Kurumu was a smarter girl than she might behave, although right now she didn't quite feel that way. There was a pleasant buzzing at the back of her head that was making it super hard to concentrate on anything, and her butt was super sensitive, and she really wanted to continue chewing that gum.
Still. This whole situation was definitely getting her cunning brain tick, ticking away. These three girls. Let's see. Based on the way they were talking amongst themselves...
"She's not gone completely vapid," said the shortest of the girls. "I think she's just about figured out what kind of monsters we are, so she's not a <i>bimbo</i> by any means, <i>yet</i>."
Bimbo. The anti-bimbo league. Kurumu reflexively pursed her lips, trying to blow a bubble. Nngh! That was frustrating! The lack of a pop was definitely getting to her, after chewing on it for so long. There was just something oh so satisfying about seeing a pink bubble forming and growing until it went boom.
Anyway. That short girl was probably a Satori. From Japanese folklore, they read minds and are forced to repeat what they think.
"And I think that this whole situation is getting on my last nerve!" the Satori yelled. She grabbed hold of Kurumu's shoulders and began to violently shake her around. "Can you imagine what it's like?! Hearing all those vapid sexual thoughts from every. Single. Girl. I come across? It's the worst! I am losing brain cells by the minute!
The largest girl put her hand on the Satori's shoulder and patted her reassuringly. "Empty of thought, yet full of desire, brain lost to.. current fashion.” She paused, scowling and grumbling to herself that she would have to think this over a bit more.
Which led quite naturally to what this monster must be. A Sphinx. They're kind of hugely obsessed with riddles and puzzles. As for the last of them...
"Pouring wisdom into a bimbo's brain is like pouring water into a sieve," the last girl said. She was sitting in a meditative position at the back of the room. "Allowing their foolish antics to continue would be folly for all monsterkind."
“Hey like, I totally don’t have holes!” Kurumu paused, then blinked a few times as a sudden revelation came to her mind. “Well.. at least not that many.”
“We need to cleanse her of this mindlessness, otherwise capturing her was pointless.” The final girl added, eyes slightly opened and gazing upon the bound Succubus.
Well, that was hardly fair! They were treating Kurumu like an idiot. She pursed her lips and blew another bubble - gah! No pop! That's right, they'd taken her gum away.
"She's getting worse," the Satori warned. "Make her stand up. I'm pretty sure that gum was doing something to her... her rear end."
“So, mind at least filling me in on what's going on around here?" Kurumu asked. "Anti-Bimbo league? What's this all about exactly?"
The three members of the league looked to one another nervously. Then nodded in agreement.
“The new shop that has been selling things has nothing but cursed goods. They sap the user’s intelligence, bleach their hair and turn their bodies into oversexed parodies of themselves.” Said the third member of the group, and somehow the words seemed to sink right into Kurumu’s mind even past the distraction being caused by the pressure on her sensitive butt. "We're trying to figure out a way to break that curse and you seemed like the right girl to start with."
"Eh? Why me?" Kurumu asked. The girl was right, so far as she was concerned, but she wanted to understand her reasoning a bit better.
"You were a bit of a ditz before this even started," the Sphinx began. "Also, you are part of the newspaper club, so you can help get the word out faster."
"This assumes that we find a cure," the Satori said. "As far as I can tell, none of us have any better ideas than a basic detox routine. I doubt it'll be that easy."
If Kurumu didn't know any better, she'd swear blind that she was just insulted. Treating her like an idiot! Bah! She blew a bubble - Blast it, she kept on forgetting! Still... Still, that did leave some interesting possibilities. If she was becoming, like, a sexual parody of herself then wouldn't that mean she'd have less difficulty seducing Tsukune? She was certain that she was wearing that boy down already, but that would surely make the process move much quicker...
The Satori rapped her knuckles on top of Kurumu's head. "No! Bad! Stop thinking about boys when we're trying to cure you of being a bimbo airhead!"
"I'm not thinking about <i>boys</i>," Kurumu harrumphed. "I'm thinking about one boy in particular, I'll have you know..."
This was where things got a little interesting. To step away from Kurumu's internal thoughts for a moment, let us consider the succubus. Yes, yes, let's think for a moment about how hot they are. But no, really. Let's think about them in a more clinical sense for a bit. In this universe Succubi don't feed on lust but rather love. It was their core of being, their source of strength and the reason why they went to such great heights to find their “chosen one”. A broken heart was not a small thing for a Succubus, and could hurt them in a far more literal manner than it would do for a normal girl.
