Sunday, 9 December 2012

Discussion: Concubine Factory 1/2

Wow, has it really been a year since I touched this one? Well, let's see what sort of ideas we can come up with for this one!

It almost seems natural to stay the course with this one. Complete Ukyo's induction, then move on to whoever is next. But what's really concerning me is the long term nature of the thread.

What happens when all of the girls are gone through? I mean, there are a finite number of them. Sure, it will take a while to do them all, but that point would come up sooner or later. I almost feel as though something should go wrong at some point to introduce a little conflict to proceedings. Perhaps now might be the best time to do that?

Other than that, I'm not sure what else to say about this one. Perhaps it would help a little if those that voted for this thread could tell me exactly what it is they wanted to see out of the latest update, what they like about the thread and so on?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'll admit that I'm curious to see the rest of Ukyo's scenario—and possibly others—but I'll support whatever direction you choose to take it. (Plus I already emailed you my broad suggestions on what might make sense for this.)
