Sunday, 16 June 2019

Story: Milly's Geass

Let's talk chemistry for a bit. It's really quite an interesting topic, discussing the myriad ways in which atoms interact with each other. For example, Hydrogen and Oxygen. On Earth they combine to create perhaps the most common chemical, water. Itself a fascinating compound with numerous properties, often known as the "Universal solvent" for its ability to wear down virtually anything, with sufficient time. It's colourless (save a slight blue tinge), odorless, tasteless and it is just about <i>everywhere</i> on the planet.

But then throw in something like Sodium into some water. What happens then? Why, you get a reaction. A quite violent one that can turn water into something else entirely, and quickly at that. This is the nature of chemicals, you see. Some things are fine by themselves, but when you mix them with other things you can get some wildly unpredictable results.

Case in point, Kallen Kozuki with a dash of Milly living in her headspace. What a dangerous combination this was turning out to be. Milly Ashford's perverted lustful playful nature, mixed with Kallen's tomboyish rebellious streak and overall dislike of Britannia. Quite the explosive combo!

At this moment in time she was strutting down that corridor in a super sexy bunny girl suit like a stripper walking onstage. Had this been a day ago, such an outfit would have caused her to turn a shade of red not unlike a well cooked lobster. As is, she did not show the slightest sign of embarrassment, and instead gave a confident wink to her fellow students as she walked past them.

"Milly must be putting her up to it."

"Yeah, she looks super cute though..."

Both points were right, though that first one... Not for reasons they might have expected. In any event. Kallen had just left Milly and Suzaku to fool around in the closet for a bit, which made this the perfect opportunity for her to slip off and set about her plan to corrupt the academy.

Step 1: Get the rest of the council on team. Her sexy, exotic, half Eleven booty would surely reduce that horny boy Rivalz and that closet shy lesbian Nina to putty in her hands in no time flat. Shirley would be a bit trickier but she was sure she could manage. That would be even if she was still in her uniform, but with her wearing this slutty thing... Kallen traced her finger around the revealed portion of her cleavage. She tugged the material down a fraction so it showed off the maximum amount of boob that she could get away with, that is without tearing the fabric. Then she tugged on the leotard to maximise the butt on display. Mmph! Nice! The only deadlier weapons at her disposal were attached to the Guren Mark 2.

She'd arrived. Kallen gingerly pushed the door open, and found Rivalz and Nina by themselves. Nina was sitting on the corner of the table, lounging back in a way that was completely unlike her. Heh. letting her millyness peek out a little. Rivalz was sitting back with his hands squared up, like he was framing a shot. Not actually all that different there all truth told.

To be honest, now that she thought about it, bringing along a camera wouldn’t have been that stupid. Gotta immortalize these events you know? Well, they could always do that another time and then share it with the rest of the student body.. oh, she wondered how Lelouch would react to such a video.

"Hi guys," Kallen called. She pulled into the room and gave a quick twirl around. "What do you think?"

"Goodness, someone looks fancy," Nina said, eyes sparkling.

"You'd better be careful wandering around like that," Rivalz said. "Kallen, who knows what sort of sinful thoughts you could be causing!"

"I know," Kallen said. She leaned forward and <i>oops</i> was that her nipple? "It's a shame  I won't ever find out. Where's Shirl?"

"Lelouch swung by. I think she's off having fun with him," Rivalz said.

"Lucky guy," Nina mused. Kallen nodded. Both of them were kind of lucky actually. The Milly part of her brain was quite insistent that the two of them made for a cute couple.

But anyway. She was here for a reason. As such, Kallen got down to business. Of the two of them Nina would be the harder seduction, and so she started by giving Nina an open mouthed kiss right on the lips.

"Sorry," Kallen said. "I'm feeling a bit frisky, ever since I put this on."

“Well, I guess it cannot be helped if you are feeling lonely.” Rivalz said, tilting his head and giving her a very appreciative once over. “After all, they say that bunnies can die of loneliness.” He continued, even as Kallen proceed to pose, pushing out her bust for the other two’s entertainment. "We already got all the paperwork done for today, so how about I take a few pictures of the two of you?"

