Monday, 3 February 2025

Thread Voting: Open until 9th Feb

 Here's the spreadsheet!

Haruhi Titnosis and Negima C+S are winning! Here's my thoughts for these.

Haruhi Titnosis: Let's give this a plot. Now! Haruhi's a smart girl. She's learned that titnosis exists. It is therefore reasonable that she would assume other sexy superpowers exist, right...? Perhaps even a secret group dedicated to ruling the world from the shadows! Cue antagonistic force.

Negima C+S: I'd like to step away from the classroom for a bit to check in on Chamo to see what fresh nonsense he's up to.


  1. Ryunosuke Alone
    Ataru's Kingdom
    UY Destiny Temps
    UY Dream Jumper
    UY C+S

  2. 1. Negima: C+S
    2. Secret Bimbo Outbreak: Negima
    3. Naruto: Massage Invasion
    4. Negima Stultus Pulchram Rewrite
    5. Hamefura C+S

    Patreon Vote (Gornyetch): Negima C+S

    Negima C+S: Maybe Chamo's indulging in the new, more perverted campus and relishing the runaway success of the carrot/stick spell but gets caught because he was too cocky and forgot about the non-3A reasons to try to be discreet (Takane, Shizuka, Shakti, etc).

    If you want him to be causing new problems, maybe Chamo is getting too greedy and tries to do something with the World Tree to boost the spell even more or he decides to invite his kindred spirit Paio II to enjoy this new paradise but in doing so brings in attention from the Magic World (e.g., those Ariadne girls are on their first assignment to catch Paio and upon arriving seek out Yue).

  3. Federal Breast Inspector 1/2
    Double Trouble
    Akane Quest
    Curvy Akane
    Code Geass: Britannian Breeding

  4. Haruhi Titnosis: How about it's a cult-like organization that worships boobs and see's the Book of Titnosis as their holy text. They've replicated a process to gain huge enthralling honkers but it is a pale imitation in comparison.

  5. A Guy's Pride and Joy
    Negima C+S
    Code Geass: Britannian Breeding
    Rei Swarm
    RCM: Magical Christmas Cake Yumiko

    Patreon Vote: Akane's Quest

  6. Genma the MILF
    Magical Christmas Cake Yumiko
    RCM: Succu-MILF
    RCM: Great hero's descendent
    Genma Saotome, Ex-Harem Protaganist
    / Lightweight

  7. A Guy's Pride & Joy
    Hentai Crystal
    Creeping Perversion
    Anime Alpha Males

    Patreon: A Guy's Pride & Joy
    Monthly Patreon: Dogi of Delights

  8. 1. It's FATE
    2. Code Geass: Britannian Breeding
    3. Change-Switch Fever
    4. St. Doria's
    5. Negima Spell

    - [occasional whimsy]

  9. Cocknosis Raildex
    Titnosis Sailor Moon
    Konosuba Succubus Shop
    Rito Power Creep
    Bimbo Body Wash: Rosario + Vampire

  10. 1) Code geass miscalculation
    2) Konosuba Darkness Arrive
    3) Fate skill grinder
    4) love normal
    5) code geass euphemification

  11. Chilly Harem
    Akane the Half-Alien
    Double Trouble
    Urusei Yatsura: First Impressions
