Sunday 11 August 2019

Thread Voting: Open Until 11th August

Story: UY Side Effects of Hypnotism

Story: The Shinobu I Know

Story: Alternate Runner

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Story: Double Trouble

Story: Forbidden Love

Story: Dont Press 1/2

You have to be careful when you're on a dungeon crawl. There's no way of knowing what might be around the next bend. Case in point, Akane was leaning around a wall and Ranma (as well as Ryoga ) were making very, very sure that they did not peer too closely at her in that skimpy attire.

“Is it getting colder in here?” Ukyo said, trying to think of any other explanation for something happening on her chest. She turned to Ryoga, and noticed that he'd failed his willpower check, earning a quick elbow to the ribs. "I said cold, not hot!"

"I don't see anything hot around here..." Ranma grumbled.

"Uh oh," Akane said. "It's worse than I feared."

And that's a sound you don't want to hear from the person that knows what they're doing. Genuine nervousness. Not a great reassuring trait, especially from someone that was normally pretty bullheaded about danger.

"What is it?" Ranma asked. "Is it a giant? A horde of orcs, maybe?"

"Oh! Maybe it's a beholder!" Ukyo gasped. "I've read about those, they're nasty!"

"It's worse than any monster," Akane said. She straightened out her “armour” and strode around the corner. "It's -"

"A death trap!" Ranma interrupted. "Man, no wonder you're worried. Once a clumsy chick, always a clumsy chick."

"It's not a death trap and it's not a monster! It's -"

"A rival party spoiling for a fight!" Ryoga interrupted, and Akane was starting to get really tired of this running gag."That's how these things go, right? We're not the only ones to show up."

"It's not any of those," Akane said with grim determination. "It's worse. Much, much worse."

Ranma pushed past her with head held high. "Whatever it is, I'm not scared. Let me show you how a real hero deals with woaaaaaaaaah!"

"It's an ice puzzle," Akane said while watching Ranma slide on his butt along a pure white surface. "The most tedious, predictable and trite kind of puzzle imaginable. Truly, his evil knows every cliche."

"Oh god it's worse than I -" Ukyo began, then stopped when Ranma finally collided with the wall on the other side. "Worse than I thought."

Ice puzzles. The bane of any RPG veteran. They are almost as omnipresent as block pushing puzzles, and heaven help you if they're used at the same time. The premise is simple. The floor (or parts of it) are extremely slippery, to the point that on stepping on them the player will slide along until they reach an obstacle or a patch of non-slippery floor. The player cannot move in any other direction while on this 'ice', and must wait until they can stop before moving again. The puzzle, then, is figuring out what direction to move will lead you to the exit.

These puzzles are, to say the least, not very interesting or imaginative. Especially not after the billionth time you've seen them. There's not much you can really do here that's not been done by many, many other people before you.

"Ranma, stay where you are!" Akane called out. "We need to figure out a way through this room!"

"I'll take a look around myself!" Ranma said. Here we go. One of Ranma's unspoken weak points. Ice. As in, can't stand on it. While it was amusing to watch Ranma fall on his butt over and over again, Akane really and truly did not have the time or patience to deal with this right now. "Woah!"

"Look, just sit down and let me look things over!" Akane said. "Honestly Ukyo, these things are annoying enough as they are without him blundering on in to -"

"Oopsie doodle!"

Imagine a cold finger pressing right into the middle of your back. All of a sudden. Without warning. Just, a stick of coldness pressing right into your back. No matter how experienced an adventurer you might be, such a thing would always provoke the same reaction. A startled jump, a frightened leap, and Akane Tendo suddenly sliding across the room with her arms flailing out and shouting at the top of her lungs:

"This is why I haaaaaate theeeesee!"

"Tomboy incoming!" Ranma yelled, scrambling to his feet and then falling right back on his tailbone. On the plus side he did get a faceful of Akane's crotch for his trouble. And a couple times more as Akane had trouble standing up, almost as if someone else was trying to use her to get to his feet and was more clumsy on ice than she was in any circumstance.

Meanwhile off the ice Ukyo was having her own trouble, in no small part due to Ryoga quickly stepping into the corner of the room and staying very, very quiet out of a justified mortal terror.

