Sunday 31 December 2017

Story: Dojo of Perversion

Tatewaki Kuno was in a contemplative mood. The love of his life, the shining innocent beacon in a den of iniquity Akane Tendo was beset by a vile, wicked temptress who saw fit to use her seductive, sensual body in ways that would at once delight and also corrupt. A devious vixen whose face, whose body would bewitch the unwary and turn them towards an evil path of corruption. Even Kuno had to admit that he had felt the allure and it had been very hard to resist.

But enough about Akane's slutty sister Nabiki, he had to work out what to do with that shape changing cur Ranma Saotome! There was clearly magic at work. Oftentimes demons seek out the pure and virtuous so that they can lure them from the path of light and from this gain prizes more tantalising and delightful than they truly deserved. But how? How should he contend with a demon?

"Gosh, what on earth am I supposed to do with all these rosario beads, bottles of holy water and assorted charms from cultures the world over?" asked a skinny boy with dark rings around his eyes. He was skulking through the school corridor holding a large box that looked like it would bottom out on him at any moment. “It’s not like there’s any demons around here to deal with or anything.”

"Hold, young - What was your name again?"

"Eh?" the boy jumped. The bottom of the box gave way and dropped it all on his feet. The boy began to tear up. "H-Hikaru G-Gosunkugi."

"Very well H-Hikaru G-Gosunkugi!" Kuno said, gratefully scooping up the assortment of rosario beads, bottles of holy water and assorted charms from all over the world. "Allow me to take these charms off your hands!"

"That'll be ten thousand yen," a certain voice whispered in his ear. Kuno whirled around: Of course. The first demon he had ever encountered. The demon of lust, greed and vice! She goosed his backside and slid around him. "My client here is hardly going to part with these rare gifts for nothing now is he?"

"I was about to throw them - " Gosunkugi began, but Nabiki shushed him with a finger on his lips. Then ducked underneath the hole in the box, leaned back against him and wrapped her right hand around his head so that his chin was caught on her shoulder and his cheek was pressed up against hers. The light went out of his eyes. A grin crept up his lips. The poor fool had succumbed already to this succubus' charms!

"As my client was saying, these items are too rare to part with so easily," Nabiki said, cooly inspected the fingernails of her left hand. "Therefore, ten thousand yen. Although we will be willing to give you a discount in exchange for a quick kiss."
"I have no intention of kissing a man."

"I meant kiss me, you idiot."

"I'd rather kiss a man!" he yelled, tossing her the damnable money.

"Would you like me to call Ranma over?" she asked. Kuno grit his teeth and set about ignoring her. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed: Nabiki was doubtless the one to summon forth the succubus known as Ranma Saotome for the explicit purpose - and he really meant explicit - of despoiling both his and the fair Akane's innocent and pure souls!

Which meant… which mean! “He-he-he... Hahahahahah!” Kuno laughed, Nabiki Tendo, in her greed, was selling him the very means of foiling her own evil plan! As he laughed, Kuno was totally oblivious to the erection that was helping him support the myriad holy items he was holding, and quite frankly that was the best thing for everyone.


So, the entire class was kind of staring at her now. This was a little bit awkward. Ranma waved. Her classmates boggled. Mostly at her tits, so at least they knew art when they saw it.

Then they started talking all at once. A total babbling cacophony which made it impossible to tell who was speaking, what they were saying. This is what chaos would sound like if it took hold of a human's voice box.

"Settle down!" Akane bellowed over the din. "If you've got a question, sit tight and raise your hand."

And then they did exactly that. As thanks, Ranma gave her a bit of a goosing right on the spot she'd worked out Akane liked last night. In response her fiancee jumped and then dashed from the room, but at least the students had stayed quiet for now.

“How come that never works for me?” The homeroom teacher complained. He looked around and noted that everyone had their hands up. Some had both raised. "Okay, fine. Please pick out someone and answer their questions."

Ranma did so, pointing at a boy at random. "Will you marry me?" the boy asked. Hrm... No, she had too little time to fool around with someone like him. A six at the most. Ranma shook her head and pointed to a girl with two hands raised.

"Will you marry me?" she asked. Ranma stared flatly at her for a moment.

"Uh... Could the marriage proposals all put their hands down? I'm already engaged."

Every single student made some kind of disappointed noise. Both the boys and girls alike. Most of them did lower their hands, but a few did keep their hands up, so Ranma shot through them quickly.

