Sunday, 11 October 2020

Story: Rosario + Succubus


In a twisted up world where  the succubus has replaced the vampire as the most dominant monster in the world, one must wonder what has become of the vampires. Well, there was a vampire sitting in a tree, perched at the very top, looking down on Moka, face scrunched into a glare. Where the succubi had become overwhelmingly powerful monsters, the vampires were now far from apex predators. B-Rank monsters, upper middle class beasts. Respectable, and powerful for sure, but nothing that would inspire awe or make people cower in terror at their mere mention.

For those familiar with Kurumu as she is, don't worry too much. She still has the same knockout figure as before. The same hourglass body, the same thicc legs, the same trim waist, and the same big boobs and the same charming pretty face. Really, to look at her the only differences are that her skin is a touch paler and there are cute little fangs poking out the side of her mouth when she's not focusing on hiding them.

"Oooh, that stupid slutty succubus," Kurumu the vampire seethed, nibbling on her thumb out of sheer frustration. "How am I supposed to turn all the boys into my own personal ghoul army if they're all drooling after her absolutely flawless legs, effortless charm, and tits that I could get lost in for hours and hours, losing track of time as I forget why I even liked men in the first place."

This might go without saying, but the girl got it bad. Girl was also in denial about how bad she got it.

"And who decided that the succubus was the strongest monster anyhow?" Kurumu continued to seeth. "Can they uproot a tree with one hand? Can they juggle cars? Can they take a shot to the face with a wrecking ball and not even notice?"

No. The answer to that was no in all instances. Largely because if they asked, the tree would probably uproot itself, the cars might spontaneously learn to fly to impress her, and the wrecking ball would swerve out of her way rather than risk marring her features. While strength is often power, remember well the parable of the sun and the wind. The wind tried to blow the coat off a man and failed for he clung it to himself no matter how hard the wind blew, but the sun just flashed its tits and the man tossed his coat aside because he was getting some ass tonight.

Or something like that. I forget, this is a porn site, you know how it goes.

In any event. Kurumu knew what she had to do. There was only one way forward for her now. If she was going to get her ghoul army, she had to put that bitch in her rightful place. Which would be easier than it sounded. Kurumu had no illusions that picking a fight with Moka would result in her expulsion - or some secret harem of boys to jump out and mob her.

No, this needed a sneakier approach. A stealthier approach. And that boy... that boy was the absolute best way to go about it.


Tsukune woke up this morning, took one look around and then realised that he had not, in fact, had an awful and weird nightmare where he'd accidentally joined a school where he might be eaten alive at any moment but decided to stay of his own volition because he met a girl that run his bell harder than a hunchback.


Note to self: That sort of metaphor must never be spoken aloud at this school. It might be misunderstood.The last thing he wanted was for it to get out that he had a fetish for hunchbacks. While it was a serious medical condition, it might also turn out to be a monster type, and that would be the last thing he wanted to happen.

With a weary sigh, he dressed and stalked his way across campus, trying his best to avoid attention. The sole human in a school full of monsters. Like a chicken trying to fit in within a wolf pack. They might notice and eat him at any moment. There really was only one thing keeping him here, and that was... Moka.

Alright, so Moka was a succubus. That meant that she was probably inadvertently using some kind of bewitching magic to make him too horny to think straight around her. Or too horny to think any way but straight. Was staying around this obvious death trap worth it because she occasionally stuck her tongue down his throat like she was trying to extract gold?

Yes. The question didn't need more than a microsecond asked before that answer came back. Yes, yes, yes. Holy shit yes. He knew it was irrational. Largely because he'd tried really, really hard to rationalise it. And couldn't. That's when you know that something defies logic. The closest he got was the idea of her crying because he'd leave her alone if he fled the school, which held up for about three seconds before he realised he was weighing it against his own fucking life.

"Ooooh..." a girl's voice moaned in pain. Tsukune stopped in his tracks. Whatever else he might be in this situation he was still a pretty decent guy. Looking over, he saw a girl doubled over, sprawled on the ground, practically crawling and clutching her stomach. By the standards he would have from a week ago, she'd be the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Today, second place.

But this was no time to measure such things! "Ah, are you anemic?" he asked, and the girl nodded. "Hold on, let me help you up!" Tsukune put his head under her arm and dragged her up to her feet. She was light. Surprisingly light. "I'll get you to the nurse's -"

Then, he felt something nip against his neck and...