"Madame, it is a pleasure to meet you," Mikado Sanzenin crooned. No, he wasn't the reason Ryoga was afraid, don't be silly. "Allow me to steal those lips, a special prize for one so beauti-"

Wham! The only thing his lips stole was the taste of her steel spatula. Speaking of spatulas getting stolen, here comes Azusa Shiratori with a cute name and a freezing cold pair of hands.

"Marcelle! Oh, Marcelle, please come with Azusa!"

"Hey, let go of my battle spatula, you maniac!" Ukyo yelled. And so begins the perpetual tug of war that is Azusa's ditzy kleptomania.

"Y-You two!" Akane yelled, having finally managed to disentangle herself from Ranma. Now, admittedly, this did involve him being pressed up against the wall behind her, while Akane used her own body weight to keep him pinned in place. Do note that due to her, ahem, armour she was shivering quite a bit and Ranma had already gone cross-eyed. Having a cute busty mostly not clothed girl pressing her butt into your crotch and shivering from the cold would do that to a guy. "You two... You've been recruited as minibosses?"

"That's correct, Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome!" Mikado said, tossing out a rose as he twirled in place, sweeping Azusa out of the tug of war over Marcelle the Battle Spatula. "It is us, yet again! For our destined rematch! You see, it is as you have said. We have been recruited to serve as minibosses! Tremble in fear at our newfound might, the might of the Go-"

"Who are you again?" Akane asked. "Ranma, I think these two have met us before."

Both Mikado and Azusa, quite understandably, fell down at that remark.

"We're the Golden Pair!" Mikado yelled. Blank stares met them. "You know, the renowned Martial Arts Ice Skating duo?"

"Oh!" Ukyo said, pounding her fist into her hand. "You're that chick with the pom poms that likes to randomly spell stuff out, right?"

"That's Mariko Konjo!" Azusa huffed. "That bimbo is, like, totally nothing at all like me! I'm way cuter!"

"Then you must be that guy with the long tongue!" Akane said. Ranma, as his contribution to the conversation, gurgled and tried very hard (poor choice of words) to avoid thinking about the increased volume of Akane's butt and how nice it felt and how nice she smelled... "Well, you won't be getting Ranma's daughter in that wager, buster! I'll see to it myself if I have to!"

"That's Picolet Chardin! How dare you confuse me with that fop! I'm Mikado Sanzenin, the handsome and dashing playboy who steals the lips of pretty girls!"

"And I'm Azusa Shiratori, the loveable and adorable girl who - Oh gosh! Brianna! Why do you have Brianna?!"

"You see this nonsense?" Mikado said, pointing at Azusa trying to steal the ribbon in Ukyo's hair. "Doesn't this seem at all familiar? Remember? Her trying to steal a little black pig?"

Blank stares were his answer.

"Oh, I remember now!" Akane gasped. "Sa-Saffron! Keima! You've come back for another round!" She held up her staff,  “I beat up a real evil god I can take you!”

"If I was Saffron this entire fucking building would have been burned to the fucking ground by now! How could you possibly forget us after the intense combat we had?!"

"Uhhhh...." Ranma grunted, finally finding the resolve within himself to ignore the butt up against him. "Oh hey, it's Ryu Kumon and Asuka Saginomiya, what are they doing together?"

Mysteriously, Mikado had found a box of matches and a can of oil. He started doing something that nobody should really do if they have any semblance of sanity about them. Namely, building a matchbox house while pouring the oil on the ice.

"How... How is it possible that you've forgotten us?" Mikado asked. "How have you forgotten our devastating battle at the ice rink?"

Ranma coughed into his hand and started twiddling his thumbs. "Well, I mean... I kind of fight esoteric martial arts styles every other week."

“And it’s been years for me," Akane added. "You can’t expect me to remember somebody who showed up once, got their asses kicked, and I never saw you again.”

"I'm just trolling," Ukyo said. Do note that she was now without a ribbon in her hair, as it was an easily replaceable item and in that situation it's easier to deal with Azuza by simply giving that to her than fighting for it. "That televised fight was actually how I found out where Ranma was hiding. Huge help in tracking him down. So, thanks I guess?"

