Monday 11 December 2017

Story: Konosuba Succubus Shop

Ugh, what a crummy night's sleep. Megumin, the mighty archmage mistress of explosions, fireworks and majesty arose from her slumber of three thousand seconds wearing naught upon her body but a skimpy nightgown. She blinked heavily. She scratched under her arm. She rolled onto her feet and slumped off towards the bathroom. That night's rest had not been worthy of her greatness! How dare it leave her so unrelaxed! If she could only think of a way to explode a section of time, then she would have definitely done so as divine retribution!

In any event, she immediately went towards the bathroom, finding the bath made available to guests of this inn occupied by only another couple of women who she didn't recognise. Megumin took off the skimpy clothing and set it aside, her eyes still half closed. Something felt different but her mind was too addled by unrest to think of it.

"Oh, look at her!" one of the women whispered to the other, looking towards Megumin. "I'm jealous."

"I know," whispered the other. "She must have to beat guys off with a stick."

Hah! Well, at least these two recognised her beauty! Then again looking them over, those two had mammaries that were explosive in their own ways! They were even bigger than Darkness! Now Megumin was truly awake, because she was getting quite pissed off at their tittering sarcasm! Megumin stepped forward to give them a piece of her mind and -


"Eh?" she said aloud. Then she looked down. Megumin could not see her feet. Not even the tips of her toes were visible. Her tits had - Her tits were - "Ehhhh?!"

"My, my! You'd think she'd never seen them before," one of the women said. "Don't you think, Lefty?"

"That was a strange reaction just now Righty," the other said.

W-Were they talking to her boobs? Megumin put her arms over her chest, feeling something new and unique: Genuine embarrassment! Such a thing is to a <s>chuuni</s> Archwizard like her as salt is to a slug, yet she couldn't help it. What kind of perverted magic had caused her tits to explode out like this?!

The two women rose up out of the bath and Megumin had to admit that they were both rather attractive. If that dork Kazuma were here he'd stare with his jaw hanging open, drool pooling out the side of his mouth. That silly dork of a NEET (whatever that was) would definitely obsess over those trim tummies, healthy hips and the way the water was making the light play off their skin, giving it a most unnatural sheen.

"Hi. I'm Lefty," said one of the women, reaching forward to close Megumin's hanging jaw and at the same time wiped a bit of drool off the side of her mouth. "This is my twin sister Righty. What's your name?"

"M-My name?" Megumin asked after a moment. She slapped her cheeks. "My name... Kukuku... You mere mortals are most fortunate, for today you have the privilege of bathing with the most feared and powerful of all Crimson Demons! Whispered rumors of the dread power I hold, the greatest secrets of the arcane are told behind closed doors… it is no ordinary Archwizard you bathe with! I am Megumin! Master of Explosion Magic!

By the time Megumin had finished this both of these strange women were standing side by side with her, gently running their hands down her shoulders.

"My, my!" said Righty, blowing into Megumin's ear as she spoke. "Master of Explosion Magic? That would certainly explain these girls. Wouldn't it, Left?"

"It certainly would," Lefty pulled herself closer so that Megumin's arm was now fully entrenched within her prodigious cleavage. "It's only natural that a true Master of Explosions would have such... Explosive tits."

Yes, there was a kind of logic to that. Some sort of magical buildup that finally paid off, making her tits explode massively. Much bigger than that airheaded masochistic ditz who was always following her around!

A figure of Yunyun rose out of the water of the bath as though she were made of it. The watery Yunyun looked down at her naked chest and pouted in disappointment. "Oh no!" she sighed. "I'm so much smaller than you are now! Waaaah!"

"Oh, I see how it is," Lefty whispered. "You've got a complex about that girl."

"She annoys you, but you're worried that she's cuter than you," Righty whispered. her hand suddenly shot up and grabbed hold of Megumin's breast, sending a strange pulse of pleasure right into her. "As you can see there's nothing to be jealous of."

"So why don't you kiss and make up?" Lefty suggested. "After all, deep down you actually do want to be friends with her. Don't you?"

By now Megumin's eyes had glazed over a little. Ordinarily that sort of suggestion would have resulted in her casting an explosion at these two perverts for trying to manipulate her, but this wasn't anything like ordinary. She was in the realm of the succubus at this moment in time. She was within the realm of dreams.

"I'm sorry for being so difficult, Yunyun!" Megumin said. Lefty and Righty retreated into the background, then faded from sight as if they'd never been there in the first place. Megumin stepped into the bath, grabbing hold of her friend's hips and pushing their nipples together. For some reason that seemed like the right thing to do. "But it's not because I'm insecure that I mistreated you! It's because you were always so annoying! Following me around and begging to know what it would take to be my friend."

Huh...? Was that piano music playing up? It sounded really nice. Yunyun smiled at Megumin and lifted her hand up to rub against Megumin's cheek. That felt pretty nice, too.

"W-well, I won't be doing that anymore!" Yunyun declared with an odd amount of confidence. "I've already worked out what it takes to be popular!"

And then, to Megumin's amazement, her friend's chest began to swell up, much the same way that Megumin's had. Yunyun threw her head back and made the cutest little whimpering noise. "Girls with big breasts have the most friends."

"... I'm not sure those are actually friends," Megumin corrected. Yunyun's tits stopped their growth and - hah! Still smaller than Megumin's! "Still, even the mighty Megumin must confess, there's nothing wrong with a pair of big breasted girls being so... close..."

