Sunday, 18 November 2018

Story: HCI

Nabiki Tendo was not used to being teased. Being denied the things that she wanted. Normally if she wanted something then she moved to take it - and if someone got in her way then she'd find some emotional weakness or other to exploit to make them feel really, really shitty about themselves until they either gave it to her or she was satisfied they had learned their lesson.

"Astonishing! This material is outright fascinating!"

This strategy... was not working at all on Hyper Competent Tearju. In retrospect most of the people she tended to manipulate were horny teenagers, idiots, megalomaniacs or some combination of the above. So playing a competent scientist wasn't really in her normal area of expertise. Not even a little bit.

"Say..." Nabiki mused. "Wouldn't it be a good idea to try, I don't know, exposing that delicious milky substance to someone not being affected by it so we can observe the transformation?"

"Oh dear me no," Tearju waved the idea off. "That would be a tremendous breach of scientific ethics."

"How about a volunteer?" Nabiki offered.

"Ah, that wouldn't be good either," Tearju said. "It's quite obvious that this substance has some form of addictive and/or brainwashing effect. Therefore any volunteer would not be in their right mind."

Frustration was not a thing she should be feeling! Nabiki squirmed a touch. Guh! This was a thing that happened to other people! Inside her bubble Mio began to squeeze her breasts and Nabiki felt a spike of jealousy as the girl dabbed her finger across her nipples and licked the white liquid, reacting to the taste as though she had tasted a gourmet meal tailored to her personal tastes.

And meanwhile Tearju was busily tapping away at a computer, apparently unphased by the temptation laying before her eyes. Looking over her shoulders, Nabiki saw... an extremely clinical and boring representation of the female body. It looked like she was programming a model to test out the effects of the substance while deliberately stripping out all potential sexualisation aspects of it. Hell, Nabiki even yawned the second she looked at it.

Which left her stumped really. Tearju was so focused on her task that she was automatically dismissing anything Nabiki did to try and distract her. Hell, she'd even tried bursting the bubble - but even that didn't work. Which made sense. Wouldn't be an effective quarantine if it could be escaped that easily. It must be one of the sprays that makes it dissolve or something like that.

"Hi Tearju!"

Cue a really cute girl in a nurse's outfit skipping into the room. Enter one idiot, ready to be played.

"Oh, thank goodness you are here!" Nabiki cried. She put one hand against her forehead and pointed at the girl in the bubble, who waved back at her. "It's terrible! It's awful! You'd never believe it unless you saw it with your own two eyes!"

“What is the- what happened to you Mio?” The girl, a dark haired beauty with a pink nurse’s cap on her head stared wide eyed at the girl in the pink bubble. “Did you get hit by one of Lala’s inventions?”

Mio stared at the new arrival in surprise, but then cupped her ears and shrugged. It seemed as though sound was being blocked by the bubble. But Nabiki didn't much care about that. What mattered was, this new arrival was looking at the other girl's breasts. Which meant she'd soon start feeling it. The urge to taste that milk. That yummy, scrummy milk. An easy ally, who Nabiki could use to spread things further and faster. Maybe even ensure Tearju's infection.

And then out of nowhere she popped her head out of her head, and right through the wall of the bubble. Mio immediately went to kiss her, but phased right through the girl and wound up kissing the side of the bubble - incidentally causing the girl's milky tits to press up against the inside of the containment bubble. Teasing and toying with Nabiki's sex drive all the more.

"Ah, please be careful Oshizu," Tearju called out from her computer. "She's in the quarantine bubble for a reason."

"I'm sorry Tearju! I didn’t notice you were doing something so serious that you'd use your hyper-competency mode. Should I prepare the pillow fortress for when it runs out?"

"That would be much appreciated," Tearju said. "In the meantime, miss Nabiki shall fill you in on what is going on. No slacking off now - and please lock the door so that we are not disturbed."

Cue Tearju standing up from her computer and rolling Mio out of the lab, while Mio remained in that bubble masturbating and milking herself. Lucky bitch. Still. With the hyper-competent scientist out of the way that did leave Nabiki alone with an idiot. You'd be hard pressed to find her in a better position than this.

"Oh, hello. I am Shizu Murasame," the girl curtseyed for Nabiki. "My friends call me Oshizu."