  1. Cue an epic battle over an annoying ice puzzle.
  2. Actually, the battle will come after solving it. They're just here to taunt the party.
  3. All of a sudden Ryoga Hibiki is noticed by Azusa
  4. Something else

Story: When a Guy's Pride and Joy Causes a Deal with the Devil

Sunday 4 August 2019

Discussion: Cocknosis DxD + Side Effects of Hypnotism

Story: Curvy Rei

Story: Own Personal Shampoo

Story: Akane + Shampoo 2 to 1

Story: Tsundere Thighs

Under normal conditions this would be the point where Akane would heavily consider the tremendous amount of violence that she would lay upon the person involved in putting this curse upon her. Oh, make no mistake. It would be a <i>collosal</i> amount of violence. Not lethal. No, no. However angry she got she wouldn't ever take it that far. But it's amazing what a person can live through, and she knew quite a lot of submission holds.

But right now Akane was wearing the Reversal Jewel in its Love Enhancing position. Nicely pinned to her hair to make sure that even getting naked and nasty with someone it would stay on. So that kind of anger described before simply couldn't manifest within her right now. It was outright impossible. Now, she was certainly embarrassed by the sudden transformation making her clothes fall off, but angry? No, no, no. When you're full to the brim with love, something like anger simply isn't possible. It's like trying to put out a raging inferno with a drop of water, it simply isn't going to work.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in," Akane called, already fully dressed again. It was her sister Nabiki! Oh, how nice of her to come on in. She walked right on over and hugged her, a great big friendly loving embrace.

"... You're full of energy this morning," Nabiki said. "If I knew you'd get this affectionate after embracing your repressed lesbian tendencies, I'd have set you and Shampoo up months ago."

Akane giggled. “Oh Nabiki, that’s silly. It’s bisexual tendencies!”

"You're definitely under some kind of spell," Nabiki flatly said. Aw, how cute, she was worried. "I don't like it, I can't needle you like this. You probably wouldn't even react in a fun way if I asked how you like your Chinese."

"Oh, I like hot and spicy dishes! You know that, big sis!" Akane said, completely oblivious to the joke Nabiki was making at her expense because, of course, she loved her big sister so, so much.

"Tsch! I bet it was hot and spicy..." Nabiki grumbled. "You should've invited me in too, you know. The things I'd have done to your thicc form... Kind of wondering what sort of weird stuff Shampoo came up with for that matter, that girl always struck me as a total freak."

"Shampoo?" Akane tilted her head. "Goodness me, where has that kitty gone? Oh, I'm sure Kasumi will make something for her to eat.”

Yeah, so Nabiki was well past the point of enjoying any of this. She'd been hoping to push Akane into saying or doing something tsun to her so they could have some fun in the 'tsun', so to speak.  But somehow Akane had become a bodhisattva. Unphased by everything. Full of love for everything in her line of sight. It was sweet. It was flowery. It was so completely out of character that it was making Nabiki nauseous.

"Say, what's that thing in your hair?" Nabiki asked. "Let me see that a second..."

She reached out and plucked the jewel from Akane's hair. It was a bit of a long shot, but Nabiki was certainly canny (and annoyed) enough to seek out the potential cause of Akane's behaviour so she could properly crush it underfoot. Sure enough, the instant it was unpinned Akane's eyes flickered to life, and the younger sister grabbed Nabiki hard by the shoulders and then shook her about like a ragdoll.

“I had sex with Shampoo.” Akane said in a voice gradually rising in pitch. “No wait, I <b>fucked</b> Shampoo. I made her eat me out! I dominated her in the sack and made her my bitch!”

Then she sunk to her knees, rolled over to the corner of her room and rocked gently back and forth muttering to herself.

"It was the tsun that did it, yes, the tsun. It was her fault, not mine. Yes, definitely not doing that again and definitely not with Ranma - wait, I shouldn't blame him or I'll transform again... This is so frustrating, I have to watch what I say, every single word..."

In the meantime Nabiki's centre of balance had recovered. Mostly. She was still a bit wobbly after that sudden treatment, but she was more than capable of walking a few steps until she was behind her little sister. Then her hand reached out, tousled her hair, and she lowered her body down onto the floor and hugged her little sister from behind.

"Wuv you sis!" Nabiki said, kissing Akane on the cheek. "Please go tsun for me, you're soooo cute like that!"

Right. Well. There was only one logical response to this turn of events.


This was bad. This was bad. This was very, very bad. He'd had sex with Kasumi. He'd banged her. He'd taken her. He'd done unspeakable things to her. Well, strictly speaking it wasn't <i>him</i> per se, but rather some oversexed transformation of himself - but right now semantics didn't seem like the sort of thing to dwell on.

