This might come as a surprise but Lum's body had not evolved with this much sex in mind. All things considered she was taking it extremely well. One would expect that there would be something akin to an allergic reaction: Now that she had been exposed to this much sexual satisfaction she would have surely grown weary of sex. Want to hold off on it a little bit because she was worn out.
If that's what you think then please do allow me to laugh at your naivete. Inside this cute oni girl she was feeling genuine sexual contentment for the first time in her life. Her mind no longer addled by worry about sex. She could think clearly about things for the first time in her life without having those irksome distracting urges bubbling up and driving her to distraction, then paying for her stay over because she'd be there for a while.
It was refreshing. It was different. Hell, she'd even enjoyed sex with a girl! Even Benten hadn't pulled that off, and Benten had won the "most bisexual girl in the galaxy" contest three years running. You've seen girls tie knots in cherry stems? Benten could untie them, retie them and form balloon animals out of them. Her tongue was listed as a deadly weapon in no less than a dozen lesbian bars and even she couldn't make Lum cum even one measly time. And she had tried her absolute hardest with Class Test relationships with her.
Which made it a little weird that she was snuggling in with this Earth girl after an extremely vigorous dicking and a torrent of 'dirty talk'. It was nice. Really nice. Not as nice as snuggling with Ataru would be, but still. Nice.
"Want something to drink?" Shinobu suddenly asked. "I mean, you're my guest right now. I guess I should get you something to drink."
Well that was new, Lum was used to being the one to take care of her partner. Rather than being the one taken care of.
"Do you have any Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster?"
"Good. That stuff will blow your brains down into your toes."
Which sounded like a good description of Ataru's penis. Now that she was thinking about it. And from the faraway look in Shinobu's eyes she was thinking about it too.
"Ahem! I'll get some tea," Shinobu said. She pulled a fluffy pink dressing gown over her naked body and quickly left the room. Leaving Lum alone. With her thoughts. Drifting on air after that intense round of sex.. Quite literally drifting in the middle of the air, roaming in a lazy circle around Shinobu's room. Lum drifted around taking it all in with muted interest. The bed. The mundane clothes storage. The makeup. The collection of sex toys. <i>Especially</i> the collection of sex toys. It was like nothing she'd seen out there in the galaxy. They kept things simple. They kept things to the point. Was that a can of whipped cream? What was that for? Her mind boggled. Whips? Handcuffs? What did those have to do with sex? Were those tiny little clamps? What were those for?
<i>And what did Shinobu do with that fake dick with Ataru hard enough to break the last model!?</i>
The door opened and Shinobu stepped in with two cups, a kettle and an assortment of goodies. Probably Earth delicacies. Based on what she'd seen so far it wouldn't surprise her if they were some kind of post-sex treat. That seemed to fit with their culture. Shinobu sat down, still in her cute pink robe and poured out a strange brownish-clear liquid into her cup.
"You can put on some clothes if you want."
Lum considered this for a moment. "Would it be considered rude if I declined."
Ah, that blush was really cute. It was probably the fluffy pink robe that was making it seem that way. But after a moment, Shinobu slipped it off revealing her naked body underneath. She gestured for Lum to sit down on the floor. So, Lum did.
"Uh... sorry about that," Shinobu said. She took a gentle sip of the strange smelling liquid and sighed. "When Ataru hasn't drilled me for a while with his big hard satisfying... I get a little frustrated. I'm not usually like that. You know what I mean?"
"Of course," Lum said, eying the kettle suspiciously. She gave her own hand to pouring it out. There was some steam there and - oof, that smell. "When you get horny you become a lesbian seductress hell bent on satisfying the nearest pussy you can find."
"Right. I'm not normally - " Shinobu began, then seemed to realise what she was saying and completely froze up. "A-anyway! Don't expect that kind of thing to happen all that often!"
"Of course," Lum nodded, eying her cup with tremendous suspicion. "It'll only happen on the off chance you go for too long without Darling crushing your all too eager pussy like the nymphomaniac you Earth girls all must be."
Oh dear. That twitch did not look remotely healthy at all.
