Monday 29 January 2018

Story: Ryuunosuke Alone

Sakura was a professional woman. This was a difficult thing to be when surrounded by such difficult people, but she persevered. Someone had to have the clear head. Someone had to adopt the responsible attitude. Sometimes she felt like a zookeeper, where the zoo's cages were breaking apart and animals kept on slipping out into the public zone. It was exhausting and yet it was necessary.

There were two jobs. One had the greater responsibility, and the other paid more. For the first, most people suffering from extranormal spiritual activity didn't tend to pay out all that much considering the effort she would have to go to. There were occasions she would hear things like 'I would have paid more but she and the old man ate half our food', for which she could only lay the blame at the feet of her gluttonous uncle.

Then there was the other job. The school nurse at Tomobiki High. This was the one that paid more in a monetary sense, but most of her time was spent fending off horny students out for a quick glimpse at the pretty school nurse. Hrmph! How immature. How easily they were ruled by their hormones! They were the wild animals she had mentioned before, and a certain some of them could certainly do with being put in cages.

"Yo, Miss Sakura? Wait, no... It should be more like 'hello Miss Sakura' right?"

On hearing that voice Sakura immediately checked her reflection, her makeup was fine, her hair looked really nice. She put on her best smile and whirled around to share it with the student - the student, she reminded herself - that had come in for a visit.

It was a little bit strange to be honest. Ryuunosuke Fujinami had arrived. She was still wearing the girl's school uniform, but also had the boy's jacket on over it.

"Hello Miss Fujinami -" Sakura began.

"Ah! Wait! Say that again!" Ryuunosuke pleaded. Clutching her jacket with a strange smile on her face.

"Hello Miss Fujinami," Sakura repeated. Ryuunosuke stumbled a bit and had to brace herself against the doorframe. Sakura frowned, genuinely confused at the reaction. "Hello Miss Fujinami," she said again. Now the girl was getting a bit flush. Taking a deep breath, the nurse said it again in a husky tone of voice while walking forward. "Hello Miss Fujinami."

"Nnng! Being recognised as a girl! It's so good!"

Ah. That simultaneously satisfied her curiosity, snapped her out of... whatever that was, and horrified Sakura in ways she had not especially expected to be horrified today. This poor young girl had been so thoroughly traumatised by her father's behaviour that being acknowledged as her true gender was a nigh orgasmic high for her!

She very nearly said it again on the spot. Responsible. That's right. She was the sole responsible adult in this damn school. And as the responsible one she had a duty to perform. More importantly than that she had a wrong to right, a travesty to undo.

"Please close the door and hang your jacket up," Sakura said. Then, without really noticing she was doing it, added "Miss Fujinami." Oh dear. She would have to be careful with that. The poor girl's knees buckled, meaning that Sakura - as the responsible one - had to rush over and catch her soft, yet strong body with a beauty so intense that one could not easily tell at a glance which gender she was. That is, if you only focused on her face. Looking at her curves one could easily tell that this was a woman. A hell of a woman with the kind of curves that would drive women wild... Yet also carrying herself in a way so intensely masculine it almost completely hid the fact.

"Let's see... a chick would say here something like..." Ryuunosuke pondered. Then turned to face the nurse with a smile so cute that it actually made Sakura stumble back in shock. "Thank you so much Miss Sakura!" Sh-She was even using her index fingers to push back her cheeks! "Uh... Why didja wanna- Why did you want to talk to me again?"

The only question on Sakura's mind was why <i>wouldn't</i> she want to talk to this charming young woman? Responsible. She was responsible. Sakura shook it off with the same ease of dispelling an evil spirit and got right down to the point.

"Your father has entered blatantly incorrect medical information into the school's system," Sakura said. "It's not going to be enough to change which box is ticked. We're going to have to perform a full, proper medical examination."

"What kind of medical information did he input?" Ryuunosuke asked.

"Apparently you have a fatal allergic reaction to the following." Sakura coughed, then pulled out a sheet of paper. Then she let it unfold. Though she was standing and holding its top at eye level, it rolled down until it hit the floor. "Perfume. Lipstick. Eyeliner. All manner of girly makeup. Parfaits. Cupcakes. Donuts. Fabric softener. Plush toys. Hair dye. A fabric that girl's underwear is made of but not boy's, I can't remember off the top of my head which it is so it would be safest to keep him away from all manner of girl's underwear."

