Sunday 24 December 2017

Story: Creeping Perversion

Ever since she woke up this morning Shampoo was feeling friskier than usual. She'd had a very pleasant dream last night which had featured her airen very strongly. Of course, that went without saying. All of her best dreams had her airen present! But this particular dream was super-good because it featured her airen completely naked. Her too, but that was rather less important for the purposes of the dream.

In any event, she woke up horny today with pigtails bouncing in her thoughts. Her favourite thing to do was to launch surprise hugs on her airen without the slightest trace of warning. It was the only time he ever let her get close enough to feel his strong, mighty body up against her softer mighty body. Which was quite the shame because they were so, so compatible.

It struck her that he was probably afraid she'd use any sign of intimacy to drag him off to get married. Airen seemed a little shy on that front. Not nearly that shy last night when they were dancing! Ooh... Maybe if she promised him that they could fool around without consequences he'd take her up on it? At this point she was seriously considering that as an option. Hell, she'd be his mistress. Let him marry one of the other girls and take her on the side. The way she was feeling now made that feel like a totally sensible option to her.

And even if you didn't know Shampoo and couldn't read minds, you could probably tell that she was on the prowl for sex. This hot foreigner's body language was yelling it out loud, and her eyes were more hot and steamy than an active volcano on the verge of eruption. Several men she passed in the street suddenly slowed down their walk cycle and made various futile efforts to conceal a certain lump that had formed for reasons quite mysterious. They all cursed the lucky bastard that she was after, even though they knew nothing about him.

Speaking of that lucky bastard, he was standing right there in the middle of the street staring off at... Was that Akane Tendo? Jogging off away from him? Well, well. While it was always fun watching that girl's reaction to Shampoo claiming what was rightfully hers, on this day the fun she was after meant that taking a different approach would be a bit more sensible.

To that end, she crept up on him while he was distracted. Rather than yelling "Nihao airen!" at the top of her lungs so the whole world could hear her love for him, instead she pounced on him from behind a lot more gently than normal and whispered the same into his ear, so that only he could hear the arousal in her voice.

“Well hey there Shampoo.” Ranma said, feeling a sudden appreciation for Shampoo’s weight being pressed against his back. Especially considering she was slightly top heavy, if you know what I mean. It didn't hurt that she had foregone a bra today. In fact, it was quite the opposite of hurt wink wink nudge nudge <i>say no more</i>. "Feeling frisky today, are we?"

Shampoo snaked her leg around his and pulled herself as close to him as she could manage. He smelled fantastic. So... Manly. Her hands wrapped around his front, seeking out gaps between the clasps holding his shirt together. Finding none, she quickly undid a few so that she could run her hands along that torso. Muscles. Powerful, lean muscles.

Ranma’s hand reached down and placed it on top of hers. Amazing how slender and cool these hands felt, “What’s the occasion?”

“Shampoo need reason?” She whispered into his ear. “Could not just want to spend time with love? Feel your body?” She ground her hips meaningfully, humping into his back. "Let you feel Shampoo's body. Is too too nice, yes?"

"Nothing too nice about it," Ranma answered. "It's just about perfect the way it is."

Now, the both of them were obviously having their behaviour influenced by the spell Happosai had cast which was drawing them ever more into the web of perversion, inch by inch. Still, Ranma was used to Shampoo coming onto him every chance she had: what he wasn’t used to was liking the attention. Like, <i>wow</i> how had he ever disliked feeling those beauties pinned to him?

On the other hand Shampoo was not used to that reaction from him. She'd honestly expected him to try to slip away. They'd never gone this far before! What should she do?! She felt like a dog who had finally caught its own tail!

Behold, what happens when two inexperienced virgins suddenly get a boatload of lust injected into them. One grinning like a goof, the other with her eyes wide open, panic mode activated.

Um... Maybe she should turn him around? Y-Yes, that seemed about right. Shampoo let go of him and slid around to his front. Ah! Much nicer! She grabbed hold of Ranma's hands and pressed back into his chest, letting the back of her head rest neatly on his shoulders, using his arms to frame her in place like she was a picture. What a pretty picture they must make!

Actually, why were some people walking by taking pictures!?

