Sunday 7 January 2018

Story: Shampoo and Conditioning

Revenge is a many layered thing. So far as Ryoga Hibiki was concerned it may not ever be possible to truly and fully pay back the hell that Ranma Saotome had visited upon him. Making a fool of him, stealing his lunches, then running away from a fight when Ryoga had only been late by a couple of days... Then luring him to Jusenkyo, bouncing off his head and sending him careening into the spring of little black pig!

"P-Chan! There you are! Come to mama!"

"Bwee!" Ryoga happily skipped up to Akane's arms and nuzzled into her chest. Oh, fine. There were one or two bright spots. Ah! He breathed in Akane's scent. So pure, so innocent, so beautiful. Ranma didn't deserve her as his fiancee. Ranma didn’t deserve her as a friend. Ranma didn’t deserve her as a casual acquaintance!  Oh yes Akane’s fingers were scratching that one magical spot behind his ear. Was this what happiness felt like?

"Enjoying yourself, mister pig?" asked Ranma Saotome, bane of his existence. Too late, Ryoga realised that the fingers toying with her ear was the cursed form of that baleful tormentor! His ear was suddenly twisted around. "Perverted piggy, I can tell what you're thinking nuzzling into Akane like that."

"Ranma! He's not thinking anything like that!" Akane pulled away, stroking Ryoga's head lovingly. "If anything it goes to show how much of a pervert you are for thinking that kind of thing!"

“Bwee bwee!” Ryoga said in agreement. His affection was pure and chaste! He in no way enjoyed feeling the sensation of Akane’s soft chest pressing against him in a perverted way! And his urge to bury his snout in her cleavage was simply to feel her warmth!

"Well, once you're finished playing with him make sure you put him away. The last thing we need is P-Chan underfoot when we're training with Shampoo."

"P-Chan won't get underfoot. Will you, P-Chan? No you won't! No you won't! You're a good little piggy wiggy!"

"Ugh... the uncute pretending to be cute, how sickening!"

Akane reached out with a free hand and grabbed Ranma’s cheek, ready to give it such a tugging! But then another person stepped out from around the corner. “Nihao!” Huh? She was really pretty. A lavender haired beauty wearing a Chinese style dress skipped right up to the two of them, then grabbed the back of Ranma's head, pulled her face right into her cleavage and said. "Airen. Ranma is airen."

Oh yeah! This was that Shampoo girl who was out to kill Ranma’s girl side and marry Ranma’s guy side. But wait, Ranma was in his cursed form!? Had she changed or mind or… or...  of course! It was all a scam to make Akane angry by flaunting a sexy chinese Mistress in front of her while her family was pressing poor Akane to marry Ranma Saotome! (There were few worse fates in Ryoga’s opinion.)

For a moment Akane seemed to tense up, but when Shampoo pulled Ranma's head out that tension simply deflated right away. Huh? Weird. Ryoga expected Akane to have some kind of reaction to that but all she said was "Hello Shampoo. Are you ready for training?"

"Shampoo more than ready to train -" and then she stopped for a moment, pulled down the top of her dress and exposed her bare breasts for both of them to see. Ryoga boggled in disbelief, and not just because they were a fantastic pair. What on earth was this girl up to?! "Airen and pet," Shampoo said, then tucked the girls away again and said "Ranma and Akane."

Confusion thy name was Ryoga Hibiki.

"Aiyah! Is black pig for lunch? Akane do good capture it!"

“W-what!?” Akane gripped Ryoga tighter, which hurt a little bit because tiny pigs are not meant to be held with such force. “No! This is P-chan! My pet!”  She looked down into his eyes, “Don’t worry baby, Mama won’t let anybody eat you.”

“I dunno Akane, I think some sweet and sour pork sounds tasty right now.” Ranma mused idly.

“Ranma!” Akane shouted, tears forming in the corner of one eyes, “Don’t say something like that!”

