Sunday 10 December 2017

Story: UY Splitter

Ah, what a wonderful night's sleep that had been! Benten sat up and stretched out her arms, feeling truly and completely rested. Now, this tough chick was quite the hard read for most men. She had a cute face. She had a killer body and strutted around in a metal bikini like she knew it. But her attitude - Oh wow, you'd be hard pressed to find someone less feminine that looked like that.

Case in point, when she stood up and started walking around, you could hardly call it a feminine gait. The way she was scratching herself, yawning and stretching while she walked was completely different from what you'd think someone that pretty would do when they woke up. Yet somehow one still couldn’t keep their eyes off her! Her yawning and stretch still highlighted that firm figure, and the scratching brushed up against her top, giving any viewer the tantalizing hope of a malfunction.

She opened the door, reaching her first destination of the day: Her own bedroom. Within which she found a certain boy. Arms and legs bound to the bed. Mouth gagged. And naked. Exactly where she'd left him when she went to bed last night.

Benten strutted over to the bed, plucked out the gag. "Did you find the candles?" Ataru asked. She returned the gag to his mouth, yawned and then sat down on the floor next to the bed.

"There weren't any candles you idiot," Benten sniffed. "I slept on the couch while leaving you here blue balled and waiting." She noticed that her index finger had been lazily circling around his chest, and deliberately pulled it away. "Come on, what kinda idiot do you take me for? I'm not the kind of girl that goes gaga over some guy. So when I start feeling something for a clone of Lum's Darling, who happens to be a harem fanatic..." Her index finger was doing it again, this time making its way lower down his torso. Benten moved her hands so that she was sitting on them. "It makes a chick suspicious, you feel me?"

And if she was perfectly honest with herself that suspicion had only grown after a good night's sleep. Benten's eyes settled on his crotch. She'd never had any real interest in sex or fucking or (yuck) making love. Despite that she could feel that dick calling to her. It was whispering sweet promises to her. 'Lower yourself onto me, and you will feel amazing'.

The worst of it was that she fully believed it. It probably would feel great, it would be amazing, and mind blowing. But man, wouldn’t that be lame? If a tough chick like her got all whimpy over a guy… how would she be able to look at herself in the mirror?

Then, to her great surprise, Ataru broke out of the restraints as if they had been made of wet paper chains. He sat up. He took the gag out of his mouth and... His dick was pointing directly at her forehead at a point right above her nose and between her eyes. Benten went cross-eyed for a moment there.

"Hmph! Tying me up and leaving me there like that!" His already erect dick suddenly stood upright. Ohohoho, boy. She felt like she was on some diet and a jerk just offered her cheesecake. Or should that be beefcake? "But I get it. You're scared, aintcha?"

"Sc-scared?!" Benten yelled, shooting up to her feet. Ignoring the fact that her nose had touched... that on the way up. "Me? Scared of you?"

"Scared of what I can make ya feel!" Ataru retaliated, poking her in the forehead. She grabbed his hand away. "You're right, you know. I'm tailor made for you. All of us copies imprinted on one chick, and lucky me I got you!"

"Imprinted...?" Benten asked, then frowned. “So this is all some weirdo act! I knew it!”

WHAM! Ataru moved forward, hands out, and she caught them in her own, the two arms gripping and pushing. The air itself shook with the force of the struggle!

“Act? Hell no! Like a baby chick hatchin’, my mind body and heart bent to match with yours!” He pushed forward.

“That’s real creepy!” She pushed back, the ground itself starting to crack from the pressure they were both putting out. "Ya think some chick's gonna get wet over hearin' something like that?"

The air between them sparked as they pushed against one another, neither one giving an inch. "Wouldn't be sayin' it if it didn't. You're the kinda girl who suppresses her sexual urges. You're not a dom. Not a sub either. What gets you off is the confrontation."

The confrontation? The challenge? The pressure between the two of them was so much that the bedsheets had been pulled off the bed, lifting them up and whipping them around the pair like a cloth tornado. “A perverted little punk like you thinks you can challenge me!?”

Ataru suddenly leg to of her hands, dropping down low! The sudden loss of balance made Benten slide forward, his arms wrapping around her waist. Wait.. was he… “RRRRAAAHHHHH!!!!” A German Suplex! Straight through her bed! “Challenge!? I can win Baby!”

Benten landed hard on the back of her head - but she'd had harder landings! She flew around a flying motorbike without a helmet, you think this kind of thing can so much as slow her down?!

She rolled backwards out of his grip, grabbed his arm and deadlifted him right from the floor into her own german suplex. "First, here's how it's done loser!" she called, arching her back perfectly to dump him in place. "Second, a punk like you? Winning? Don't make me laugh?"

But he didn't land on his head or his back or his neck. Ataru flipped over in mid-air, landing right on his feet. His hands grabbed hold of her shoulders, pinning her to the ground and his face was upside down from her perspective, but also really close!

"Ya see? That's what I mean!" Ataru said. "Scared spitless of intimacy. Don't wanna seem vulnerable. It's a shame really. Ya don't know what you're missing when you make yourself vulnerable."

“Oy, you don’t stick your dick in a socket right? That’s not ‘cause you’re scared, it’s ‘cause you know it’s stupid!” 

"How about you prove you're not scared?" Ataru said. "No sex. Just a kiss."

His head bobbed down, still upside down with his lips aimed directly for hers. Benten's heart fluttered in her chest. She wasn't scared of this clown! She sure as hell wasn't scared that he'd make her feel good because... Because she already knew that he would.. Somehow deep down she knew that he got her, you know? Understood her in a way that other guys didn't. It was an instinctive thing. She knew full well that if they had sex it would be the best time of her life. Ask her how she knew that and she couldn't tell you.

Which is why her legs shot up right at the moment their lips touched, her thighs wrapping around the bastard's head. Then she slammed him face down into the floor at her feet. Unfortunately this did have one downside she hadn't thought of: Namely that her face was now directly underneath a big erect dick and a pair of balls, the sight of which made Benten momentarily forget how to breath.

'Take it' said a voice in her head. 'Take it on your terms. Not his. Show him that you're not scared. That you're not an idiot. Lick that dick and prove it to him. And yourself.'

Now, she didn't exactly remember when she ran from the room, but she did remember how to breath by the time she was gone. Pressed up against her bedroom door, she was breathing like she'd run a marathon. The temptation was real, it was tangible and, oh boy, was she ever wet.

"Yeah, maybe he will win," she said. "But if he thinks I'm gonna make it easy for him..." She shuddered, thinking about the challenge ahead. "Then he's got another thing coming."

  1. Benten decides that she needs to talk to someone else about this. Oyuki should be good.
  2. Ryuunosuke and her Ataru join the conversation with Lum, Shinobu, Ran and their Ataru.
  3. Sakura tries to teach her Ataru how to be an effective exorcist.
  4. Back to Oyuki and her Ataru.
  5. Something else

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