"Ignore them," Ranma whispered, gently kissing her neck. Yep. Consider them ignored. If a meteor fell down from the sky then Shampoo would ignore them. "Mmm, and what about these weapons of mass eroticism?" Ooh! Now he was feeling up her boobs! Shampoo giggled and tittered and - oh dear, shouldn't she be doing something right about now? "It's funny. You're always trying to snuggle up against me, but now you're behaving like a scared little rabbit."

Shampoo trembled a little, partly from nervousness, partly from her sudden arousal. “Sh-Shampoo never done this before.”

"Yeah? You'd never know from how affectionate you can get." Ranma said, grinding his hips against Shampoo’s. She could feel how affectionate he was.

“R-Ranma only man Shampoo want. Shampoo no think of better man to give love and body to.”

"You know, I feel that I should admit," Ranma whispered. "I did just ask Akane out on a date."

"Is okay," Shampoo pushed back into him. "Shampoo willing to share."

“I just got the image of a threesome in my head.” Ranma said. And damn it was a nice image.

“If can convince Akane Shampoo all for it.” Shampoo’s hands reached Ranma’s waist, “Though, think we get practice first before dragging flatchested tomboy into fun times… no?”

Shampoo pulled away, turned around and pulled herself in, this time with the two of them face to face. She closed her eyes, and found herself comparing this moment to her dream. While Ranma was still fully clothed - and she was too - this moment felt so much better than she imagined. Because it was real. This was happening. Her and him, about to share a truly passionate kiss out in public!

Then it started to rain.

Ranma’s lips touched a much furrier face then <s>he</s> she had expected.

If cats could speak, the F-bomb Shampoo would be dropping would be able to be heard on the moon. That's even counting the fact that sound doesn't travel through space.

"Caaaat!" Ranma yelled, tossing Shampoo away and running down the street in a rather undignified manner for a young lady. Arms flailing, screaming her cute head off. Shampoo stared after her and sighed a weary sigh. So close! So very agonisingly close! Oh, what could possibly make her feel worse?

"Shampoo? Is that you?"

How about her main romantic rival standing over her when she was at her most helpless? Akane Tendo in her jogging gear... Ooh, actually... that didn't' make Shampoo feel worse at all. While she still thought Akane was a bit flatchested, the girl definitely had appeal everywhere else. Her figure sort of popped in a way that Shampoo had never noticed before. Or cared to pay attention to. She mewled up at Akane, who sighed and knelt down to pick her up.

"Come on. I'll take you home and get some hot water poured on you."

Shampoo licked her cheek in thanks. Maybe if she was lucky she might get to have a bath instead of a kettle. Maybe a bath with Akane? Oh yes, that sounded good and then Ranma could walk in and join them and-

“Shampoo?” Akane asked, “Err, you OK? Your tongues hanging out and you’re panting really heavily...”

Oh dear she had vanished into her happy place for a minute. Hrm. Maybe she would be able to concentrate if she nuzzled up against that not-quite-as-flat-as-it-looked chest and tried not to think of having a hot, sweaty, threesome with Akane and Ranma. Or Ranma and Ukyo. Or Akane and Ukyo. Not quite desperate enough to include Kodachi. That laugh would probably make the sex end in tears. Not to mention that afterwards she would never leave you alone.

That last part sounded oddly familiar to her for some reason but damned if she could place it.


Some distance away, a far distance away, any onlookers would have seen the interesting sight of a pigtailed girl beating her head against a wall. “Stupid cat fear! Stupid old man!” Literally seconds from kissing Shampoo and then taking her out to a nice private place to get laid. But noooooo Jusenkyo had to do a literal cockblock. She pulled herself away from the wall, sighing.

“Well there’s always more where that came from.” Ranma said. Now she had two goals for the foreseeable future. Seduce Akane, and get some from Shampoo. Both sounded equally appealing, hell if Shampoo was being honest about sharing Ranma could accomplish both goals at once!

“What are you doing here?” A familiar voice said behind her, a familiar female voice. Hmm... a third goal might not be too much to handle as he turned to face -

  1. Kasumi
  2. Ukyo
  3. Kodachi
  4. Azusa(?)
  5. Actually let’s hold off on that reveal and stick with Akane and Shampoo for a bit.

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