“Aiyaa Ranma shouldn’t make mean jokes.” Shampoo reached out and plucked Ryoga from Akane’s chest. “Sure piggy make nice lunch but no eat pets. We find other piggies to eat.”

Well that was mildly reassuring in the worst way possible. Ryoga found himself being hugged against Shampoo’s chest now. Well, this wasn’t half bad. She was not near as gentle and pure as Akane and her flashing Ranma and Akane to seemingly no effect was <b>weird.</b> Shampoo started stroking his head. “P-chan very cute pet, he trained?”

“Oh yes! P-chan will do any trick I ask him to do.” Akane said. Ryoga nodded. If it made Akane laugh or smile he’d so any little trick! Plus she gave him treats when he did them!

Shampoo used her arm not cradling Ryoga to reach out to Akane. “Ah, so Akane do good job training pig.” Then, before Akane could react Shampoo plunged that free hand down Akane’s waist, her hand moving up and down between Akane’s legs.

“Bwee!” Ryoga began struggling against her grip, but she held him tight. Ranma’s jaw dropped.

“W-w-what!?” Akane moaned, “Sh-Shampoo wh-”

“Shampoo hope can train Akane to be such good pet too.” Shampoo said, before pulling her now wet hand out of Akane’s gi pants.

“Ah.. ha…” Akane gasped for breath before, just like when she had flashed them, there was this weird sort of glazing over Akane and Ranma’s faces. Then Shampoo pulled the hand away and licked it, grinning a knowing grin.

"Ugh, great!" Ranma rolled her eyes. "Now we've got you cooing over the little pest too."

"Aw, is Ranma jealous?" Shampoo said, suddenly leaning over to peck Ranma on the lips. "Is okay. You is so much cuter. Shampoo want to eat you out, rather than eat up. Come along. Is time Shampoo train you both."

Something weird was going on here. This girl, Shampoo. She was behaving really weirdly and so were both Ranma and Akane for that matter. Maybe it was his imagination?

"Oh, could both of you watch Shampoo swaying ass? Is too too nice, yes?"

No, that was not his imagination. What was this? It didn't feel like Shampoo attempting refuge in audacity. Her actions and words were so blatantly, overtly sexual that it would be impossible to ignore. She should at least have had some form of admonishment from Akane about saying or doing something like that! But neither she nor Ranma reacted in the least bit to what Shampoo was saying or doing!

"Little piggy sit right there," Shampoo said, putting Ryoga down and bending over from the waist. Judging from the way that Ranma and Akane were looking elsewhere causing her dress to ride up in the process. "Watch as Shampoo train airen and pet into accept new roles."

She turned around smoothing down her dress in the process. "Huh? Did you say something Shampoo?" Ranma asked. As if in response to this, Shampoo reached out and grabbed hold of one of Ranma's breasts and one of Akane's.

"Shampoo say she brainwash you two into become pet and airen," Shampoo said, then pulled back her hands, flicked back her hair, and returned them to full on gropes. "Pet and airen."

“P-pet!? That’s c-crazy!” Akane said, but then Shampoo pulled away her hands and both went slack. "S-So, where did you want to start?"

More weirdness. For a second there it seemed as though Akane had really noticed what was going on there. Then as soon as Shampoo stopped her attitude completely flipped. It was almost like she'd totally forgotten what Shampoo had been doing right as soon as she'd stopped.

"To start with, it maybe best if Shampoo and -" she stopped, then openly smacked her own ass, saying "Airen" at the exact same moment. "Ranma practise a little. Akane sit down, watch closely. Yes?"

"Guess that makes sense," Ranma shrugged. "To be honest I've never trained anyone before."

"That alright! Shampoo pick up slack. Train both of you at once!"

Ryoga sat and watched with great care as the two of them immediately stepped into traditional battle positions. Centring their gravity, lifting their guards. Then at an unspoken signal they moved at once. Shampoo had the far more aggressive approach of the two, sliding forwards to deliver a kick that should have sent Ranma through the wall. If she had not dodged it, that is.

