Sunday, 2 February 2025

Story: TLR Indecent

"Where the fuck is that remote?!" an alien screamed, right into the listening hole of another alien. "Without that remote, we cannot conquer this plane of existence through manipulation of sexual desire!"

Another alien, well to the back, whispered to another: "Hey, the boss is getting pissed off about that remote."

"He sure is," the other whispered back. "And you know what happens when he gets like this."

"Yeah," the first sighed wearily, noting that the boss was wheeling out a whiteboard. "He's gonna get expositional on our waste dispensers."

"Listen up!" their boss yelled across the room, tapping at the blank white surface. "It appears that some of you have somehow forgotten the importance of our mission! Therefore! I am going to remind you, so that you know how to take better care of our equipment going forward!"

A heavy sigh came across the room, and all the aliens lurking within. Alas, they would have to pay attention to this, even if they were in the process of tracking down the kink remote even now.

"Our intention is simple: We're going to exploit this planet's myriad kinks for our own end," the lecture began, and a few of them made mouth movements as though predicting what he was going to say. No need for that, though. The speech had long since been drilled into their brains. "A rare opportunity has been granted to us, here. For not only is this planet's dominant life form really stupid about their reproductive process, but it just so happens that we have numerous alien presences contained within one particular area that will grant us an ungodly amount of control over the galaxy, if we pull this off!"

Mister Smith stopped for effect, a few of the workers took the chance to get a little more work done before - 

"Rito Yuuki is the key," Mister Smith continued, while everyone else mouthed the words. Heard them just a few too many times, it seemed. "We use him to take control of all three - that's all three, mind you- of the daughters of the ruler of the Galaxy in one fell swoop. We get him to knock them up under our guidance, and then the whole lot of them will be utterly beholden to our will, and so on with their descendants."

Of course, they all knew this already. He might as well have started the lecture with the words 'as you know'. Killers for any expositional scene, as it may make an astute audience member internalise the question 'the fuck you telling them for, stupid?'

Punishment. That's a reason, right there. Punishment.

"A particular lynchpin of our plan is to make it so that they all develop a hard fetish for doing whatever we tell them," Mister Smith continued. "And a key part of that is to utterly break the willpower of the most anti-lewd person around - Yui Kotegawa. If she shatters like glass and develops acute nymphomania, then everyone else's ability to resist any and all fetishes and kinks implanted into them will plummet so hard, it might as well be zero."

Another pause for dramatic effect. Seriously, does he have to indulge in this every fucking time? It got old. It got old so fucking fast. But he wasn't nearly done yet. The exposition dump was big, and it was coming in hard!

"According to our calculations, the sooner Rito Yuuki fucks Kotegawa up the ass, and makes her cum at least twice from doing so, the more likely it is that our plan shall succeed!" he announced. That should be the end of it. Goal stated. However - 

"These charts and graphs are what led us to this inescapable conclusion!" Mister Smith continued, clicking a remote that, sadly, controlled a projector and not the kinks of those it was aimed at currently. The chart in question was overlaid of a picture of Yui Kotegawa bending over, back turned to the camera, wearing the girl's uniform of Sainan High. "As you can plainly see from this, penetration and climax from being fucked in the ass will induce this curve right here, which shall flow nicely and transform the functions until they converge -"

"Ah! Found it!" an alien chirped, and the room went silent. "Ohoho! Got it! Clear signs of fetish manipulation right here, here and here... Triangulate, and then... Voila!"

Everyone in the room backed away from that one. They were the youngest in the office. A diligent hardworker who had been half paying attention, mouthing along with the speech alongside the others. He continued working away, while Mister Smith slowly approached him, his presence growing seemingly larger and larger with each passing moment.

"Kukuku! You see, I knew that it must have been found by a human, and they'd almost certainly pick it up and try playing with it to see what it did," the poor fool nattered on, oblivious to his fate. "Of course, they wouldn't sit still either while using it, so that made it easier to pick up on where the kinks are a bit off. Let's see, let's see -"

Mister Smith's hand landed atop the dope's head, and he was turned around.

"Do not interrupt my," Mister Smith said. "When I am talking about Yui Kotegawa being fucked in the ass!"

"Huh?" the newbie gasped. "But sir, I've tracked down the remote!"

"I said!" Mister Smith said, quite a few decibels louder. "Do not. Interrupt me. When I'm talking about anal. With Yui Kotegawa!"

"It's - It's at Kotegawa's place!" the newbie whimpered. "Sh-Shall we send an extraction team?"

"Feh!" Mister Smith scoffed. "Take him to the anal destroyer, then maybe he will learn some appreciation for the fine art of spelunking."

Not for the first time, Mister Smith's underlings pondered the possibility: Was he only in it to see that girl in particular getting railed in the pooter? None of them dared say it aloud, it was too dangerous... and yet...

"You know, she does have a really nice butt," one whispered to another. On that point, at least, they could all fully agree!


1 comment:

  1. You know, I can see this working out for everyone involved now. The invaders get to see Yui take it in the pooper, humanity (+others) don't get mind controlled by weird extraterrestrial perverts, and Yui gets to be queen of the universe. Happy ending.
