Sunday, 15 March 2020

Story: Sailor Moon Titnosis

There's a little known dive where those on the not-hero side of the tracks tend to gather and get hammered beyond all reason. Today, the main attraction might not be the booze, but the beautiful Cinder Falls, who was slouched over the bar with a nearly empty glass in hand.

"I didn't even mean to set off the orgy," she said. "It just, sorta happened. And do you know why?"

The bartender replied the only way that he could. By staring at her tits. Cinder hiccuped, causing them to bounce and the bartender to whine a little in a needy way.

“Don’t worry too much Cinder sweety, we all have our bad days.” A man with sloppy clown make-up and green hair said. “Look at me, I tried to blow up a chocolate factory. Know how that turned out? With lots of happy brats getting free sweets and bruises from old Batsy.”

"Yeah, well! For you a bad day is a night in the revolving door asylum," Cinder said, slurring her words. "For me, a bad day is... You know what it is? You know what the problem is?" She slammed her glass against the bar. "Titnosis is sentient. I'm sure of it. It's a spell with a will of its own."

“Magic can be quite tricky like that, have you tried transforming them into something else?” An extremely pale skinned figure with snake like eyes wearing a dark cloak questioned. He was also lacking a nose, Cinder noted as she turned towards the other person.

“Think that wasn’t tried? If it was that easy I would have fixed this long ago mister <i>Dark Lord</i>.” She answered, trying to take another gulp from her glass and blinking in surprise as nothing came out. "Another one!"

"Sure..." The barkeep slurred, taking the glass and filling it to the brim.

"See what I mean?" Cinder said, pointing at him. "Look at these things too long and your brain leaks out your ears. Sure, it sounds great. Turn everyone into your slaves. But that's the trouble. It's <i>addictive</i> like you wouldn't believe. Your own brain starts melting too, if you're not careful."

“That does sound troublesome.” Another pale figure in black with a wrinkled face answered, polishing a glass before sighing at the way the barkeeper was acting. “Part time works.. Urgh..”

“Sorry about that, ca-can-not really turn it off..” Cinder answered, tongue feeling heavy from the alcohol. "Ugh... I can feel it at the back of my brain, all the time. Trying to make me play with them. Show them off to people. Give other girls big slutty tits. Let them do all my thinking for me. Give in to the pleasure and - "

She stopped herself and downed more booze.

"There's some other sluts out there using it to do good," she said when she was finished. "They don't know what they're tangling with."

“Are you trying to be a hero and stop a erotic zombie apocalypse?” The clown from the beginning asked, raising a single green eyebrow. “Why not leave it to the good guys to fix the inevitable chaos? Hell, you can probably rob a few banks while everyone is drooling over boobies.”

"They're not boobies, they're tits!"

Cinder herself seemed a bit shocked by that outburst. She squirmed in her seat as her hands felt the urge to undo the clasp at the top of her dress, let the girls breathe a little. Play with them, right here, in public. A little voice in the back of her head that she'd been trying to ignore, telling her to give in to the pleasure, give in and let her tits take control. Just like they would control everyone, in the end...

Maybe getting hammered out of her mind had been a bad idea. Maybe it was doing bad things to her self-control and would end up dooming mankind, or at least a good chunk of it, to a fate of titty-enslavement. But then she had just dealt with an orgy of horny henchmen and a bunch of magical girls walking in on said situation.

God, if this ever came out in the greater hero community, her reputation was going to be ruined forever. Who would ever take a villain seriously who used hypnotic tits and had orgies with her minions?

<i>"This report just in: A new team of large bre-bre- tittied superheros save a firehouse from a youma attack."</i>

Well, if that didn't slap her out of her drunken stupor than very little would. Cinder's attention went wholly and entirely to the television screen up in the corner. What was this now?!

