Sunday 24 December 2017

Story: UY Destiny Temps

Of all the things to encounter. Of all the sights to behold. Her own future self with her hands running up and down a future version of Ataru Moroboshi's chest. Kissing him of her own volition. No, that undersold it. Kissing him passionately, hungrily, like she was lost in a desert and he was an oasis. Sakura swallowed quietly and resolved to make a quiet exit before they noticed her.


Goodness but it was warm in here. Wasn't it? A little bit sticky as well. Definitely something in the air making her head feel funny while she looked at the pair. Must be something on the floor as well because she hadn't moved her feet since coming to that determined resolution.

Then her potential future self's eyes slipped open a little, tracked to the side and caught sight of her gawping at them. "Oh!" that future her gasped, and extracted herself from Moroboshi's grip with a great deal of reluctance. "Goodness me. We lost track of time, I did not expect you to be concluded with the ritual so quickly."

"Obviously," Sakura sarcastically replied.

"Please sit down," the other her said. "I need to look you over to make sure it worked the way it was supposed to."

Yes, that did seem to be a reasonable request. Sakura carefully sat down, keeping her eye on Moroboshi. He did seem a lot more mature than usual. It was strange though. This was obviously an older version of him, but his face seemed more serious. Manlier. Almost... handsome. It was almost certainly a trick of her imagination after seeing her potential future self kissing him so passionately.

What wasn't a trick was the fact that his shirt was unbuttoned, and judging from his chest it seemed as though he spent every waking moment at a gym. It was completely incongruous. It was as though all of a sudden the older Ataru Moroboshi had been replaced with a model. An especially cut model who could double as a Greek God. Sakura shuddered as this strange feeling overcame her and it was enough to make her avert her gaze.

"Hello past Sakura!" Ataru said with an oddly charming smile. "You know, the two of you could be sisters. You're both eternally youthful and beautiful."

"And you're as much of a horndog as ever," Sakura scowled. Her eyes reflexively wandered down that trail set by his bouncing pecs, divine abs, glorious six-pack... Sakura shook her head. What was wrong with her?! "Hitting on me when you have the other me already. Is one of me not enough to sate your appetite?"

"Oh I don't mind," Future Sakura said. "After all, you are the past me. It's not cheating since we are the same person. Right?"

To Sakura's annoyance there was a kind of logic to that. It made her head swim a little bit, but she could certainly follow that line of thinking. Not that she would, of course. She wasn't spreading her legs for Ataru Moroboshi, no matter how much of a handsome hunk he might one day become. Gosh he was handsome though.

"You must be really excited," Ataru smiled at her. Not that goofy perverted grin of before. An almost appealing perverted grin. "A guaranteed chance for perfect health. No more sickness spirits. How about a celebratory hug?"

"No thanks," she said, but not in time to stop him from leaning forward with his arms outstretched. This caused his open shirt to open even more. Letting her get an even bigger and better eyeful of that torso. How much had he been working out? "That really won't be necessary."

"Really now, that kind of attitude isn't going to do you any favours going forward," the future Sakura said. She slipped around Sakura, looking down at her. Studying her aura. "Remember what I warned you about? If you repress sexual desire then all you'll do is make the side effects worse and worse. The real reason I invited Ataru over today was to ensure you could have a nice hard consequence free dicking -"

"With Moroboshi!" Sakura yelled. She rose to her feet in shock and surprise, intending to give her potential future self an earful - only to stumble and have to brace herself against herself to keep from falling over. Dizzy spell. Different from the sorts she used to get. This felt more like a sudden wellspring of arousal. "There must be... Another way to dispel these side effects."

"There is..." her future self admitted, looking up at the ceiling. "Are you sure you want it?" Never before in her life had Sakura nodded so vehemently. "Very well then. Please wait here while I retrieve the necessary tools. However, I do strongly recommend reconsidering. Nobody would ever know..."

Unbelievable. Her own future self trying to set her up with that skirt-chaser! Sakura sat down again opposite him, staring at him and internally daring him to try to make a move. He didn't. At least not right away. All he did was wave and smile.

"You seem really tightly wound up," Ataru said. "Would you like a shoulder rub? It'll help with the tension."