"What makes you say that?" Shinobu carefully asked.
"Well, the Yukki-onna come down to mate with your men. And Ataru isn't even the most impressive physical specimen you have by a long way. So it stands to reason - "
"Nothing stands to reason where Ataru Moroboshi is involved," Shinobu interrupted. "Look at us. We're sitting here. Naked. After I fucked that tight little alien booty of yours and neither of us thinks anything too weird is going on. I swear, if I ever find out how he does what he does... I don't know what I'd do. Maybe bottle it and make myself a billionaire."
If anyone could bottle and sell what he had then they'd be the richest person in the universe. No question. Although Lum had to admit that one question did come to mind.
"When was your first time with Ataru?"
Oh dear. Maybe she could have timed that better? Preferably when Shinobu wasn't taking a sip of her tea. It looked like she'd hurt herself a little bit when she swallowed too quickly.
"N-None of your business!" Shinobu answered. Ah. Well. The two of them sat in silence for a little while. "Well... I guess since I seduced you and made you wet and then fucked your impossibly tight alien pussy into submission I guess that I do kind of owe you a little warning about what you're getting yourself into... Then again it's already way too late to pull you out of this hole." Not that the pull out method ever worked. Even in space everyone knew that... aside from some religious nutballs who were blatantly trying to spoil everyone's fun.
“I’ve known Ataru my whole life. We were childhood friends, went to preschool, elementary, and middle school together. It was the last year of middle school when things… changed.”
Middle school? Really? Lum scooted in closer. She'd been about to drink her tea, but this all of a sudden seemed really interesting.
Imagine, if you will, Shinobu and Ataru. Younger. More innocent. Wide eyed and staring up at the night's sky. The girl looks over at the boy and scoots a little closer.
"So Ataru," the girl asks. Her voice is cutesy, but in a way that sounds practised. "What are your dreams of the future?"
"The future?" Ataru replied. He reached out to the sky with one hand, and the other somehow winds up around Shinobu's shoulder. "I've been thinking about it a lot recently. You've got a pretty big part in it."
"I-I do?" She swoons and leans into him. Resting her head on his shoulder and basking in the romantic atmosphere.
"Oh yeah. I couldn't do it without you," Ataru replied. "Man Shinobu. You look really pretty tonight."
Magic was in the air. The spell was cast. The two of them turned towards each other. Faces leaning in closer and closer. Shinobu closed her eyes, anticipation making her breath hitch. It was going even better than she'd dreamed.
"So pretty," Ataru continued. "Exactly what I'd expect from the first member of my harem."
Huh? What was that about a ha-oooooh...
"And then we fucked like animals for the next two hours," Shinobu said. She was staring down at the floor, her face bouncing between frustration and elation. "His stamina wasn't so good then, but he still had buckets of natural talent."
"How romantic," Lum sighed. Now, that might sound sarcastic to a human ear. Not so much to an alien. It was actually quite a romantic evening for your date to spend two whole hours helping you create the beast with two backs.
"He got me a harem girl outfit for my next birthday," Shinobu twitched. "Then for his, I danced for his entertainment. A week after that I came back to my senses, but my body was already hooked by then. Then Mrs. Moroboshi walked in on us a few days later and she’s never forgiven me.”
"I see," Lum nodded. "Well, there's only one thing I don't really get. What exactly is a harem girl anyway?"
Shinobu bit her lip. Her eyes darted around the room like a scared rodent looking for a way out. Then, she started whispering to herself, so quiet that Lum had to strain her ears to hear it.
"She wants to know what a harem girl is. I say we show her. No! We gave up that costume! But it feels so nice on our skins. Just wear it the once time and that will do. Never! We won't give in that easily! Give in to what? You already fucked her, and you'll fuck her again the next time you have the chance. That's different! Is it? Yes, plainly! Then why haven't you thrown it out? Because it was a gift! Oh yes, a gift. A gift that is secretly your precious..."
