Sunday 3 December 2017

Story: Spring of Drowned HPOA

For a long time now, Akane Tendo had felt rather powerless in matters regarding her sexuality. She knew how this sort of story would go. One loss against those horde of boys and BAM, instant gangbang. Countless dicks coming and cumming from all directions, rubbing themselves up against her body searching out for an unoccupied hole. She'd struggle, she'd fight, then she'd ahegao and start begging for more as her intelligence plummeted and her libido skyrocketed.

Because, you know, it's just that easy to transform an intensely traumatic experience into an addictive one.

But now there was an out. All she had to do was seduce that hot piece of ass and since there wasn’t an NTR tag on this story she’d be free! Free to continue her martial arts pursuits to her own leisure! Also free to have so much amazing sex with one partner that she actually, you know, already liked. And had a name and face. No mystery black silhouette here, no nameless and voiceless first person viewpoint. His/Her name was Ranma Saotome, and the best part was?

No bimbo fetish!

Now then. Akane slid open her closet, how to best seduce Ranma? She had to be unique, yet tied to her own personality. Also getting it done before her sisters did. That was kind of a priority as well. Let's see. Kasumi would probably go the ultra girly perfect wife approach, while Nabiki was definitely the 'bad girl' type. So what did that leave Akane with? Easy answer: She was the athlete. As such she yanked out a pair of snug fitting yoga pants and a tank top. Keep it simple, no need to overcomplicate things. Besides which this was a porn thread. Over thinking things was right out of the window already.

She strutted out of her room like a woman on a mission - and then immediately bumped into both of her sisters, who were leaving their rooms at the same time. Kasumi wearing an extremely low-cut dress and Nabiki wearing a snug fitting pair of shorts, a towel draped over her shoulders and not a stitch else.

"Hello Akane," Nabiki said. "You're looking especially bimboish today."

"Nice try," Akane scowled. "Honestly, aren't you being a little too forwards?"

"Says the girl who the author blatantly favours," Kasumi interjected. "I mean, you're even the POV character for this episode. That's quite ridiculously unfair, don't you think?"

"True!" Nabiki nodded. "She'd win even if she showed up in a burlap sack. It'd turn out that Ranma had a secret fetish for them, or her 'natural beauty would shine through' or some bullshit."

“Oh come on! You know how the author’s favorite girls get treated in these sorts of stories!”  Akane let out a desperate protest. "I'll throw myself at him, there'll be some comical mixup and then he'll wind up banging one of you just so he can stick the screws to people accusing him of favouritism!"

"... The Ranma 1/2 Shipping Wars left deep aftershocks throughout anime fandom," Kasumi sagely nodded. "Still, the very fact that we're having this conversation does make it quite likely that the author is using this as a cover -"

"Nah, that argument won't fly sis," Nabiki waved dismissively. "Now that you've raised it, things could go legitimately either way... Which technically still gives Akane the edge. Arguing this from a meta fourth wall breaking perspective isn't going to get us anywhere."

At which time, Ranma popped his head up. "Also, the more you argue the less sex I'm having."

"I thought you were nervous about having sex!" Akane yelled.

"It's a porn thread!" Ranma shrugged.”Though, you know, it’s not like I’m going to just give in. Gotta make you work for it!” He ducked back down for a moment, then came back up. "Although, gotta say? Those clothes are definitely a good start!" Then he left for good this time so the sisters could finish their argument.

"We can't all go for him at once," Akane said. "That's just going to result in either an orgy or a catfight."

“Well in that case… how about we draw straws?” Nabiki said.


Meanwhile, Ranma was doing what he did best. Avoiding women. Well, that and training. The actual training hall within this dojo was pretty spacious, and the side cupboard had plenty of solid equipment he could use. Most of it looked pretty well maintained, but they were obviously used pretty often.

His situation was pretty ridiculous when you get right down to it. Fourth wall jokes aside, a splash of cold water turned him into a chick so hot that she might be a leading cause of global warming. Ever since then men and women alike - with the sole exception of Ranma's dumbass pops - had lusted after his girl form more transparently than glass.

While it was easy enough to blow off most of them, when it came down to the really hot ones like, say, a trio of 10 out of 10 sisters with their own unique appeal it got a little complicated.

What wasn't especially helping his self esteem was that until he got to the Tendos, not one of them had retained their interest when they'd seen his male form. Then, boom. All of a sudden, all three of the sisters were drooling over him. Not her. Him. Sure he'd blown it off in the moment, but after the fact... It was kind of a turn on being wanted by three hotties.

Then again was he really ready to settle down? Nope! Not yet. Not gonna tie him down in a marriage. Even if this was a pretty sweet training hall and if he was really determined to avoid this arranged marriage he'd have already hopped over the wall and done a bunk. He'd just have to find the courage to let those sisters down, tell them he only wanted to be friends -

"Hello there Ranma! Want to train?"

