Monday 29 January 2018

Story: Code Cocknosis

Have you ever had a moment where you completely blacked out and all of a sudden you're carrying a pretty, busty Princess through a waterpark bridal style? Probably not. It did seem an oddly specific turn for your life to take. Yet here he was: Suzaku Kururugi, lowly honorary Britannian, carrying the pretty pink haired Princess Euphemia. Now, he wasn't the sort of young man to be ruled by his libido. Far from it. He was principled, he was ethical, he was upstanding and decent.

Having said that: Euphemia's tits were drawing out an animalistic side of himself that he never even knew existed. Some experts may even tell him that repressing it so much was unhealthy. Agreeing with that sounded like an easy justification, but when Euphemia let out a breathy sigh against the nape of his neck easy justifications flowed into his brain like water.

"Thank you Suzaku," Euphemia whispered into his ear. HIs brain felt like it was melting, in no small part due to the fact that the way her body was twisted around meant that her breasts were pressing into his sides. "I knew that I had chosen my future husband well."

"Future what now?" Suzaku asked, a big smile spreading across his face.

"Well, yes. I could hardly brainwash you with my hypnotic tits and rock your world without at least marrying you at some point," Euphemia said. She pulled herself out of his grip and onto her own feet, smiling serenely. "Ooh, I am terribly sorry. I didn't mean to be so crude about it." Boing boing went her tits underneath that swimsuit. It really didn't cover much at all, now did it? "There's something about you. Suzaku Kururugi, you're so pure and innocent that it draws out this wild beast inside of me. I hope that makes sense."

Looking down at her body, then up to her smiling face, Suzaku couldn't think of a moment where he understood another human being so completely and thoroughly. In fact, now that the two of them were safe perhaps they could let those wild beasts slip loose their chains...?

"Eek! Intruders!"

Or he could eat a wet beachball to the face, that worked too. Suzaku stumbled backwards in surprise, then for the first time looked at something in the room that was not Princess Euphemia. As for what he beheld? Bikinis that made Euphemia's seem modest in comparison. In some cases they actually did cover quite a bit more flesh, but did so in ways that were somehow more suggestive or drew the eye to the feminine figure underneath a bit more naturally.

To put it another way, it was an indoor swimming pool full of busty bikini clad Britannian beauties. Suzaku stumbled back in shock at the sight.

"Oh dear," Euphemia gasped. "This must be one of my sister's security efforts. Pardon me! Could you please let us through?"

"Of course, your highness!" the nearest girl said, bouncing up and down in the water and waving with great enthusiasm. "Unfortunately, you're going to have to come through the pool. To reach the other side. Sorry!"

Ah. They were right. The room had been designed in an unusual way: There was no way to walk around the pool. That seemed a bit of a safety concern so far as Suzaku was concerned, but if this was intended as a security measure then it must be some kind of trap for unwary intruders. Yes, that made sense. You could hardly hurry through water easily, and trying to do so would leave you easily grabbed by these extremely fit girls.

Suzaku entered the water and found it quite pleasant. Warm, but not too much. It was comfortable. Euphemia's hand found his under the water. He started a bit, his spine becoming straighter than a ruler, but he marched on. Leading the way through the pool while the scantily clad guards resumed what they were doing before.

What they were doing was playing some kind of game using that ball. Looking at the walls surrounding the pool there were some squares on either side. The goal then was obvious: They were trying to use the ball to score points by knocking it into the goals. It seemed like a lot of fun. He'd have loved to join them but he had important -

"Oopsie doopsie!"

That was one of the guards stumbling while trying to grab the ball, crashing into Suzaku and pressing her impressive bust right into his arms. Her cleavage was so massive that it felt like her tits were trying to swallow his bicep whole.

"Sorry!" the girl cutely winked at him, then grabbed the ball and resumed playing.

Euphemia made a funny noise. On looking back, that noise turned out to be her puffing up her cheeks in frustration. "Sorry," he said. "I wasn't staring, was I?"

"Ah, look out!"

And now his face was full of tit. There was a nipple in his mouth. It tasted nice. The flesh felt nice and warm against his face. It would be so easy to go under for this tit. So easy - If not for the tits pressing into his back.

"Excuse me," Princess Euphemia politely said. "Pardon us, we'll be out of your way in no time at all." Then, whispering to Suzaku, "I think they like you?"

