This might come as something of a shock, so brace yourselves: Demons? Not nice. I know, I know, it bowled me over as well when I learned, but it's true! I promise, it's completely true. In fact, they revel in spite. They feast upon lording it up over others. Domination, power for its own sake, these are their bread and butter.
At this very moment, a Demon by the name of Tangrulath is stepping seductively into a room where a tied up human male sorcerer named - Oh dear, it seemed that Tangrulath had, in her wisdom, stripped the human of his name to ensure he could not use any magic he wasn't allowed to. Let's just call him Human for the time being.
"My, my, I certainly captured a handsome human this time around," Tangrulath said. A tall, buxom creature that was rather pretty by human standards. A shame about the enormous horns, razor sharp teeth and - Come to think of it that probably won't be a problem for some. Nor would her rippling physique, bright red skin or long black claw-like fingernails, and most certainly not the tight, snug fitting leather outfit she was wearing, spiked heel boots or the whip she was casually flicking around with expert precision. "It'll be fun breaking you in."
"What did I do to deserve this?!" Human protested, and ate a whip to the face as his reply. This was quickly followed by the sadistic creature putting her foot on his chest. Yes, with that spiked heel. "Urgh! Urggggh!"
"Silly human sorcerer, speaking without permission," Tangrulath cackled. "You are my toy. That's all you are. I will use you for sexual relief, and for your arcane knowledge. Because I am powerful, and you are not. That's all the reason there is, that's all the reason that's ever needed. The strong rule. The weak suffer and survive if they are granted permission to do so."
"B-But my arcane knowledge can't possibly match - " Human sputtered, and this time Tangrulath simply sat on his face. Yes, yes, I can tell that many of you are envious of this right now, but please understand that he was rather not enjoying himself right now.
"There you go, speaking without permission again," Tangrulath sighed. She straightened up her back, let her knees rest upon the table, and then began to bounce violently while making sure to keep his ears uncovered. "Though, I suppose your question does have merit. So, I won't bother jerking you off with sandpaper this time. Now! To address your question! While there are many areas of magic that Demons excel in, humanity also has its specialisations. If it's possible to do with raw strength? Demons have no trouble. If it needs imagination? That's where you Humans come in! Understood? Tap your foot against the table twice if you get it."
Once. Twice. Good boy. She eased up a little to let him breathe, then resumed riding his face with wanton abandon. Sometimes a little relief is needed, to ensure that the ultimate relief didn't grab hold. Demons didn't actually try to kill their targets if they could help it, because it meant there would be less pain in the world.
If you read that and weren't horrified to the core of your being by the notion that Demons only don't kill because ending a life removes its capacity to feel pain, then congratulations, there's likely a job opening available for you. Just apply to Hell, you'll likely fit in just fine.
In any event, with that understanding managed Tangrulath hauled Human off the table and put him to work. She watched with glee, practically prancing around the room like an imp a tenth her size as she watched him scrawl that magic circle on the floor.
"May I ask a question?" Human asked, and since he'd asked a question without permission received a hard smack on his butt for his trouble. Yes, that's unfair. How are you not getting how this relationship works?
"Go ahead," Tangrulath said, but didn't let go of his butt. Do remember that she has some fairly long and sharp nails at the end of her fingers.
"So, I'm obviously way too fucking scared of you to try anything, but - How do you know I'm not gonna try to fuck you over? I mean, you're kinda relying on my expertise here, so..."
"Oh, that's easy enough," Tangrulath said. "Do you know why torture doesn't actually work when you're trying to get information out of someone? All it does is make the person desperate to make you stop. So they will say anything. Even if they don't know anything useful, they'll make it up. Anything that sounds good to make it stop. Understand?"
"R-Right..." Human replied. "That makes sense."
"That sort of pain is nothing compared to what my boss will do to <i>both of us</i> if you try something fucking funny," Tangrulath calmly, patiently said. "Me? I'll inflict BDSM on you until your dick confuses pleasure and pain. I'll get your rocks off and give you the most confused boners in recorded history." She laughed a little at that. "Heh, imagine being so pathetic you kept a record of confused boners throughout history! Anyway, my boss? I once saw him force feed a man his own fingers, then regenerate them, cut them off again and keep on going until he literally couldn't eat another bite. I've seen him trap a man to the side of an erupting volcano, forced to watch the lava slowly approach, and then right before he burned to death whisk him away and dump him in the arctic ocean. It's his thing, you see. He learned healing magic so he can take people right to the edge and then haul them back. Over and over again. So? You can either have that, or you can have freaky sex. Your pick."
"You make a compelling case," Human said, resuming his work with, indeed, an extremely confused erection. "Permission to speak freely, provided it is relevant to the task at hand?"
"Ah, fine, that would save some time. Go for it."
Ahem! "So, this spell is all about transforming an average, regular human being into a complete sadist, right? Basically, a Demon in human form. Someone who can only feel pleasure when they directly cause another person pain and misery. Have I understood this correctly?"