-with benefits. Ranma shook his head. Those last two words had popped right on in there when he looked towards the doorway. Right, the Yoga pants and tank top combo. Oh man, it <b>sizzled.</b>  Especially with the way she was leaning against the doorframe. No, leaning was the wrong word. Hugging the doorframe with the leg on the inside of the training hall hooked up against the wall. Ranma's hand twitched. He wanted to head right on over there and smack that booty with an open palm. But he held back. Nope, not going down that easily.

"Hi Akane!" Ranma called, coughing into his hand. "So, you won the straw draw?"

"Blatant author favouritism for the win," Akane said. She peeled herself off the doorframe, stretched out her arms and strode confidently into the room. "Ready for training?"

"By training, you mean 'seduce me' right?"

Her eyes sparked with passion. There was a rather distinctive and exaggerated swing to those hips. That was all the answer he needed.

"L-Listen, Akane. I'm sure you're a very nice girl and all," he began to protest. And then Akane started to do jumping jacks. Erotic jumping jacks. Every time her hands slapped down, they blatantly groped her own ass. Whenever she jumped, her boobs jiggled and bounced underneath her tanktop despite all logic and reason for a girl whose chest wasn't half as impressive as... What was he thinking about again?

Luckily, years of training had made action without thought possible, so when Akane changed from a jumping jack to a jumping kick he was able to avoid it.

"Oh, I'm a very nice girl," Akane said sweetly. Her right fist flew in, and Ranma's head ducked quickly to the right. "I'm also a violent maniac." A left uppercut, forcing Ranma to bob his head back. "I'm also getting laid in a few minutes. Once we've finished our warmup."
She jumped forward with a roundhouse kick that would've felled a tree, but Ranma was easily able to get out of the way of that. However, her stumbling backwards until her back was pressed up against his chest, that was something he didn't think he'd have to avoid because no martial artist would ever deliberately do something like that. Yet when Ranma felt that ass pressing up against his rapidly swelling dick, he knew that this was far from an ordinary martial arts spar.

"We wouldn't want to pull anything, now would we?" Akane asked.

"No, we wouldn't!" Ranma said. He pushed her away and bolted for the door. "That's why I'm going to wait until you've cooled off before we talk further!"

“Oh. Cool off? I got a way to cool off right here!” Akane reached down her top, and with incredible accuracy she tossed the projectile at Ranma! Ranma’s reflexes made him snatch it out of the air… only to cause the bottle of cold water to explode all over… her.

Exit one handsome boy, enter one hot piece of ass.

“Err, you do realize that according to some continuities this just makes me faster, right?”

In response to this Akane confidently stuck her hand on her hip, and ran the index finger of her other hand under her nose. The gesture seemed almost... Butch?

"Maybe," she said. Huh? Weird. Was it her imagination or was she making her voice sound more gruff all of a sudden? "But this isn't most continuities. This is a porn thread."

Wait. Yeah this was porn but what did becoming a girl again have to do with this? Sure Ranma was a little weaker than normal. And really short. And arguably more feminine looking than the tomboyish Akane… oh...  Wait. <i>Butch and Femme.</I>

“Right.” Akane grabbed Ranma’s wrists and pinned her to the wall, “I top, you bottom.” Ranma found that in defiance of all logic and reason, she couldn’t break this powerful dominant grip. Come on! "Let's give those shippers something to complain about."

"Let's not, they're kind of anno-" Ranma began, only to be cut off by her first kiss. It was strange. Akane was very forceful, yet it also had this feeling of tenderness within it as well. The confusing blend of feelings naturally drew Ranma's tongue out of her own mouth and into Akane's before she even knew what was happening.

This provided quite the effective distraction. Akane's fingers absently flicked down the front of Ranma's shirt, unbuckling clasps up until her nigh-perfect breasts were laid bare. Only when her nipples kissed the cool air did Ranma realise that her hands were free. She tried to push Akane away, but due to porn conventions not only was her strength sapped right now but somehow her hands wound up underneath that tanktop. In that moment Ranma learned. Just because her cursed form's tits were better, that didn't mean Akane's weren't also fun to play with.

No, wait. She shouldn't be having fun playing with Akane's breasts right now! Ah! At last, Akane pulled her lips away, but that reprieve was only slight for now she was leaving a trail of kisses down Ranma's neck, onto her chest and culminating at the very centre point in between her breasts. It felt like her heart was being hugged!

"Akane, let's talk about this!" Ranma whispered. "W-We could always get to know each other better. Maybe have a couple hundred chapters of intense sexual tension while we each wait for the other to make the first move!"

"Too late," Akane hissed, then ran her tongue down towards Ranma's navel. "This is the first move." As if the situation couldn't get any worse Akane's hand was playing with the top of Ranma's trousers. A pair of fingers crept their way inside. "We'll get to know each other better later on.” And so that day Ranma learned where her clitoris was, her vision flashing white and holy crap that felt good! "Once I show you that being a hot piece of ass isn't half the curse you think it is."

Ranma's hips jerked up like someone had put a pair of springs under her butt. Akane wasn't even holding her down anymore. While those two fingers explored and probed into places that no man had gone before (and Ranma intended to keep it that way) Akane's tongue was making a meal out of the hot piece of ass's navel, treating her belly button like a malfunctioning water fountain while her free hand tugged away at those interfering trousers.

