Sunday 24 December 2017

Story: Code Gee-Ass

So here she was, Shirley Fenette walking into a thong shop alongside her new friend, Euphie. This wasn't exactly the way that she usually made friends, it must be noted. The first impression she must be giving this pink haired beauty couldn't exactly be the best one. Then again she was being chased by men in suits for some reason. Which might actually be why she was heading inside this specialist store. Most men wouldn't want to go in as they'd quickly find themselves labelled perverts by anyone who saw them.

Then again by that same token wouldn't most women find themselves given similar accusa - Hold on a second, were those mannequins wearing long, straight ginger wigs? They looked exactly like her hairstyle! And come to think of it, they looked to be about her height, her body proportions... Guh! And Euphemia was oohing over them and the thongs they were wearing!

"Amazing! I've never seen underwear like this before..." Euphemia cooed. "Look Shirley, it's so cute and the fabric so soft! Look, it's as red as your face."

"D-Don't hold it up against my cheek!" Shirley blurted. "Th-This was a bad idea, this kind of thing isn't for me!"

"Hrm. I think I'll try these on first!"

... Guh! "T-try them on?! You're going to try on underwear in a store?"

There was a weird 'vwoop' noise, and all of a sudden there was an inexplicable blonde haired beauty wearing a string bikini leaning in really, really close to Shirley with a big infectious smile. "Don't worry, we're so confident in our product that we're perfectly willing to let you try them on in-store!"

And then she was gone before Shirley could even think of a retort. What the hell was with this store?! No, this was all too creepy. She had to get out of here -

"Come on, Shirley! I can't wait to see what it looks like!"

The pretty pink haired girl's smile was too innocent and inviting for someone talking about trying on a thong. Oh gosh, all Shirley could do was meekly follow after her. Because she wanted to protect this innocence as best she could! Not because she wanted to see what she would look like as well or anything like that.

"So, tell me about this boy that you like so much?" Euphemia asked, strutting forward while swinging the thong around on her finger. "He must be really special for you to go to all this trouble."

"He is," Shirley answered with a dreamy sigh, Lelouch's face instantly filling her thought. "He's handsome, kind, intelligent, charming... And I don't like him that way! It's - I want to prove that he's not an ass man! That's all!"


Lelouch was such an ass man that he could hardly believe it. Looking over at the brainwashed Britannians he'd left drooling over Eleven booty, he actually and honestly felt a minor compulsion to go over and join them.

Alas, this was not to be his fate: As a devoted butt lover it was his sacred pledge that he make Prince Clovis into an ass. In his assessment of the situation an assassination might be in order. But cracking through the iron clad defenses cast around the settlement assured that he'd be spanked if he assaulted so self-assuredly.

Hence, assuming ownership of these Knightmares which he would shortly and assertively reassign to the assembly of Numbers struggling for survival. To start with he would need to get their attention, and then?

"You in the red Glasgow. Jump onto the train! Get that ass moving, pronto!"

How exciting! Of all the things Lelouch had planned to do today, it kept on getting better and better!

Gosh, wasn't this all so exciting! Of all the things that Euphemia had intended to do today, underwear shopping hadn't been high on the list at all. Still! Shirley seemed like a nice enough girl. She was even waiting outside the dressing room patiently pacing back and forth muttering to herself while Euphemia got undressed. It was quite charming in a way.

"What about you?" Shirley suddenly asked. "Is there a boy you like out there?"

"There was," Euphemia said, immediately thinking of Lelouch. "My half-brother. When we were little I made him promise to marry me. Such innocent times... Though I haven't seen him in years."

"Huh?" Shirley gasped. "Is this the same brother you were visiting?"

Clovis? Euphemia tilted her head and imagined Clovis surrounded by beautiful women with big large breasts rubbing them all over his body. Yuck. She decided it would be best to avoid name dropping him in case it made her new friend panic. "No, not him. That's a different brother. Although he is quite popular with the ladies."

She threw the dressing room door open and stepped out, her dress neatly hung up on the wall and her underwear neatly tucked away on top of it. All that Princess Euphemia was wearing in this kind of public place was a bra and the cute red thong she'd selected out in the store. It honestly felt a little bit awkward standing around like this. "How do I look?" she asked. Then, a lifetime of comparing herself to her various sisters caught up with her and she followed that up with "I bet it's plain and boring right?"

Shirley shook her head so hard Euphemia was afraid it might fall off.

