Tuesday 27 November 2012

Story: Love Pendant Usagi: Study, Study!

I think this is gonna go a little bit differently than people expect, because my own thought process when putting it together went a little all over the place. Still! Here it is.

Now all I need to do is justify a minor plot hole, but it shouldn't be too hard to cover up. If you spot it and can think of a way to do so, I'm all ears.

Tainted Cube: Ranma Meets Sailor V, Warrior of Love!

Here it is, and I hope this meets your expectations. Looking at the way the poll currently is makes it very likely that Evangelion will be the winner for the coming week, so that seems like the safest place to put discussion and speculation on what will come next. Though I do not want to be seen as discouraging either further votes changing that direction, or from participants discussing other series following on from this. Merely observing what currently seems most likely.

Anyway, the story! I've tried to insert hammer related puns where possible for a certain character, but if anyone sees a prime opportunity to put in more I welcome them. I also welcome suggestions for different options or different wordings of those options. Have fun, and let me know what you think of it! I strive to improve where possible, and feedback of all sorts is necessary for this process.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Discussion: Love Pendant Usagi

Another week, another victory for Sailor Moon on the blog. Let's see what you all think about Love Pendant Usagi. As always, spoilers lie ahead!

Thread Voting: Open Until 2nd December

Here is another voting thread, where Wild Ride For Ranma finally sees a perfect chance to score victory. Will it prevail, or will it be overtaken and pushed to another week? All up to you!

Saturday 24 November 2012

Tainted Cube Voting Closed: New Poll will begin shortly

That's this week's Tainted Cube poll closed! A new one will be open momentarily. I have noticed a curious pattern emerge over these first two weeks. It seems as though Code Geass and Haruhi both get one vote each, then some other series decide to tie up for the majority of it until a tiebreaker occurs at the end. Last week it was between Eva and Sailor Moon, this week Ranma and Rosario.

I wonder if the pattern will hold this week.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Story: Real World Sailor Moon: Overactive

I am in need for option suggestions, but here is this week's winner! Enjoy.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Tainted Cube: The One Called Sailor Moon

Here is the first installment. No earth shattering changes yet, but the seeds are being sown and the dice has been cast. Let us see how Usagi's desires get twisted around and perverted for whatever wins next week's poll.

Discussion: Real World Sailor Moon

First, some minor news. I am intending to repost this thread on Adultfanfiction, and have received permission from both Sirocco and Cross C to do so. Before doing this, I intend to go over the work so far and clean it up a bit, but that can be discussed in another post.

For now let us discuss the possible direction for the next episode. I have already asked Sirocco what his intentions for the thread are, and they are posted below.

Also, this is Sirocco's blog if you would like to visit there.

Thread Voting: Open Until 25th November

Here is another voting thread, and I'm left wondering if Sailor Moon month will continue. Have fun everyone!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Tainted Cube Poll Closed: New Poll Open!

That's the first week's Tainted Cube poll closed! A new one will be open momentarily. Though I do have to wonder... Did someone make it Sailor Moon month and not tell me? It seems awfully popular around here all of a sudden for some reason.

Not that I'm complaining. Just mildly amused.

Friday 16 November 2012

Story: Urusei Yatsura Alien Flu

The options for this one are a little uncertain in my mind. We'll see if anyone can suggest better ones. Enjoy!

Story: Spring of Drowned Ranma: QuadRanma

I saw an option for splitting Ranma into four, and decided to take it. Here is Quadranma, and I really don't know where this is gonna wind up. Assuming it goes anywhere at all.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Story: Sailor Moon Titnosis: Fight It Out!

I didn't quite get as much done on this as I had been hoping, but this seemed like the most natural place to end this episode. If nothing else we have a solid direction for this to go in, which was a tremendous help in writing this piece. Hope you enjoy.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Discussion: Sailor Moon Titnosis

There are a multitude of potential directions this could take, and I would like to have a bit of a discussion about what exactly will be done with it. My problem is not so much that I don't have any ideas for where to take it forward. It's more like I have too many ideas! Therefore, there aren't really going to be spoilers in this post. More a discussion on the various possible directions this thread could take.

