Sunday, 17 March 2013

Discussion: Love Pendant Usagi

It feels like only yesterday I was writing this one last. Ah, how the time does fly by. Let's take a look at what possibilities exist for this one.

I think that the thread has stalled on having Sailor Moon actually appear long enough, quite honestly. Now that we have established roughly what it does and the effect it's having on Usagi this is the ideal time to get into what is likely the meat of the story: The effect this has on the Sailor Scouts.

In particular, one idea I thought might be amusing was a reversal of the norm. Instead of the sailors being corrupted by an enemy, they corrupt the enemy instead. How does that sound to everyone? I also think Luna should be... How to put it... concerned regarding Usagi's behaviour, and probably try to take away the pendant when she notices it.

What thoughts do you all have?


  1. Sounds fun, especially with how a lot of youma hide as beautiful women or men before being discovered.

    Does it corrupt her transformation? Her powers not moondusting youma but leaving devoted fans behind, working against the Negaverse? Perhaps she leaves a devoted saleswoman behind who just...loves selling jewelry? Helping turn Naru's Mom's shop into a city-wide sensation? It could be such a fitting punishment if she realized she could use the pendant to transform those abusing various desires of people to love helping them fulfill those desires?

    Of course, perhaps she decides that telling herself she loves being a super hero would help like it did for studying... Naturally she might not be thinking so straight when in her first combat either...

    Naru probably would figure her out pretty soon with the pendant as an extra hint around.

    Luna being the straight man helps, but I hope she's unsuccessful and subtle in her attempts to turn Usagi away :P Since there doesn't seem much funny if she succeeds (it just locks the status quo).

  2. As just a silly thought off the top of the head:

    Often, Sailor Moon crushes on Tuxedo Mask for quite a while before they cross paths. It's suggest of course that the same thing is going on there for him, destiny and cross love and all that...

    But it's not if she knows that right away. What if she suggested he was in love with her?

    Well, dunno where that'd go, but the very first meeting would definitely change the dynamic a bit. Moreso if she directed it at someone else.