<i>"A mysterious water themed youma took control over a firehouse earlier today. Rather than the Sailor Scouts showing up to deal with it, as usual, a new quartet of busty babes bounced in and dealt with the pest in record time."</i>

Busty bouncy babes? That must be - The do-gooders she was after! They'd gone to a firehouse to defeat a youma? Wait why was she staring at the screen when any moment now they might show -

<i>"No comment! We're just your ordinary superhero team!"</i>

She'd looked away in the nick of time. The entire bar sighed in contentment as a bunch of big hypnotits must have filled that screen. That was dangerous! Showing them off across the world like that... Maybe just the city? Hard to say. Whichever the case might be that was extremely bad. Letting everyone have a glimpse of them would give titnosis the in it needed to enslave everyone, make their will bend to their perfect sensitive tits, making the women play with them all day long while the men stared in wonder at their glory, just as things should -

Cinder slapped her hand away. It had been reaching for her chest. Yep, getting hammered was the absolute worst thing she could have done right now. If only she could spring for plastic surgery, it probably wouldn't matter. No surgeon could look at them without falling under their sway, and that was if they could be cut or reduced in the first place. As far as Cinder knew these things were indestructible.

"I have a lead now, focus on that," Cinder slurred to herself while stumbling off her stool. A quick few slaps to her cheeks - and one missing and hitting her tits - and she was awake. Oh, she really hoped that was an accident and not a subconscious desire to feel something hard smack her tits!

Anyway! Lead! Head to the firehouse, question everyone there, get ahold of security footage and she'd have what she needed to track these big titted heroes down! Which, it struck her, was a bit of a reversal from the norm. Usually the hero has to track down the bad guy to save the world rather than vice versa.


Ah, there was nothing like a job well done. They'd saved a vital emergency service from a wicked, wicked youma. Now it was time for the four girls to celebrate, by hanging up their soaked through uniforms and - to help pass the time - make out for absolutely no good reason.

"Ooooh~ooooh!" Kirino sang as Naru's tongue circled her nipple. "If this is how you girls celebrate, then I'm all fo~or it!"

God, her singing voice was divine. Not as divine as her tits, but still. It went right to the soul, you could feel her emotions resonating with you. That was natural talent and no mistake. This little ninja girl had a real set of lungs on her, and her freshly enhanced bust was only helping give her greater lung capacity!

Because the bigger bust had caused her overall torso to grow to accommodate them, what, you thought she meant that her tits were somehow containing part of her lungs or something? Weirdo.

Meanwhile, the other half of the team were busy arguing/making out. It was really nice seeing Index and Koneko be a bit more playful with each other like this. Even so...

"Nnngh, mmf, no, the peanut butter flavor is better," Index argued, as she sneakily twisted both of Koneko's nipples together, while pushing her own bust up towards the devilish girl's face. Index's own nipples were just as erect, and begged for attention of their own.

"How foolish," Koneko responded, barely suppressing a purr of contentment. "Milk is a far superior flavour of candy."

At least it wasn't a religious argument anymore. Naru shifted her weight so that her nipples could rub up against Kirino's and - there. Squishing their tits together was the absolute best.

"Alright, girls! We did really well today! I'd say that we are a fully rounded team," Naru said, planting kisses on Kirino's neck, making her hum. "I dare say that before long we'll have the whole world kneeling before our tits in no time flat."

The strange way she'd phrased that didn't sink in with any of the girls, not even a little bit. All they took in was that they had done well, and the team seemed pretty complete. No argument there from any of them. They had hitting power, they had speed, they had an extremely wide knowledge of magic and they had a leader. What more could they need?

"Oooh, I'll show you!" Index moaned while furiously humping up against Koneko. "We'll get loads of peanut butter and milky candy, and then we'll see which is better."

Then the answer hit Naru like a truck. Money. They needed money. Oh sure, they could pretty much just use their tits to get anything they wanted. Everything they needed. Flash their tits and people would do anything they wanted. Absolutely anything. But... they were meant to be the good guys. That was not the kind of thing that heroes did. Right? They didn't use their powers like that. Even if most shopkeepers would pay through the nose for a chance at their tits.

Besides which... Didn't the Sailor Scouts have five members? Sailor Moon the leader, Mercury the smart one, Jupiter the strong one and from what she remembered Venus was hilariously skilled.

Mars though.. she always felt a bit like an ojou-sama type... Well, all this being true, there was only one thing for it. Time for another recruitment drive!

  1. Fatesplit on oujo-sama characters that could join them
  2. Cinder tries to track down the girls.
  3. The Sailor Scouts have an orgy.
  4. Meanwhile, we've not checked in on a certain time traveller who landed in Academy City for a while...
  5. Something else

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