Of the pilots, Rei was the quiet one. The one who went along with everything. Who didn't have desires of her own, for she knew she was an artificial being - and that she was not the first Rei to exist, either. When one's sense of individuality is as thoroughly ruined as Rei Ayanami's, holding onto your own hopes and dreams is but folly. How can you have aspirations when there are so many just like you? That was how she felt. So she stayed quiet. Did as she was told.
Then along came Shinji Ikari, to give her a taste of freedom. Liberation. Wants. Desires. Bubbling up inside of her. Genuine kindness that asked for nothing in return. Concern for her wellbeing. However, she still kept such thoughts buried as they were completely pointless. Besides which, she was rather confident that the other member of their group was also harbouring romantic intentions towards him. So she would step aside.
That was then. This was a new Rei Ayanami. A Rei who had been given a taste of control, of domination over another and found the taste quite appealing.
"You seem surprised, Doctor Akagi," Rei said, slowly getting to her feet. She looked the good doctor up and down as if studying a piece of meat. "I like that. Surprise is a good look on you."
Ritsuko began to back away, but Rei was a touch faster. She grabbed the fleeing woman's arm, then yanked her back hard, causing Ritsuko to stumble. Then, Rei lifted up her other arm, and pulled Ritsuko face first right into her armpit.
"It's quite curious," Rei said, grabbing hold of the back of the woman's head to rub her face right on in there. "For some reason, it seems that my sweat is producing some form of pheromone that makes people submissive." Then she yanked her blonde head back, switched hands, and rubbed her nose and mouth into the other pit. "How curious, don't you think?"
"Guhhhhh..." Ritsuko gurgled, kneeling on the ground limp and drooling. That had been quite the dose she'd received just then.
"Never mind that for now," Rei said, circling around Ritsuko like a predator circling its next meal. "I have a better question. What sounds better? Shinji Ayanami? Or Rei Ikari?" She stopped to think for a moment. "I think that it would be for the best if Asuka took my name. Or perhaps she should drop her family name altogether to become our pet in the long term."
“What?” Ritsuko asked, voice flatter than a plain field of grass.
“Oh, and do you know any good shops for wedding dresses? I must confess, I haven’t really bothered with such things before.”
Ritsuko slowly blinked and furrowed her brow, so Rei lifted one foot and pushed it into her face. She went back under again quite quickly from that.
"Hypothesis," Rei said. "You like those, do you not Doctor? Well, here is one. The effect of my pheromone is extremely potent at first, but repeated and continuous exposure will make a person less and less susceptible to it in the long run. In which case, we must find a way to keep you and Asuka in your proper places."
Now, what was her proper place? Goodness, but they would already have a pet in Asuka. An auntie? No, that role would go to -
"Hrm... I need to make sure that Misato is put in her place as well.." Rei mused, quickly losing track of her own line of thought.
"Misato... is in the decontamination shower," Ritsuko said. The words came out of her without her even noticing until she'd already spoken. The pheromones in Rei's sweat had thoroughly soaked her brain at this point, and she was a long way off from gaining any kind of immunity from it.
"Is that so?" Rei asked nonchalantly. "Well then. I'd better go and greet her, shouldn't ?"
Can we take a moment to appreciate the body of Misato Katsuragi? That was a rhetorical question, mostly because you can't answer, but also because we're doing it anyway. You would be hard pressed to find a finer example of the femiine form without indulging in surgery, or some other means of manipulating the body.
Right now, she was stripping down in the decontamination room with a scowl across her pretty face. She couldn't help it. On a rational level she understood Ritsuko's reasoning. If she rushed in all half cocked, she might make things worse for the pilots. But the not knowing... that was irking her something fierce.
As such, her thoughts were more on that while she was unzipping her pencil skirt and sliding it down her absolutely flawless legs. What could be going on with them? Would it be something that could be cured? She undid the last button on her jacket, then pulled her undershirt over her head, leaving her standing there in only her underwear. The motion of pulling the shirt up like this caused her breasts to bounce and jiggle even though they were contained within a bra.
