Tuesday 30 January 2018

Story: UY Destiny Temps

Do you know something? This was the best that Sakura had felt in a long, long time. That makes sense though: Most of her life she was dogged by disease spirits. Made to feel ill perpetually from one ailment or another. This was like the other side of that experience. In the same way that silence wasn't the opposite of sound, being well was not the opposite of being sick. Sakura was euphoric, but somehow still in command of her faculties.

As such she was intellectually aware that her thought process was being shaped and guided by the countless, ever increasing lust spirits getting stuck onto her body while she was in the presence of normally unlucky Ataru Moroboshi. The problem was, she didn't really care all that much. It felt good. Her mind felt clear in its purpose. When she looked at Moroboshi today she couldn't help but envision the Moroboshi still to be. The hunk. The lover. The keeper of a massive harem of satisfied women who were completely free to leave at any time, but why would you when the sex was that good?

Ooh! She'd better not think along those kinds of lines. Then she might start doing lewd things which would distract darling Ataru at this crucial time and risk undoing everything! Sakura was now <b>very</b> invested in helping Ataru bring about a harem, after all. Making hot, sweet, intense love hundreds of times a month... oh she had to be patient to let it happen!

Phew but it was warm in here all of a sudden. Looking across the room Sakura spotted a rack full of the uniforms used by the staff who worked here. Yes, that seemed much more appropriate. "Pardon me," she whispered huskily to Ataru while slipping away around him. "If we're going to mess with destiny, then I should be dressed for the occasion."

"Eh... I don't know, we should probably hurry up before - " Ataru began, then stopped cold when Sakura dropped her robes right there on the floor, revealing that she wasn't wearing a stitch underneath. Make no mistake. Lum was hot, Ryu had a surprisingly great figure, Ran was cute and Benten was spicy. But Sakura had a totally different kind of appeal to her body. "Before..." Ataru repeated. His eyes trailed along that figure and took the scenic route. While the others were cute girls, Sakura was a beautiful <i>woman</i>.

"Before..." Ataru repeated, bobbing his head to and fro as Sakura gingerly strode across the room, uncaring of the fact that she was being ogled by the most perverted person she knew. Every step she took his head flipped from resting on one shoulder to the other, repeating the word "before" like a stuck record. Sakura took one of the uniforms from the rack, one that seemed a size too small for her. The leotard was slowly snaked up her body as though she was feeding on the gaze cast upon her. Oh, she was being so naughty! Teasing him like this when they were playing against the clock!

But it wasn't her fault. Not really. It was the lust spirits. They were making her heart pound so much in her chest. They had turned her into an incurable pervert. They had turned her into a woman who was aroused by the idea of being part of a harem.

"Ataru, could you put the tail on?"

There was a sound like a small explosion behind her. Sakura turned around and Ataru was standing right there, vibrating intensely. "Yes pleasure it would be my Sakura!" he said. "I will behind your attach to this poofy tail in time no flat!"

That... almost made sense. She dropped it into his waiting palm and his right foot reflexively tapped the floor so hard and so quickly that it left a dent. Oh dear. Hopefully he wouldn't have to pay for that. In any event this seemed like an opportune moment to discuss strategy.

"We should definitely check out one of those futures you made for Ryoko," Sakura said. She leaned over slightly and spread her legs out so that it would be easier for him to make the attachment.

"Yes. Check out. We must do a lot of checking out of things," Ataru remarked. "Awooo! Ahem! Sakura, are you sure it's alright for me to attach this?"

Ah. Obviously she hadn't made it clear enough to him yet. "Darling, once we're done here it is my intention to find a private space and rock your world for the first of many, many times." She wiggled her pleasant posterior invitingly at him. "So go ahead, plop it on. At your leisure."

Alright. Now that had been cleared up they could get down to the important business of helping him plan out how to ensure that Ryoko was every bit as ensnared in his web as she was. "As I was saying. Ryoko is quite the important target to hit." Ataru reached down with the tail - and planted it smack dab in the middle of Sakura's right cheek. She peered back at him, he sheepishly extracted it, letting his fingers linger freely on the surface of her ass a few seconds.

Sakura shrugged and continued. "Maintaining a harem is expensive work. Given my perfectly average appetite - " simultaneously to this several former all you can eat buffet owners began to weep, and somehow knew it was something to do with a certain pretty priestess. "- Food alone will be quite troublesome. Having access to the Mendo family's wealth will -" Ataru made another attempt with the tail. This time landing it on her left cheek.

"You do realise I'll let you touch that as much as you want later on without any excuse right?"

Oh dear he seemed to have fainted. Well, it only went to show that he still had quite the way to go before he'd be the hunky love machine he was one day destined to become. Though Sakura thought that this might well be part of the fun of it: Moulding and crafting him into what he one day would be... in much the same way that he had crafted her.


