Sunday 31 December 2017

Story: Kimagure Hentai Road

Kurumi Kasuga was a natural born troublemaker. Always had been. She was simply far too excitable to sit still, and was a much worse influence on her twin sister than Manami was a good influence on her. Throw Akane into the mix as well, and you had something truly explosive.

"Oh, Akane! It looks like that trick failed I'm afraid," Manami said, catching Akane just as she was leaving the bathroom. "Do you still want to disguise yourself as a ghost to frighten them? I had some ideas that might help to spook them a little bit if you'd like."

"Sure, sounds good to me," Akane replied. "Where's Kurumi? I thought she'd be all over this."

"She'll be with us in a minute. I wanted to put a few more restrained ideas forward to make sure nobody got hurt... and that our esper powers aren't revealed by accident!"

Cue Kurumi using those self same esper powers to teleport inside the next room over. Where, by sheer coincidence, Akane had happened to store her luggage. Now, the boys hadn't asked Kurumi to do this. Nor had they asked Manami to serve as a distraction. This was all Kurumi's idea. She couldn't help herself. It was such a wicked idea. Mess with Akane even more by putting the binoculars in her luggage! Oh what a perfect plot it was!

"To begin with, I'll wear a sheet outside the window and use telekinesis to drop a book from a shelf. Then I'll teleport inside and we can walk into the room pretending as if we were talking about ghosts the entire time."

"Alright, make sure that your teleportation is on point though. The last thing we need is you appearing in the middle of the room."

"That's the best part. Since I'll be wearing a sheet, if I teleport into the room it'll seem as though the ghost suddenly appeared in the room."

Typical Manami, completely overthinking it. Oh well! She was serving her role as a distraction well enough anyway. Which left Kurumi to do her thing and open up Akane's luggage - then immediately forget what she was doing so she could check out what her cousin had brought along. That was just how Kurumi was, she was like a kid unwrapping presents on Christmas day, while in real life pulling out toiletries, snacks and -

And something bright red that brought even her crashing back down to reality.


Picture if you please a pair of impatient perverts pacing ponderously around a room. Both deep in thought, an unusual state for the both of them.

"What do you suppose Akane's going to try next?" Komatsu asked.

"That's the trouble, there's no way to know," Hatta answered. "She's a scary girl for a reason. Even now that I can read girls like a book, it's too difficult to say for sure."

Yes, indeed. It seemed as though there were hard limits to... however they were able to work this magic. It seemed their ability to read women like a book was purely limited to a perverted sense, rather than a full comprehension. Which meant that they would have to rely on the twins to get more information, more of a warning about whatever Akane was going to do next. Which would get harder as time went on because sooner or later she'd figure out what was really happening. Which meant that they had to work their magic on her sooner rather than later.

"I think she likes Madoka," Hatta suddenly said.

"No kidding. That was obvious before we could read girls so clearly," Komatsu remarked. Then his frown slowly turned into a perverted grin when he thought of something. "Actually, helping her out with that might lower her defenses a bit. Besides which, who could pass up a chance to check out Madoka in a swimsuit? I bet that was why she dropped by in the first place."

Which was the moment that Kurumi teleported right on top of him. Funny thing, Komatsu had always dreamed of being bowled over by a pretty girl, but the experience didn't quite live up to his expectations. The Esper twin knocked him right onto his back, and due to where she had landed he was having quite the tough time breathing.

"Well, well Komatsu!" Hatta smirked. "I didn't realise you had the power to summon a girl for a quick free grope."

"Guys! Guys!" Kurumi excitedly yelped, ignoring Hatta's comments. When Komatsu began to move his hands off her breasts, she gently grabbed his wrists and guided them back in place. "You'll never guess what I found in Cousin Akane's luggage!"

"A dildo?" Komatsu breathlessly asked. Ah, fortunately Kurumi adjusted her weight so he could breathe a little easier. "A vibrator? A poster of Madoka?"

