Quite often you hear things like "Fate must have a sense of humour", but Eito was starting to think it might be a bit more literal than most people intended. He'd had to do some really silly things since finding that computer, and the thought had occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, it was all one big joke being played on him. Probably by Chise.
No, no. That didn't fit at all. Chise wouldn't go so far for a practical joke, and he should know better than to -
<i>Set out ten glasses of yummy milk, and Chise's favourite brand of cookies.</i>
"Then again... She's put in even more effort for less food..." Eito grumbled. Honestly now, how was this supposed to do anything to help Koemi win? This was the second last thing he needed to do and the last thing wasn't even for a couple of days!
The last task... Kissing Koemi. Gulp! Why couldn’t it be something easy? Like walking across a nail bed? Or crushing coal into diamonds? Or enduring a five course meal cooked by Chise and Koemi? No, no. Let's not go crazy, some things a human being simply can't survive no matter how much willpower they have.
But yeah. This milk. It was kind of confusing really. He had two girls inexplicably upstairs in his bedroom - something he was really trying to avoid thinking about as much as humanly possible - but it was only the three of them here. So why ten glasses of milk? That seemed a bit much. Right? And again: How was any of this supposed to have any kind of effect on the swim meet?
"Pardon me Eito, but don't you know it's ill fortune to keep girls waiting?" Michiko said. "Sae's changed out of her damp clothes, I do hope that won't be a problem."
This was when Eito had turned around to tell her that this was fine, leave her wet clothes hanging on the radiator, it should dry out in no time. But... that was when he realised that Michiko was standing in front of a girl who was wearing apparently nothing but one of his shirts. It was at this moment that Eito could no longer ignore the fact: He had two really cute girls here. And that girl's legs received a regular workout from her swim club.
"Th-thanks for letting me b-borrow - borrow- aaachhooo!" Sae sneezed and it was cute. Super adorable. Her sneeze made her chest lift up his shirt <i>just a little higher.</i> Not high enough to see anything he shouldn't, and he'd swear to that even on pain of death (or worse, allowing Chise to experiment on him) if he were found to be lying.
"Oh look, he's been quite thoughtful," Michiko said, gesturing towards the table. "He's left us milk. A lot of milk... Why don't you have some, Sae?"
"Thanks," Sae sniffed. She stepped towards the table, reaching out for a glass.
"Oopsie," Michiko said, while sticking out her foot in an extremely deliberate manner. Sae toppled, but landed almost right on top of Eito. "Oh, no! You're meant to catch her, not topple ot the ground with her!"
"Will you cut this out!" Sae yelled, flush faced and thighs, those were her thighs, those were her thighs, don't think about her thighs don't think about her thighs don't think about her... "Honestly, you're treating me like I'm some kind of honeypot! What if someone saw us like this!"
Cue someone entering through the front door in a great big hurry. Not even knocking, just barging on in like they owned the place.
"Listen punk! Quit flirting with your girlfriend, and explain these right the funk now!"
"... Did she just say funk instead of fuck?" Machiko whispered to Sae. Who nodded wearily. "Also, holy shit those tits."
To his annoyance Eito had to agree. Those were extremely impressive and also extremely naked examples of a female bosom, bouncing around like a pair of beach balls. It was weird. He knew she shouldn't stare and yet his body absolutely refused to do anything else.
"Do I know you?" Eito asked the new girl's breasts. Eye contact. Eye contact! It was a herculean effort but somehow he managed it. Nngh! "Uh... I don't think we've met before."
"Eito, look out! There's a rare, large breasted psychobitchasaurus heading your - Oh no, her friend and hunting partner the dreaded thighmasterdon has already pinned you down!"
Trust Koemi's timing. Both in the sense of her arrival and comedic. They were both as awful as ever.
"Well hello there, I'm Machiko and I see romance in your future," Machiko said, shaking Koemi's hand.
"Uh... Eito? Where did all these girls come from?"
"Yes, Eito. Where did all these girls come from?" Chise asked. Dragging another girl in from the outside. "It seems to me that they're gathering around your home like moths gather around a flame. Care to explain?"
"Uh- " Eito began.
"Maybe after you extract yourself from underneath that girl with the amazing legs."
"Hmph! But he's not underneath me!" Yoko protested. "You can't possibly mean this skinny stitch, her legs aren't nearly as polished as mine!"
