Shinobu was having second, no, that’s far too little, she having a seventeenth thought about agreeing to skip class for the purpose of going on a date with Ataru Moroboshi. In the moment it felt right, but that moment had long since passed. She was going to be in so much trouble for this, and it was going to be maybe five minutes before he hit on some passing babe, and that was even before Lum found out and -
"Hey Shinobu," Ataru said, gently tucking his finger under her chin and leaning forward pressing his lips against hers.
Huh. Wow. For the most part Shinobu simply stood there and let herself be kissed. For the most part, because her left foot suddenly started stamping the ground very quickly and, if you looked closely, you might see steam shooting out of her ears.
“Th-that was my first kiss!” Shinobu squealed. Though internally she was kicking herself for not having one sooner. Wow. Wow, wow! No wonder Lum had been losing it when talking about getting kisses!
"Well, here's your second," Ataru said. Oh, as if she was going to just let him... Fine, why not? Just to prove it was a fl- It wasn't a fluke. If anything he'd probably held back a little on that first one. Shinobu felt herself going crossed. Ataru’s tongue gently lapped her lips, one hand running along her hip while the other held up her back. Shinobu let out a soft groan, this felt <b>amazing</b> why had she not let him kiss her earlier?
"Hey, let's head to this cafe! It has the most cute waitresses in a three block radius," Ataru said, gently guiding Shinobu into a building, or something, she wasn't really paying much attention. "What do you say, Shinobu?"
"Blurble," she said. A more accurate representation of her feelings couldn't be more succinctly put. Ataru pulled her to his arm, and before she knew it she was walking alongside him, leaning into said arm in such away she knew <b>knew</b> he was feeling her boobs. Shouldn’t she be mad? She feels like she should be mad. But she wasn’t, all she wanted was to lean in closer and maybe get another kiss and-
“Crap!” Ataru’s voice broke through her haze. Then he suddenly changed directions, dragging her off down the street. After a moment her vision cleared and she saw...
"Is that Onsen Mark?" she asked. Then a moment later she was the one dragging Ataru down the street.
Onsen-Mark was a beast of a man, and had the kind of personality you'd probably rather not have in a teacher. Aggressive, constantly pissed off, especially at those who don't meet his standards. Not that his standards were especially high, not after this year. In particular, Moroboshi. Oh, Moroboshi. He detested that boy more than any other student. Lazy, sloppy, squandering his potential - and gets a hot alien fiancee dropped into his lap without working to earn that.
"Once a slacker, always a slacker," he said. "Once a troublemaker always a troublemaker."
Upon learning that Moroboshi was not in class, and no calls from his parents about being sick, Onsen-Mark just <b>knew</b> that perverted delinquent was playing hooky. So he volunteered to be the Truancy Patrol today, and with God as his Witness, he will hunt Moroboshi down!
"I shall be relentless," Onsen-Mark said. "I shall hunt him down unto the ends of the Earth if I must. There shall be no place in Tokyo where he will be able to hide. He'll have to live by stealing bread!"
Calm down, Javert-Mark.
"There, out in the darkness, A fugitive running. Fallen from God," Onsen-Mark sang to himself. Excuse me. 'Sang' to himself, with the most full sarcastic air quotes in stock. You thought Russel Crow was bad, you've not heard this guy sing. Excuse me. 'Sing'. "Fallen from grace," he continued, peeking into a comic store, expecting to see Moroboshi not so discreetly reading a dirty mag. No luck there. "God be my witness, I never shall yield." He quickly tread along further to a lingerie store, it would be just like him to duck in there and try to pull something! "Till we come face to face. Till we come face to face..."
No luck yet. However, his instincts as a teacher were telling him he was close. In fact... the cafe. Yes, the cafe over there. He'd already checked, but it would be just like Moroboshi to double back and go into a place he'd already looked, thinking Onsen-Mark wouldn't check it again any time soon. Plus, that place had a really cute waitress that he was pretty sure liked him. So back in he went! To find Moroboshi.
"Oh, Onsen-san! You've come back for another visit?" the pretty waitress said, flirting with him as always. Alas, he scanned the customers instead, feeling only a little disappointed Moroboshi wasn't here. Because he would find that boy yet. "I must insist this time, you have to have some coffee. It'll do you a world of good."
"You've talked me into it," Onsen-Mark grumbled. He sat at a table in the corner, and before long his cup was being filled up with a thick black liquid, darker than the bottom of the abyss "Moroboshi... Moroboshi! What does it take to become so twisted and sloppy? I can tell, he has potential, yet he insists on wasting it. He never improves. Never works for anything. He lets his impulses guide him, even though they lead him to ruin every time. I hunt him down, but not for my own satisfaction." He grunted. Maybe a little for his own satisfaction. Maybe a lot. "I do it for him too though... Wherever he is now, I shall make sure he does not enjoy his time away from school. No matter what, he must not find this experience worthwhile."
He didn't actually have to look far, not that he knew it. For you see, Ataru and Shinobu had ducked underneath this very table. Holding onto one another and making out like the act would somehow prevent Onsen-Mark from finding them. Or their lives depended on it. Actually, the latter was more powerful motivation for them. Given the choice between their teacher and the grim reaper, they'd party with that spectre of mortality any day of the year.
Alas, it would wind up having almost the opposite effect. For you see, Ataru just so happened to gain a level in Dating right about then.
<b>Dating Level Up!