"Alright! Alright! I get the idea!" Ryuunosuke growled. "Stupid old man, putting that in there without my consent! I'd bet none of that is even true!"

"Yes, it's rather safe to say that we can safely dismiss this record as yet another attempt to manipulate your gender identity," Sakura said. Oh, but she was really not liking Mister Fujinami right about now. How fortunate it was for him that he was half a galaxy away (or something like that). Otherwise she might have inflicted him with a truly vile and despicable curse, the worst she could think of. "Nothing here is truly reliable. I'll gladly sign off on the notion that it's all fabricated, except your name and your age. We have a copy of your birth certificate -" While talking Sakura had been sorting through the paperwork. She stopped at the birth certificate and let out a weary, weary sigh. "Though it seems the fool has scribbled 'BOY' over the gender box with magic marker. Age is the only fact we can't really check in on anyway, so we have to assume it is correct. Everything else will need thorough testing."

Sakura looked the young woman up and down. This was a student. A student. It wasn't appropriate for her to fraternise. She’d be no better than Ataru Moroboshi! Even if the odd mix of maturity, masculinity, and attempted femininity made Ryuunosuke oddly intriguing. And she wasn't being a complete horndog idiot.

"Take off your clothes," she instructed. Alright, that wasn't the best start. There was a good reason though! "I need to take some measurements."

Ryuunosuke seemed to understand this and immediately began to remove her clothing. It astounded Sakura that any father could be so foolish as to force their daughter to pretend to be a son instead. Especially one so womanly as Ryuunosuke. That upbringing must be what had done it. Even now she was taking off the uniform in a way that Sakura couldn't help but think of as 'manly'.

"Ah... I'm still taking off my clothes like a boy, aren't I?" Ryuunosuke asked. Sakura blinked back to reality. "That's why you're staring at me all weird, right?"

"Y-yes, that's right," Sakura replied. Honestly now. The girl was standing there in her underwear and - And that bra had to be bigger than Sakura's. "It is quite the striking contrast. Something about your movements seemed wrong, and I couldn't place what it was."

"Hrm..." Ryuunosuke tapped her lips. "That's annoying. I've been working on trying to get a... What do you call it? Uh... A feminine gait! It's a lot harder than it looks. Hey, while I'm here do you mind helping me out? You move so beautifully and make it look so natural."

"Help you out?" Sakura asked. "In what sense?"

"I wanna know how I'm doing," Ryuunosuke said, turning around. Her bra unclipped and dropped to the floor, then her underwear followed suit leaving Ryuunosuke totally naked with her back turned to the nurse. Sakura blinked, and in the time she took to do that the cute young girl she'd called in to do a checkup had been replaced with a strong, powerful and healthy young man. "So please watch me carefully and tell me what I'm doing wrong. Okay?"

Not entirely what Sakura had in mind, but if she had any protests in helping out they disappeared when Ryuunosuke took his - took <i>her</i> first step. There wasn't a trace of femininity about it. It was a manly footstep with a cocky swagger to it that made that toned, muscular ass really pop out. Really, as a responsible nurse it was her duty to ensure that her patient's well being was dealt with given all the care that she could possibly manage. To that end she watched Ryuunosuke's naked self strut across the room in a manner that reminded her of a man on his way to his girlfriend's when he knew for a fact he was getting laid tonight.

"How was it?" Ryuunosuke said. She turned to peer over her shoulder at Sakura, beaming with pride. "Was it girly? Was there anything wrong with how I walked?"

The answer to both questions was the same: Hell no. But Sakura's throat felt uncommonly dry all of a sudden so instead she shook her head. <i>I am a professional. I am not leering at a student.</i> She told herself.

"Aw man! I was sure I had it this time!" Ryuunosuke snapped her fingers, turned around and in Sakura's mind became a girl again. "I gotta watch a woman walk again. Uh... Do you mind showing me what that looks like?"

"Yes, of course!" Sakura immediately answered. Part of her goal here today was to assist this confused young woman in properly embracing her gender identity. Rather than the one that had been thrust upon her against her will. Besides which, there wasn't anything strange about merely walking. Right? Sakura coughed, then strode in a big circle around the room. During this, Ryuunosuke pulled up a chair and sat down in the middle of the office. Still naked, watching Sakura intensely as if trying to memorise every single little motion.

"Wait, stop!" Ryuunosuke suddenly yelled. "Dammit, this is no good either. I need to see what your muscles are doing, and those girly clothes are in the way."

