"Where do you think you're staring?!"
Ah, so this is what it felt like to be slapped by a car battery. For a moment, just a moment, he had 'dense anime protagonist' syndrome, but luckily he had enough common sense to recognise that he had been quite deliberately staring at a girl's (normally flat) swimsuit clad chest to check if it was mysteriously getting bigger.
Taken out of context that was pretty dirty. Hell, it was kind of very dirty in context as well!
"Ahem! Biribiri, it seems like you're still being affected by this... whatever it is!" Touma said. He made a point to not look at her. She might try to shock him again. "So, we need to track down the source and figure out how and why they're making lewd things happen."
"Kuroko..." Misaka growled darkly under her breath. Lightning sparked around her while she stared at her roommate.
"Ah, it's not me! I promise! I don't have the faintest idea what is going on!" Kuroko insisted, waving her hands about desperately. "Isn't the big gorilla more likely a suspect? He could have set it up so he'd have an excuse to touch your wonderful chest!"
Uh oh. The way her eyes were shining was probably not a good sign. While Touma had beaten her every time they'd sparred, he'd always been left with a sense that she hadn't really been going all out with her powers and, well, Level 5s were basically walking armies unto themselves.
"That's right, Touma would have to... every time they get too big he'd have to..." Misaka whispered, and blushed brighter than the sparks of electricity sparking out around her. "Guuuuuh! Kuroko! Head back to Judgment and search for anything remotely weird!"
"In this city?" Kuroko asked. It was a fair point. Searching for things that were weird in this place was like looking for a specific needle in a pile of needles. Especially the part where the needles poke you lots. Still, when a bolt of electricity nearly tagged her feet, the twin tailed teleporter yelped out of there, stat.
"Ahahaha," Saten chuckled nervously. "By the way, what are you going to do when you find the person responsible for this?"
"Do you mean before or after I take a picture of their skeleton?" Misaka darkly replied. "Kukuku, who do they think they're tangling with? Is this an attempt to humiliate me? To tarnish my public image?" She stormed over towards a security camera, stared up at it for a moment and then - "Say, where's the weird, loud, hungry nun you're usually hanging out with?"
"Probably eating someone else out of house and home for once," Touma replied. And then Misaka sent electricity into the security camera. "H-Hey! What are you -"
"Shush! I normally wouldn't do this, but -" She lit up, and the electricity seemed to almost shrink down. It was like watching a giant battle axe become a scalpel, right in front of your eyes. "If I'm careful, I should be able to hack into the network of cameras and take a look around. I don't like doing this, since there's a risk I'll be caught but -so long as I keep it to public areas..."
Huh, weird. Watching Misaka like that made Touma realise just how cute she could be. It was sort of like, he knew that already but it wasn't staring him in the face so much as usual. That confidence, the intricate and meticulous control over her power as opposed to the raw hitting ability... For some reason that had gained his interest.
Which was making him highly suspicious. Attracted to Biribiri? Under these conditions? While she was doing something extremely illegal while she was that pissed off? Wait a second, that was why she'd sent that other girl away, wasn't it?! Gah! That was so clever he found it charming!
What was going on here? Was it the enemy's attack? Trying to distract him? Keep him busy? Keep him from thinking clearly? Well, it wouldn't work! Whatever was going on, Touma was the exact wrong person to use it on! Although he was already trying to puzzle through it. Whatever it was, it must be influencing Misaka rather than him. Imagine Breaker simply would not allow him to be affected in that way. Which meant that she was becoming more alluring. more seductive. More... sexy and appealing.
Stop it now, this is Biribiri you're drooling over! Biribiri... the sound his heart was making while he stared at her. Cute... so cute... Stop it! Stop staring! This is what the enemy wants!
Hahaha, oh yes, this was a brilliant idea! Unmistakably the best idea she'd ever had. Saten was trying her absolute best to not sweat buckets right where she was standing, but that wasn't exactly proving to be an easy task.
