Sunday 7 January 2018

Story: NGE Oversynch

The first out of the room was a certain furious redheaded German girl, who strode out of there with footsteps that sounded like thunderbolts."Ugh!" Asuka grunted, throwing up her hands as she rushed out of there. "I can't believe we had to do that! I'll never feel clean again!"

Then after her, out came Shinji. Hanging his head low. His eyes peeked up for a second, prompting Asuka to look over her shoulder and scowl at him, prompting Shinji to return his gaze to the floor like a forlorn puppy.

Trailing up the rear was Rei, who stood in a total contrast to the other two. If she had any kind of emotional response it wasn't showing on her face, but more to the point: There wasn't a single bead of sweat upon her brow. The other two had a thin sheen of sweat across their faces and hands, as though they'd been engaged in quite exertive activity and then wiped themselves down. Not a trace of it on Rei though.

Ritsuko watched all three of them carefully in particular for signs that this was an act. Were they pretending to be their normal selves so they would be allowed to leave, or were they actually back to normal? So far as she was concerned the difference was unimportant and nearly impossible to prove. What really mattered to her was another question entirely. A question she could hardly raise when Misato was around.

Speaking of Misato, she was marching towards the three of them with her concern on her sleeve. Bless her, she was trying her best to look professional, serious and detached. But alas she was all too easy to read.

"So?" Misato said. "How are you feeling?"

All three answered as one, but gave very different one word answers.




That last one was Rei, and had been said in her usual monotone. Everyone in the room quirked an eyebrow, then stared at the pretty blue haired girl, who immediately elaborated. "It was an educational experience. One that we are willing to repeat if necessary."

"Says you!" Asuka huffed. "I certainly don't want to go through <i>that</i> experience again! Nope! Not once, not ever!"

"Um... Asuka? W-we're still in the gestalt..." Shinji mumbled, at which point he got a well deserved kick in the shins. That seemed to get the point home: Stay quiet, you idiot! Don't announce to the world that a girl wants to get freaky!

"How about physically?" Misato asked, eying them all suspiciously. "Are you all back to normal? You look like your normal selves again, but..."

"We have more control over the gestalt than before," Asuka announced in Rei's monotone. Then she shook her head and scowled.

"Cut that out, doll! I can do it just as much as you can!" Rei said, slapping herself in the face. Then she went on.  "Girls, please don't fight! Pilot Ikari is correct. We were asked about our physical beings as opposed to our mental wellbeing. As such -"

Plomp. You could almost hear it happening out of nowhere. One minute, Shinji was a boy. The next thing, that 'boy' had bigger tits than either girl, a slender feminine figure and a face that was either handsome or pretty depending on how you looked at it. 'Her' hair had alternating streaks of blue and red, but otherwise maintained the same basic shape of the boy's usual hairstyle.

"Um... the girls are trying to say that 'we have better control over our bodies now'," Shinji squirmed. Neither girl was looking at him. In fact, it gave Ritsuko the impression they were being quite deliberate in not looking at him. He took a deep breath and almost seemed like he was shaking it off. After a moment he was completely back to normal.

Fascinating. She would have found it horrifying, but after working here as long as she had something so trivial didn't even phase her.

"They're stable," Ritsuko said. "Or at least they seem that way. Misato, you should make sure that your place can properly accommodate all three of them. For the time being, keeping them in close proximity seems a favourable tactic."

"And in the meantime, what will you be doing?"

That was the other thing Ritsuko was concerned with; Misato's protectiveness of the three of them. On the one hand that normally allowed her to make sensible decisions regarding strategy and tactics, since she worked hard to protect their most valuable assets. Perhaps the Commander had done that deliberately? Hard to say.

"A few final checks before we release them," she said. "They might look normal now, but it would be the height of irresponsibility if we didn't perform at least a basic medical examination before letting them go."

"You mean, treat them like lab rats," Misato indignantly interjected. Troublesome woman! "I told you already, I won't let you experiment on them."

"Experimenting is the last thing on my mind right now," Ritsuko sighed. That much at least was true. What she really wanted to do was... <i>talk</i> with them. Any one of them. Make sure they <i>understood</i> the consequences of releasing anything sensitive. Like what, exactly, Rei Ayanami was.

"Then you won't have any problem letting me accompany you, will you?" Misato insisted. Tsk! It seemed as though Ritsuko might have to get creative, or at the very least go over Misato's head. The only problem was, doing so would make it blatantly obvious there was something to hide, which might make her push in the wrong places.


While those two were discussing freely, there was a secret conversation going on right under their noses. Asuka, as always, had her nose turned up and was staring at the ceiling. Shinji was staring at the floor. Rei was staring straight ahead.

<i>Do you think they bought it?</i>

<b>It looks like they did, dummy. Ugh! I can't wait until we get some more privacy, I've had a few more ideas of what to do with our inexplicable futa-dicks.</b>

<u>Yes, we are all aware of them Pilot Sohryu. All it took was a little taste of Pilot Ikari's perverted nature, and you have become an even bigger pervert than he used to be</u>

<b>Like you're one to talk, doll! 'Oh, let's find out how big we can make these tits! Now let's find out how big we can make our dicks! Now let's find out if we can fuck our own tits with those dicks!'</b>

<i>Um... You weren't complaining at the time...</i>

<b>I was caught up in the moment! It was a feedback loop of ultimate pleasure and sensation! J-Just because I want to experience that high again doesn't mean - Oh hell, that's exactly what it means! You two have corrupted me!</b>

<u>Actually, on searching through your memories it seems as though you've had quite a few suppressed erotic fantasies about both of us.</u>

<i>Rei, p-please don't examine our erotic fantasies...</i>

<u>You have nothing to fear, Pilot Ikari. I will not be searching through your erotic fantasies.</u>


<u>Compared to Asuka's they are far too vanilla to be worth the time.</u>

<b>Wait, wait, wait! So let me get this clear. You're saying that I had pervier fantasies than HIM?!</b>


<b>But that doesn't make sense! I thought he was the cause of that feedback loop!</b>

<u>Yes, he was. Of the three of us Pilot Ikari was the most in tune with his sexual deviancy. It simply turns out that Asuka was the dirtiest girl out of the three of us.</u>

<i>Can we talk about something else? Please</i>

<b>Aw, what's the matter? Is li'l Shinji waking - Rei, did you just give me a penis? F-Fine, I'll stop teasing him! Guh! Will you stop with the lewd imagery?!</b>

<u>Pilot Ikari does make a good point. I am certain Doctor Akagi wishes to speak with you about the secure information I am aware of. Therefore we must plan our next move with great care. It is hard to say what they might choose to do next.</u>

  1. Ritsuko is able to manage a secret meeting with the three of them without Misato finding out. The trio play dumb.
  2. Same as above, except that they use the meeting to pull her into the gestalt.
  3. Ritsuko is unable to manage anything due to the watchful eye of Misato.
  4. Later at the apartment, the trio get Misato drunk and then fool around.
  5. Something else

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