Sunday 31 December 2017

Story: Hoola Hoopnotise

Furinkan High was a school beset with problem students. As the principal of that school, it broke his heart to hear the tales from the faculty. Well. More like read them while lounging on a beach sipping alcoholic drinks out of a half cut coconut shell. Soaking in some rays. Watching some hula girls dance as the sun set in the horizon.

Really. It was such a stressful life.

Once upon a time the measures he would have taken would have been drastic. Explosive. Literally explosive, he would have set up landmines to punish the naughty students that stepped out of line. In point of fact he had been putting up plans to deal with them on his return next week, when he noticed how distracted he was getting by those hula dancers. Something about them drew the eyes naturally towards them, towards their bellies, towards their waists, towards their hips and up to their undulating arms. It was soothing. It was relaxing.

It was exactly what he needed. A new plan formed within the principal's mind. For now, he put aside the files of students like Ranma Saotome, Akane Tendo, Ukyo Kuonji and his own son Tatewaki. They were all martial artists, right? For what he had in mind he would have to look elsewhere, for example the big sister of one of those troublemakers. A pretty face with a pageboy haircut. Went by the name of -


"Nabiki Tendo?" the Principal asked. Quite the unusual meeting to say the least. This morning he pops in out of nowhere to say hello to the students and to apologise for his absence, but he was caught up in matters on Hawaii that kept him from coming in to run the school. And that was it. He was back, and he was looking into establishing some order to his school with new rules that he didn't explain. No time to field questions. He was done. That was it. He walked offstage and that was that.

Honestly Nabiki could see why some new rules might be in order. Furinkan High could be called a “madhouse” at times. Such as when Kuno sent a horde of boys to attack another girl to try and get a date with her. Or the crossdressing chef who set up a giant arena. Or the fights Ranma had got himself into with Ryoga Mousse, and Akane. (While his fights with Akane were less physical, they often caused significantly more damage to the school building itself thanks to them usually ending with Akane kicking him through the roof.) And the trainwreck that had been their presentation of Romeo and Juliet would be the stuff of legends for years. Then there was Happosai bouncing around everywhere, stealing underwear and flipping skirts.

Well, at least they weren't half as bad as that Tomobiki place. The things she'd heard about them made even Nabiki's heart a-flutter.

So she stepped into his office. The man was inside, with his back to her staring out the window. He was a slightly overweight man. Either that or it was some heavy muscle under that gaudy hawaiian shirt, but somehow she doubted it. Either way the man looked ridiculous and that palm tree hat he was wearing was really not doing him any favours.

"Please sit down Miss Tendo," he said without turning around. There was just a chair in the corner, so she took it. Crossed her legs. Then calmly waited for him to get on with it. "Relax Miss Tendo, you are not in trouble."

"I didn't think I was," Nabiki said.

"Good, that kind of attitude is exactly what I was looking for," the Principal said, finally turning around. Oh wow. Those sunglasses! If Nabiki wasn't such a cool customer, it would have sent her into a giggle fit. The whole ensemble was like a walking cliche of the Japanese tourist in Hawaii, then cranked up to eleven. "I've seen reports from the faculty Miss Tendo. This school is quite the hotspot for trouble."

"I have noticed," she said, still uncertain of his angle.

"You are probably wondering what this has to do with you." He clapped his hands together and bounced excitedly on his heels, just the one time. "The fact of the matter is, I feel that I need an enforcement team. And I feel that you might be the best person to head it up."

Oh, now that had possibilities. Power. The trust of the faculty. The authority to make other students dance to her tune lest they get investigated... She leaned back, her eyes twinkling with - not mischief per se. More like anticipation.

"I'll need to know more about the role," she said. "What sort of responsibilities would I have? What sort of authority would I be able to -" abuse. "Make use of in the role?"

"Random locker searches," the Principal began. Already, Nabiki's attention was lit up. The Principal absently tapped at a hula doll on the desk, which began performing a mechanical dance. "Organise patrols of the school ground. To ensure that students are not cutting class, or raising a fuss. You will have the authority to write them up for three levels of punishment: Lines, detention, dismissal. All three come with mandatory letters sent to the parents, that must be returned signed. Naturally these must be delivered to a teacher who will initiate the disciplinary process and all major incidents will be investigated."

"Naturally," Nabiki said. A flicker of light caught the corner of her eye. Ah. The hula girl doll's belly button had a little LED in it that changed colour on occasion. It naturally drew the eye back towards it as it did its little dance back and forth on the desk. Swaying to and fro. The grass skirt flipping up and around and about. Nabiki blinked and shook her head. "Are there any benefits to these responsibilities?"

"Participation will be written up and I’m sure any colleges will love seeing you were a helpful, supportive student eager to keep academic order.”

In other words, a promising academic future. The light on the doll changed again. Huh. Had the doll's dancing motion altered in some way since she had last looked at it? And was that music playing? Or was she imagining it? Her eyes found themselves looking at the doll, swaying back and forth to a rhythm she couldn’t tell if it was real or not.