"You think so?" Suzaku asked. Moments later two of the girls collided into him on either side, completely smothering his head in glorious titflesh. They both let out a cute 'kya!' sound, but then the warm was pressed away by a competing pair of tits that crowded them out from behind, while drawing the back of Suzaku's head into the nicest pillows he'd ever felt. All he could do was sigh and ignore the painful erection in his shorts.

The girls seemed quite a bit less clumsy after that. At the very least they didn't bump into him and Euphie all that much. Each other though? That seemed to pick up quite a bit. Right in front of them, they would chase the ball and collide into each other tit first, causing both sets to jiggle and shake and Euphemia to put her hands over his eyes for some reason.

"Aw, I'm sorry!" one of the guards said to another. "Here, let me rub it better."

"Ooh, thank you!" the other guard cooed. "You always give the best tit massages. Mmm, yes..."

Did Suzaku describe his erection as painful before? It didn't even compare to how it was now! Even the sounds they were making were ludicrously erotic.

"We're at the end of the room," Euphemia whispered, pulling her hands away. Aha, so they were! Suzaku pulled himself out of the pool with only one hand, then in a mildly impressive feat of strength pulled Euphemia up with his other. "Thank goodness, we're out of there. Come along Suzaku, we should find my sister and - "

She had grabbed hold of the door handle. It was locked tight. Not nearly as tight as that sweet bikini clad - Guh, he really shouldn't stare like that! "Ooh! No!" Euphemia struggled with the door handle, jumping up and down as if her weight would shift it. "You girls! Unlock this door right away!"

Turning back, Suzaku saw that there was a guard standing at the other end of the pool dangling the key from a chain. She shrugged, then slipped it inside of her cleavage keeping it totally hidden from sight. How devious!

"Bring it over here right away!" Euphemia demanded.

"Sorry your highness," the guard shrugged. "Your sister's orders were very explicit. No Elevens are allowed through. I don't know what sort of hold that loser Number has over you, but our 'accidental pool play titnosis' will have him nice and deep in no time flat."

"If he wants to get through that door, he'll have to take that key!" another guard declared. The others all whooped and hollered before descending into wantonly moaning and groping one another's tits. "So big boy? Do you think you can keep your mind intact on two more passes through this pool of delights?"

Suzaku stepped forward. He was afraid of no challenge. However, Princess Euphemia put a hand on his shoulder. "You want to know what hold this man has over me?" she asked with a curious gleam in her eye. "Then behold!"

And then his shorts hit the floor. The room went silent. Now, normally Suzaku would feel a bit embarrassed at having his junk exposed like this, especially when he was so erect. Not so much today. After travelling through this pool of delights and being exposed to 'accidental pool play titnosis' it was kind of difficult to summon up those emotions.

"Oh wow... That Eleven's got some real meat packed away!"

"That's got to be about as big as it gets before you get cocknosis involved..."

That being said Suzaku was entirely able to summon up shock when Euphemia dropped to her knees and wrapped her tits around his shaft, bringing out a deep guttural moan that must have come from the depths of her soul.

"P-Princess!" he grunted. "What about your - Your enhanced s-sensitivity?!"

"Suzaku. The reason I wanted through this door was so we could fool around in privacy," Euphemia said to him, her voice ragged and breathless. "Being held up against you like that, these sensitive tits being mashed up against your wonderfully manly body... It was too much for me to take! If I didn't do this within the next minute I might have gone insane."

That seemed to be her limit so far as rational discourse went. The only sounds she made after that for the duration of the experience were grunts, whimpers, moans and sounds that were truly outright animalistic. It was like the sweetest music he had ever heard. Looking up over the pool, Suzaku could see that the women in the pool had all tossed away their bikini tops, furiously staring on in wonder and pawing at their own tits.

And all he could think about all of this was 'gee, should I invite Lelouch and Nunnally to the wedding? It would be nice to have them there, but if they've been hiding all this time...'

Because all in all a genuinely nice dork is still, at the end of the day, a genuinely nice dork.

  1. Some of the cocknosis/titnosis using rebels manage to get into the pool. They will dearly regret blueballing Suzaku Kururugi!
  2. Lelouch's group somehow winds up stumbling on the pool area instead.
  3. Cornelia notices Euphemia fooling around with that sexy Eleven and decides to have them brought to her.
  4. Or we could go back to Lelouch, Kallen and Shirley contending with the mud wrestling contest.
  5. Something else

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