To explain this next part there's something from vampiric legend that comes up quite often. You see, there is a reason that vampires are often used within a romantic context. The conceit of drinking the blood of a lover to survive has strong and obvious horror vibes - but the intimacy of such an act is also easy to turn erotic. For this reason, you will quite often see it in mythology, where a vampire's bite does not hurt, and in fact actually feels good instead.

That's why, when Kurumu sank her fangs into Tsukune's neck, a smile crept onto his face and a tent mysteriously pitched in his trousers. Yes, it felt that good. Yes, the fact that his blood was being drank should make that biologically less likely to happen. It doesn’t matter, it just works. Its magic, I don’t have to explain shit.

"Mmm! Tasty!" Kurumu said, backing away and clutching happily at her cheeks. "If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were human. Oh, I needed that, it really hit the spot! Hi, I'm Kurumu and -"

Her smiling face fell as soon as she noticed who she was talking to.

"Sh-Shoot, I didn't mean to - Ack!"

And then she ran off. Yes, really. That wasn't her cunning plan. She actually was really hungry (or anemic if you prefer) and happened to run into Tsukune. Cue her showing off a side of herself that she's actually quite embarrassed about and, well, she didn't go for her plan even though it would have been super easy to pull off, what with Tsukune standing there with his mouth wide open, gurgling helplessly like that.


Moka was skipping. Happily frolicking through the hall, on the way to meet with her boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. He was a boy, and they were friends. That's what that meant, right? There wasn't anything more to their relationship than that, they were just a boy and a girl who happened to be close - Oh! There he is now!

"Good morning Tsukune!" Moka said, waving to the gurgling boy with an obvious erection standing out in the middle of the school courtyard. Note that she didn't think this was weird. You can speculate on why that is, and what past experiences she's had to make her feel that way. The thing that actually matters is that Moka leaned in and gave Tsukune's tonsils a firm taste test.

But only for a few seconds! Then she pushed him away and bowed in apology. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't kiss you like that out of nowhere!" Moka said. "I want you to be my boyfriend, not my lover!"

Tsukune, who had only just snapped out of his vampire kiss induced fugue state, started to draw diagrams in his head trying to make sense of that. "Uh...?" he began, and then Moka kissed him again.

<i>"Oooh, just charm him already! He's all but yours already, you big silly! Make that harem grow!"</i> said a slutty inner voice residing inside Moka's rosary.


Once again, Kurumu seethed like only a vampire could. Stupid! She'd driven him off into the arms of that... that... that sultry smoking hot trollop. Look at them. Look at the way his hands unconsciously trailed up her thigh. Look at the way she was practically humping into his clothed erection, passively feeding on his lust. And Kurumu's lust.

B-But it wasn't Moka's booty that was making Kurumu wet, no sir, no ma'am! It was... It was that extremely tasty boy. Kurumu licked her lips, savouring the memory of that blood. That sweet, rich humanlike blood. Oh gosh, she was growing flush!

"Oh, Tsukune! I'm so sorry!" Moka apologised again. Pushing him away. "It's just... you taste so good. I cannot help myself. But I won't ruin our relationship by inviting you to my room, strapping you to my bed and riding you for a week in the cowgirl position, occasionally feeding you my magical succubus breast milk to keep you from getting tired!"

"Your magical, what now?" Tsukune asked.

"Never mind that!" Moka said. "We are friends." Then she kissed him again. "There is nothing physical between us." Which would carry more weight if she wasn't rubbing her breasts up against his chest. Which... come to think of it! Kurumu smacked her fists into her palm. Genius! She could use that to distract men right before feeding on them! "I definitely don't want you to bend me over that gravestone and make me scream with pleasure while you run your hungry hands over my dirty little body."

"I'm going to be honest Moka, I'm getting a lot of mixed messa-" Tsukune began, only for Moka to push him back against the wall and for the makeout to resume.

Hrm... Interesting. What a really interesting conversation that was! Alright then. New plan. She's embarrassed herself in front of the boy so much that going for her original scheme might be a bit too embarrassing. So, maybe she could make use of that to get what she wanted.

  1. Kurumu approaches Moka to offer her 'relationship advice'.
  2. Kurumu decides to go with her original plan - feed Tsukune some of her blood and get him addicted to it.
  3. Before Kurumu can do anything, some bullies try to start shit with Tsukune.
  4. Kurumu and Moka aren't the only cast members that are now different monster types from canon.
  5. Something else

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