Sunday 26 November 2017

Discussion: Dojo of Perversion + Level Upper Railgun

Dojo of Perversion:
Shall we continue with Ryoga, or go on to the first day of school? I think it would be interesting to see how the Furinkan High dynamic has shifted given the, uh, tendencies of the three sisters.

Level Upper Railgun: I'm aware there's an update being worked on for this, so I'll probably focus on something it's definitely not focusing on. Like, for example, Index leveling up her cuteness or Misaka running into one of the Sisters and trying to get assistance.


  1. For Level Upper Railgun, I like to see Mikoto running into the Sisters

  2. Hmmm it may be kind of amusing if Index tries to increase her cuteness by re-enacting Uiharu's pictures? I wonder how she would react to that pantyshot that made Misaka go all gaga?

    Though going with Misaka... there isn't too much a sister could do except send her to the frog-faced doctor. Maybe help her sneak into a shopping center? You could have a switch back to Saten who is somewhere else and notices she has saved up another bunch of exp from walking without noticing. And then she just shrugs and throws it into Misaka's bust. Probably right when it would be amusing...

    That does open up the question of what Levelling Breast Size would do once you get to the supernatural level? Space-Time bending boobs? One could do one of these "Bigger one the inside" jokes regarding her cleavage maybe. Or boobs with a literal field of gravity that pulls in others...

  3. I'd like to see Misaka interact with the Sisters and somehow using them to power-grind experience in Sexy Tsundere. Maybe since each sister records what they see, 10000 sisters all seeing her tsundere actions counts as a ton of experience.

    Or maybe the Sisters end up trying to level up the same things and they could count as "Misaka" as well, they are all pooling experience that each of them accesses. So we get 10000 Sexy Tsunderes, or something.

  4. The sisters did at one point do a mental connection/boost to Mikoto in the Railgun Manga..

    Hoping they animate that when the next anime pops up...

    Hmmm maybe the sisters will try to get some of her blood / hair and bring it to the frog faced dictor with a demand for an update.^^