"I'm Nabiki Tendo." Now, what would be the best way to proceed here? Blackmail was out, since she didn’t really know anything about the girl to <i>use</i> as blackmail. But perhaps she could pump her for some information and trick her into doing something useful for her. For example, this laboratory was filled to the brim with stuff that looked like it was right out of one a science fiction novel.

“Say, that hyper-competency thing, how exactly does it work?” Nabiki said, watching as Oshizu walked up to a cabinet that turned out to be filled with nothing but pillows.

“Ah, I am not sure of the details, but Tearju said it stimulates the brain to create a state of hyper-focus. It is pretty energy intensive though, so when it runs out.. The parts that get boosted go into energy save mode.” Oshizu answered, grabbing a few pillows and starting to build the foundation of a pillow fortress. Really, she was really doing that?

“That means?” Nabiki tilted her head as she asked that and the dark haired girl turned her head to look right into her face. There was a very serious tone to her voice as she spoke.

“Well, have you seen how miss Tearju is normally?”

"More destructive than a bull in a fine china shop."

"That's right! Well, while she's in hyper-competent mode that gets suppressed and her true scientific genius comes to the forefront. Unfortunately it only lasts 24 hours, and then..."

Nabiki quirked an eyebrow. Oh yes, she remembered what that woman had said now. For 48 hours she'd be twice as clumsy. If that were true… well that was very very clumsy. Now, if Nabiki thought that this was going to come into play within, say, the next five minutes she'd be right there helping Oshizu build that pillow fortress and even offered suggestions to make it extra clumsiness proof... But since they had a full day, she could be well outside of the blast range. So screw it.

"It is now your turn," Oshizu said. "What happened with Mio? It looked ghastly, and yet it was so intriguing."

"Oh it's simply dreadful," Nabiki warned. She cast her eyes towards the area where Tearju had gone before continuing. "There's a curse going around that is making girls extremely horny and endowed. That poor Mio girl got it by -"

Did you ever have an epiphany mid-sentence? A sort of 'oh, yeah! No duh!' moment about a problem you've been having? The kind of thing where you would scream ‘Eureka’ if you were in the shower? Nabiki felt a bit flush on realising. Mio had said that the cafeteria food had tasted weird. No way... No way! Could it be? One of the already corrupted students had done something to the food?

Her eyes fell on a milk carton that Oshizu had brought in with her. Still unopened. Still untouched. Except for a tiny, almost unnoticeable puncture as if from a syringe. She wet her lips in anticipation.

"My throat is a little parched," Nabiki said, eyes fixated on the milk carton. "You don't mind if I have a bit of that, do you?"

"Oh, no. Of course not," Oshizu said, barely paying any mind to it. Nabiki snatched up the milk carton greedily and practically tore it open. "I don't mind at all."

This was it. This was her chance. She'd drink this milk, just like Mio drank hers. Then she would change. Her breasts would swell and fill with milk. Her sex drive would skyrocket. Then she'd introduce Oshizu to this bliss. Then she'd set about... making Tearju some coffee or tea, with an extra special blend. Freshly squeezed.

It should be noted that Nabiki’s original plan had been to <i>use</i> the perverted powers of this curse to her advantage and get a ton of money. Without getting infected herself, at least until she had a way to fix herself.

But hey, priorities change! Especially after getting teased for so long and seeing how good it felt to succumb, to give in and let the corruption take root. Bottoms up, and then panties down, and then bottoms up again -

"Eek! Dog!"

The milk carton was ripped from her hand by unseen forces and then deposited without mercy in the drain across the room. Whereupon its contents spilled out, leaving Nabiki purse lipped and eye twitching as it all spilled down the drain. Gerk! B-but that's not - That's not - Guh!

She slowly turned towards Oshizu. Who was cowering and trembling. From a cute little puppy dog that was excitedly and happily yipping and yapping. It was a ridiculous sight. Not as ridiculous as when Ranma cowered from a tiny little kitten, but that's hardly the point.

Not much else for it but back to the drawing board...

  1. Nabiki continues her attempts.
  2. Touma gets involved in this mess now.
  3. Cue Rito, finding himself in the midst of an orgy.
  4. Ranma and Ukyo try to deal with the girls from Academy City.
  5. Something else

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