"Of course, I'm not simply going to hand over such an important position right away. You'll need to demonstrate your... ability in the field."

"A test?" Nabiki mumbled.

"Quite so my dear. To celebrate my return I would like to have a celebration for the students. An opportunity to get to know me better, and vice versa. I would like you to organise it."

Organise a party? That didn't quite sound like the same thing, but for some reason Nabiki couldn't quite articulate why that was. The doll's dancing sure was pretty though.

"The only caveat is that it be a hula. Hawaiian themed. If you would, please watch this video carefully."

Nabiki turned her head when a part of the wall slid away, revealing a hidden television lurking behind it. The Principal hit a remote control, and then the screen was filled up with women. Beautiful tanned women dressed in grass skirts and snug fitting bikini tops. Their heads, their wrists and their shoulders were all wrapped up in some sort of floral arrangements.

And they were dancing.

Nabiki had seen hula dancing before, of course. But this... It seemed different somehow. It was soothing. Relaxing. For a few moments at a time she imagined seeing a spiral in the background, but that was probably just her imagination. There was music as well. It sort of sounded like what she thought she could hear before, but the beat was stronger. The rhythm was pleasant to listen to. It resonated within her. It made her want to move. It made her want to stand up.

It made her want to hula.

Before she even knew what she was doing Nabiki was on her feet trying her best to mimic the onscreen dance. She held her arms out to her side and tried to wave them in the same sensual way that the women onscreen were doing.

"Ah ah ah! Posture, posture!" the Principal said, poking her back with a stick and then using it to alter the position of her legs. "Put a little more energy into them hips, Miss Tendo. Feel the rhythm of the island. Let it command you."

Let it command her...? Oh. So that's what was going on? Nabiki began to work her hips in time to the music, getting them nice and in synch with her arms. She wasn't imagining that spiral at all, was she? The Principal was brainwashing her. Weird. That didn't set off any panic. Shouldn't she be panicking about something like that? For that matter, shouldn't she be resisting?

"Good, good! You're much better this time!" the Principal said. This time? "To think, when you started learning how to hula a week ago, you thought the dance was stupid. Now, it's time for you to learn properly. I will leave the room. You put on your hula gear. Knock on the door and tell me when you are ready."

Well that was both worrying and reassuring. First off, she had been being brainwashed the past week, no wonder she wasn’t fighting back or even worried that much. Her brain was almost scrubbed. But at least he didn’t seem to be making her some weird sex slave, since he wasn’t trying to peep on her or something.

How Nabiki was worrying about not worrying made her head hurt, it was easier to focus on the dancers, they were so pretty and it looked so fun! Wait, wait. No. Don't succumb that easily. Wee, this was fun! Nabiki bit her lip and looked down at the hula gear. Apparently she hadn't worn it yet? Maybe if she resisted the urge to wear it she could break free of this spell...?

A minute later and she was hanging her uniform on the back of the door. It was the mirror in the corner that had done it. One glimpse of herself dancing and she immediately started to imagine what she would look like. The grass skirt went down to her knees, and the bikini top was pretty modest all truth told. But if she made a gap in the grass and stuck her leg out like that - Oof! She'd never seen herself smile like that. Not once in her life had she smiled this way!

Nabiki knocked on the door and the Principal came back inside. She hadn't stopped dancing, not even for a second. She kept right on dancing as he came back in.

"Do you like your new uniform Miss Tendo?" the Principal asked.

"L-Love it!" she answered immediately, stepping up the pace. Letting the rhythm of the islands wash over her. "Feels good to dance. Oh, so good!"

"That is nice to hear," the Principal chuckled. "Did you notice, by the way? This grass skirt and the bikini top is made of a reflective material. Using that and your rather splendid dancing will enable you to recruit just about anyone. Except martial artists and," he stopped to chuckle, tapping at his ridiculous eyewear, "People wearing protection like this. Still, I expect that the martial artists will buckle and crumble to the power of peer pressure when the party begins."

Well that was interesting. So Nabiki would be recruiting other people to the amazing sensations she was feeling now. Her hips swayed with the dance, her chest heaved with it. Oh man, that sounded like a great idea! For other people to feel like she was now, to feel the rhythm beat against her <i>soul!</i> To bring order and happiness to the chaotic masses with this dance, she shivered with delight at the thought.

"It will be a glorious day for Furinkan High!" the Principal said. "For after that party, this school will settle down and become a serious place of learning! All thanks to the power of hula!"

  1. Nabiki completely gives in and becomes the Principal's puppet.
  2. The orders Nabiki is given don't include loyalty to the Principal.
  3. Nabiki retains a semblance of herself, and twists this plan to her own ends.
  4. Nabiki isn't the only recruit the Principal is directly brainwashing.
  5. Something else

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