The best thing to do was to play along, and so she unclipped that bra and slipped off her underwear, standing nude before the decontamination shower. Her hand reached out and turned the handle, then she leaned her head back and let what she assumed was water cascade over her. The liquid left trails down her body as though mapping it out, and why not when the route was so scenic and lovely? She turned a little, and began to scrub at her skin, failing to note that what she was rubbing into herself was a touch more blue than water actually was.
"Oooh, that tingles," she said, shuddering a bit as the substance soaked itself into her skin, setting nerves alight in a way she hadn't been expecting. "Hrm? Oh, I see. Ritsuko must have mixed in the soap with the water. How efficient of her."
She was careful. She was diligent. Every little part of her was scrubbed and scrubbed. Although she had to admit to feeling a little strange when she left the decontamination room. Sort of woozy. A little bit more aware of herself than usual. She reached for the clothes, and found only a plugsuit variant waiting for her. It wasn't the same type as the one the pilots wore, which had to be custom made. This was a one size fits all, that seemed to automatically fit itself to the wearer's figure. She could retrieve her clothes later on, and besides which it would give her the chance to 'flirt' a little with Shinji. That would let him know she wasn't really worried and -
"Mmmf," Misato grunted as it shrunk down to exactly fit her body like a second skin. "Gosh, I do feel quite sensitive all of a sudden." She fanned herself down, oblivious of what was already starting to happen to her body. "Maybe... I'll take Kaji up on that offer to go out for a movie after all."
While contemplating that, Misato stepped out, and immediately found herself embraced by a little blue haired bundle of excitement.
"It is good to see you Major," Rei said, hugging tightly onto her, and making Misato extremely aware of Rei's body. Huh? Was this girl alawys so well built? She tended to think of the girls as quite slender and petite, but Rei didn't quite fel that way for some reason. Ah, but that wasn't the troubling part! The troubling part was this attitude! "Doctor Akagi has just this moment cleared me to return to duty."
"Ah? Has she?" Misato asked, feeling quite light headed for some reason. Ritsuko was hanging back in the corner of the room, sitting and watching them quietly. Well, she supposed that if she wasn't saying anything, then Rei must have been cleared. Right? "What about the other two?"
"They will need a little longer," Rei said. "But they are progressing well. Only a few more tests, is that not right Doctor Akagi?"
"Yeah..." Ritsuko said, seeming quite a bit sleepier than before. Strange. But again, the bigger issue here was -
"Are you sure you're alright"? Misato asked, pulling Rei away and looking her dead in the eyes. "You seem to be acting out of sorts. You're sure you're fine?"
"I am very fine, thank you," Rei said. "But not nearly as fine as you."
She broke free from Misato's grip, which... for some reason, simply couldn't hold onto her. It wasn't due to strength. It was more like Misato couldn't hold her no matter how strong she was. Rei held her head up high, then began to - began to strut around Misato and - And what was that smell? It was nice, but heady.
"You are the ideal woman," Rei said. "That is what I have decided. Yes. you are the ideal woman that I should emulate when I seduce Pilot Ikari."
"S-Seduce Pilot Ikari?" Misato said, though her voice was quite slurred. She turned to look at Rei, and found her... emulating Misato's own body language. It was a bit surreal to see, but there it was. Everything. Stance, what she was doing with her hands, her facial expression. It was Rei's body, but Misato's attitude. "Ritsuko, why did you clear her?"
"Because she asked me to," Ritsuko weakly replied.
That was enough. Misato rounded on Rei, full of determination... which evaporated the instant she laid eyes on her. It was a strange thing. It was that smell. Which was by now circling around her. The reason Rei had been walking around her now for the last minute. Maybe two minutes? Or ten? Weird, how did she lose count?
"I am going back into the experiment now," Rei said. "After all, Shinji and Asuka need my help. I must train them. Experimentally. Until the three of us are one big happy family."
And somehow... It was strange, but Mistao found she couldn't oppose that idea. Nor the role that Rei had in mind for her. Even while that mysterious compound was doing... something to her body.
- Fatesplit for the effects being had on Misato's body.
- Asuka starts getting annoyed that the thread supposedly about her hasn't focused on her for a bit.
- Rei takes the time to dominate Shinji for some fun time.
- Ritsuko has a failsafe, that now activates.
- Something else
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