Sunday 7 January 2018

Story: Negima C+S

Setsuna had to admit, this training was exactly what she'd needed. All of her concerns regarding concentration simply melted away. All it took was bending over, eyes on butt, wiggle wiggle, feeling good. The thought that this was a perverted thing to do didn't even register at this point. All she could do was stare and lick her lips and prostrate herself before that tight, fit barely hidden booty. She could see every contour, the full shape. Everything but the colour was right there before her eyes. It felt like she was on the verge of something. Setsuna didn't know what it was, but she felt deep within her that it was something wonderful. It had to be. Because whenever a doubt crossed her mind it made her feel awful from head to toe.

"Setsunaaaaa!" a familiar voice cried, and an excitable bundle of cuteness tripped up and collided face first into her butt, in turn sending Setsuna face first into bliss pure bliss want to live her must stay in Ku Fei's ass forever. "Guh! Come train with me! Setsuna!"

"If it is training you desire, Ku Fei can help!" the foreign girl said, a twinkle in her eyes and a shimmy in her hips. In a show of tremendous flexibility she reached down, grabbed her foot and a moment later had her heel resting at the back of her head. "It's very flexible training. Isn't it Setsuna?"

"Mmmm..." Setsuna sighed into the ass her face was pressed into. Alas she was pulled away a moment later, hauled out of her room. Oh! Headache! Nooo, let her go back it was warm and soft and pleasant down there!

"Thanks but no thanks!" Konoka chirped. Setsuna whimpered but didn't fight being dragged away like this. "Your training seems a little, ah, advanced for me! Bye bye!"

Once they were gone Ku Fei slowly licked her lips and ran her hands down the raised leg, keeping her foot behind her head while doing so. "Is cute couple," she said. "Soon be lewd couple by the time we are done!"


Konoka's heart felt like it might burst from her chest any second now. Oh! She'd dragged Setsuna off to her room without thinking it through in the least little bit. They'd held hands the entire way! While Setsuna was dressed like that! Oh gosh, she could just keel over and die right now, whatever must people think of them?!

"Konoka, is everything alright?" Setsuna asked. "You're acting a little strangely."

Tears welled up in Konoka's eyes. "Me? I'm not acting str-strangely!" she sniffed. "You've been weird all day!"

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," Setsuna confessed. So Konoka did the only thing she could do. She leaned in a little, scratched at her collar and then wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I suppose you're right. It must be my imagination," she said. Then right at the moment Setsuna let down her guard she struck with her weapon - a hand mirror! Letting Setsuna see firsthand the kind of perverted face she'd been making just now! "Or maybe you're the one imagining things are okay!"

"...Ah!" Setsuna gasped. "Is... Is that the kind of expression I've been making all day? S-So lewd! Konoka, can you forgive me?!"

The question was asked with a flying hug that, at first, felt really nice. Then Setsuna's hands started wandering a bit. That still felt nice, but under the circumstances it didn't seem appropriate to let it continue for more than a minute or two. Hrm. Maybe three minutes come to think, Setsuna's hair smelled really nice.

"We must find a way to cleanse your soul," Konoka suggested. "It's obvious that sneaky little stoat has put some kind of spell on you. Probably Ku Fei and a few of the other girls too. So we need to shake it off and warn the others!"

It felt strange trying to be the strong one out of the two of them. Usually it was Setsuna who was strong while Konoka was weak and clumsy. Seeing her friend, her bodyguard reduced to this felt worse than any trip or fall, or any admonishment given during training.

"You're right," Setsuna nodded. "In that case there's only one thing for it. Whenever you see me do something lewd, you must spank me. As hard as you can! With the flat of your hand or the flat of a bokken, either way it doesn't matter. You must discipline me to make me stop being lewd!"

To that, Konoka held her hands up in an X formation in front of herself. Ah, but a better idea happened along almost right away! She knew just the thing to snap her out of this. A training method that was a surefire hit, and would surely cleanse Setsuna of those perverted thoughts in no time at all!

Perverted thoughts were now approximately ninety percent of her active musings. Setsuna couldn't help it. She'd thought this training would work as well. It sounded like such a good idea, and besides which saying no to that cute face made her heart hurt worse even worse than her head when she tried to push these thoughts away. The primary perverted observation that crept up time and time again was a powerful one, it made her feel so good, so at peace with herself that she'd almost embraced it as a mantra.

It went something like this: 'Because of this waterfall and the clothes that I am wearing, Konoka can see my breasts. Because of the waterfall and the clothes I am wearing, Konoka can see my breasts.'

Where did they find a waterfall? Where else would you find something when you didn't know where to look? The library of course! Yes, the school had an honest to goodness waterfall in it. They had even passed a haunted house, a burger shop and a ferris wheel on the way, so the waterfall actually seemed pretty mundane by comparison.

The water was cold. It cascaded down on top of Setsuna as she sat upon an even more cold rock. The water washed down her. It should be washing away these wicked thoughts. But the harder she tried to meditate on something else the worse she felt, yet the more she allowed herself to think -

'Because of this waterfall and the clothes that I am wearing, Konoka can see my breasts.'

It made her want to thrust out her breasts. Let Konoka see them. Let Konoka inspect them. But she couldn't do that. She'd be letting Konoka down if she gave in so easily! And what was more important? Indulging some stupid perverted fantasy or letting Konoka's cute face down?

'Stuff Konoka's face into my sopping wet breasts'.

A strangled whimper escaped her throat. This wasn't working!

"Keep at it Setsuna!" Konoka cheered on from the sidelines while eating a burger. "Oh! I know! What you need is... encouragement!"

Which is how the situation somehow got worse. Now Konoka was sitting next to her. Under the waterfall. In a sodden wet set of robes that clung to her skin and the mantra had been replaced.

'Konoka's boobs are right there. Konoka's boobs are right there. Konoka's boobs are right there.'

It was too much! Far too much! But no. She couldn't give in. Couldn't surrender. Couldn't become a pervert! Not when Konoka was working so hard to keep her from falling, so tirelessly to keep her from becoming corrupted.

"Uwah... It's so cold in here!" Konoka whined. Then she immediately glommed onto Setsuna's body, causing the bodyguard's right eye to open wide and twitch violently. "Warm me up, Setsuna!"

There were only a few select ways that she could think of that would effectively warm her up. Setsuna's hands slipped out of the meditative position and, trembling for reasons other than the cold, reached up around Konoka's back. Yes. Warm her up. She should warm Konoka up. Yes. Without question, they should set about exerting themselves quite a bit to warm themselves up...

"Hey, is someone in the waterfall?" yelled a familiar voice. Setsuna's arms shot down to her side, and she scooted away from Konoka, though this gave her a headache that very nearly knocked her out cold on the spot. Looking up she saw a familiar face from class. It was -

  1. Asuna
  2. Evangeline
  3. One of the perverts.
  4. Ayaka
  5. Negi
  6. Someone else

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