Shampoo was pretty much well into the incredulous frame of mind at the moment. She was trying really hard to follow the line of thinking these two idiots and her airen had gone through, but felt as lost as Ryoga Hibiki on a perfectly normal day.
"You should probably join in as well," Akane said. "You're pretty and you're strong. If the succubus gets control over you as well, it would be really bad."
Well, that much at least made sense - though coming from Akane's mouth made it seem totally surreal. The phrase 'Akane Tendo invited me to join an orgy in progress' was, strangely, logically coherent and expressed a sentiment that could be parsed. Yet it was also a sentence that nobody should be able to say about their current situation.
"Um... is you sure you not being manipulated by succubus now?" Shampoo tentatively asked. "After all, you three is having wild threesome."
“What? No it isn’t!” Akane shouted, “If it was a threesome I wouldn’t be asking you to join in, this is serious!” She said while a penis hit her cheek.
“That just make it foursome.”
The three of them stopped to look at each other for a moment. Phew! She'd managed to get through to them. Now they could get dressed, head on out there and beat up the succubus -
"Say, Shampoo..." Ryoga suddenly said. "It's really suspicious that you're not joining in."
"Huh... even an idiot like you could say something smart once in a while," Ranma nodded, staring at Shampoo with too too suspicious eyes. "It's almost as if she doesn't wanna get the lust out of her pretty big breasted body."
“And those hips, god they’re filled with horniess I bet.” Akane added, her eyes lightly glazed over.
Shampoo facepalmed pretty damned hard. For two reasons. Firstly, because <I>are you fucking serious?!</i> Secondly, it was a lot more likely to wake her up than a pinch. She had always known that she was the sane one of this group and so it was left to her to save her Airen from this deluded tombo-
“I got this.” Ranma said, jumping up and giving Shampoo quite a sense of reverse deja-vu. What with a naked Ranma tackling her and pressing said naked body against hers. "That slap you gave yourself! That was an obvious sign to her fellow succubus slaves!"
"Airen talk crazy!" Shampoo yelled, not especially enjoying this turnaround. "Is all of you who is -"
If there was any one thing in this world that could make Shampoo completely lose track of what she was thinking, it would be her airen kissing her. Oh sure Ranma was a girl right now, but little matters like that didn't come into it when love was on the line.
"That's it Ranma!" Akane cried. "Suck the lust out of her!"
Normally the sound of Akane's voice would be a real mood killer, but hearing her cheering on a makeout session with her airen... ooh, that set off Shampoo's engine in ways she didn't know it could be set off. Shampoo pushed Ranma over so she could get on top, which was really nice because now Akane was able to strip off her clothes and start playing with her breasts. "I'm really jealous," Akane said. "If I had jugs like this, I'd be Mrs Saotome already..."
And that broke the spell. Shampoo pulled away hard from Ranma's lips, and quickly took stock of her position. Namely: Naked, astride Ranma whose hands were on Shampoo's hips. With Akane behind her, pressing her small breasts into Shampoo's back while using her hands to grope a much more impressive pair.
She'd had nightmares like this. Nightmares from which she awoke screaming.
"P-pervert girl cut that out!" Shampoo yelled.
“You’re the pervert! Trying to corrupt us into succubus-slaves!”
Ooh, this was bad! They were definitely not seeing reason, and Shampoo knew all too well from years of living on the same planet as Mousse that you couldn't reason someone out of a position they had not reasoned themself into. Worse yet, Ranma had a really strong hold on her hips which was making it difficult to move much. But her arms were still plenty free.
"Hiiiyaaa!" Shampoo yelled, moving to elbow Akane in the face - except that her wrist was grabbed at the last moment. Shampoo looked up and that's a penis. That's a man's genitals. An erect man's genitals pointed right at her nose.
"I see, so when lust failed you resorted to violence," Ryoga said, sounding disappointed in her. Shampoo gulped nervously. Now, the girl was plenty strong, but Ryoga was a beast of a boy. He didn't fight with skill or smarts, he fought the same way a wrecking ball fights. And now he had both of Shampoo's wrists held tightly in place. "Shampoo, I thought you would be strong enough to resist this temptation."
Don't talk about temptation while putting a penis in front of her face! It implies things that aren't true!
"Oh my god Ranma, you have to feel these," Akane said. "I could play with these all day."
"At least ask for permission first!" Shampoo yelled.
"Well?" Ranma asked. "May I?"
"Of course airen!" Shampoo immediately answered. Then she realised exactly what she had agreed to.
“Thanks Shampoo!” Ranma said, her hands rising up to squeeze her chest while Akane seemed to take her consent as blanket and was still groping her. Oh, blast it! Curse her lustful intentions towards her airen and instinctively seizing upon any chance to seduce him/her!