"Ahhh!" Ranma gasped. "Ohhh! Other noises so that people will know that I am really, really enjoying this and on the verge of climax! More insistent noises! Begging, pleading, informing that it's close when it clearly isn't because there's, like, another ten or more paragraphs to go before I cum!"

Yet to Ranma's great surprise it was actually Akane who came first. The tomboy shuddered and then a dark stain shot right down her yoga pants, thoroughly ruining them. "Guh... Your skin tastes like ambrosia." Akane didn't stop with her fingers, though. "Just from kissing you and your sexy body... I got off from that alone! This curse of yours is something else."

"You're!" hip thrust. "Telling!" Another hip thrust. "Meeeee!"

"Oh, right. I should get you off too..." Akane mused. She reached over somewhere or other outside of Ranma's line of sight and then pulled out... A strap-on. Massive and thick, embroidered in gold along the side of the fake penis were the words “A Girl’s Best Friend.”

"Where the hell did you get that?!" Ranma yelled. Akane pulled her hands away from Ranma's nether regions, in the process making a sound like a sink being unplugged.

"Same place I got the water bottle," Akane answered, quickly fastening the thing in position. Suspiciously quickly from where Ranma was lying, panting out of breath. "I mean, people accuse me of abusing hammerspace all the time, so I went out and learned how to actually properly use it. Now hold still and I'll get you off too."

Akane pushed Ranma's legs apart and got into position while Ranma stared at that thing with total bafflement. Oh boy, but that thing was big. It was ridiculous. Really it was. No way would something like that -

Oh. It did fit. Ranma didn’t know <b>how</b> her tiny female body was able to accept all of that thing but maaan Ranma didn’t know she’d ever be able to stand up straight again.

"There, you see?" Akane said, lovingly stroking Ranma's cheek. "I told you, didn't I? This body of yours isn't a curse at all!"

"Yesssss!" Ranma suddenly yelled. Her legs slipped out and ensnared Akane's waist in a body scissors, her arms shooting out to grab the back of Akane's head. "You were right! This is awesome! I love being fucked!"

"I knew you'd see sense!" Akane beamed.

"I love (fake) dick!" Ranma continued. "Oho, I love (fake) dick! Give me more (fake) dick!"


"I'm, like, totally obsessed with (fake) dick!" Ranma went on, her voice little more than a throaty moan, a desperate needy whimper. "Teehee, I'm cumming because of (fake) dick! I don't need to think about anything anymore but (fake) dick!"

“....did I go too far?” Akane asked. Slow dawning horror coming over her. Had this been the case? Had her drive to avoid becoming the mind broken sex toy… Had she destroyed everything she would like about Ranma just to make a cheap sex toy?

Then Ranma suddenly sat up and began to bounce up and down on Akane's lap, fucking herself on the strap on with great enthusiasm. "I'm, like, just a brainless cheap sex toy! I'm Akane's sex toy! Teehee!"

“No! I just wanted to lose my virginity and have a good relationship with somebody!" Ah! Akane suddenly saw it. She'd been so afraid, tried so hard to avoid the faceless nameless rapists that plague porn stories like this one that she had inadvertently become one herself! All of a sudden that infamously terrible Doom fanfic made total sense to her! She was, indeed, the demons!

“I’m sorry Ranma!” She wrapped the now surely mindbroken girl into a hug. “I didn’t mean to!”

“Akane…” Ranma’s hoarse whisper.

“Ranma… Ranma…” She looked up into Ranma’s face.

Her smirking, completely lucid face.

“Psyche!” Ranma laughed, “Man you should see the look on your face! Really? Come on, I’m made of tougher stuff than that.”

Akane stared blankly at her for a moment.

"Oh wow, that sure was something. Ooh! Kind of a shame I lost my virginity as a girl, but... Man. The prank made it almost worth it!”

The next thing Ranma knew, she was smashing through the dojo ceiling.

"I know it's cliche," Akane said, tapping the oversized hammer into her open palm. "I know it's flanderization. I know, I know! It's everything the haters expect of me... But the first one of you assholes to make a comment gets a special visit from a girl’s other best friend!”

And yes, the hammer had that engraved onto its side. Akane put it away for the time being and stomped off back into the house. Luckily though, she didn't realise that Ranma had just been about to offer the chance for a quick roll in the hay with his boy form, otherwise she'd have gone truly -

"Son of a bitch!" she yelled, throwing up her hands in totally unrestrained anger.

  1. Nabiki's turn next.
  2. Kasumi's turn.
  3. Ranma winds up landing in the Kuno residence.
  4. Soun tries really really hard to avoid thinking about the fact that his daughters are the main characters in a porn thread.
  5. “Don’t forget about Shampoo!” “Or what about me?” Ukyo said. The two glared at each other and started fighting.
  6. Something else


  1. Replies
    1. Ranma fell into the Spring of Drowned Hot Piece of Ass.