It was Yunyun that moved first, stealing the kiss so gradually that by the time it was happening Megumin was genuinely surprised. She had expected the shy girl with no social skills to pull back at the last moment, but there it was. They were kissing. In the bath. The two of them dropped, descending into the water clumsily, but together. Megumin's eyes closed - and for a moment there Yunyun became Righty - as she took in this experience. Gosh! Yunyun certainly seemed to know what she was doing! Ah! What a wonderful morning this was turning out to be! Nothing could ruin this moment!


Since coming to this world Kazuma had made a point of not doing anything ridiculous that purely satiated his blind lust or greed or laziness. That was the kind of thing that got a guy into trouble, after all. Oh sure, he'd gone to the succubus shop. But that was only after seeing the guarantees in place that ensured the issues he expected to come up were not, in fact, issues at all!

Well... That's what he was telling himself at any rate. People have a pretty good tendency for self delusion and even supposedly smart people could easily fall into that trap.

Right now though, he was in a dreamscape. Kazuma knew he was in a dreamscape. He knew that there were no consequences for anything that was happening here. Therefore, lucid dreaming. He had made himself a throne made of pretty giggling girls, and right now one of the succubus that had enabled him to enter this state of being had her knockers wrapped around his dick - which was twice the size it was in the real world - while maids that looked like his party members strutted around serving tea to the girls he was sitting on.

"Kazuma, Kazuma! I do hope this makes up for our arrangement that you stay away," the succubus said, smiling up sincerely and warmly at him. "Are you enjoying the show?"

"Yes, yes, I am Kazuma... And indeed I am!" Kazuma nodded. In front of him was a monitor showing off Megumin's dream. A modern day flat screen television with a massive size, curved around to project the image in a pseudo three dimensions. "I'll be honest, I didn't expect you could do anything erotic with that explosives maniac. Drawing in her cute friend was a stroke of genius."

Speaking of a stroke of genius, the succubus had found a way to add her hand into the titjob. Oof! These sex demons must properly earn their life energy when they're after the whole lot! It was easy for him to see why some men might be so foolish as to surrender it all if this was what they were capable of!

"This viewing portal... You call it a television?" the succubus asked. "From the way you described it, you must see this sort of thing quite often where you come from."

Kazuma wagged his finger. "Tsk, tsk. You're going to have to give me something else if you want access to the technology of my..."

Actually, that was an idea. He could use this to his advantage, right? Use his connections to Wiz and to the Succubus Shop to sell ideas that his own world took for granted that had not yet been invented in this world. It could provide some real tangible benefits to this society, advance their economy, provide them more efficient means of defending themselves... And also line his pockets with heaps and heaps of gold!

<i>Ohhhh, Yunyun! Why did I ever hate you again?

The girl in question lifted her head from between her fellow archmage's legs, smiled up at her and gently said "I've been trying to work that out for years. Let's get on better in future!"

Hrmph! There were added bonuses to this beyond the eroticism as well. Megumin would almost certainly find herself a lot more amenable to friendliness towards Yunyun, which could potentially parlay into a permanent useful party member! Or at least a mage who could cast more than one spell!

"I'd like you to take this offer back to your shop's owner," Kazuma said to the succubus between his legs. "I'd like to negotiate the selling of certain ideas that should get you lots more energy, and me lots more money."


Oh, what a wonderful night's sleep that had been! Megumin, the mighty archmage mistress of explosions, fireworks and majesty arose from her slumber of three thousand seconds wearing naught upon her body but a skimpy nightgown. She blinked heavily. She scratched under her arm. She rolled onto her feet and slumped off towards the bathroom. That night's rest had absolutely been worthy of her greatness! She had never in her life felt so well rested and satisfied. Although... There was a funny taste in her mouth that she couldn't quite place?

She shrugged. Who cared about that sort of thing anyway? The point was, Kazuma hadn't tried anything in his sleep just like she had extracted from him with her threats. Although, looking at him sleeping there, and at the bulge in his shorts... Maybe she should have...

Ooh! She must really still be fast asleep for her mind to go down such unthinkable routes! Megumin patted her chest feeling sad about something or other. Something was definitely missing. Oh well. That shouldn't be too much of a worry. Megumin slipped on her bikini (ugh), then slipped out of the room and slipped into the room the other two girls had been sleeping in, giving out a cheery "Good morni-"

The beds were unmade. The sheets strewn about the room. Aqua was sleeping on top of a dresser, naked and curled up like a cat. Yunyun's feet were sticking out from underneath the bed. At first Megumin thought to ask what exactly had happened here, but perhaps it would be better if she didn't? Or for that matter describe this scene to Kazuma later on because he probably would demand to know how this had happened.

"Good morning buddy!" Yunyun chirped.

"I'm not your -"

Megumin stopped cold when Yunyun pulled herself out from under the bed. Her breasts bounced and jiggled in an annoying, distracting way that made Megumin's eyes twitch. First one, then the other, twitching in rhythm. Before she knew what was happening Yunyun had pulled her into a tight, tight hug.

"Silly, silly Megumin! Good morning hug attack!"


"What kind of idiot does that?" Megumin yelled. She was blushing furiously for no good reason! Th-their breasts had rubbed right up against each other! "Good morning hug attack?! Airhead! Don't go hugging me while I'm wearing only a bikini!"

"Uwaaaah - Wait, why don't you want me to hug you while you're only wearing a bikini?"

To that, Megumin had no answer .She mumbled something under her breath about the dark winds blowing in from the southern region, though in truth Megumin wasn't entirely certain herself. Though there was one thing that she was definitely aware of. Not a chance in hell was Megumin bathing with anyone else! No sir, no ma'am, no how! She had absolutely no interest in seeing these tits uncovered.

  1. The party returns to Axel feeling oddly frisky and in search of a new party member
  2. Breakfast is awkward. Bath time even more so.
  3. The party has another adventure before returning to Axel.
  4. Something else

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