"Uh... H-Hello..." Koken quietly said.
You know something at this point Eito was kind of wishing that this whole thing really had been a great big joke by Chise. At least then he wouldn't feel like crawling into a hole and pulling a rock over himself!
At the very least he had the decency to look ashamed of himself. Honestly now, this boy! What was with this shy act he was putting on all of a sudden, when he was so blatantly playing casanova? Look here! She counted - herself included - six pretty girls all gathered here. One wearing nothing but his shirt, for pity's sake! And another one who seemed hell bent on setting him up with every single girl in the room! Chise really had no idea how to take that, but they all seemed to be a bunch of total weirdos! In her objective, scientific opinion.
Of course, the one to break the ice had to be the psycho-chick: Yoko stared Eito down and said a single word: "Pervert."
"He-he's not a pervert..." the girl that had been lurking outside - Koken, apparently - mumbled. Chise was probably the only one to hear, but you'd better believe she heard -
"He's not a pervert!" Koemi insisted. "Why, I would not even say that he's H. Maybe J or K, but not H!"
"... That joke landed as flat as your chest," Yoko sniffed. "Well, anyway. It's plain to see that this guy is a total womaniser. Why else would he set out ten glasses of milk? Expecting more pretty babes for your harem, are you stud? Hah, manipulative guys like you putting on the nice guy act make me sick!"
That's the trick. Eito wasn't putting on a 'nice guy' act. He was one of the boys that really was actually 'nice'. That's why this whole thing stinks to high heaven.
"Huh... You know, that is strange. Why ten...?" Eito whispered.
Aha. That was interesting. Eito himself didn't know why he'd set out ten glasses of milk when there were only seven people here? Chise darted up to her feet - grabbing a cooke en route - and shone a light into Eito's eyes right away. Ignoring the way her breasts were rubbing against his chest right now. Ignoring that!
"I thought so!" Chise said. "There's clear signs of post-hypnotic conditioning in there! Someone's messed with his head!" And pretty advanced, too.
"Oh please, hypnotism isn't real!" Michiko scoffed. "I've seen it in the stars: The only things capable of controlling a person's mind are love and destiny."
Oh. Chise could already tell that she was going to <i>hate</i> this one.
"Are you sure his eyes aren't just glazed over 'cause of your bazongas?" Yoko asked, then hefted her own titties for good measure. "A pervert like that is the kind to easily get distracted by breasts."
"He's not a pervert..." Koken said, a little louder this time. Though still not nearly loud enough to get anyone's attention.
"I think I know the difference between a lust fugue and hypnosis," Chise said. "So it's quite clear! Something has hypnotised him into acting strangely against his will."
"It's fate!" Michiko said. "It's clear to me now. Oh yes, it's coming to me. Fate has decreed that this young man is not limited to one true love. He is destined for MEEP!"
Oh gosh would you look at that her trigger finger got itchy. Now, if Chise was being honest then she would say that she didn't even remember bringing along her bustifier. Unfortunately that annoying girl had a hell of a fast reaction time.
"Woah that's a cool ga-ga-gaddddchooo!" Sae sneezed. "Lemme see! Lemme see!"
"Get off, you half dressed - Guh!"
Cue scuffle, cue a few blasts of bustifying energy beams getting shot out across the room... just so happening to strike several untouched glasses of milk in the process. Not that anyone noticed for the time being. All that Chise had wound up doing was standing up, taking stock of the fact that no girls had gained a little extra weight up top, and silently resolved that she would break her own conditioning ASAP.
"Well... I'm sure that little tussle got the pervert all hot and heavy -" Yoko began. Only to get grabbed by the lapels by Koken.
"He's. Not. A. P-Pervert!" Koken insisted.
Yeah, maybe it was about time that they sat down and actually talked things through before things got a bit too crazy around here.
“Aaaaaa-ccchoooooo!” Sae sneezed again, this sneeze powerful enough blow her borrowed shirt up high enough to see a pair of plain panties. And, Eito seemed to have fainted.
Nevermind, it was far beyond too late for things to stay sane.
- The girls chat for a while to figure out what the hell is going on, while drinking the milk. No effect yet...
- Same as above but the milk very quickly shows some side effects.
- One or more of the girls discovers FATE somehow.
- Something else
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