Monday 29 January 2018

Story: Mamoru Alpha Male

Let's quickly explain the problem Usagi was facing. Every now and then, she'd forget that she wasn't supposed to be drooling over her boyfriend quite so much. See, that's kind of an ordinary thing right? You're supposed to drool and fantasise about your significant other to some extent. Right? It was perfectly normal to imagine yourself on all fours on a bed while he thrusts into you from behind with such force that the bed knocks down the wall. Nothing out of the ordinary about having a fantasy where you're fucked so hard that you turn a piece of furniture known for being soft into a wrecking ball. Not when it's someone you're in love with.

What's less ordinary is being pulled into a side embrace out in public. Him placing a hand right on your butt when everyone can see. It feeling so good that you can't muster up the slightest complaint. Snuggling up to him without a care in the world. Feeling so comfortable that you almost completely forget there's anything strange going on at all.

"I have to admit, that was a really good idea you had," Mamoru suddenly said. "Why settle for banging just you, when I can get Mercury in on the action too? That shy girl needs to be brought out of her shell, it's not healthy to be so withdrawn."

For a half second she agreed completely with that. Ami Mizuno was a genius, but shy. If she was going to get herself a nice boyfriend then she'd need to be more willing to put herself out there, let people see her natural beauty. If anything would get that problem sorted it would be a thorough intense dicking session with Mamoru.

Mamoru. Who was Usagi's boyfriend

That got her eyes nice and cleared up. Usagi peeled her cheek away from the manly, oh so manly chest and turned to look up at his face. That effort and that face were almost enough by themselves to put her back under. She squirmed. Horny. Gosh but she was impossibly horny all of a sudden! Come to think she'd had an easier time resisting him when she was Sailor Moon and even then she was still drooling over his manly physique and dominating presence.

"Mamoru! That's not why we're going to see her!" Usagi protested. But she didn't make any moves to extract himself even further, and even cooed a little bit when his strong hand squeezed her rear. It felt so... possessive. No, that was a bad thing! "W-We're going to see her because there's something weird about you right now."

The two of them walked past a couple of girls. Really cute girls too. They stared at Mamoru like he was a piece of meat, which reflexively made Usagi snuggle up against him even more. Her man. Not theirs.

"Hey, were you staring at my girlfriend?" a really tough man yelled. He looked like he was at least a head taller than Mamoru, and his arms were like tree trunks. "Because if you were - " he stopped when Mamoru turned his head to look at him. "You go right ahead sir! I don't mind at all!"

"Of course you don't," Mamoru said. "Luckily for you I have a much hotter date lined up. Otherwise she wouldn't be your girlfriend anymore."

Ooh... Oh! Usagi was definitely needing some new underwear after that, but it also confirmed that there was something really wrong here. That guy had been spoiling for a fight until Mamoru looked at him. Now, it was certainly true that her sexy, lithe and speedy boyfriend would be able to bend him over backwards without letting that one arm go of her body. To make him bend his knee with but a look? That took... Something special! In fact it took something outright magical.

"Mamoru, there's something wrong with you," Usagi said.

"Really?" he sounded surprised. "Could you please point to it?"

That was when he lifted his spare arm and flexed it. Nope. Nothing wrong with that arm. Nothing wrong with... hubida hubida - No, stop that! "I don't mean with your body. Your body is... Perfect."

"Mm, careful Usagi. Keep sweet-talking me like that and I might just throw you up against this wall and have my wicked way with you."

That sounded awesome. She could visualise it so clearly it was scary. Mamoru, grabbing hold of her hips and then throwing her up against the wall. He flexes and his shirt rips apart, unable to contain the manly muscles that lay within. Then again no clothing could possibly contain such wonders. There would be a swooning choir of girls fainting down the street, some of them falling over without even looking. Merely being in the general vicinity of Mamoru without his shirt on would be too much for them to take.

Her skirt and panties are torn off and chucked to who cares where. He flexes his legs and they too tear apart, leaving him nnnnnnnaked and erect and pointing it right at her. That big meaty pleasurestick.

"Nooo, doooon't!" she would moan and whimper, not making the slightest effort to escape. With one thrust he makes her agehao crazy. Every woman on the planet stumbles a little from being on the same world as his radiant hotness as he fucks her with wild abandon. The wall that she's leaning against soon collapses from the sheer overwhelming might of Mamoru's rutting into her as he uses her like walking meat and makes her love every moment of it. "Don't stop!" she slurs.

"Aw, poor thing! You're trembling with anticipation," Mamoru said in the real world. Usagi blinked at her return to reality. Yes. She was trembling. "Don't worry. There's more than enough Mamoru to go between you and Ami. In fact, I dare say there's enough of me to go around all five of the Senshi."

"You're not like this!" she insisted. "My Mamoru is kind - "

There was a little girl sitting on the ground and crying at the foot of a tree. Her cat was stuck up there. While walking by it, Mamoru hip bumped the tree, caught the cat in an open hand and let it hop into the girl's arms.

"He's just -"

Across the street a tough guy grabbed hold of a woman's handbag. Without so much as looking Mamoru plucked a flower from a garden, offered it to Usagi to sniff. Then he tossed it across the street. It struck the thief in his upper thigh with enough force to make him stumble over, landing upside down in a garbage bin and, somehow, this made him toss the stolen handbag backwards down the street so it's strap landed neatly on the woman's shoulder. Literally the only bad point about it was that the bag had landed backwards.

"And he's selfless!"

The wheel fell off an old woman's wheelchair. With his one spare hand, Mamoru lifted both old woman and wheelchair and carried them both down the street until they reached the old woman's house a block later. He didn't even break a sweat the entire time.

"Hrm?" Mamoru asked. "What am I not like exactly? Is there something wrong with how I'm behaving?"

Usagi had totally lost her line of thought thanks to the sheer and total absurdity of what Mamoru had just been doing. "Um... I think... I mean, I suppose you're not the kind of guy who... Uh... Uusally, normally... Um..."

He spun her around and scooped her up into the bridal carry position, then kissed her right on the lips. All Usagi could bring herself to do was wrap her hands around his head and pull herself as deep into the kiss as possible. What was she worried about again? Couldn't remember. Probably not important. Weren't they going to see Ami or something? Yeah. Maybe she knew? Ami was super smart. She'd be bound to work it out in no time flat.

Mamoru's absurd antics continue before they reach Ami

The pair are interrupted by a Youma.

They arrive at Ami's place and Ami isn't quite as immediately affected as Usagi was.

Or Ami is immediately under Mamoru's spell the instant they arrive.

Something else

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