Monday 29 January 2018

Discussion: Drive + Pretty Boy Ukyo

Drive: Ooh, that is a tough choice! What do yo guys think? Should we let Asuka assert herself a bit more? I think it would be more interesting if there was a pecking order among the girls. Rei on top, Asuka beneath and the Angel at the bottom. What do you guys think should happen here?

Pretty Boy Ukyo:
It's Ryoga's fault. I mean, of course it's Ryoga's fault. The main question we must ask ourselves is in what precise capacity is it his fault. Did he stir things up as P-Chan? Or did he pick a fight in his human form? And how will Ukyo react to the mess? 


  1. wouldn't the pecking order also include shinji in about the same place as Asuka? Rei did technically win both of them when she defeated the Angel.

  2. Hmm... TOugh choice between 1 or 2, but then, Anon does bring up a good point- did Rei's "win" change anything in the dynamic?