"Keep your busy hands to yourself," Sakura warned. Though her shoulders were quite itchy. And it was very warm in here all of a sudden. Intolerably so. "How on earth did you seduce her at any rate? It doesn't seem possible to get from me to her the way things are now."

"Ah, but things change. People change," Ataru smiled. Sakura began to itch at her shoulders something fierce. "To be honest I'm not really sure why she did. At least not entirely. It happened around the time I was working as a temp for the destiny agency... Which I suppose must be about where you are since you're here right now."

By now Sakura had to reach under her robes to scratch directly at her skin. Why was she so itchy all of a sudden? She'd almost missed that crucial fact from being distracted by it! "Did you... Do something with the destiny doors to ensure you would get a harem?"

The innocent twiddling his thumbs act was pretty much all the answer she needed. "How do I undo it?!" she demanded. "How do I stop this fate from unfolding?"

"You don't."

That voice was her own, and Sakura turned towards the doorway to behold... Herself. Dressed up as a harem girl, leaning seductively against the wall and deliberately flaunting her sexy body.

"You don't change this fate," the future Sakura continued, striding into the room with an obviously exaggerated sexualised gait. "You embraced it. With wide open arms. With a little encouragement and guidance from your wiser future self."

Her first reaction to this was total shock. Seeing herself dressed up like... Like a total floozy! Yet at the same time she looked so healthy, so happy, so <i>hot</i> dressed up like that. It took until the future version of herself had crossed the room and sat upon her lover's lap, turning her head to kiss him on the lips while his hands traced idle patterns around her breasts, never touching, always teasing and sucking the breath from Sakura's own lips merely from watching - It took until then before she swallowed and had a mind to turn away from this truly erotic sight.

"That's where you're wrong," Sakura protested, balling her fists tightly. Blast it, the arousal side effect of that ritual was really strong. Much stronger than she was anticipating, even after she'd spent... However long that was masturbating right after she had finished. "I won't become Ataru's once a month lover, no matter what you say?"

Ataru pulled away from the future Sakura's lips in surprise. "Once a month?" he asked. "Is that what you told your past self? Sakura dear, you shouldn't lie to your past self like that."

L-Lie? What was that? She'd lied about how often she crawled into Ataru's bed, lied about how often she'd run her hands across those splendid pecs, lied about how often they kissed so intensely that the bedroom became a sauna, lied about the tremendous, deep dicking that he would give her once and only once a month?

"How often?" Sakura asked. "How often are you actually -"

"Oh, at least a hundred times a month. Sometimes two hundred. It depends on how frisky I'm feeling."

H-Hundreds? That meant at least three times a day on average! Wh-what kind of horny nymphomaniac had she become in the future!

"Of course that's not counting the times I'm fooling around with the rest of his harem," the future her mused. "Oh. I'm sorry about putting up the stern and strict act before. It was the only way to be convincing, pretending to be a stuck up shrew. Otherwise you'd never have gone through with the ritual, and... Well..."

Never gone through with the ritual? Why was that? Unless... could it be? The so called side effects of the ritual were nothing of the sort! This future version of her was trying to guarantee her own existence by causing a stable time loop!

"What did the ritual do?" Sakura snarled.

"Yes, I'm quite interested in that myself," Ataru pointedly asked his Sakura. "You know I don't approve of misleading prospective members of my harem, Sakura. You all must choose to join without further coercion, that's the way it's meant to be. Even if it was your own past self."

"Oooh~!" the future Sakura moaned. "But Darling! All it did was ensure that all disease spirits she could would be converted into lust spirits! It's not all that different from what I told her, honest it wasn't!"

"Even so, a lie is a lie," Ataru admonished. He quickly picked up Sakura's future self, spun her around and lay her across Sakura's lap, so quickly that she only realised what had happened after the fact. "Which means you must be punished, and what better punishment would there be than from your own past self?"

  1. Sakura succumbs to the temptation while spanking her future self and closes a stable time loop.
  2. Sakura flees and tries to resist becoming such a horny nymph. But the ritual isn't making it easy for her!
  3. Present day Ataru finds this door and takes a wander inside.
  4. Meanwhile, Lum and Shinobu are exploring a weird future of their own making
  5. Something else

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