Sunday, 6 January 2019

Story: Ryu Alone

So far as Lum was concerned humans were really weird about their bodies. What was wrong with showing off your navel? What was wrong with showing off some thigh or naked shoulders? Now, genitals, those should stay hidden away for obvious reasons. Pretty much everything else really shouldn't need to be.

And yet! When they went swimming they showed off the same amount that young women normally wear all the time in outer space. They flaunt those bodies for all they were worth. It didn't make sense. Why was seeing underwear bad while seeing a bikini alright? Her theory was the fabric. Swimsuits were much thicker than what she had seen Earth underwear made out of. This weight helped the poor Humans feel less naked.

In any event there was one good thing about it. Her Darling would be societally predisposed to finding certain things 'erotic', which was bound to capture his attention and imagination. Heh. It was a foolproof plan. Hehehe. She'd get him leering at her body in no time flat! The same way he did the first time they met!

Then she'd lure him into bed with Ryuunosuke and that would be that! Her dreams of romance would come to fruition and nothing in the world could stop her!

"Lum, I can sense you're thinking evil thoughts of conquest in there..." Ataru said from outside the dressing room. "It's the smell of ozone you cause when you get excited."

"Comment about me getting excited, will he?" Lum grumbled to herself. "Well, we'll see who is making smells when they're getting excited when he sees me in this!"


Something weird was going on. Now, that might just be Ataru playing the odds but he did have a funny feeling something odd was going on right under his nose. Something to do with Ryuunosuke maybe? While leaning against the wall next to the dressing room where Lum was getting changed, his wandering eye was watching her with care. She was all bent over, fiddling with a camera. Tongue sticking out the side of her mouth, and the top couple buttons popped on her shirt so he could get a nice peek down at her non-bound chest... Nice. A plus! If something weird meant he could sneak that into his memory banks, then he'd take all the weirdness he could get!

"I'm ready!" Lum sang. Okay, good. Not that he was interested in seeing what sort of outfit she'd picked or anything. He was purely here to keep an eye on this photoshoot thing.

The dressing room door opened up and Lum stepped out wearing... a really nice looking coat and her usual knee high gogo boots. Ataru's shoulders slumped in disappointment. Not that he wanted to see what was under that coat, but more, you know, uh...

"Is something wrong Darling?" Lum said flirtatiously, even rolling her shoulder that was nearest to him. "You seem a little down. Don't like my coat?"

"Eh, it's fine," Ataru sniffed, making a point of looking away. "I think it'd look better on that coat rack than on you."

"Then you'd better hang it up for me."

Ugh, what was he, her servant? Ryuunosuke looked over at him meaningfully. The only reason he was being allowed to stay was if he assisted. Okay, okay. Fine, fine. He slipped the coat off her shoulders and that's a thong. That's a tiger print thong. Though it was a miracle he could tell, he'd seen dental floss with more material. Lum stuck her hands triumphantly on her hips and took one step with a big exaggerated roll of her hips which was very, very easy on the eyes.

Then she seemed to fall forward and floated off at eye level, which managed to be even easier on the eyes.

"Huh, never seen a bikini like that before," Ryuunosuke said.

"It's called a string bikini," Lum said, turning half to the side and allowing Ataru to take in her front, which he stared at so hard that he might burn a hole through her. "A little more showy than anything we wear out in space, but it's surprisingly comfortable. What do you think, Darling?"

"Buh..." Ataru answered.

"Huh. Guess I oughta try one out later on," Ryuunosuke said. "You think it would suit me, Lum?"

"Buh..." Lum replied, eyes a little glazed over, blatantly imagining Ryuunosuke dressed like that.

Both Ataru and Lum shook their heads clear of the cobwebs at pretty much the same time. In Lum's case, so she could resume trying to seduce Ataru. In Ataru's case, so he could continue resisting being seduced by Lum.

One would think that a bombshell like Lum strutting around in a string bikini in front of noted pervert Ataru Moroboshi would have the easier time of things. Luckily for Ataru, he had other things to distract himself with. Like the pretty girl with the camera who sometimes acted like a boy.

"Alright, so try sitting down and leaning back on your hands," Ryuunosuke began. Lum did so. "Uh, I was thinking on the ground, but mid-air is good too... I guess that ability to float gives us even more options than usual, huh?"

Ataru risked a glimpse. Yeah, he guessed she looked kind of cute like that. But the way Ryuunosuke was leaning over to take the shot from a good angle, now that was where the real hotness lay!


Lum was conflicted. On the one hand, Darling was trying his best to ignore her outright. On the other, he was pretty obviously trying harder than usual.

"Now try lying on your stomach and resting your chin on your hands. Yeah, that's the stuff! You're super cute and innocent like this! Put your right foot up as well - perfect!"

Also... she couldn't quite bring herself to blame him. Something about Ryuunosuke was... captivating. Something about the way she filled out that uniform. Since she wasn't binding her breasts anymore you could really see the feminine figure beneath those clothes.

"Hey, come on! Where's that cute smile of yours gone?" Ryuunosuke asked. She took another picture. "Is something bothering you?"

"Not especially," Lum said, rolling onto her back and kicking one leg out in the air. She let her hair drop down under the effect of gravity because it would probably look better. "I was just wondering... Wouldn't it be better if Darling rubbed oil on my back?"

"Eh?" Ataru grunted. "You want me to, uh, what?"