Those had been joke answers, but the twinkle in Kurumi's eyes now had their full attention. Something better than that? They leaned in closely, with Komatsu using the twin's breasts as leverage to pull himself upright, making her sit in his lap in the process.

"A red," Kurumi began, adjusting her right leg so it was trapping Komatsu's waist. "String," she continued, doing the same with her left. "Bikini," she concluded, putting her hands behind her head and thrusting out her chest. Inviting, nay begging the perverted boy to toy with her body to his heart's content.

Both boys went totally slack jawed. And why not when both of them were imagining the same thing: That menace Akane clad in a revealing red bikini that left virtually nothing to the imagination!

"I was thinking we could prank her with it," Kurumi suggested while bouncing up and down on Komatsu's lap. Not entirely the most erotic lapdance in the world, but she was trying her best! "I could make it look like a ghost was wearing it -"

"Model it!" both boys said at once. "We must have her model it!"

That got Kurumi to shut up in surprise. Model it? Get Akane to model it? Why, yes. That made perfect sense. Why hadn't she thought of that?

"She almost certainly got it for Madoka to wear," Komatsu observed when he had calmed down a little.

"Oof, I'd love to see that as well," Hatta whistled. "Still though... If we could get Akane to wear it, then it would ultimately be to our benefit. Kurumi. Go back and talk with Akane for a while. Komatsu and I have some planning to do."


Did you ever have the feeling that something just wasn't right, but you couldn't place it for the life of you? That's where Akane was just now. Something off in this cabin that she simply couldn't place.

"Of course, the boys will almost certainly call us out on the sheet trick immediately," Manami said. "That's when we telekinetically levitate the sheet into the room. We'll cower behind them, and you march forward to check underneath it - then find nothing there!"

"Hrm? You're really putting some thought into this," Akane said, peering carefully at her cousin. "Is there a reason you're so eager to spook those boys?"

"Ah, well... To be honest they did play a bit of a joke on us when we got here," Manami said. "It only seems right that we get a little payback. Right?"

That was certainly a feeling she could get behind. But there was something more to it than that. Her cousin was sweet on one of them, wasn't she? No accounting for taste, but not much she could do about that.

Or was there...?

It was weird, but Akane was left with this sense. Like, somehow she knew that Manami would definitely play along with her plan to get Madoka into that exotic swimwear if she phrased it properly. In point of fact she had this really strong feeling that doing so would maximise the chance of getting Madoka into the swimsuit in the first place!

"Is something wrong?" Manami asked.

"It's nothing," Akane said, shaking her head. "It's just, I've been getting these kind of strong impressions all day long." She didn't quite feel like it would be a good idea to admit the entire truth, but certainly a little of it. "I'm getting flashes of the best ways to make people do stuff. It's completely random, but impressions are super strong."

"Have you tried following them?"

"No..." Akane shook her head. "You think I should?"

"Only if it doesn't hurt anyone. Maybe your powers are evolving somehow?"

Evolving...? Wasn't that a thought! Her only Esper power was the ability to change what she looked and sounded like to exactly one person at a time. Not exactly the most useful power in and of itself, but... If she could also read people to the point where she could manipulate them and also become someone else it did open up a hell of a lot of possibilities!

"Maybe we should put off pulling this prank until we know a little more about it," Manami suggested.

"That's nice of you to suggest," Akane said, patting her on the shoulder. "But I can tell you really want to go through with this. Besides which this prank may give me the chance to figure things out myself. We'll worry about this later, after I get revenge for my cute and innocent cousin!"

Though that new instinct or power or whatever was currently telling her that this cousin wasn't quite as innocent as she used to be.

  1. Akane sets in motion the plan to trick the boys.
  2. The boys set in motion their plan to get Akane to wear the bikini.
  3. Neither plan gets off the ground, as the photoshoot finishes. Time to cooperate and get Madoka into that bikini!
  4. Back at the photoshoot, things have taken an oddly perverse turn... and for some reason only Kyosuke seems to have noticed!
  5. Something else

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