Sunday, 3 May 2015

Discussion: Sleeping with the Enemy + Milly Gets a Geass

Sleeping with the Enemy: So, follow on with Ami and Blue or go to other pairings? There's still a lot to cover here, and I'm not sure which way to go quite yet.

Milly Gets a Geass: Plenty of potential fun to be had here as well. Perhaps Milly tries to pretend all is normal while plotting to have fun with the other council members.

This is one of those cases where both threads have so many potentially fun ideas that I don't really want to narrow it down to any of them. I'd really appreciate hearing what you would like to see from either of these.


  1. Milly gets a Geass: I propose that we have a second threesome featuring Kallen and Shirley! then Milly can have another "Surveying" time! gauging Kallen's breasts against Shirley's! then at the cliffhanger Lelouch enters with a WTF expression. Whaddya say?

  2. Milly Gets a Geass is really fun. Definitely think Milly should stay in Kallen's body for now. Hm, has Milly found out yet if she can transfer her 'ownership' through one of her puppets, like, she sent Kallen to Lelouch to see if Kallen's body could take over Lelouch in exchange for losing Rivalz.

    1. Yeah, but wouldnt it have to be Rivalz that has to use the Geass, to make the transfer? Would that make sense?

    2. That's what I'm wondering, if they could use one person as a conduit. Like... I guess I'm imagining if Milly were really devious, and she kept trading people to get higher and higher clones of herself, but she wouldn't want the second-highest to automatically return to normal, because they'd wonder where they were, how they got there, etc. She'd want them to return home first, to sit in peace until their 'ownership' needed to be passed on.

      I'm very tired.

    3. Almost like a "sleeper" agent?

    4. Yeah that's a good term for it.

    5. That might make it a little too powerful, no?

  3. And what does Lumitiel have to say?

  4. I have to agree with tuatara here, that might make it a little too powerful.

    Still, I can see her experimenting a little bit. Having a bit of fun with Shirley doesn't seem like a bad plan, really.

    Any thoughts on Sleeping with the Enemy?