"Hey now, that might work!" Ryuunosuke said. "If he takes his shirt off and I make sure not to include his head, it could be a nice romantic shot! Get to it, ya bum!"

"Fine, fine," Ataru grumbled, grabbing hold of some lotion that Lum had picked up for this very purpose. Mwahahaha! Don't underestimate the scheming nature of an Oni! "You want me to take my shirt off, huh? Alright, alright..."

Sizzle sizzle, here comes the beefcake. Make no mistake. Ryuunosuke was plainly more muscular, but.. Ataru was a very active young man. He was lean in just the right places. Lum crossed her legs and lowered her body so that Darling could rub the lotion onto her shoulders without having to crouch down.

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling the love!" Ryuunosuke said, snapping a few shots in quick succession. Lum could tell that Ataru was making faces. That didn't matter too much. She took her chance and leaned back into him while his hand smoothed down her shoulders. "Heh, you two are really cute together, ya know that?"

"You hear that Darling? She thinks we're cute together," Lum said.

"She's entitled to her opinion," Ataru sniffed. Maybe so. But Lum could feel a certain hard lump pressing up against her back. Now that might not be for her... but it would be hers before long anyway, if she had anything to say about it.


Okay. Fine. He'd admit it. He was kind of enjoying himself a little bit. Sure, he didn't expect to be actually pulled into these pictures, but... You know what, he'd deal with it.

"Get your hand down to the small of her back," Ryuunosuke instructed while taking a whole lot of pictures. "Lum, get your leg up onto his shoulder. I know ya can do it, you're super flexible!"

Man, who could have guessed that tough chick had found her calling as a photographer? Ataru's hand slipped down Lum's back, with both of them covered in that slippery lotion. The only way he was able to keep ahold of her was to grab onto a certain place. Fortunately the way that they were turned the camera wouldn't see that.

The flash hit, and then Ataru remembered that Lum could float. She didn't need to be steadied in the slightest. Still, his hands lingered a little while longer.

Hrm. This... seemed like something he really ought to nip in the bud before it went any further.

Ataru sprung away from Lum like an uncoiled spring. He skipped and frolicked up to Ryu, who was changing rolls of film. "You've got a real knack for this, you know."

"Ya think so?" Ryuunosuke absently replied.

"Oh yes, absolutely!" Ataru nodded. "Although... It is a shame, don't you think? I mean, if you're the only one taking the pictures, then you won't get to have any fun posing for the camera. Right?"

"I dunno, it's not really my kinda thing."

"Well, I'm sure Lum would be glad to help you, wouldn't you Lum?"

"Huh?" Lum gulped. "Darling, what are you up to now?"

Avoiding your seduction attempt, my dear. Kukuku!

"Tell you what. I'll take the pictures for a bit while you pose with Lum. You have plenty of school swimsuits in there, right? Well. Your old man's not going to be gone forever." More's the pity. "So why not commemorate this temporary freedom by getting your picture taken in a swimsuit?"

Aha! That got her nice and fired up! Ryuunosuke stomped off towards the dressing room more determined than Ataru had ever seen anyone stomp off to a dressing room. Perfect! This way he could duck Lum's blatant seduction attempt without being forced to feel up her lithe and sensual alien body or her warm yielding flesh or her fit, healthy tush or her -

"Darling!" Lum yelled. "Are you up to something again?"

"Who me?" Ataru innocently answered, putting his hands behind his head and whistling. "Whatever might I be up to?"

To his surprise Lum didn't try to shock him this time around. Instead she marched right on up to him - and grabbed hold of a certain lump in his boxers. A very, very obvious lump now that he was looking. Oh dear.

"Don't pretend you weren't enjoying yourself," Lum warned. "You were definitely interested when you were rubbing lotion on my skin."

"Don't make me get the hose again!" Ataru yelled. Seriously, there was a time where he had to threaten her with a high pressure hose when she got a bit too handsy. "And what's wrong with wanting Ryu to share in the fun as well!"

"Oh, don't give me that! You just want to see her in the backup swimsuit you know I brought!"

There was a beat of silence. "Backup swimsuit?" Ataru asked.

"Yes of course," Lum said. "I learned my lesson, thank you. I knew to make sure that I had more than one after that time you grabbed my top."

The door to the dressing room opened. Ataru's head creaked over to look in that direction like an old oaken door. Sure enough there she was. Standing there in a matching replica of the extremely sexy and revealing bikini that Lum was currently wearing. Only without the gogo boots. She seemed nervous. Which added on a cutesy innocent appeal that totally and completely contrasted with the bombshell appearance that this gear implied. Combine that with the fact that - impossibly - her figure was even better than Lum's perfect ten body with larger breasts, wider hips and skin that practically glowed...

"How do I look?"

"Buhhhh..." both Ataru and Lum answered. Then they both shook their heads and grabbed for the bottle of lotion. "Let's start by rubbing this on you!"

Then they looked at one another and seethed. "The camera has a timer," Lum said. "We'll rub it on her together!"

And things were only going to heat up from here.

  1. It doesn't take long before the threesome.
  2. Alternatively, Lum sees a chance to seduce Ataru by using Ryuunosuke as a prop while he takes pictures.
  3. Shinobu comes back to give them all a piece of her mind. Winds up getting pulled into another photoshoot.
  4. Ran comes along and gets pulled in instead.
  5. Something else

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