Sunday 7 January 2018

Story: Wild Ride

"I know exactly what will help us overcome this perverted magic!" Akane suddenly and courageously announced. "Here, inside this storage closet! I'll explain when we're a little less exposed!"

Based on prior experience Ranma had a really, really bad feeling about this. When a girl like Akane says she has an idea, that plan usually winds up half baked. Or fully burned. Still, she also knew better than to object before knowing what sort of stupidity she was getting herself into. It was best to hear out the stupid plan, then shoot it down with something a bit more accurate. Besides which, only an idiot dismissed or followed a plan through to the end without knowing all the details.

"I'm with you whatever it is!" Ryoga heartily announced, pushing Ranma into the closet. "We'll crush that succubus and her seductive spell in no time flat thanks to your ingenuity!"

The closet was shockingly roomy. Enough space for the three of them to sit down at a comfortable distance from each other. When the door was closed Akane began her explanation. Ranma was bracing herself, while Ryoga was being a lot more attentive.

"Once, Kasumi told me about something called aversion therapy," Akane began. "The idea is simple: You expose the person to the thing you want them to not like, and at the same time administer a punishment. That way they will associate pain and undesirable feelings for whatever it is!"

"So all I have to do is hit Ranma whenever he's being a pervert!"

"Exactly!" Akane said. At which point Ranma instantly ducked.

"What's the big idea?" Ranma asked.

"You were being a pervert," Ryoga grinned down at him. He pulled back his fist. "Oh dear, you're still being a pervert. Looks like I'm going to have to make this count!"

"Ryoga!" Akane grabbed hold of his fist. Now, Ryoga was actually strong enough to physically drag Akane along with the punch. But he didn't. Akane's hand touching his was more than enough to make his legs soft and other parts of his body hard. "That's not quite what I meant! Sure, Ranma is a massive pervert who needs to be smacked sometimes to be kept in line."

"Hey now, stop pandering to the people who hate you," Ranma muttered.

"But randomly hitting him isn't going to fix anything. We need to make sure that perversion is at the top of your minds when you're taking the hit, otherwise this won't work at all!"

"Well, since I'm not actually a pervert you're going to have to work really hard to make it the forefront of my - " And then Akane slipped her dressing gown off. “ - mind."

The pair of romantic rivals immediately whirled around and socked each other right in the jaw. “Don’t you dare peek at my fiance!”

“Oh please I need to protect Akane from your animal lusts!”

"Hey, I'm a girl just now! I can look if I want to!"

"You admit to wanting to look, you beast!"

"Oh! You two! I thought you were getting into the spirit of things!" Akane huffed, pulling her dressing gown back on much to the regret of both boys. "Alright. Fine. My turn. Ranma, kit off. Ryoga, hit me if I do anything perverted."


This was getting frustrating. Whoever built this hotel would do well to get a career in labyrinth building! It felt like Shampoo had been wandering around here looking for Ranma for <i>years</i>.

Still, if anything it was making Shampoo more determined rather than less. Ooh! That dream she'd had! It had left her ravenous for a taste of Ranma. The difference was that this time she wasn't about to take no for an answer.

It was senseless really. He was a healthy young man, she was just his type. Strong, beautiful, an excellent cook. Smart as a whip. A far step up from that irksome kitchen destroyer. If any of the girls could satisfy his needs as a man (or occasionally as a woman) then it would have to be Shampoo. Not Akane Tendo. The very idea was laughable! That girl wasn't nearly as pretty, nor had nearly the body or nearly the strength or nearly the cooking skills and, on top of all of that, seemed to have an allergic reaction to affection and intimacy.

Ah, but then out of nowhere Shampoo heard a noise. A strange noise. It compelled her to stop and listen for a moment before turning to face what was probably a storage cupboard with great curiosity. Strange. What was that sound? It almost sounded like -

"Dirty girl!"

That was her airen! With an excited squeal Shampoo smoothed out her dress, made sure the girls were nice and bouncy then put on her biggest brightest smile before throwing open the door!

During her training with great grandmother Shampoo had been subjected to all sorts of sights. All manner of visions. She'd had to wrestle a three headed dog they'd found in some really deep and really cold cave. Then they had to journey to some stupid rainy island and cut off a green giant's head with an axe. She had to play a golden fiddle to beat some guy with dumb horns in a music contest to get a magic scroll. In short, she'd had to see some pretty absurd things in her time. None of which could hope to prepare her for the sheer stupidity on display inside this cupboard.

First of all: Ryoga had nothing on from the waist down. This was not absurd. Not in the least. In fact it was quite the welcome visage, which Shampoo rapidly burned into her memories for later use. What was more crucial was in front of him, on all fours: Her hated rival Akane Tendo, who was wearing a dressing gown that was falling off her shoulders! Her head (in particular the mouth) was right about the level of the lost boy's quite erect and slightly damp penis.

And finally...

"Naughty tomboy!" whispered her airen, in girl form, as her hand came down upon Akane's rear end. Now we behold the mechanics of stupidity unfolding. Like a sexual rube goldberg machine. Ranma spanked Akane. Akane's body jutted forward. Her mouth took in Ryoga's dick all the way to the hilt. Ryoga let out a great big moan. Akane pulled back, pushing her butt right into the waiting grasp of Ranma's grabby hand.

"I said not so hard!" Akane whispered, her eyes a little glazed over, yet also focused entirely on the dick in front of her. She wiggled her hips unconsciously, and then the cycle repeated. It felt as though she were watching a perpetual motion engine. Without outside interference this chain of looping events might never, ever come to a close.

"Ahem!" Shampoo coughed. The cycle repeated again before her very eyes, none of the participants seeming to notice her. Though it did seem to Shampoo as though Akane's head stayed forward a little bit longer this time around. "Excuse Shampoo! What going on in here?!"

"Oh, hello Shampoo!" Ryoga said. "We're doing aversion therapy."

Shampoo twitched. "Aversion to what? Common sense?"

"No," Ryoga said as Ranma spanked Akane and setting the cycle off anew. Her hand lingered on that butt, and Akane let out a sound somewhat similar to a satisfied grunt. "There's a succubus in the hotel turning people into perverts. We're working hard to beat the perversion out of ourselves!"

"That's right!" Akane said, pulling her mouth away from Ryoga's dick long enough to speak properly. Though her hand did immediately settle around it instead and began to furiously jerk it off. "Ryoga and Ranma are- “ Another smack, “Oh god! T-teaching me how to repress perverted thoughts! Isn't that right Ranma?”

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Repress perverted tomboy ass, got it."

Shampoo threw up her hands in dismay and marched right on into the surprisingly spacious cupboard, making sure to close the door behind herself. She crawled over Akane and pulled her hand off. "Dummy, you try hurt family jewels?" she asked. "Handjob must be tender thing, loving thing - What Shampoo doing, is catching crazy! What you mean by succubus?!"

  1. While the trio explain the succubus, Shampoo gets drawn into the 'aversion therapy'
  2. Shampoo snaps them out of this erotic funk and corrects them on aversion therapy.
  3. Meanwhile, the succubus teaches Ukyo how to work sex magic.
  4. Something else

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