Sunday, 24 December 2017

Discussion: Cross a Witch, TLR Indecent, Dojo of Perversion, UY First Impressions

Whoo, a decent mix! Interesting.

Cross a Witch:
Finally. It's been so close to the top, in the 40s, for months now.

Anyway! I think the episode should start with our lovable little curse victim initially thinking that she ought to hide this new power from her friends, lest she put them in danger! Then suddenly realise that she's not actually a superhero and there's no reason not to tell them about it.

In particular she mentions that Agatha is a witch! But it turns out that Sukeyasu already knows all about that, and Agatha sits there looking smug about pre-empting her one real avenue of attack. The others didn't know that however, and want superpowers of their own!

Much comedy ensues.

Oh, now here I'm really spoiled for choice. All of those options look really good to me. Help me choose! What direction do you want to see this go in?

Dojo of Perversion
Hrm... There may be another update before this one, I'll hold off on this until I know for certain. watch this space!

First Impressions
Another one where I'm spoiled for choice. Go back to Ataru with the Don? Kurama crashing into Lum and Oyuki? Benten's fan club freaking out over here?

Actually... I kind of want Kurama to run into Sakura et al instead so let's go for Benten's fan club freaking out about her. Let's go with that!

1 comment:

  1. For Indecent, it might be a good idea to get an explanation from Lala about what is going on. At least, if Yui can pay attention.