Pictures, huh? Kallen leaned over the table and thrust out her butt, making sure to wiggle her tail around. "Make sure to get my good side," she joked.

"Why don't you sit on the edge of the table?" Rivalz asked. "Nina can sit behind you."

Perfect. An excellent opportunity for her to get her seduction game going. It wouldn't take much to lure the two of them into a threesome, and then... well, by the time she was done they'd be quite pliable, quite susceptible to her ideas.

“Oh, that sounds like fun!” Nina said, opening her uniform until a little of her chest and bra became visible. And wow, she was licking her lips, the Milly part of her mind was really helping these closet lesbian parts to come to the surface. Kallen sat on the table with her back pressed up against Nina's chest. Not bad. Not as nice as Kallen's, but still!

"Nina, put your head on Kallen's shoulder," Rivalz instructed. "Uh... Kallen, try putting your hands over Nina's head. Yeah, that's it. Really lean back into her! Wait... Hold on, let me do something here."

"You smell nice," Nina said. Then out of nowhere she kissed Kallen right on the lips. Ooh! Not bad, things went smoother than expected. Oh, and Rivalz was adjusting Kallen's legs into a more seductive position. Knees together, tucked in a little to the side. No complaints here! Nina pulled away and then turned Kallen's head towards the camera, right in time for a flash of light that, for a brief moment, left Kallen's eyes showing nothing but dots.

"All done," Rivalz said. Huh. His voice sounded weirdly flat right now. "Kallen Stadtfeld is contained."

What? What did he mean by - Kallen tried to stand up but wound up toppling over to the ground. Wh-what is this?! Her legs had handcuffs on them, and - and her arms were cuffed behind her back!

"If you guys wanted some bondage play, all you had to do was ask," Kallen said.

Huh. Weird. Both Rivalz and Nina were sort of standing at attention for some reason, staring off into space. Kallen didn't get it. What was happening here? Why were they acting like this? But this question fell to the wayside as a new unexpected figure entered, coming in from a side room. The last person she expected to see here today.

He was a tall figure wearing a purple striped tuxedo and a long flowing cape. As for his face, who knows? The mask he was wearing rather hid it too well.

"Kallen, my ace! To see you fall this low brings a tear to my eye," Zero said. Yes, Zero! The enigmatic mysterious leader of the Black Knights! Kallen squirmed. Oh! Oh yes! This was the one man Kallen had ever felt such intense lust towards in her life! Combine that with her new perverted outlook, and she'd seriously consider doing just about anything to get into his bed! "Rivalz, gag her."

"Like hell I'm going to -"

"Kallen, if you let Rivalz gag you then I shall spank your bottom."

On hearing that she practically stuffed the gag into her own mouth. Zero shook his head. "I can hardly believe that worked. Truly, this is a sinister power at work." He stepped across the room, hesitantly lifted up his hand and brought it down on her upraised eager butt. Ah! She barely felt it, but what she felt was more than enough! Kallen could die happy now!

"A shame we could not restrain Milly herself, but Kallen is a good start," Lelouch said. "With Shirley and Sayoko otherwise occupied, the only concerns now are Suzaku and Milly herself. Nina! Is the mirror set up in the corridor?"

"Yes Master Zero," Nina said. "I have also set up another mirror on the opposite corner. She will not know that you are present until it is already too late."

"Very well then," Zero said. "Rivalz, I would have you find a means to distract Suzaku. Make use of Arthur, pretend that Euphemia has called for him, I care not what you do. At the same time, Nina! You shall lure Milly into our trap. Then we shall have the means to ensure this farce ends, and we may all return to our normal state of affairs."

But that's the trouble with chemical reactions. Sometimes, no matter how you plan it, something is bound to come up that throws a wrench into everything. Sometimes, you get a reaction you weren't expecting... And given the way that Lelouch's life seems to work you should already expect that something was going to go wrong with whatever his brilliant scheme was...

  1. Shirley gets out of the room and is already on the prowl.
  2. Milly winds up tagging Lelouch with her Geass.
  3. Same as above - but Lelouch tags Milly at the same time.
  4. Milly's Geass has evolved, and now Kallen can use it as well.
  5. Something else

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