Ranma retaliated with her own strike aimed for Shampoo's gut, but the blow landed hard against Shampoo's guard. The foreign girl grabbed that fist and then pulled her own back to strike, only to find it caught in much the same way. For a moment Ryoga forgot all about his previous concerns about their behaviour owing to the martial arts on display. The funny part was that he knew neither of them were going all out, but their movements were so fluid and precise that you'd only know if you'd seen them fight before. They were testing each other out. Seeing where their relative weaknesses were before they adjusted their style accordingly.

"Wow..." Akane breathed, watching from the side. "Their technique is amazing!"

Then out of nowhere Shampoo leaned forward and french kissed Ranma. Ryoga could tell because when they parted a moment later Shampoo's tongue had definitely been in Ranma's mouth.

Weirdly, beyond a little colour in her cheeks Ranma didn't seem to react to this at all. Instead she seemed to fall backwards, lifting her foot onto Shampoo's sternum so that she could flip the other girl over using her own strength against her. Now that was a bit more like how Ranma Saotome fought from what Ryoga remembered. Not so much kicks and punches but throws and grapples.

No sooner had Shampoo landed on her back than she kipped up. She'd managed to keep ahold of one of Ranma's hands during all of that, and had them both hauled to their feet facing one another yet again. This time though, she pressed Ranma's hand right up against Shampoo's breast and stared Ranma right in the eye.

"Airen is too too strong whether boy or girl," she said.

"H-Hey!" Ranma yelped. "What's the big idea?!"

"You make perfect airen. Perfect lover. Feel how Shampoo heart race at airen's touch."

Then she let go of that hand and pushed Ranma back. Ranma's response was immediate, grabbing hold of Shampoo's wrist and pulling her into a reverse armbar takedown that had the foreigner immediately tapping out.

No response at all to what Shampoo was saying or doing before. Not from Ranma. Not from Akane.

"You alright?" Ranma asked, helping Shampoo to her feet.

"Shampoo fine," Shampoo said, shaking off the pain in her arm. Then slipping her hand to grope Ranma's butt. "Not as fine as airen tush, but fine." Then her hand pulled away. "So? Akane learn anything from fight?" Shampoo walked over to Akane, and to Ryoga’s shock she lifted up her skirt and wrapped her legs around Akane’s head, grinding her crotch into Akane’s face. "Other than proper place as Shampoo's pet?"

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing?" Ranma yelled, grabbing hold of Shampoo and pulling her off of Akane. Then as soon as she did that, she looked around seeming a bit confused.

"I guess so..." Akane absently said after a moment. "Maybe I should not be so forceful? Ranma took control over the fight by using your own strength against you."

"Is right," Shampoo said, shrugging Ranma's hands from her shoulder. "While Ranma is too too good warrior, has bad habit of hold others back. Needs learn how to train properly, how treat Akane right. Make her into good slutty pet that we can both use however. We. Want."

That was it! Ryoga had enough of this! Whatever was going on here he could not stomach another second of it. He rushed out of the corner and dove right onto Shampoo's ankle, sinking in his teeth as much as he could. Whatever she was doing, it was fine to do it to Ranma. Doing it to Akane as well? A step too far! No, it was a giant leap too much!

"Yow!" Shampoo yelped.

"P-Chan!" Akane gasped.

"Hey now, you little troublemaker!" Ranma yelled. She reached down and whispered in his ear. "Let go of Shampoo, or I'm gonna find some hot water and..."

Tsch! Ryoga reluctantly let go. Fine then! So be it! His responsibilities were clear. As a martial artist and a man! He would find out whatever it was that Shampoo was up to and then put a stop to it. By hook or by crook!

  1. Shampoo finds out about Ryoga's curse. Decides that he needs a brain scrubbing too.
  2. Ryoga tries to warn someone in the family. To no avail, as they keep forgetting!
  3. Ryoga... promptly gets lost. He won't be seen again for a little while. On with the training!
  4. Ryoga runs into a certain okonomiyaki chef and asks him(?) for help.
  5. Something else

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