Thread Voting: Open Until 18th November

Here is this week's voting thread. Which will take it this week? I honestly couldn't tell you. It could go any way.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Tainted Cube Poll Now Open!

If you look to the right, you should see a poll. Every week, Saturday midnight (my time) I will set up a new poll for Tainted Cube. The winner of the poll will determine which of the eight series serves as the setting for the next episode, which will be written during the week the poll closed.

The winner of each week's poll will be removed from consideration for three weeks, which means that this week's is going to be the largest poll conducted on this topic.

Please note that unlike the other voting game, votes do not carry over from week to week.

As an additional observation I have now added the ability to follow this blog by email. That is found just underneath the poll, and please use it if you feel it would make following easier for you.

The first poll will close this coming Saturday (the 17th) at midnight. I hope to see you participate, and I also hope this will curtail my recent new thread obsession.

If you have any particular feelings regarding what you would like to see in this thread, please post your thoughts below so that we can all discuss the story.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Story: Sexy Akane: Snap out of it!

Here is this week's winner, after a brief delay to get it tweaked into a more useable and funny form. Enjoy!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Story: Tainted Cube Introduction

Now for something a bit more ambitious. By a bit, I clearly mean a lot. By a lot, I clearly mean god help me.

I've not tried anything this ambitious since "Altered History". But this, I feel, should go a hell of a lot smoother. Particularly if I use this blog to help keep things organised. A new page will be joining the others at the top of the blog titled "Tainted Cube" at some point later on. It will be used to help keep track of various things.

In particular! I intend to introduce a new voting game to the blog surrounding this particular concept. I have not yet determined the exact mechanics, and would like to encourage discussion in the comments regarding this topic. You see, from the episode below I intend to take option 2, and I intend to update this thread each week. Which means it won't go on the regular vote, but that's a whole other issue.

What will the vote be for? The setting for the next update. See, this is a crossover thread spanning multiple anime/manga series. Each remains seperate, but each will have an influence upon the next. Thus, the ending of one episode will have an effect on whatever the next piece of continuity is. For example: If  Kyon expressed a desire for wealth at the end of a given episode, and then Code Geass won the following week then Lelouch would wake up the next morning with a room covered with gold coins. That sort of thing would happen each week.

Obviously one concern is the possibility that the same series wins multiple weeks in a row. There are two ways I can think of to prevent this from occuring: The first is that once a series wins, it cannot appear again in the votes until all series have won. The other is that a series cannot participate the week after it has won. If anyone else can think of anything, I am all ears.

Here is the story's introduction. I hope you enjoy it.

Story: Urusei Yatsura: First Impressions

I had intended to do this one next week, but inspiration struck early. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Story: Rei Swarm

This is the last Evangelion story from that fatesplit. I've been told that the first part is perhaps a little too long and should be cut a little bit somewhere. Does anyone else agree with this assessment? And if so, do you have any suggestions on how it should be cut down?

Discussion: Sexy Akane

This is a bit of a tricky one, because I can so easily see it devolving into yet another "Ranma gets a sexy harem" thread. I don't like doing those these days because they feel sort of empty and soulless. So with that in mind, here's what I've got.

Thread Voting: Open Until 11th November

Following discussions over the course of last week, I have decided that each thread mentioned within a single vote must be cast for a different thread. This is the method the majority wanted and to be honest I agree with this way of doing things. And so, we open up a new thread. Happy voting!

Saturday 3 November 2012

Test: New Table Format

Just trying out something I saw online. I've felt that the table format needed changing for a while now, to make it easier for me to sort and let anyone search through it. So, I've been looking online for things that would let me do just that. Unfortunately I need to publish this to check if it works, which is why this went up. Here's what I've come up with.
I think that's about as good as I can get it. Would this format be preferred?