"Akane's gonna kill me," he griped. “She’ll get Mom’s sword and cut my head off. Oh god Mr. Tendo’s going to make me marry Kasumi and <b>then</b> Akane’ll chop my head off.”

He kept on conjuring up scenarios like that as he got dressed. Punishments he'd have to endure for this mortal sin, this betrayal of trust, this moral misconduct. He had <b>defiled</b> something pure!

No sooner had he finished dressing - which actually took a while since he was so distracted by the hell that awaited him - than Akane threw open the door to his room, an intense look on her face that he'd rarely ever seen before now. She then rushed right into the room, directly towards him with her head low and tears in her eyes.

"I didn't mean it!" he protested, bringing up his hands to wave them around as if it would somehow ward off the guilt. "I swear, I wasn't in my right mind! It was the spell! It was the -"

Then she reached him and dove into his arms. "Ranma! Help! Nabiki's gone insane!"

Uh, that's really not what he was expecting right about now. Nor was he expecting - of all people - Nabiki to slink into the room all seductive like.

"Hi, you two!" Nabiki said, coyly waving at them both. "I wuv you both."

Ranma had never been more terrified in his life except for all the times involving cats. “She’s been possessed by Satan!” He shouted.

"Oooh, not quite!" Nabiki tittered. Tittered! Affectionately! Showing favourable emotion!. "Insult me more. Go thicc for me. Show me your tsun side."

"Ranma, I'm scared!"

"It's okay, Akane! I won't let her get you!"

All of a sudden the fact that the two of them had railed Kasumi/Shampoo last night was kind of put to the backburner for a little bit. Which makes this seem like a really good time to check in on those two right now.


There is no afterglow quite like 'I got railed by a thicc god among men/women' afterglow. Kasumi was practically floating in the kitchen, while Shampoo sipped some tea like it was ambrosia.

"It funny," Shampoo said. "Shampoo not realise how much in desperate need of that."

"Oh yes, I quite understand where you're coming from," Kasumi mused. "I suppose the transformation helped me realise what I was holding myself back from."

“True form. It clearly Akane’s true goddess form. Perfect and beautiful.” Shampoo said with a happy sigh.

Kasumi had a happy thought of Ranma and Akane being like that permanently. She squeezed her thighs together.

"We need to find out more about this spell they're both under," Kasumi said. Shampoo nodded so hard that if she wasn't careful her head might fall off. "There must be a reliable way to make sure they're in the right form when we want them that way."

“When would we <b>not</b> want Airen and Goddess that way?”

“When we need to focus on something other than them.” Kasumi said. "Recall the fate of Narcissus"

"Didn't he stare at reflection in pond?"

"Yes, but the point still stands," Kasumi said. "We do occasionally need to do things other than stare in wonder at their glorious, divine, thicc bodies."

Cue a tumbling sound coming down the stairs. Both Shampoo and Kasumi turned to look, and saw Akane and Ranma in a tumbled heap with Nabiki clinging onto them for dear life, nuzzling her cheeks into both of their thighs at once.

"Hey, clumsy! Watch where you're going!" Ranma yelled.

"Me, clumsy? You're the one that wasn't watching where he was going!"

Cue the transformation as the tsun-tsun took hold. Under their fresh change of clothes, their legs grew more sturdy, Ranma's muscles packed up to the point his shirt was stretched to the limits, while Akane's breasts swelled up like the sun rising from the darkest night. Akane’s thighs immediately stretched her skirt to the limit, and turned what was once a modest knee length piece of clothing to a mini-skirt that barely covered her panties. Ranma’s arms became like steel rods, only they were fully capable of showing a woman all the tender love she needed, as Kasumi had learned last night. Both of their asses became firm and shapely in the way a perfect sculpture is formed. Overall, Shampoo and Kasumi watched the changes like a starving man watching a spit roast getting cooked over an open flame.

"You know, maybe Narcissus have right general idea," Shampoo said. "Look at pretty thing too too much fun."

  1. Cue sexy fun times.
  2. Ranma and Akane start arguing when they learn what the other did last night.
  3. Wait, are Kasumi and Shampoo still thicc or do they change with our protagonists now? Find out here! (or not)
  4. Something Else

Story: Asuka the Lab Rat

I think this one needs a bit more work still, but I didn't have time to refine it. I'll take suggestions in the comments, and work it over when time permits.

Story: Drive