Level 25
Exp to next level: 2/2000</b>
That might seem strange, but it really wasn't. Shinobu was enjoying the heart pounding experience of fleeing from Onsen-Mark while dating Ataru. There was an excitement to it. A forbidden aspect. It was setting off feelings in her she didn't know she had. In short, the date was more successful than one might imagine.
Unfortunately. Why unfortunately? Because that level up caused a very obvious ding sound. Which Onsen-Mark heard.
"Huh? Did someone drop something under the table?" he asked aloud, and then moved to peek. Fortunately his fat ass took a bit to properly bend over in the corner of the cafe, which gave Ataru and Shinobu just about enough time to kick over the table and flee from the cafe while the tablecloth wound up over their teacher's head. <b>"Moroboshi!!!</b> I know that was you!"
Level 47
EXP to next Level: 1491/10000</b>
Whew, he hadn't even been intending to work on that one. It kind of pissed him off that this, of all things, was his current highest level. Well... Being a pervert was probably higher. As would Bad Luck. But somehow, checking those two didn't seem like the best idea right about now.
"Hrm... Maybe I ought to work on this a little bit?" Ataru pondered. "If I understood right, level fifty was human limit... I wonder what beyond human limit truancy looks like?"
“What are you talking about?” Shinobu asked. So he made her think about other things by giving her a quick kiss. Even a peck on the cheek was making her go all googly eyed. Part of him couldn't wait to get that chance to take Lum up on her deal. The rest of him was quite insistent that was because - because, you know, putting that alien in her place was exactly what the doctor ordered.
(<s>Her place was on his lap making out with him</s> And that thought is now repressed!)
"Say, how about some karaoke?" Ataru asked, nodding at a place he hadn't really been in yet but always wanted to check out. "We can rent a private room for an hour, that'll keep Onsen-Mark out of our hair."
Which is exactly what they did. All the while he was watching Shinobu out of the corner of his eye. It was weird. He could tell she was really enjoying herself, but he also kept on catching himself doing little things he'd never have thought of before, like holding a door open for her, or asking her how her day went - and then actually listening! Complimenting her clothes in a non-sexual way, that one really blew his mind.
The point of which was that she was enjoying spending time with him even when they weren't tongue wrestling. And, do you know, he was kind of having fun too.
"Did you have a song you wanted to sing?" Ataru asked while looking over the selection. Aha! Here it was! His favourite song on the radio right now, a new Western hit, Bad Girls by Donna Summer. He reached his finger across to set the karaoke machine to play that - but then his finger automatically went to "Cherish Me," a cheesy romantic ballad.
"Oh! Cherish Me! That's a really good song, it's so sweet and romantic," Shinobu sighed. Ataru rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Oh, okay then. She seemed happy with that, huh? He sat down, and waited for Shinobu to start singing.
"In all my years, through all my life, I always thought true love's a lie..." Shinobu began to sing. Pardon me. 'Sing'. Oh yeah. That's right. She could carry a car, but she couldn't carry a tune. It felt like someone had poured hot molten steel into his ears, and it was only the first line. "But then that day, you changed the way, the limit's just the sky!"
Combine that with the worst, most over the top romantic cheesy lyrics that you can imagine and there was only one conclusion. Where the living fuck is Onsen-Mark?! In case it wasn't clear, the order of priority went Death over Onsen-Mark over Shinobu singing.
"If you and me can only be, then our souls will surely be free!"
But alas, this is the curse of the Dating skill. He found himself simply sitting there and taking it. Smiling contently, as though listening to a top of the line performance. When, needless to say, it was anything but.
"Cherish me! My heart can't take it anymore... So come with me, open that door..."
However... Much like with Lum and the super hot food she'd made, he didn't need to use his skills in a normal way to get around the problem. He could use his Dating skills in a whole other way to resolve this crisis without his brain melting from this atrocity against the world of music.
"Cherish me, hold me close - Oh!" Shinobu grunted, as Ataru was suddenly holding her from behind. "Ch-cherish me, hold me close forever... Ohhhh..." And now he was kissing her neck, and wouldn't you know it but she was almost singing on something resembling a key, now.
The two of them stumbled back and landed on a seat, and Shinobu continued singing. Sort of. It was a much more beautiful ballad to his ears, though the lyrics didn't resemble anything on the screen. Finally, the song ended and Shinobu sighed while leaning back into him.
"Why did we stop dating again...?" Shinobu sighed. "Why can't we have fun like this anymore?"
Then she turned her head to kiss him once again. Ataru's heart skipped a beat. Shinobu really was quite pretty. There was always a spot for her on his harem, after all, so that much should be obvious. Why didn't they have fun like this anymore...?
<b>THUD!</b> The couch they were making out on jumped up from the entire room shaking.
“No no no…” Shinobu almost shouted.
<b>THUD!<b> The door creaked, and a crack formed.
“It’s one day of school!” Ataru protested.
<b>THUD!</b> The poor door wouldn’t last much longer.
"I can smell you in here, Moroboshi!" a thunderous voice roared from outside. Which was impressive because these rooms are soundproof. "You can't hide from me forever!"
"That's why we can't have fun anymore," Ataru groaned. "Well... him and Lum. And Mendo. And Cherry."
- The pair are quickly caught as there's nowhere to run or hide.
- The pair somehow escape, despite all reason.
- Lum is also searching for Ataru.
- Of all people, they're rescued by Ryoko.
- Ran is thinking about her date with Ataru
- Something else
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