, Ami nodded again. Determined to find the solution. Come hell, come high water, come Usagi's naked body she would find out the cause of this ridiculously enhanced sex appeal!

Of course, if the course of her analysis involved direct physical contact with Usagi's body. Well then. There wasn't all that much she could do about that, now was there?


It was a sad and lonely picture. A boy, by himself, standing on a swing and morosely swinging it back and forth, back and forth. His eyes seemed dead and unseeing, but for Rei Hino the most damning part of all was the weird black aura coming out from around him.

"Excuse me!" she called out. "Aren't you Usagi's little brother?"

Indeed it was. Shingo stopped swinging to look her over. It was weird, for a moment there Rei felt like she was being assessed like a piece of meat. How rude!

"Eh.... Nothing!" Shingo sighed and resumed swinging. "Pretty, but not that pretty."

Even more rude than she'd thought! "... Care to say that again?"

"Boring. Plain. Completely normal level of pretty. Not 'knock your socks off' pretty." he sighed a weary sigh. "Oh man... this is awful."

Aha, now Rei understood. His dark aura had flared up a bit while talking just now. He'd met a girl that he liked, but he didn't want to like her. This kind of typical youthful romance, she'd heard about it all the time. It would be a little bit weird since it was her friend's little brother, but this was her duty as a shrine maiden. Her course of action was obvious: Encourage this young boy to take the first step, and admit to the object of his affections what his true feelings were!

Little did she realise exactly how bad an idea that was, but she would learn soon enough.


Usagi Tsukino was a lucky girl, or at least that's how she felt. Putting aside the supernatural elements that occasionally mucked up her life she had such a good network of friends to rely upon. As she took off her clothing while standing inside of Ami's room she couldn't help but look at herself in the mirror, bite down a strong moan of arousal over herself and reflect upon her friendship with those two.

Really, she was taking this whole body changing thing pretty well all things considered. She ought to be freaking out about it. Right? But she wasn't. Not at all. In point of fact she was taking this extremely well.

Before long she had taken off her clothes without ceremony and put them aside, atop Ami's bed. She hadn't bothered folding them, they were just in a pile on top of the bed, and Usagi sat down next to them uncaring that she was naked. If anyone could sort this out then it would be that blue haired genius buddy of hers, for certain! That must be why she was so calm about the whole thing.

The door opened and Ami stepped inside carrying a glass of water with ice cubes in it. She took one glimpse at Usagi and then immediately upended it over her own head. "That's one precaution down," Ami gulped. "Um... Luna, Makoto? Please help me."

In came both Luna and Makoto, who was also carrying her own glass of water. Much like Ami she upended it over herself. How strange! It was unlike them to be so clumsy.

Ami retrieved the Mercury Super Computer from a locked drawer concealed underneath her desk, put on her goggles and began to scan Usagi's body. After a moment the genius was standing stock still, with her free hand slowly reaching up towards Usagi's body - whereupon Luna scratched her ankle.

"Thank you!" Ami mumbled. "Um... There's definitely something magical about this new body of yours, but we'll need to perform a much closer analysis to determine what it is."

  1. "Could you please transform into Sailor Moon?"
  2. "Could you please rub this vaseline all over your body?"
  3. "Make out with Makoto while I watch."
  4. Let's look in elsewhere instead.
  5. Something else


  1. Let's not make the poor girl suffer too badly. Let's go #1 so she's at least wearing clothes again. ^^;

    1. If she tfs into sailor moon they’re gonna jump her anyway.