"You have! Gold star. Any other questions?"
Human shook his head. "Just making sure I have the task understood properly. I am extremely motivated to not fuck this up."
Of course he was. Survival instinct is like that. "I'll be right back in a few minutes. No trying to escape, this entire room is warded against all forms of magic, and the lock outside is far too sturdy for a human to break through. Even most Demons cannot manage it."
With that, she slunk out of the room grinning ear to ear, and made a beeline right towards her boss. Well, she said 'boss', but what she meant was 'Demon who was stronger than her by miles'. That's how they form factions, you see. The strongest Demons around boss around those weaker than them, make it clear that they aren't to fuck around, do what they're told, and everyone gets to live another day.
"Greetings, Lord Marchosias!" Tangrulath bowed deeply to the enormous, overweight Demon who could crush her with his little finger. Just so you get an idea of how the scale went. "How goes the war?"
The war. Oh yes, the war. The perpetual war amongst four sides. Demons, who cherished pain for its own sake. Devils, who adored domination over others. Then there were Angels, who sought to unite all under what they called 'benevolent rule', which actually sounded pretty boring to anyone else, and Saints, who sought 'individual freedom and moderation'. It was a conflict that had gone on for aeons, with the Devils and Angels enjoying most of the success. Demons and Saints? They acted more like spoilers for the main event. Preventing either side from obtaining an advantage, yet never advancing themselves...
"It seems as though they have noticed that which we have become aware," Marchosias bellowed. "The Humans, with their science and technology, will soon become a Fifth side of the Eternal War. A truly neutral side, both selfish and selfless. Organised, yet anarchistic. I believe they shall grow to despise all four of us, in time... Unless we can bring them to our side first. Your task is a vital role in this. How does it proceed?"
"The human sorcerer is working on it as we speak," Tangrulath said.
"Hahaha, I hope you made his position clear! You always did have a knack for dealing with human men. Now, go. Return to him, observe him from afar, and then report to me when there are new developments. And remember. Failure acts as my muse when it comes to matters of punishment. A sadistic Demon like yourself... Why, the thought of punishing you might almost make your failure worth it."
Demons can feel fear, you know. They don't like it. They don't like it a lot more than humans don't like it. Keeping her head low, Tangrulath hurried back to her room, determined to ensure that whatever was dancing through that guy's head about her punishment, it didn't come to reality.
"Alright, Human! Let's make sure we got this right!" Tangrulath said. "Chop, chop! Let's get this show on the road, do you think you can do this?"
"Well... Yes, I think this should work, it just needs a drop of Demon's blood right there..." Human said.
"Then you'll do as the test subject!" Tangrulath interrupted and pushed him right on inside the circle. Looking it over... Aha, okay. A drop of blood right here? Then she pricked her finger on her own sharp claw and dropped it right on the designated point. There was an almighty kaboom, which rebounded off the magically protected walls, and then -
Huh... Was it her imagination or did everything taste of copper? No, never mind that for now! She rushed over towards the human, eager to see how things turned out.
"So? So?" she asked. "Go ahead, try hitting me! I'm giving you permission to - Ow! That was meaaaaan!"
"Uh... Sorry?" Human said nervously. "Are you - Are you crying?"
"No!" Tangrulath sniffed. "I'm just... really excited to see that this spell obviously worked! Yay! Hug me, hold me, we're not going to be repeatedly healfucked for etern-" She pulled him forward into her arms, embracing him snugly and tightly before the penny dropped. "Wait a fucking minute. Why am I being all affectionate and clingy and - " A contented sigh escaped her lips, and she stroked her fingers delicately through Human's hair. "Mmm, soft and warm... Wait, no! I'm a Demon! A Demon! I don't like snuggles and booby and... and, you know you're kinda cute, wanna make out?"
The two of them stared at each other for a moment there, as the horror of their situation dawned on them. "I think... Something may have reversed in the spell?" Human offered. "Uh... I may have given you some human impulses. You know. For compassion, and the need for affection, and things like - "
"Bullshit, you total dumbass! I ought put you over my knee and - and.... Ah! I can't hurt that cute little tush of yours! I can't even imagine it anymore! What's wrong with me! Stop it, stop it, make it stoooop!"
"Hrm... We could always try reversing the spell..." Human offered. "I give the blood, you stand in the middle. That might reverse the effect... or it might make it completely permanent with no hope of undoing it at all ever. Uh... We may need to do some more research on this topic..."
"Time? Time is the one thing we might not have!" Tangrulath snarled, but cutely like a puppy, not scary like before.
"Then I'll need help!" Human said. "I need you to find some researchers on this topic, and bring them here. Obviously, you're not going to let me go to them, so... Urgh! Just, bring them here and together we'll figure out a way around this mess. Okay?"
And so it was that the Demon Tangrulath was drawn into her misadventure. Unable to endure inflicting pain upon others due to her newfound curse of 'empathy', she would have to locate the five mystical researchers given to her by her Human slave. It was the only way for the two of them to escape an eternity of hell.
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