Her life was forfeit the second that Misaka worked out who was responsible for all of this. She was a Level 0, while Misaka was a Level 5. Sure, there were rumours that the number one Level 5 had lost to a Level 0 in a fight, but that was just a rumour and it had to be based on extremely unusual circumstances.
Well, she would probably not be killed. But well… somehow Saten thought that her fate would be similar to what Kuroko normally experienced whenever she went too far during her attempts at “skinship”. Since she didn’t share the twin tailed girl’s love for all things Mikoto, including the electrocution, Saten was absolutely not looking forward to that!
Meaning.. She needed to somehow make it look like someone else was at fault! Preferably an actually bad person. For that reason, she'd taken the extremely daring move, and dumped all that spare experience she'd acquired into Misaka, giving her a ludicrous Level 51 of "Seduce Touma".
It was a really high level. As in, stupidly high. Halfway to maximum. Over half way! She even had a warning in her head that it would take her 'above what could be considered possible for a normal human'. Right now, Misaka was more attractive to this boy than literally any other human that wasn't using an Esper power to make themselves more attractive.
It was the perfect plan. The boy she liked would start to notice her back. They would have a wild romance and not put too much focus on making sure that the “villain” was really the one they were searching for. And then she would get away with this! And Misaka would be super happy! Kuroko wouldn't be too thrilled with it, but let's be honest that wasn't going to happen in a hundred million years. If she was lucky she could get a position as lover on the side, and that was if she got ridiculously lucky.
"Found her!" Misaka suddenly yelled, fistpumping in triumph. "It looks like that nun is - Awww, she's adorable! She's hanging out with a crowd at an outdoor cafe with a kitten that is licking things in a way that does not conform to the laws of phys-"
Weird. Saten could swear that she heard a big 'slurp' just now, and somehow Misaka was drenched from head to toe.
"Ew, yuck! All the way from there?! Is this some kind of teleporter ability? If Kuroko learns how to copy that -" She shuddered in abject terror. Then, to Saten's shock, she starte dto take off her swimsuit. Right there. In the middle of the street. "So disgusting," she said. "So... Gross!"
Somehow, it seemed as though the only people here right now were the three of them. It was almost like a private little strip show. Misaka slowly peeling off her swimsuit, much slower than she would if she was actually in a rush to remove it. |Revealing more and more of her bare shoulder, purely for the purposes of that boy's entertainment.
"I'm so... dirty right now," Misaka said. Ah! Ahhhh! Was this the power of a level 51 seduction?!
Meanwhile the boy was staring and trembling, and rushing forward. He put his right hand on her shoulder and - Pop! All the experience went right back into Saten! Oooh, darn! That right hand was proving to be annoying. How was she supposed to get away with this if it kept on cancelling out her experience gifting!
"I thought so," Touma said. "You might not realise this, but you were behaving weirdly, Biribiri. Then he pulled off his hand and stared at the cat drool coating it. He wiped it on his clothes. "I think they're trying to distract us, since we're on their trail."
"Eh? I was behaving weird?" Misaka asked. "In what way was I weird?"
Then, she noticed the state of her swimsuit, and- oh gosh, this would probably be what it would be like if thunder gods were real. That kind of electrical output was pretty high! Even so, the boy raised his right hand to the sky and caught it like it was nothing.
"If we're clever we can use this to track them down," Touma said. "Every stunt they pull to throw us off the track is another clue that will lead us right to them."
"Um, I'm going to sit this one out now," Saten said, standing on wobbly legs. "As much fun as this is, I will be more of a hindrance than a help."
Nuts, nuts, nuts! If she stayed around here any longer they'd start to suspect her! Ah, actually the shouts of Misaka as she resumed her rightful smiting of the boy she liked were proving a most useful distraction. Maybe she could get away before things go further awry? She could only hope?
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Story: Level Upper Railgun
Experience is a great teacher, and at this point Touma had experienced more than enough bullshit to know that this wasn't over yet. "Something weird is still going on," he said to the girls in front of him. Confidently and without reservation. He took his hand off Misaka's shoulder and watched her bust carefully. Yep. Just as he thought. It was slight, but there was definite signs of -
magical index,
scientific railgun,
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