"Thank you," Euphemia curtseyed. A little bit of blood popped out from Shirley's left nostril. "Oh, you poor thing! Hold on, I have a handkerchief in my dress."

Without thinking she whirled around bent over and thrust her ass out right towards Shirley's face. Ah, this really was quite nice. Maybe later on when this was all done with, she might introduce Shirley to her brother? He was sure to have all sorts of helpful advice that could help a young woman acquire the attention of a young man. He did have a keen eye for that kind of thing.


A cute assistant handed General Bartley a report. She smiled at him. Noticed that Clovis was paying her attention. Waved coyly and skittered out of the room. Sitting in his seat, Clovis clenched his fists. His balls wouldn't be bluer if they had frostbite.

"Any news on the sex genie?" he asked, quite insistently.

"Yes sir!" Bartley said, hurrying over towards him. Good, good! This was exactly what he needed! "Several of our men have located her at various locations inside of Shinjuku!"

Clovis looked down at the report. There was a picture of the sex genie posing seductively against a doorframe. His balls ached just a touch more. The page was turned. Now she was lying down looking coyly into the camera at a whole other location. His balls throbbed. The page was turned yet again. This time she was on her knees, ass thrust into the air and hand inches away from spanking herself.

It felt like his face had been slapped by his own testicles.

"So, where is she now?"

"Unknown, your highness. Shortly after these pictures were taken, the recovery team wound up being pulled into an orgy by a group of randy Elevens."

In response to this Clovis made a noise like a bag full of clocks getting thrown into a meat thresher. That tore it. If he wasn't getting laid, then nobody was getting laid!


This seemed the optimum opportunity for Shirley's mind to spend a moment articulating and formulating an erudite, precise and concise summation of her thought process. To whit: Dat ass.

It was so strange. She'd been in the shower before with Milly Ashford and if Shirley was ranked at ten, then surely Milly was an eleven! Huh... Best not to say that kind of thought out loud, it would definitely be misunderstood. But still! The council president had bigger tits, wider hips and a booty made for twerking. Throw in the wet look appeal from being in the shower and it should be a recipe for instant bisexuality.

Yet Shirley had remained steadfast. As the other girls around her succumbed to the wiles of the dread enchantress Milly, Shirley had kept herself on the straight and narrow. She liked boys. She would continue liking boys. Only boys. Her preference list was a no girls allowed club.

"Now where did I put that tissue," asked the smoking hot butt that was wiggling around, attached to a certain pretty pink haired princess. "I know it's here somewhere!"

Must touch. Must touch butt. Can't touch butt. Lose friend. Nice girl. Ruin reputation if touch that butt.

"Here it is!" Euphemia cried out, snapping bolt upright with a tissue in one hand, the other on her hip, and her weight shifting from foot to foot in excitement. Touch butt consequences might be worth it. "Gosh, you know. I forgot that I was even wearing this thing. It's rather more comfortable than I was expecting."

"That's the seal of approval from Madame Ashford!" the blonde sales assistant said. She's suddenly appeared upside down inside the dressing room as though hanging her feet off something in the ceiling. "Thongs 'R' Us! Where it's our duty to comfort your booty!"

Then she was gone. Just like that. Had Shirley mentioned how weird this store was yet?

"Your turn!" Euphemia cooed, pulling Shirley inside the dressing room with her.

"Woah, wait a minute!" Shirley yelled. "I don't even have a -"

Something soft landed on top of her head. Shirley slowly reached up a hand, then picked it up. She already knew what it was without looking, of course. But she looked at it anyway. A silk black lace thong. The label attached to it had a picture that looked like a silhouette of a certain girl with a dirty old man's soul flashing a thumbs up. Apparently it was 'especially recommended for swim club members.' Ooh! That girl! She had half a mind to head on out of here and give her a piece of her -

Her skirt came off. Shirley looked down. There was a delicate soft pair of hands resting neatly on her hips. "If you just stare at it, you'll never get it on!" Euphemia smiled warmly at her. "What you need is a little push to get you going, otherwise how will you ever get that boy's attention?"

You know, it struck her all of a sudden that a dressing room was a really small and confined place, and she was being undressed by a gorgeous scantily woman. She should stop this, right? A pair of fingers hooked into her underwear, and the answer shot right into her brain: Let's see where this goes for a little bit longer!

Where it went was Euphemia sliding down her back so she could effectively yank Shirley's underwear off. "Step," Euphemia said. "Oh my goodness. If that boy you like wasn't an ass man before, he will be after this."

