For what felt like forever, Akane had been caught in a highly stressful situation from which there was no escape. Transformed into a sinfully sexy creature, so hot that even she had been aroused whenever she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her new body ludicrously curvy - enormous breasts, wide hips, thick thighs and a full round ass. Any one of those traits would have made her totally irresistable on its own, but when put together her body became a sexual masterpiece.
Then, she was psychologically tormented. Find someone you like. Have sex with them. Go on. Do it, do it, do it, do it. But there was only one person in her life that she had ever felt that way about before.
Until Ranma arrived.
Ranma. Ranma, Ranma, Ranma. He'd tried, hadn't he? That boy (sometimes girl) had recognised that what he was feeling was unnatural. He'd fought the impulse with all of his being. It was clear in his eyes that he felt it. Yet he resisted. Tried to help her in any way that he could.
And that made her really want to fuck him. At first, her thinking was basically 'hey he's kinda cute', but the more she got to know him, the more into him she became. Was this love? Was her body tricking her into thinking that it was so she would lure this absolutely gorgeous hunk into bed. Ranma, Ranma, Ranma! He soon occupied her every thought. Nudging out other things, other interests, until at last...
There was only so much she could resist. Just as there's only so much water a dam can hold back there was only so much Akane could do to stop herself from riding the wild horse. The moment she made a move, the game was over. And what was her conclusion?
Sex is fun. Sex is really fun! Really, really, really fun! It felt like all the stress and tension had melted off her body. She hadn't been this relaxed in literally years. Here she was, laying on Ranma's manly rugged chest listening to his strong heartbeat, basking in his warmth as his arm wrapped around her. Warm. Content. Happy. She very much doubted she'd feel this way if it was someone she did not like. For example, if Kuno were here instead? Yuck! Hate it, no thanks. Ranma though? Or maybe even Ranma's girl form...? Yes please!
"Wow!" Ranma said. "Woah, that was -"
"Mmm~ Yeah~" Akane squirmed in his grip. So happy, so content. Part of her was thinking that she was forgetting something, but she could not think of what it was.
"I guess we gotta get married now, huh?" Ranma asked.
"Ah. Yes, I suppose so," Akane replied, smiling and smiling like a - Hold on, what did he just say? Akane sat up. "Did you just propose to -"
Her voice stopped when she looked at him. From one state of shock to another. The proposal forgotten, Akane found herself looking down at Ranma's body, and - It was cut!
Don't misunderstand. It was cut before. But in a sort of lean way. There were muscles, strong muscles, make no mistake, but not like this. We're talking a bodybuilder's physique, here. Muscle layered to maximise his manliness. Don't get her wrong, Ranma was cute, but... He wasn't this cute!
Looking him over made her feel funny. As in, she really wanted to have sex with him again. In fact, she had the impression that any girl that got a good look at him would feel the same way! Which brought up weird protective urges:
Mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine mine!
"You okay?" Ranma asked. "You're breathing funny."
The spell broke, and Akane made a conscious choice to look away. She spotted a glass of water on a nearby surface. She didn't remember pouring one out, but - Never mind! She splashed Ranma right away, and then gasped in horror at what she saw.
Ranma's girl form was curvy.
Okay, that's probably not a very climactic observation given that yes, Ranma's girl form was known for being quite curvaceous. But not like this! Her body looked more like Akane's had when the change first hit her. Huge boobs, a slender tummy, wide hips, a thick full ass. A delicious morsel to Akane's current feast. And Akane was feeling like she wanted a little desert after her own meal~
She slapped herself across the cheek. No. No, no. That would be bad. This is what they wanted. She'd corrupted Ranma, made her just like her. If she indulged further - Akane looked down at herself and winced. As she feared, her breasts were a little bit bigger than they had been before she'd ridden Ranma's dick for - What did the clock say? Two hours?!
"Ranma, this is very important," Akane said. "Listen to me. I've corrupted you. Your body is so fucking hot right now, I just wanna -" Before she could stop herself, she licked his abs. Yum~ No, wait, stop that! "We have to control ourselves. Keep our hands off each other. Off other people!"
"Hey, now!" Ranma scowled. "I'm not some kinda playboy creep that hits on multiple girls."
It felt kinda weird hearing that from the mouth of a really cute girl. Kinda weirdly arousing as well. Akane was kissing those lips before she knew what she was doing. Grabbed onto those boobs. Moaned into that mouth. Began to wrap her legs around Ranma's so she could properly get a good humping action going -
Only to recoil before they went any further than that. "I... I need some time to think," Akane said. "Can you please get dressed and leave?"
Man, Ranma sure did feel great after that. For a while now he'd been worried. Was this just a physical attraction, or was there something more? Now, he was pretty sure. His feelings for Akane weren't only skin deep, and she felt the same about him.
It was a funny thing. He didn't used to have time for chicks, unless they were good fighters or needed help from a martial artist or whatever. A girlfriend? A wife? Distractions from training. But Akane? She was the kind of distraction that Ranma could really do with!
Although, it was kinda weird. For some reason, Ranma's clothes weren't quite fitting properly. Hrm? This shirt was normally pretty baggy on his girl form, and he had to adjust the belt around his trousers normally. As it was, he was barely fitting into them. That was strange...
"Oh, you're finally - " Nabiki said, strolling down the hallway while sucking on an ice pop. "Lucky for you, our fathers have been out for a few hours and... Uh... Hot damn."
It was a funny thing to behold. Nabiki had, for no rhyme or reason, suddenly trailed off, staring at Ranma in utter shock. Hrm? What was wrong here? Her jaw had slowly dropped. Her gaze was trailing down Ranma's body. There was something kinda weird about this - what was up with her all of a sudden?
"Okay, turns out I'm bisexual," Nabiki said. "If you're done with Akane, want to come to my room? Before you say no - I have a recording right here of the fun you were having together, and I can play it for our fathers any time I want."
Huh? Huh?! What was with her all of a sudden?! As if he'd cheat on Akane like that! Even to keep it quiet! Hrmph! It wasn't as if this held any power over him anyway, because obviously they were getting married, but - But the intensity in Nabiki's eyes was really unnerving him.
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