But then what about the converse? What about a young Succubus whose mind was now empty of any doubt regarding love related manners. Not the slightest uncertainty regarding whether she would end up with the one she adored, a heart that beats with both lust and love at once. Let it be known, a woman scorned was fearsome, but a Succubus in love was terrifying beyond belief.
Also hot, really freaking hot.
Kurumu blew a bubble with her gum, and it made a satisfying pop sound .Mmm! That was the stuff!
"Huh? What the... did you have another stick of gum?" the Sphinx asked.
"Oh, that's right. You took it away," Kurumu said, and the gum vanished from her mouth.
“Wait.. is her stupidity warping reality?” Satori asked, one eye twitching at the mere prospect.
"Not at all," the last girl said, shaking her head slowly. Oh! Now Kurumu got it! She must be, like, a Hakutaku! "A Succubus has the power to cast illusions. That was simply an extremely potent illusion. Much the same way that those three naked boys currently kissing her are also illusions, conjured up by her horny bimbo brain."
Sure enough, there were three naked oiled up Tsukunes kissing Kurumu in allllll the right places.
"She isn't doing this deliberately," the Satori said. "I don't think detoxing is going to work. If becoming a bimbo is making her this much stronger -"
"Then we must analyse this gum's properties to discover the truth," the Hakutaku said. "I have friends in the science department. We shall examine this gum's composition, and then develop a cure. Both of you, look after Kurumu while I am gone. Try to ease her out of this bimbo state of mind."
"Easier said than done," the Sphinx said. "Perhaps a few riddles would be of help?"
"Didn't need to read your mind to know that's where you'd go," Satori shook her head. "You are aware that there are more intellectual pursuits than riddles and puzzles, right?"
"Name three!"
"Art, Mathematics and Chess.” The Satori answered dutifully
"Mathematics is a form of puzzle solving," the Sphinx said, sticking out her tongue.
Kurumu sighed contently in the midst of her Tsukune harem. Gosh, if this was an illusion, it was a good one. Normally she couldn't go textile like this. "Oh, not there!" she giggled, as one of the Tsukunes started working over her feet. "I'm ticklish!"
Ah... but she was being selfish. Getting pampered like this when there were two uptight girls in front of her who were in such desperate need of calming down. The trouble was right now the only thing she could think of that could hope to unwind a girl was -
"Woah! C-Cut that out, you stupid bimbo succubus!" the Satori yelled.
"St-stop that!" the Sphinx squeaked. "Nooo! How did you puzzle out my sensitive areas?!"
- By giving them their own hot guys to fool around with! Not Tsukune, obviously, because he was hers.. well the others could join in if they acknowledged her superior hotness. But not girls she didn’t even know the names of!
"Knock knock!" a voice from outside the hidden room called out. "I hear someone, like, totally hiding in here! Teehee! You shouldn't fool around like this!"
The entrance to the hidden room then swung open, and the librarian from before sauntered on in. The effect was like a cold bucket of water being poured all over Kurumu. Hold on a second, I need to dwell on that mental image for a while longer... Soaking wet Kurumu is not a thought you just have and move on from, after all. With her jumper clinging to her chest, her nipples sticking out because they're cold. Her already short skirt stuck to her thighs. The fact that she'd have to take those clothes off soon if she wanted to avoid catching something... Maybe a cute little sneeze as well.
Anyway! The point was, she hadn't really taken in the librarian's appearance the first time she'd seen the woman today. She'd seemed a bit ditzy, a bit oversexualised, but a succubus wasn't going to think too much or for too long about it. But pair it up with what these weird girls were saying and certain things were becoming more and more evident.
The librarian was a bimbo. A complete and total space cadet. And she was hot enough to melt an iceberg in the depth of winter by winking at it!
If Mizore was her, she would probably be a puddle by now!
“Hehe, no playing games like this in the library! Now I will have to <i>pu~nish</i> you.
"Um! Can I, like, join this Anti-Bimbo League?" Kurumu asked. "All of a sudden, what you were saying before sounds a whole lot more believable!"
She wasn’t just saying this because she was worried about the librarian stealing away Tsukune either. No sir, not at all!
"Oh sure we'd be happy to have you join just <i>cancel this illusion already!</i>"
Oh. Right. The illusion. Kurumu immediately dispelled it. But, uh, kept one naked oiled up super buff Tsukune behind. For personal reasons. Which rather left one important issue: What to do about this bimbo librarian?
- It turns out that Kurumu's Charm is a *lot* more powerful as well.
- The Librarian's monster powers have also received a boost (fatesplit for what kind of monster she is)
- Meanwhile back at the Newspaper Club, time to investigate the body wash.
- Tsukune and Ruby have their own investigation going on.
- Shizuka helps other students start their path to bimboness.
- Something else
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