Monday 8 January 2018

Story: LS Mariko

Try to imagine what it is like. A young mother with an adorable young son and a husband who was also there. The husband takes the son away, feeling that he is being coddled, turning soft due to her care and affection. A promise is made. He will be made manly. The manliest man among men, on pain of seppuku. For years she receives monthly updates in the mail telling her of Ranma's progress. His potential as a martial artist being unlocked bit by bit. Growing and developing into the man that he would one day be!

Then she hears tell of their intention to visit some training ground in China called Jusenkyo and the letters... stop. What was a mother to feel but worry? The silence was the worst thing she had experienced in her entire lifetime.

But she kept her ear to the ground. In case Genma wound up making contact again. Or she heard of his demise from some horrific training accident. Imagine her surprise when she heard it: A martial arts cheering contest where the name "Ranma Saotome!" could be heard yelled! No doubt cheered on by his cute cheerleader girlfriend. Oh happy day, she had found a lead! Or a potential lead. It might not be the same Ranma, but hope was so much more satisfying than silence.

"Can I help you, Miss...?"

"Mrs Saotome," she corrected to the school's receptionist. "I see that you have an opening for cheerleading coach and would very much like to apply."

The receptionist looked at her blankly. True enough, she had ulterior motives. On the other hand a little extra spending money was always useful. Even if she didn't get the job she could, in theory, discover a little bit more about that martial arts contest. Nodoka had been on her school's cheerleading team back in high school, and while she didn’t know much about the “Martial Arts” side of things, she felt rather certain that the wife of a martial artist could pick it up soon enough.

"Right this way please," the receptionist said. "Practise is on at the moment, so you might be able to meet the team."

Hrm? That was a bit easier than she'd expected. "Shouldn't I have an interview first?"

"Yes, and that's who you're meeting with," the receptionist said. "The head cheerleader is very picky about coaches."

"Then... a reference?" she asked again. This seemed strange. "Won't you need to see credentials of some sort?"

"If you want to work for this high school as any kind of coach, you're either brave, stupid, or haven't heard about our cheerleading team," the receptionist said. Then she stopped and turned around. "The fact you're still there is all the credentials and references we need."

Wow, this was reminding her a bit about how she met her husband. Nodoka decided that was a good omen for finding her son. And certainly not a terrifying harbinger of things to come.

"Konjo, we've got fresh meat for you!" the receptionist called into a gym. Nodoka peeked inside. Along the walls were a dozen of so exhausted looking girls, sweat pouring off their brows. Breathing heavy laden, several of them even lying on top of each other and more than a couple had their eyes closed as if they had fallen asleep.

Except for in the middle where one girl and one alone was still standing. No, standing wasn't the right word. She was waving around pom poms with nary a bead of sweat anywhere on her body. To Nodoka's eyes she was the very embodiment of a cheerleader, clad in a really cute outfit with a skirt that was admittedly a bit shorter than she remembered wearing in her youth.

"Come on team don't be so meek, let's all improve our physique!"

Well now. What a charming example of an enthusiastic young girl this delightful beauty was. She turned around and her pretty face broke out into a smile upon seeing Nodoka standing there. She gave a cheery, friendly wave and skipped right on over.

"So you're the new C-O-A-C-H?" the girl asked, punctuating the spelled word with little alternating bounces on her heels.

"That is my intention," Nodoka said, giving the young girl her warmest smile. "If you will have me. My name is Nodoka."

"Like, Mariko is my name," Mariko said. She put her hands on her hips and looked Nodoka up and down. "You know, the traditional look really works for you, but isn't all too hot for someone wanting to be a coach. Are you sure you have what it T-A-K-E-S?"

"Of course I do," Nodoka answered without a moment's hesitation. "As it happens I was a cheerleader when I was your age. I don’t think I was as talented as you though.”

It always helped to play to the head cheerleader's ego. That fact never changed no matter how many years passed by. Besides which this young girl was the likeliest to know about Ranma, making her the prime person to butter up.

"Well, I'd like to see what you can do," Mariko said. "How about a nice friendly cheer-off? You watch me, then copy what I do."

Oh yes, there it was. The martial artist's mentality coming out to the surface. Nodoka recognised it all too well.

“Well that doesn’t sound too hard. I suppose I could borrow some sweats and a t-shirt and-”

Mariko blew a whistle she suddenly had. “N-O! We cheer in Uniform! Luckily, you’re about the size of our last coach, so her uniform should fit you just fine! Come with me and I'll show you where the changing R-O-O-M is!"

An elegant yet powerful hand snaked around Nodoka's waist and gently guided her off towards the changing room. They were rather close together. So close that Nodoka could feel Mariko's hip pressing into hers and making subtle alterations to the way she was walking. Hrm! Well, why not? Sometimes it was good to remind the next generation that their elders were capable of keeping up with them. Besides which this seemed like a superb opportunity to endear herself to this Mariko girl, a no doubt vital source to determining the location of her son.

