Monday, 24 February 2025

Story: Ataru's Kingdom


The world was wrong, Shinobu knew it was wrong, yet she also felt absolutely and completely powerless to do anything about it. Worse yet, she was having trouble pinpointing exactly what was wrong about the world. It was pure intuition. A gut feeling. Wrongness permeated seemingly everything.

She looked at her surroundings. She was back in class following the Harem Exam. Sitting not too far away was Ataru, who had passed the exam with flying colours. Lum was sitting in his lap, and right next to him, Benten was wearing a cheerleader's uniform and a veil over her mouth.

"Go Ataru, he's our man, to satisfy a harem plan!"

Indeed, Lum was wearing a bellydancer's outfit with her unique tiger print colour scheme to it. Shinobu tried to remember when exactly she'd received such a thing, but... No, it simply was not coming to her. Let's see, was there anything else in the classroom that was strange?

Mendo wasn't here, but that's because he was injured in the harem exam. The girls in class were all wearing their uniforms, save Lum and Benten obviously. Including Ryuunosuke. And Shinobu herself. She looked down. Indeed, there it was. A snug white shirt with the top three buttons undone to show off a healthy amount of cleavage, thigh high white socks, and a blue ruffled skirt that could easily be mistaken for a belt.

Nothing unusual here. Maybe the lesson...?

Sakura was at the head of the class. Because of course she was. Obviously it would be better for Onsen-mark to teach another class, because Sakura was far more trustworthy, and pretty. She slammed her hand against the blackboard and scowled at the class.

"As I'm sure you all know by now, Ataru Moroboshi was the top scorer in the harem exam, managing a perfect grade!" Sakura said. "As such, he, Lum, and any other girl who volunteers to join his harem will be permitted an all expenses paid trip to the Arabian Gold themed love hotel, so that they may see, firsthand, the nature of the service industry."

She slammed her hand against the blackboard once again.

"This is a school trip!" Sakura insisted. "Granted, all volunteers will be members of his harem for the rest of their lives, should they agree, but that is no excuse to take this any way but professionally! There shall be no illicit activities! Thus, I shall be attending as well to ensure that you are all looked after."

Aha? Shinobu's ears perked up when she heard that. Something about that did sound weird - even if it did make perfect sense that Ataru would be rewarded for doing such a good job... He raised his hand to get attention..

"Miss Sakura~" he chirped happily. "Will there be dancing?"

"Of course," Sakura said. "The girls shall be given instruction in pole, lap and belly dancing."

Next, Lum raised her hand. "In that case, will there be kissing~"

"All members of the harem will be required to kiss Ataru Moroboshi regularly," Sakura said. "Of course, as chaperone I shall have to slip him some tongue on the regular as well."

"Can I touch the girls!" Ataru asked next.

"Anywhere they're willing to let you," Sakura said. Lum giggled and squirmed in her seat, which was, of course, Ataru's lap. "To cut off any further questions in this area - Ataru will be allowed to grope, spank, caress anywhere skin is uncovered, so make sure to cover up anywhere you don't want his hands wandering near!"

"Tiger print G-string and pasties," Lum muttered, as if making a mental note to herself.

"Mmm, I wanna wear a g-string too~" Ryuunosuke moaned. "Sooo girly!"

Now that they were talking about it, Shinobu kind of felt the same way. She hadn't really thought about it before but that sounded super fucking comfy. 

"Furthermore, the shower is in the middle of the room so everyone will be able to watch as you bathe," Sakura continued. "There is only one changing room, and Ataru will be permitted to stay to watch us all. There is also only one bed so be on guard - absolutely anything could happen in the middle of the night. Yes, Benten?"

"We know the rules for Ataru touching us," Benten said. "But what about us touching H-I-M?"

Sakura licked her lips. Shinobu, Lum, Benten and Ryuunosuke all leaned forward in keen interest.

"There are no rules," Sakura whispered. "We can touch him however we want."

"Yay!" Ataru fistpumped the air. "What about entertainment...?"

"There shall be a mud wrestling pit provided, as well as a section of the room for performing photo shoots with all manner of erotic costumes," Sakura said as if it was no big deal. It was! It really was! That sounded expensive and <b>fun</b>!

"Hold on one moment," Shinobu said, raising her hand. "Uh, who exactly is paying for this, again?"

"The Mendo family put it up, supposedly," Sakura shrugged. "Which reminds me. I have heard through the grapevine that the daughter of the Mendos shall be assisting in supervising. Not as a member of the harem, but she will be participating in the activities. As an observer. Now, you have until the end of the day to volunteer to join Ataru's harem, but remember, once you're in there's no backing out, so think it over carefully and - "

Three girls raised their hands immediately, and another burst in through the door. Shinobu, Ryuunosuke and Benten were all in on the harem train, albeit for different reasons. For Shinobu, it was a chance for her to remember. She was meant to be investigating something, right? It had to do with this, for sure! In Ryuunosuke's case, it was the ideal opportunity to formalise her femininity forever! For Ran, who had burst in the door - 

"I'm in!" Ran insisted, sounding out of breath. She looked and scowled directly at Lum. "I'll beat you yet! Ah! Ohhh, I need to get to the skirt flipping grass, I need it sooo badly~"

Then she was off again. As for Benten, there wasn't a thought in her pretty little brainwashed brain right now. She just thought the harem thing sounded kinda fun, so she was going along with it.

Indeed. It would be fun. It would be fun watching them all work together to formalise Ataru's Kingdom once and for all!

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