Monday 22 January 2018

Story: Sexy Furinkan Girls

This might be hard to believe but Ranma was having more fun teasing Ryoga than rubbing cream on Shampoo's body. Don't misunderstand: Shampoo's figure was the epitome of exotic sensuality and Ranma's fingers would have little trouble caressing that flesh for weeks, months, maybe even years. Put simply, revving up Ryoga's engines was giving her an irreplaceable thrill.

Deep down that's the kind of person she always was. A tease. She liked riling people up, and while she would never have gone quite so far usually, now that Ranma had all of her sexual restraints removed there was no reason for her not to tease that boy into a waking coma. She playfully smacked Shampoo on her cream covered rear, drawing little whimper from the tough girl. Heh. As though something like that could really hurt her.

Mmm, come to think she was kind of teasing Shampoo as well wasn't she? Giving her the intimate contact that she so craved, yet denying her any sense of sexual relief. Ranma hissed in realisation of this. God, that made this whole thing so much hotter. Ranma couldn't think of anything she'd rather be doing than this, teasing two of the sexiest and easiest to tease people she -

Ranma stopped. She sniffed the air. She licked her lips, blinked exactly twice, and then vanished from the dressing room. Now, surely this must make one wonder: Whatever could have lured her away like that? Ranma was enjoying herself, playing with both Shampoo and Ryoga at once. Not to mention that her mother was nearby, and she did so enjoy spending time with her. Any of these three factors alone - Shampoo's sexy body, Ryoga's funny reactions and the chance to spend time with her mother - would prove a powerful compulsion to stay, so what was it that drew her away?

"Hi Ranchan! Hungry are we?"

How about her stomach? You see, Ranma Saotome - in either form - was a quite active martial artist with a lot of energy to burn off. His/her stomach was in nearly constant need of replenishing, and as such she was a slave to food over her own libido. A fact that Ukyo Kuonji knew all too well, and had used that knowledge to painstakingly gather all of Ranma's favourite foods around her own naked body, which was even now waiting for him to tuck in and take a bite.

"Hi Uchan!" Ranma waved at the girl lying within the food. Ooh, what a yummy treat had been set out for her. Also the food looked delicious and filling. "You went to all this trouble for me?"

Ukyo shot her a come hither look that made several of the passersby pass out from too high an arousal rating. The chef was bad enough as it was, with her ludicrous sex appeal making it easy for her to persuade restaurant owners who were normally bitter rivals (with herself and each other) to cooperate in creating this singular work of art, but now throw in a pigtailed beauty that was just about as smoking hot, then make it seem like they were about to screw each other silly and most of the onlookers who were still conscious were only so because they were determined to see what that looked like. Because surely their imaginations couldn't hope to keep up.

Not that Ranma noticed any of them anyway. Her eyes were only on Ukyo for the time being. She grabbed a chair, wrapped a bib around her neck and then realised that she was only wearing a thin layer of cream and a rather revealing string bikini. Oh well! Nobody was complaining. All that really mattered for now was the spread that Ukyo had put in front of her.

"You know something Ranma?" Ukyo asked, dipping her finger into the parfait in front of her, making sure a dollop was all over her finger before offering it to Ranma. "I liked you the moment we met ten years back. Isn't it funny? A little girl having such a huge crush on a little boy, and then it changes the course of her life."

"Mmm..." Ranma moaned, bobbing her head forward to suck on Ukyo's finger. Her tongue swirled around it, quickly taking all of and savouring the taste. Ukyo's finger lingered in her mouth. Ranma didn't complain. It tasted almost as good as the parfait.

"I've already waited so long," Ukyo continued, now using her spare hand to pour honey down her cleavage. "What was another year, right? You'd come to your senses. You'd ditch Akane, you'd toss Shampoo out on her ear. Then you'd come to me. The perfect pick. Your best friend, the girl who knows what's right for you." Then she cracked an egg over her navel, and it began to sizzle and cook from sheer sex appeal. "I'm done waiting. I'm done playing. Boy form, girl form, it doesn't matter to me. I'm yours however you want me."

Her finger popped out of Ranma's mouth, and the two of them stretched out. Hunger filled their eyes, ravenous and all consuming. Unwilling to wait even a moment longer, Ranma reached out a trembling hand - then grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began to scarf up all the food in big disgusting mouthfuls at a time while totally ignoring Ukyo's body.

Ukyo's eye twitched. "Uh... Ranma?"

"Yeah Uchan?" Ranma said, belching loudly afterwards. "Oh! Sorry, excuse me." Ranma pounded her own chest. Ukyo drooled a bit over the interesting jiggling sensations that caused but then shook it off. "Man, you sure know how to put together a great spread!"

"J-jackass! Here I am offering my body to you, and all you care about is the food?! Is that all I am to you? A free food vendor?"

"Huh?" Ranma gulped down a large mouthful of noodles. "No, of course not! You're my good buddy Uchan! Wait... I know what's got you so upset! You wanted some of this food yourself, didn't you?"

Ukyo was about to protest that no, she didn't, when all of a sudden Ranma popped a diced bit of fish into her mouth and then dashed forward to feed it to Ukyo mouth to mouth. The chef toppled back onto her platter in the middle of the food, the back of her head crushing an apple pie. She reflexively chewed and swallowed the meat, but their kiss lasted a good minute longer than that.

"You know it's weird but it feels like this should break all sorts of public decency laws," one restaurant owner remarked.

"I bet it does, but are you going to call in the police?" another asked.

"No," the first answered right away. "It's almost as if someone used a magical artefact to make this kind of public displays of affection acceptable."

"Not to mention what they're wearing."

"You mean what they're almost wearing."

The kiss seperated and the two of them looked into each other's eyes longingly. "Come on Uchan," Ranma whispered, stroking the side of her head. "You should know I've always been a dreadful tease."

Ukyo didn't respond for a full half a minute. When she did, it took the form of an extremely feminine giggle, as though someone had just started tickling her feet.

"Mmm, but you know I am actually pretty hungry," Ranma said, rising to her knees. "So I'm gonna eat this food. But while I'm having my fill of this, why don't you eat something else?"

And that's how it came to be that Ranma set about eating this feast that Ukyo had put out for him while Ukyo lay on her back, head between Ranma's thighs, lovingly and attentively tasting that cursed form pussy like a drowning man sucking on an oxygen tank. Normally the two of them were the sort to admonish sloppy eaters, but under the circumstances they were perfectly willing to make some exceptions.

  1. Shampoo's been left horny and randy. And you know something, Nodoka kind of looks like Ranma's girl form...
  2. Shampoo immediately resumes her hunt for Ranma.
  3. Shampoo's way too horny to think straight and happens to have some hot water. Oh, Ryoga...
  4. Shampoo encounters one of the other sexy girls
    Something else.


  1. #3, except Ryoga accidentally ensures she gets cold water on her. Tiny pig vs angry cat.

  2. #2 sounds interesting