Ah, that was a pleasant dream. Completely implausible, of course. But still! Very nice! As he began to wake up he tried to hold onto the certainty that it was real, but alas he couldn't do it. Really now. He should have known sooner. Having a threesome with Lum and Benten? That should've been the big tip-off right there. No, go back even further than that. Being asked to work temp work for the Destiny agency, without supervision to ensure he didn't abuse the amazing power that offered? Hah! Nobody would be that dumb! Not even he would do that!

And no way, ever, would Sakura ever call him Darling and put on a show for him and openly invite him to touch her! Never mind stripping down right in front of him, strutting across the room to put on a sexy bunny girl outfit. Nope, no way! That sort of thing was all reserved exclusively for his fantasies!

Still, he had to admit that his futon was pretty soft today. Very snuggly. Smelled nice too. It reminded him of Sakura's lovely scent. Though for some reason it was pretty bright, and that was kind of annoying him a little bit -

"Oh, master! You're awake!"

Ataru's eyes blinked open. His arms were slung over Sakura's shoulders, and he was hanging off her back. Being carried piggyback style while walking down a street, and Sakura was wearing a bunnygirl outfit.

Ah! Now now. He'd been in enough misunderstandings to know better. That was just a dream brought on by the lovely sight of Sakura wearing this particular 'uniform'. That realisation wasn't going to stop him from sneaking in a quick grope, but he still subconsciously braced himself for being tossed down the street when his hands reached down to grab a quick squeeze.

"You're cute when you faint," Sakura remarked, her breath hitching a bit as he fondled her boobs. They were really nice boobs. He should faint more often if this is what he'd get when he woke up. "Mmm! Your touch isn't quite as skilled as it will be, one day. But you'll learn. Even if I have to make you grope my breasts until you get sick of them."

Huh! Never before in his life had Ataru considered the possibility of being exposed to so much breast flesh that he could get sick of it. The idea seemed alien to him, an otherworldly absurdity. As he fondled Sakura's boobs that especially seemed nonsensical!

"Wait a minute, I recognise this street!" Ataru remarked. He didn't stop or even slow down his wanton groping of Sakura as she carried him. "Isn't this the way to the Mendo estate?"

"No," Sakura shook her head. "It used to be the way to the Mendo estate."

"Oh thank goodness!" Ataru collapsed onto her shoulder in relief. "Man, I always hated that place. Who'd want to live like that anyway? You'd get lost going to the bathroom. I'm always afraid to breathe wrong in case the wrong silver gets misted up. It's such a pretentious mess it almost makes me glad I'm not..."

Then he saw it. The gates to the mansion up ahead had the word "Ataru" emblazoned across it in big gold letters. The mansion itself was several stories high, and looked more like a Vegas Casino than a house, with bright neon lights and music playing from speakers. What was more, the guards at the gate were all attractive women dressed in very similar attire to Sakura. Cute, sexy bunnygirl outfits! Tight fitting leotards, stockings, poofy tails, bunny ears! The works!

"Ready to see what this future holds?" Sakura whispered. Ataru nodded readily. Incidentally, he hadn't stopped groping Sakura the entire time.

"Hold it!" one of the guards said, holding up a hand when Sakura tried to enter. "You're not on our team. You got your pass?"

"And maybe get your boyfriend to stop being so grabby!" another seethed. "The only guy I want to get grabby with me is..." she trailed off and blushed. "Oh! What a wonderful bonus scheme we have! Not only extra pay, but the chance to be touched by <i>him</i>!"

"... Did your mind wander to strange places while imagining this future?" Sakura whispered. Then after a moment added. "By which I mean stranger than usual." Ataru shrugged, still copping a feel. Sakura's breasts were truly divine. "In any event! Don't you recognise us?"

The two bunnygirl guards stared at her for a moment. Mostly at her chest. Then her waist. Then her thighs, then the rest of her legs. Then back up her body. Then, eventually, they did look up at her face.

"You do look a lot like Lady Sakura..."

"Except she went inside not five minutes ago with her eldest daughter."

"Maybe it's an astral projection?" the other guard whispered. "I mean... Lady Sakura is the strongest living spirit medium in the world. She could do something like that."

“You really think Lady Sakura would project herself like that? That girl up front a full cup size smaller than Lady Sakura!”

“The three children did do wonders for her breast size.”

"Not to mention all the massages <i>he</I> gave her chest."

Both of them sighed wistfully. Sakura and Ataru nodded in unison, and slowly began to creep in past them, into the estate grounds while the two guards argued over whether or not to let them in.

"That always works on Mendo's guards too for some reason," Ataru mused. "Maybe I ought to make sure mine are properly trained - "


"Master, I'm your devoted fuck toy, but sometimes you're an idiot!" Sakura yelled. "That observation made it more likely that you'd make sure your guards wouldn't fall for that kind of thing in the future, which is exactly where we are!"

Cue madcap chase sequence in three, two, one...

Back with Lum, has she managed to save Shinobu?

Ataru and Sakura get into the mansion, but what do they find there?

Meanwhile, present day Ryoko is learning something about her family!

Future Ataru finds out about the intruders. How does he react?

Something else

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