"Weren't you a boy before?": Yes, she was. It's an annoying curse. Sometimes she'll be a girl, sometimes she'll be a boy. She tends to identify as a boy, but would prefer to be treated as whatever gender she is at that time.

“Are you dating Akane Tendo?”: They haven’t gone an any dates yet. Give it time.

"So, how does this curse work exactly?" Now here, Akane returned to the classroom with some hot (but not boiling) water. Ranma poured it over her head and became a guy again. Fortunately, most of her memories weren't really all that perverted this time around. All that got filtered out was flirting with Kuno and goosing Akane.

"How did you get this curse?" Place called Jusenkyo. Don't recommend trying it. You'll probably get the wrong spring, because there are a lot of the bastards all close together. The teacher threw a bit of chalk at his forehead for language use.

"Are you and Akane going to... You know, do stuff with you as a girl?"

"No more questions!" Ranma said. His face reddened at the thought! It sounded perverted! No way he and Akane would do something like that any time soon!

Akane elbowed the side of the guy’s head, “That’s none of your damn business anyways!”

The teacher rose his voice, and pounded his desk to get everyone's attention. "Alright now that you've got all that out of your system, I want you all to return to your seats and settle down for the rest of the -"

"Ranma Saotome! Have this!"

A rosario bead necklace was put around Ranma's neck. He stared down at it for a moment, then wheeled around and punched Tatewaki Kuno in the face. Why that creepy -

Now, this wouldn't be Ranma 1/2 if the rosario bead necklace had absolutely no effect at all. It did! In essence, it sealed away all of the effects of Happosai's spell, the one that compelled all daughters of Soun and Genma to become deviant sexy perverts. Which in turn meant that in that moment Ranma remembered everything. He remembered his girl form having sex with Ryoga. He remembered what really happened with Shampoo, with the twins, with that asshole Pantyhose Taro!

But most of all he remembered last night with Akane. It had been... Wow, intense. Nowhere near as innocent as he'd previously thought. It was a hot steamy night, and the two of them had done their absolute damndest not to be totally overwhelmed by the other. It made a lump form in his throat thinking about it. The intimacy. The passion. The -

"What the hell is this?" Akane asked, yanking the necklace from Ranma's neck. The memories disappeared into the ether, only to return with a splash of cold water. "Kuno! I can't believe you!"

"Huh? F-Fair Akane?"

Akane marched over to him and leaned over the downed boy with the beads in hand. "You tried to cure Ranma's curse, didn't you? That's so sweet, especially since he's your romantic rival." She stopped to think that over. "No, that would presume that he has an equal chance to you of getting with me -"

"When he's clearly leagues below?"

"Oh, that is funny Kuno-baby!" Nabiki snickered from down the corridor, snapping a quick photo while... Wearing a cardboard box that was being carried by a boy leaning on her shoulder. The hell? "You, getting Akane into bed? Nope! Now, if it was me you were talking about..."

This was the first time as a guy Ranma had heard Nabiki show interest in Kuno, “Wait you want to date this moron?”

“Nothing serious Ranma dear, just a little fun.” Nabiki winked at him.

"If the beads did not banish you, then have this instead!" Kuno yelled, leaping up and slapping a charm on Ranma's forehead. Or trying to. This time around Ranma sidestepped him, and instead the charm got slapped right onto the teacher's forehead instead.

The teacher reacted as though he'd been electrocuted, and then a little imp hopped on out, much to everyone's surprise. "Stuff this teaching gig! Nobody wants to be corrupted as long as those stupid sisters are around to distract them! I’m out!” A portal to hell opened beneath him.
"By the way, it's a shame I didn't get to watch you guys have to deal with his father. That was the only thing keeping me here until today, you know? Mwahahahaha! Have fun for when he gets back from Hawaii! If it's anything like that time he visited France, you're in for a <i>treat</i>."

Then he stepped through the portal and was gone.

"... Early lunch?" The teacher said, slowly, “And, err, does anybody know any priest's phone numbers? I feel a sudden need to visit one.”

“Oh, I do. Not the first time we’ve been called to deal with a stupid demon.” Akane offered. "His name is Cherry. Just... make sure you bring food. Lots of it."

"Is anyone going to address the fact that this jerk keeps trying to tag me with purification charms?" Ranma asked, pointing at Kuno. "Trust me, all those things do is make my curse form twitchy for a couple days.” One of Genma’s earlier failed attempts to cure him. From what Ranma remembered, his girl form had developed a peculiar nervous twitch. In reality, his girl form kept on trying to take her clothes off in public, making Genma have to stop her from embarrassing herself.