Although it must be said that Nodoka was so caught up in that idea that she didn't notice as, one by one, the exhausted girls lining the benches at the side of the gym turned their gaze towards her and Mariko walking hip to hip. Some of them wet their lips. Others pressed their thighs together and still others let out strangled whimpers that could almost be mistaken for moans of exhaustion.

"I like you already," Mariko whispered. "I really hope you're good enough to be our new C-O-A-C-H!"

"Me too," Nodoka whispered back, breaking off from Mariko to enter the dressing room. She did not notice the subtle ways that her walking pattern had been altered, giving her hips a slightly more peppy flick to them each time her feet hit the floor. "I shall be out shortly."

"Um... Mariko?" one of the less exhausted looking girls wheezed out after Nodoka had gone inside. "Didn’t the last coach have much shorter legs than her?"

"Was she?" Mariko absently replied, swishing around her pom poms and swishing her skirt around while staring at the door to the locker room with an expression growing more hungry by the moment. "Like, that's so forgetful of me. Tee hee! I'm sure it'll all work out in the end."


Ever since she woke up this morning Akane had felt kind of weird. It started when she looked at herself in the mirror in the morning. For some reason she became really distracted by the shape of her body, and not in the sense of "I need to lose weight" or anything like that. It was more like, somehow she appreciated the female form a bit more. Not in a perverted way or anything like that. No, no. It was more like she was paying attention to it for the first time. You see?

"Good morning Akane," her sister had said, and there was a really fine example of the female form. Not just in the way she looked. The way she moved. The way she made that cute dress work for her. She wasn't just filling it out, Kasumi was <i>wearing it</i>. Made it seem as natural to her as her arm or her leg. A part of her body. A part of her being. "Oh dear, are you feeling alright Akane?"

"I'm fine," Akane said, though she wasn't really sure if she was. She sucked it in and tried her best to get on with her day. Gosh what a strange thing to notice all of a sudden. Still, she was able to put it out of her mind after that.

That is to say up until it started to rain on the way to school, and Ranma turned into a girl. "Guh! Stupid weather," the really, really cute girl groused. "The forecast didn't say anything about rain today. They call themselves experts."

It was a funny thing, but looking up at her on the fence Akane couldn't help but observe that body. Ranma's girl form was so cute it wasn't even fair. It wasn't as though she'd earned that figure, those breasts, those curves. Sometimes it made her seethe with jealousy. Not so much today though. Because today all she could think was 'Ranma should  be wearing a tiny frilly skirt rather than those boring black trousers.'

And to compound the weirdness even further the thought seemed totally natural. Yet Akane also recognised that the thought should not feel natural. Quite the paradox. Between mulling it over and looking at Ranma's legs, Akane totally missed what she had just said.

"S-Sorry, what was that?" she asked.

"You got mothballs in your ears today or something?" Ranma asked. "You've been spacing out on everyone today. I was asking if you were gonna be training with that girl again tonight."

That girl? Mariko? "Yes, as a matter of fact I will be," Akane turned up her nose. "Not that it's really any business of yours... Unless you intend to gatecrash again?"

"I'll be coming with you this time," Ranma corrected. "I don't trust that chick. She's up to something. She's not the sort to get beaten easily."

"And you should know, little miss 'I don't lose'!" Akane hip bumped the fence, causing Ranma to stumble - and fall right on top of her. The two hit the ground, and Akane realized that their positions were as such that Ranma’s face was mere inches from hers, and Akane’s hands were now tightly squeezing Ranma’s chest. It was a magical moment. For a second there Akane even remembered, back in the shower. When the two of them were in there. What they did. How she had dominated the shorter, stronger, cuter girl...

"C-Clumsy!" Ranma huffed, pushing herself up and then jumping back onto the fence, her face as red as her shirt. "What're you trying to do, knock me into the canal?"

Akane very nearly said something to the effect of "Not unless you're a boy," but kept herself from saying it. Instead her view was drawn towards Ranma's figure once again, casting a critical eye on the form rather than the substance. It was quite interesting actually. If you looked at Ranma's gait while a girl, it was pretty much the same as when she was a he.

The interesting thing though? That combination of cute girl booty, baggy trousers and male stride gave her a strangely defenseless appeal. No wonder the boys drooled over her even though they long since knew the truth! Nothing uncute or unsexy about tomboys that she could see. That was for sure. She could watch that ass all day long from down here. “I don’t need to try, you knock yourself in that enough times!” She said, sticking out her tongue. "And you have the gall to call me clumsy!"

"Hmph! We'll see who is clumsy tonight at training!" Ranma replied. Then she trod on a bit of fence undergoing repairs. It tipped her over into the canal, leaving her thoroughly drenched.

  1. Nodoka is pushed to exhaustion by Mariko’s test. Actually she completely forgets about asking about her son
  2. Nodoka passes the first part with flying colours. Now for the next part: The massage.
  3. Ranma and Akane attract the attention of some people at school.
  4. Something else

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