"You're on the road to recovery," Akane whispered. "This slutty body will soon be totally free of lust. Mmph! You smell... nice."
Well. Part of being a martial artist was knowing when a fight was lost. Shampoo felt warm tingles wherever Ranma was touching her and where Akane’s breath hit her bare skin. Plus that penis was looking bigger somehow. Maybe... Maybe if she played along a little bit, she could make them see sense?
As she thought that, Shampoo closed her eyes, opened her mouth and bobbed her head forward. Ask her five minutes ago if she'd willingly suck off Ryoga Hibiki, and she'd have probably killed you. Then cut you up into tiny pieces and scattered them to the winds before dusting off her hands and going back about her business, completely forgetting about your very existence within the hour.
"Mmm... Yeah, that's the stuff!" Ryoga grunted. "Thanks for noticing Shampoo, I was getting plenty of lust built up watching you three fool around."
Maybe he was right? Shampoo felt something building up inside her while her tongue circled this chunk of meat. Ah! And now Akane was starting to kiss the nape of her neck, and Ranma was humping up from down below. Shame that she wasn't a he right now, a touch of penetration would be nice... but one thing at a time! She was going to play along with this lustful play. Oooh, that was interesting! She didn't think that a knee rubbing there would feel good!
Ah, but as she was thinking: This was only pretend. Shampoo was pretending to become crazy like these three so she could -ooooh, when did airen shift her position like that? Anyway, once she had got them to drop their guard, she would try to learn more about this succubus and was that a tongue in her navel? Ah! Akane had moved around more towards her front! Gosh, she was getting so distracted by this big throbbing meat in her mouth and her plan to uncorrupt them that she wasn't even noticing something like that. She really ought to pay more attention!
"Uh, Shampoo? Fair warning. I think I'm about to -"
Let this be a warning to all young men seeking to warn their lover. You will never, ever ever be able to tell them in time that you're about to climax. The first Shampoo knew of it, there was something hot and salty and goopy in her mouth. She swallowed in on reflex - then experienced her own climax. The tough, pretty warrior girl's eyes rolled up in her head and then she fell onto her back, humping the air and dreaming of the praise her airen would give her for freeing her from the succubus.
"Phew guys, I think that did it!" Ranma clapped her hands. "I'm not horny at all anymore!"
"Are you sure?" Akane asked, stepping close to Ranma. Close enough that you'd think she'd never heard of a thing called personal space. "You're completely sure you don't have a trace of lust left in you?"
Ranma rolled her eyes, then dipped Akane and smooched her. Not content with this, the pigtailed girl smoothed her hands down Akane's hips, then drew back and smacked her right on the butt. Playfully grabbing her cheek afterwards. Then, they separated leaving a trail of drool between their mouths and a mutual look that, should some poor fool be misfortunate enough to step in between it they might burst into flames.
"Nothing!" Ranma said. "Didn't feel a thing."
"Me neither," said the now once again fully erect Ryoga Hibiki. "Now, let's go deal with that succubus!"
Shampoo gurgled in agreement on the floor. She was going to need a minute to remember how that whole talking thing went again.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the hotel, a succubus was looking over her new daughter with great interest. Ukyo Kuonji was a fine, fine piece of ass and a remarkably quick learner to booty. Ahem. To boot.
"You have a remarkable talent," the succubus possessing Miss Hinako said, faintly clapping. "You have the body, you have the face, you also have a good amount of experience with the male mindset. Sufficient enough to even pass for a handsome young man when your mind is set to it."
"Thank you Mother!" Ukyo cheerfully bowed. Then curtseyed. "Mother, may I make a request? May I please hunt down Ranma and Akane to have my wicked, wicked way with both of them by myself?"
"Both of them?" the succubus asked. "You mean all three of them don't you? Akane, and both of Ranma's forms." She cackled quite a bit. "Ooh, I need to study that curse in more detail so that I may replicate it..."
But then a thought occurred to her. She'd been so caught up in dealing with her new daughter's training, that it hadn't really hit her until now.
"Where has that Akane Tendo gotten to?" the succubus pondered. "Daughter, I think that it is time for us to begin a game of hide and seek. With Akane Tendo's tight tomboy body as first prize."
- Turns out they didn’t quite purge enough lust, so the quartet keeps going.
- They begin making plans for the anti-succubus attack!
- What about some of the other students?
- "Hinako" and Ukyo begin their hunt
- Something else
Ryouga's pretty smiled and agile, though, and outside of the whole Bakusai Tenketsu arc, is pretty unique among anime characters that specializes in durability for tending dodge or block as often as possible instead of just trying to walk through attacks.