Monday, 10 February 2025

Story: Negima C+S


Alas, alack, poor Chamo could not see things through to fruition. He'd started this wombo-combo of perverted antics with his own wit, guile and bravery, and now? Now Negi was going to reap the benefits. That was, admittedly, going to happen anyway, but even so! Right now, in that classroom, he was corrupting the few elements left over who had not yet given their soul over to lewdness.

And that was a damn shame.

It made sense why he could not be there. His presence would make the remaining girls too upset, too suspicious, thus he must remain out of it. Only seeing the results, and not the process itself. Boo! Boring! It was the kind of thing that made time slow to a screeching halt! He wanted to be involved, watch it unfurl before his very eyes! Behold as the student becomes the master, and does his little stoat ally proud!

But wait! Why stop with this one class when there was a whole lot more he could be doing right now? Indeed, there was an endless font of possibility here. Plenty of other staff to corrupt. He could easily get his grubby little paws into the greater magical world, if he set his mind to it.

On the other hand? Those were the sorts of things he'd be better off getting a little help for. Hrm. That did make things a little tricky. What to do, then? What to do, what to do...?

He found Miss Shizuna shifting through a collection of costumes. Oho? What's this, now? "Ahem!" he coughed. "Whatever are you doing?"

The busty teacher turned and smiled at him. Oh, what a lovely sight! "I'm arranging the costumes," she said. "So the soon to be..." A frown crossed her face. She shook her head. Tried to get rid of the thought, the nasty vulgar thing bouncing around in her skull.

"Say it," Chamo said, as the teacher writhed in pain. "By now you must know, you'll feel really good if you simply say it aloud!"

"The soon to be sluts~" Shizuna said a little too quickly, as if the pain had suddenly become too much for her. She sighed in relief, and nearly toppled over on the spot. "Oooh~ They will need costumes. For the horny little plays they're soon to be putting on~"

"Is that so?" Chamo said, perking up before perking right back down again. "Ah... But I won't get to see those plays live, will I? It'll scare the girls too much, spoiling everyone's fun!"

"Awww~" Miss Shizuna cooed, reaching down to give him a skritch behind the ears. "It's not your fault. Would it make you feel better to ride in my boobs?"

"Would it?!"

Like a kid in a candy store. Puhuhuhu! This truly was paradise, wasn't it? These big warm boobies were a comfortable place to ride in! Ah! Bliss! But... He still felt like he could be doing something more. Setting up for the next stage, or perhaps running interference to stop things from going awry!

Thus the two of them went on a little walk. It would be a while before the class needed Shizuna's help anyway. They had a fair amount of writing to do! Surely this will bring him inspiration! And wouldn't be little more than an excuse to go bouncy bouncy bouncy in her cleavage like a happy little stoat!

Alright fine, he was doing this to be a happy little stoat. Each footstep left him getting squished on all sides by warm welcoming womanly flesh, of course he was going to be super happy about it!

But then, while wandering around the girl's dorms, he heard a sound. A distinctive sound. Like sawing logs. Oho? What was this, now? He held up a paw, gesturing for his teacher pet to stop, which she dutifully did.

"Teachers have a master key in case of emergencies, right?" Chamo asked. He'd heard that from Negi. He hadn't used his, of course, but... it made sense as a practical measure. Something might have happened to a student, and access might be acquired. "Why don't we take a quick peek inside, kukuku~?"

"Yes, of course!" Shizuna said. She produced the key from her breast pocket, which was a wild experience on Chamo's end, have no fear of that! Kukuku! Alright, that was fun but let's get inside here and take a good look around for the time being.

Inside, there wasn't all that much here, really. The window was open, though. Chamo hopped out of the cleavage to take a good look around - and what did he see but a certain hot blooded rival laying on Chizuru's bed! Hugging her pillow, kicking his little legs like a dog chasing a car!

How adorable! How precious! How thoroughly dangerous. This brat would plainly see through everything in a heartbeat! Tsk! This wasn't exactly what he had in mind, and doing this to another guy wasn't really part of his gameplan, but...

He hopped back up to Shizuna's chest, rummaged around and pulled out a carrot and a stick. No, let's not dwell on it. Sigh! Negi was one thing. The boy was in need of proper direction. This boy though? Eh! He was already drawn to a big boobied mommy type as it was, he didn't need all that much further correction. This was merely a preventative measure, nothing more.

Which made it all the more annoying when, after setting the carrot down on the right side of his head, the boy rolled over and kicked Chamo across the room. For a moment, he was worried the brat had woken up, but - 


Still sawing logs. Ohohoho! That was doubtless a lucky kick. He'd knocked the carrot away as well. Let's set that back into place and then - 

Wham! Across the room he flew yet again! Landed with his back hitting the wall, and then he slid down to the floor. Didn't hurt! He was made of sterner stuff than this!

What really hurt was: The brat was munching on the carrot in his sleep.

"Why, I oughta..." Chamo whispered, miming rolling up his sleeves while kicking his feet back against the carpet. Then marched back up to Miss Shizuna, rummaged around some more in her cleavage... Pulled out a turnip, a pen, the unredacted JFK report, and - Presto! A bag of carrots! "Kick me across the room twice, wouldja? I'll teach you a thing or three!"

"Um, I could put them down for you, if you like?" Shizuna offered.

"Would you?" Chamo asked, eyes shining brightly. "Oh! Happy days! How kind, how considerate! Yes, please, set them aside and I'll cast the spell!"

He watched, rubbing his paws in delight as he watched Shizinua bend over the bed to set the carrot and stick alike next to the boy's head. Ah! She even popped a carrot in her cleavage so the boy could nibble on it without disturbing the setup! Oh! This is the difference between a student and a teacher! It made him wipe a tear from his eye in delight!

"Alright!" Chamo announced, casting the spell before breaking out into a maniacal rant. "Kukukuku! Hahahaha! That's it, you little twerp! Hahaha! Gotcha now! You're mine too, all mine! My students, my happy little horny and obedient - "

"Oy! Shut the hell up!" Kotarou yelled, punching Chamo right into the ceiling. "Trying to get some sleep here, do you mind?!"

"Duly noted!" Chamo said, his head fully embedded into the ceiling, leaving him hanging there like a light. "Might get some sleep myself now! Been an exciting day! I sure hope this isn't a concussion!"

It wasn't. But hey, at the very least he'd be quiet for a little while, which can only be a benefit to everyone.

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