Sakura froze mid-step. ‘Wait, is Ryunosuke actually suggesting what it sounds like?’ she thought as she looked toward the nervous looking busty naked girl. ‘Yes, she’s not sure if that question crosses a line. Actually it probably does cross a line. . . but this poor girl.’ she thought, her hands unbuttoning her jacket even as she reached her decision.

It was after all her duty as a nurse to help students, and her clothes were making it harder for Ryunosuke to learn from her. As she pulled off her jacket and tossed it to the ground she reassured herself that they were both women. She pulled her blouse over her head and tossed it by her jacket. This was in no way any sort of lustful act, she thought as she dropped her long skirt, leaving her in nothing but her bra, panties and heels. Glancing toward Ryunosuke, she paused a moment to contemplate that mix of beautiful feminine form and enticing manly presence, then looked away, reminding herself that there was not one trace of lust in what she was doing as she reached back to undo her bra and toss it onto the rest of her clothes. A moment later and she had pulled down her panties and tossed them onto the pile. She'd stripped naked in front of her student without an ounce of lustful intent.

"Wow, damn!" Ryuunosuke whistled. "You're quite the woman! I shoulda turned to you for - I mean, I should have turned to you for advice on how to behave like a chick - Like a woman."

She could indulge in a little vanity at the compliment. "Watch carefully now," Sakura advised. "This is how a woman walks."

This wasn't something she would have done for any patient, of course. Putting herself on display like this, walking around them without a stitch of clothing on her extremely appealing body. Now, that was not vanity speaking. Oh no, she was being as objective as possible in that self assessment. One does not attract the leers of so many without becoming quite aware of one's own beauty. Indeed, Ryuunosuke will almost certainly have to learn that lesson as well. How to tolerate the lustful stares. How to turn down the boys that would drool after her. For that matter how to turn down the girls as well. Hadn't she heard that Ryuunosuke had several confession letters from girls as well? That was something else they'd need to discuss -

A powerful pair of hands grabbed hold of her hips out of nowhere. Sakura stopped in her tracks and looked back. Ryuunosuke was behind her, crouched down and staring quite intensely.

"Ah, sorry!" she said, smiling apologetically up at the nurse. "Watching ain't doing it for me. I gotta get a good feel for how this works. Please carry on."

Right. Of course. This was treatment as well, wasn't it? For a psychologically traumatised student. Nothing sexual about it. So Sakura resumed walking, trying to ignore the hands kneading into her hips. She felt Ryuunosuke's thumbs start to run circles around on her butt and didn't protest, that was probably just a slip of the thumb. Or she was trying to ensure her grip was secure so she could study Sakura's gait more carefully.

The one thing Sakura knew for a fact was that she was being professional. Responsible. Administering her duties to the best of her ability.

"Alright! I think I got it!" Ryuunosuke suddenly declared, rising to her feet and - Did she goose Sakura on the way up? It must have been her imagination, surely. "Okay! Put your hands on my hips and check me out! I'll get it this time, for sure!"

R-Right! Her patient was standing in front of her new. Sakura squat down and grabbed hold of Ryuunosuke's hips. The girl's muscular tone ass mere inches from her face. This was her job. This was what she was meant to be doing. Responsibly ensuring that this young girl got the treatment she deserved.


"Hi there! What's your name? Your address? Your telephone n-"

In the midst of girl pickup, Ataru Moroboshi suddenly stopped cold and looked off in a seemingly random direction. This was strange enough that LUm, about to toss a thunderbolt his way, powered down and joined him in staring.

"Hey Lum?" Ataru asked, his voice absent and distant.

"Yes Darling?"

"Did you ever feel like... Something insanely erotic was going on elsewhere with two of the hottest chicks you know, but you're not remotely involved?"

Lum twitched a bit, then internally resolved that she'd make up to her Darling for that little tryst. Oooh... Maybe she ought to give him a free tumble tonight? That ought to make up for what happened with her, Ran and Ryuunosuke... And it would also help her feel less inexplicably horny. She hoped. Gods above but she hoped!

  1. Sakura finally gets around to the examination, and notices something odd about Ryuunosuke's physiology that may explain why her dad insisted she was a boy.
  2. Sakura totally forgets about the examination.
  3. Ryuunosuke interrupts the training to bring up the photoshoot idea.
  4. Ran heads to the nurse's office, manages to pick the lock and discovers a hell of a scene.
  5. Something else

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