"You think so?" Shirley asked. W-Wait, no! She was supposed to be behaving in a tsundere fashion this episode, what was she doing playing along! "As if I want to be strutting around wearing a slutty - "

Whoop. Up it went. Like pulling of a bandaid, it was over before she knew it. There was fabric nestled in her crack. Weird. It didn't feel all that bad. Actually, it felt kind of nice. Oddly comfortable. With great difficulty she turned around to see herself in the mirror and - Nice!

"With an ass like that, you'll have no competition to worry about!" Euphemia proclaimed, hugging her friend with great enthusiasm. Do you know, now that she saw what it looked like Shirley had to agree. There couldn't be anyone about with a booty as fine as that!


A pretty girl in a red Glasgow sneezed while riding a train away from a particularly persistent pair of pursuers.

"Assholes!" she yelled at them, and smacked herself as a taunt. God, that felt great! Getting one over on those buttheads for a change! It made her want to wiggle her hips in triumph. Ooh, she took her hands off the controls for a moment to smooth her hands down her waist. If only the cockpit had more of a motorbike design so she could have her ass raised up, then she could get some proper twerking done in here!

The only question was; Who was that mystery voice just now? She didn't recognise it. Not one of theirs. They hadn't recruited anyone recently, so... Someone else in the ghetto giving a helping hand? That made sense. It was one thing to toe the line when Britannia were being their usual selves. It was quite another thing when they started getting less discriminate in their discrimination.

"Kallen! You're never going to guess!" Ohgi's voice suddenly called in. Kallen looked around. This was their cell all gathered here in one spot! "Something amazing just happened!"

Kallen thought it over, then hit the button to reply "You encountered a green sex genie, realised you were bisexual and developed a really strong urge to shake your ass to motivate the people you care for?"

"Not since Tamaki gave me those tainted brownies last Thursday," Ohgi answered. "Anyway, some mystery voice just dropped a whole bunch of Sutherlands on us. With their activation key and security code!"

"That's right," said the suspiciously handsome mystery voice which sent a hot chill down Kallen's spine and made her cheeks bounce in anticipation. "They are yours to use as you see fit. However, I do have some choice recommendations if you intend to use them to kick Britannia's ass."

"Kick Britannia's ass?" she heard someone say. "Oh man... I'd like to but..."

"Is it really possible to win?" asked another. "There are so many of them, and they're much more experienced at piloting."

Okay, that tore it. Kallen opened up her cockpit and stood up, ready to read them the riot act for their blatant cowardice.

"Listen everyone!" Kallen yelled, immediately drawing their attention. She put her hands on her hips and began to shimmy them back and forth while slowly turning around in her cockpit. "Don't you see? This is the only chance we'll have to fight back!" She leaned over, smoothing her hands down her thighs and then back up to the top of her rump, gently swaying it from side to side to a gentle, soothing rhythm. The Arabian theme she'd been humming earlier. "If we don't fight back now, who will?"

And then the beat dropped. Kallen began to pop her booty like she was using it to type an angry letter, grinding her hips and bouncing her ass so much that her tight shorts began to slip down, giving a slight peek at the perfection lurking underneath.

"Would you rather crawl under a rock and live an extra hour, or fight back and take a chance for survival?!" Her sublime ass was unstoppable, never repeating the same pattern of motion twice, constantly moving and shaking in brand new and exciting ways. "I say we take those Sutherlands and we trust that sexy, charming voice! I'm following him! Who is following me?"

"I'd follow you on hands and knees on broken glass if you keep that up!"

"Stuff broken glass, lay out a trail of lego and I'd tap dance on it if she asked me to!"

Hah! That's it! All it took was a nice motivational speech to rally the troops. Kallen sat back down in her Glasgow full of triumph and humming a remixed version of the arabian theme from before. She squirmed in her seat, eager and ready to follow absolutely any command that wonderful voice gave to her.

"Let's kick some butt!"

  1. Kallen has riled up the troops and Lelouch is leading them! What happens now?
  2. Now that they're wearing thongs, Shirley and Euphemia must practise their sexy struts (tm)
  3. C.C. continues finding ways to torment Clovis from afar.
  4. Back to Suzaku and Cecile
  5. Something else

1 comment:

  1. This was a HOT chapter!!!! so many innuendos can be made from this!!

    option 2 definitely!!! sexy struts along with lap dancing practice.