She continued arguing with herself like that, while also standing up and walking over towards a closet. It was quite the surreal sight. Seeing a naked girl staggering over like that, almost like she was trying in vain to keep herself away. The door to the closet opened wide revealing a rather strange outfit inside.
Correction. There were at least two dozen very similar kinds of outfits inside. A sort of translucent set of clothes consisting of baggy see through trousers, a tied off top and... a veil? There was one in there for every colour of the rainbow, plus colours like white, black, pink and so forth.
"Your face lights up whenever he gives you another one. No, it doesn't! I - I mean, that's anger! It's joy and you knows it! Precious haremgirl costumes! So precious, so comfortable, so sexy and alluring. Show Lum! No! We can still save her! Save her? She's already hooked. Like you! N-No, we can pull her back from the edge! Why bother? Feel how soft it is against our skin.."
This time she was putting it on. The more of it she put on the more relaxed she seemed. The argument with herself drifted away, bit by bit, and then she suddenly turned around and put her hands on top of her head and did a funny motion with her belly.
"This is a haremgirl," Shinobu sighed dreamily. "Go ahead. Put one on."
On his way home, Ataru Moroboshi suddenly punched a nearby wall. "There it was again," he said. "That feeling that something really hot is happening with people I know and I'm not involved!"
Lum had picked out the yellow one with black stripes that Ataru had bought her for Christmas last year. Shinobu sighed again, feeling genuine contentment. She couldn't help it. Wearing one of these always reminded her of what it felt like when Ataru got into a more romantic mood. Not his 'wham, I make you cum your brains out, see you tomorrow' kind of sessions but one of his more 'hey, let's cuddle for a bit' kind of sex. A type of sex that, as far as Shinobu knew, he exclusively used with her.
"Ah, I see. This is kind of nice."
Yeah. It was. Shinobu blinked and took it in. Lum filled out that haremgirl costume really well. Really, really well. So well that Shinobu dropped to her knees and started making out with her tummy for no other reason than, well, she was still actually kind of horny and talking about Ataru had revved her motor again.
"I see. So this is the kind of clothes that these 'harem girls' wear," Lum said. "Huh. Yes, I could get used to this. It feels pretty nice. So, if I join Ataru's harem then I get permission to be fucked by his wonderful penis as much as I want? Is that right?"
“You already have that! Every woman on the planet has it! And I think women off it too! No, being in Ataru’s harem is something more. It’s a commitment to something beyond fantastic sex!” Shinobu declared, before realizing she was supposed to be against the idea of Ataru having a harem. "Guh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just... His penis has a strange effect on women. I seriously don't know how he does it, it's as if the universe itself is conspiring to get him laid."
Meanwhile a certain set of writers coughed and twiddle their thumbs.
“Welcome home dear, how was your school day?”
“I feel like I missed a lot of super sexy things.” Ataru said his mother, walking right past her and somehow missing her naked apron. “But I did learn a lot in P.E today!”
“Wonderful.. I’m… happy you had a good educational experience son.” Mrs. Moroboshi said, trying not to cry at the sight of her son just walking upstairs without a second glance at her.
Ataru went upstairs, oblivious to his mother's incestuous leanings. Or maybe deliberately repressing any and all acknowledgment of them. He stretched out feeling pretty good for himself in a general sense, though it was really bugging him that he was definitely missing out on something super hot.
Then he opened up his door and felt a bit of a chill. That didn't last long as he saw something inside that was definitely hot. Lying on his futon without a strip of clothing on her. The Princess of Neptune, the beautiful and graceful Oyuki.
"Busy day?" she asked. Oyuki trailed a finger up her side. "I happen to know of a very good way to relax and unwind."
"So do I," Ataru said. He closed the door and unbuttoned his shirt. "Maybe we can trade tips."
- Lum and Shinobu discuss this harem thing in more detail.
- Meanwhile Sakura feels a strange disturbance and is compelled to investigate.
- Ran has been hearing about Lum's new boyfriend and decides to investigate.
- Lum and Shinobu visit Ataru wearing thick heavy trench coats and haremgirl outfits underneath.
- What about Ataru's fanclub?
- Something else
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