"Have at thee!" Kuno declared, this time emptying a bottle of holy water all over Ranma's head. As it was water, the effect should be obvious: He became a she. Ranma stood there blinking for a moment, tilted her head and then ran from the room. "Aha! I knew it! Holy water has driven off the demon!"

While he crowed in laughter, the other students stood around looking at each other as though they were slowly coming to the realisation that they were all side characters in a gag comedy series. Akane had remained totally oblivious however, as she stared at the door, wondering what was going on with Ranma. Was she okay? That holy water hadn't made her twitchy or anything had it?

Then the door came open and Ranma Saotome, girl form, was standing there wearing a nun's habit. Now, despite the fact that the habit was completely ordinary and covered her body completely, the habit was… a touch small. No, not quite small. In defiance of what would would expect clothing to work, it was practically form fitting! The curves of her waist and hips were quite visible, and her impressive chest was straining against the fabric. The crucifix around her neck settled quite nicely in her cleavage.

“R-Ranma Saotome?” Kuno said, his breathing became heavy.

"Oh, thank you good sir!" Ranma said, her voice breathier and higher pitched than normal. She dashed into the room in an extremely feminine manner, slightly lifting her habit before crashing into Tatewaki Kuno, resting her head upon his chest and fluttering her eyes up at him. "Thanks to your courage, kindness and intelligence, I have finally seen the light. I have been made pure and innocent. All thanks to you. Is there any way that I could possibly repay you?"

The rest of the class gasped! To think Ranma had been in some way infected by some evil! Was this her true form? This pure looking, yet still oddly alluring woman?

Akane and Nabiki saw through the bullshit in around a second. So they gave Ranma a thumbs up. That she sneakily returned.

"Think nothing of it fair maiden," Kuno said, instantly wrapping his arms around Ranma's back, pulling her close. "Now that we can all behold your true form, your beauty and innocence shines true!"

"Oh, Kuno! You are such a good and pure soul!"

She tipped up her head, closed her eyes and puckered her lips. Kuno blushed, then made to return the gesture. Inch by inch they grew closer. Ranma gently guided Kuno's hands down towards a more comfortable place: Her amazingly round ass. In a moment they would kiss. They were inches away from tasting each other -

And then the hot water got dumped all over Ranma.

"Oopsie doopsy," Nabiki said, then snapped a quick picture with her camera.

"Nabiki! What's the big -" Akane began, then stopped when she realised the pose the two boys were in. "Please proceed," she mumbled. Not because of any perverted reason. Just because... You know... it was funny seeing Kuno humiliated like this?

"Kuno, you got some explaining to do," Ranma said, grabbing the older boy by the scruff of the neck. "The hell am I doing in a nun's habit?! Why are you holding me like you were about to kiss me?!"

(It should be noted that Ranma kind of remembered this part. He remembered as a girl wanting to troll Kuno, it’s just that the step after the trolling; riding his dick to celebrate her “purification” was not remembered.)

“Looks like she didn’t stay pure for long Kuno baby.” Nabiki said, “And you’re out of Holy Water to boot. Ohhh if only there was somebody here willing to supply you with some…”

Ranma, however, was not exactly in merciful mood anymore, Kuno’s hand was still gripping his ass. “Talk business with this asshole later.”

“Pun unintended?” Akane asked.

"Saotome what are you insinuating?" Kuno asked without a hint of self awareness. And his hands still on Ranma's butt.

"Stay away from me, and stay away from my fiancee! Creep!"

He tossed Kuno out into the hallway, dusted off his hands and returned to his seat. All the while, Akane watched him do this and smoothed her hands down her sides. The perverted tomboy squirmed, she wet her lips, and subconsciously resolved that within the week she would have that boy- <b>Man's</b> dick inside of her.

“Ranma, sweetie, you’re still dressed like a very confused nun.” Nabiki said.

"Tell me when I'm not hungry anymore," Ranma replied, rifling through his bag. "Where the hell did I put that bento Kasumi gave me, I'm starving!"

  1. Kuno isn't giving up that easily. He still has other charms to try out! And he'll try them during lunch.
  2. Ryoga shows up at the school, having been trained on satisfying a woman thanks to Kasumi's efforts.
  3. Gosunkugi spies girl form Ranma and shifts his attention to her instead of Akane. What schemes will this occult maniac come up with?
  4. Lunch winds up taking a more perverted turn even without any intervention.
  5. Something else

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